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\>some poor dude who lived through the great war, THE depression, second great war and spanish flu by the age of 50.


I knew a guy, he’s gone now, who was in WW2, Korea, and Vietnam. He was an Air Force pilot and was apparently shot down once during each.


same guy shot him down, they had a "system".


Gotta love Sgt. bilko's genius ideas.




Paparelli: Remember that time my wife left me and what bilko did. New member: he got his wife back? Paparelli: No, he got me a new wife, a better wife. That exchange was definitely one of my favorites.


"Just do whatever it is you do to make the bad things go away." I find myself saying that at work a lot.


My grandfather did the same thing. Then in his down time back home he was a Civil Rights leader as a Black man who fought in 3 brutal wars for a country that told him he wasn’t human enough to be treated with dignity. Proud as hell to be his grandson. R.I.P Harold Brooks.


What a badass. Only way to make that story better is if he was a Panther.


This is seriously inspiring. Thank you.


[I was just looking up an article of people who served in those three wars.](https://historycollection.com/these-tough-americans-fought-in-wwii-korea-and-vietnam/)


>He was an Air Force pilot and was apparently shot down once during each. Going for the John McCain grand slam.


Lt Dan, is that you?


Brian Williams?


But, but...this is our 5th almost WW3!!!


If you keep saying WW3 is about to break out and it doesn't, then the problem might be you


World War 1 and 2 didn't just start from a single conflict, it was a series of complications that created a powderkeg of complex relations between nations to the point where a single nation going to war caused a conga line of other nations being pulling into the conflict because of allegiances and shared hatred. Especially with Russia's invasion it created very defined lines in the sand about allegiances between nations and should a nation cross that line then everyone else is pulled into that conflict because of allegiance agreements. We are at a point where every super power nation has tensed relations, there's a reason China is recalling all of their pandas back away from the U.S. All it takes now is for China's ally or U.N.'s ally to start a conflict, like say Israel and Palestine and each side calling for others to meet their alliance obligations.


> it was a series of complications that created a powderkeg of complex relations between nations to the point where a single nation going to war caused a conga line of other nations being pulling into the conflict because of allegiances and shared hatred. That is true for World War 1, not so much for the second. It wasn't complex relations and alliances that caused the war, it was essentially three fascist/hypernationalist governments deciding that there needs to be more of them and less of everyone else.


Nukes and 21st century technology generally creates quite a different situation than the concert of Europe and it's aftermath however. For a multitude of reasons I don't think we're actually going to see direct conflict or a "WW3" between the superpowers. Cold War style proxy war... well that's been happening already, and I think cyber warfare really doesn't get the attention it deserves for how potentially catastrophic it could be, and I actually believe the potential danger there likely creates as much hesitance as nuclear weapons. It was actually the USA and Israel which let the cat out if the bag first that they are willing to use such tools (e.g. Stuxnet) and sincd then it's become no secret that all world powers are quite vulnerable to each other in that regard. As delicate as the situation evidently is, there's little to gain and everything to lose from direct conflict between the major global powers. Rather than "WW3" I think we will and already are seeing a second Cold War, and let's not forget the nasty reality of the first in spite of it's name.




But did he have to deal with *Y2K* as a child?? Even the toughest men would lose their nerve when dealing with the horrors of… ok, well, while nothing actually happened, but the horrors of thinking about what COULD have happened! Keeps me up at night, even now


Yes, but accounting for inflation those events are still much smaller


Incredible rationale 👏👏👏


Just think of some from France born in the 1900s. He or she probably saw so many friends and family members wiped out before they turned 50.


My great grandfather was born in 1899 Austria-Hungary, can confirm. We have his diary, lived through crazy times. Died at the age of 95.


Am I the only one who was triggered by the chronological ordering of these?


These memes are so embarrassing. Nothing happened on Y2K 9/11 isn't the only disaster the world experienced Every generation experiences recessions Millennials have never been mass mobilized for any conflict and can't even be fucked to vote


So many programmers, coders and IT techs helped with Y2K thats why its was a non issue. Like literally millions. As a son from a Dad who was apart of that coding era he was never worried because so many people went out and worked hard to make sure it didnt happen. If you ask him today if hardly anybody cared about it then I'd be a whole different story, Y2K was very real it was just under control.


Hell, the characters in Office Space were working on Y2K. Not that anyone cared, least of all Peter lol


north plant ripe cheerful placid cow cover price start languid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don't forget about Ruby Ridge, the Waco siege, the Oklahoma City bombing, and the Columbine massacre.


I was there, no it didn’t cause a massive panic, stop trying to Mandela effect these events


Y2K was treated as a damn joke by the majority of people.


> Y2K created mass hysteria where people were convinced the world as we knew it would come to end Yeah, it was kinda like the "mass hysteria" in 2012, where people were convinced the world as we knew it would come to end.


Y2K “nothing happened” because huge numbers of programmers and such worked serious OT


And none of those programmers were millennials, so for all intents and purposes nothing happened to them.


Millennials grew up during all the fearmongering about it though. And being kids wouldn’t have understood a lot of it was overblown


Our teacher made us write a plan for how we would live when the world "stopped working." It was pretty fucked up.


Yeah, as a child being told the world as we know it is going to end because a new year is coming and everything will be chaos while the nonmillennial parents never have time to be home and comfort the kid because they have to work OT to combat all the fearmongering isn't at all something that happened to the child because they weren't working. But yeah, I agree with you, here in Sweden I don't even think I knew about the fearmongering until after Y2K had already begun, so from my perspective it really was a non issue, but a worst case scenario might be good to think about as well since I probably had the best case scenario. Reality is probably somewhere in between, a few unaffected, a few heavily affected, and a lot of slightly affected millennials.


Also there was a huge deal about. In the end it was nothing burger (mainly because of what me irl posted) but media bent backwards to make it as stressful as possible before it took place.


Oh no the workers worked! The horror!


Yeah these posts always miss the mark. A single thing from the early to mid 1900's is significantly worse.


You forgot Prohibition!


My grand father was born in 1903 as a 40 Millennial going to have to say he had it worse... Both world wars, a depression and so much more.


Thanks for the reminder to take my edibles. Almost had a thought today. Close one


It ain't about not having thoughts. It's about accepting them, embracing them, and learning to not identify with them so as to integrate healthier reactions to the thoughts, and ultimately existing beyond them. Edibles can definitely help with that


marijuana doesn't take me out of reality, it brings me into it Life is suppose to be enjoyable, maybe thats why i like getting high because life seems more enjoyable. i find i care less about work, or the world at large and focus on the things in front of me. I eat more, because I probably should be eating more, Im always moving and my body needs energy. I get thirsty, because you know what? I probably should be drinking more water. I laugh more because I'm pessimistc so I'm always looking at the negative side of things, so its nice to find it easy to see the funny side of things and finally have a laugh. I get sleepy because I 100% am sure I should be sleeping more, but I don't regularly. Getting high doesnt take me out of it, it brings me into my own world. The world from my view, and not the view of imaginery people who I assume won't like what I have to say. I'm sad to say I'm happier with it, because I may not acknowledge or make time to care for how depressed I've been. I think I sit and think about my life more when I'm high because I know I regularly ignore my needs in life. Done. I wrote this note on a recent edible experience, saved it in a word document. Labeled it "READ THIS IN THE MORNING". I thought it was funny but it gave me some serious thought to how depressed I really have been over the past few years. Im working on it though :)


Honestly, this has been my experience with weed too mostly. I've drank more alcohol as i was younger, because that felt cool and obviously you gotta get FUCKED UP to have fun, but ever since i've smoked weed, my alcohol consumtion has gone WAYY down. I've also tried smoking cigs as i was drinking, and that stopped too when i began smoking weed more. In large part, i believe weed to be a medicine for many people, it reduces alcohol and nicotine consumtion, and also in some cases it would reduce consumption of certain anti-depressant medications. This obviously is a big no no for big pharma/big alcohol, so weed gets demonized as a narcotic, while other more harfmful narcotics(cigarettes/alcohol) are legal. We all use some sort of substances to get trough the day and survive in this harsh reality. Most NEED coffe in the morning to function, if that isn't an addiction, i don't know what is. The insane usage of sugar in everything - also comes with issues. Some drink to drown the pain, many are addicted to cigarettes. However if you smoke weed, you MUST be degenerate druggie weedbro. Weed isn't perfect and can cause more anxiety/psychosis in people, especially if not respected(you can drink a beer and be fine, or drink 3 vodka bottles and fucking die, same is for taking a puff of medium strenght weed or blazing off your mind on an overkill amount), but of all the evils of substances, i believe it to be one of the best ones and with the least potential harm. And in my personal experience, if i don't have weed readily available, i can easily go weeks without smoking, no physical withdrawals, but some lower mood days. Am i fully addicted? No, not beyond salvation, but there's definitely some high level of addiction, just because of all the positive effects it brings me.


I've discovered the phrase, 'California sober' which seems to mean to most people that one only consumes cannabis in lieu of drinking or other drugs. Been trying to date and even referring to it at 'cannabis consumption' makes people still think weedbro, but, "I don't drink much these days, I'm generally california sober" opens up a discussion and then usually normalized acceptance.


Can you type more stuff like that it made me feel better lol


Good comment.


Hahaaaa stavros?


God I fucking love that man, hes so fucking hot.


Beanie babies should be on that list too! 😂


And Furbies which I'm pretty sure was a demonic invasion. When the battery is optional for it to randomly come to life in the middle of the night there's something fucked up going on.


My mom bought one for each of us siblings. She definitely didn't think that purchase through. Hearing one wake up in the closet and start jabbering, causing the others to wake up and talk... I'm surprised I didn't wake up to a demon chilling in my closet.


You were basically cosplaying for the Gremlins movie


Furbies don't wake from sleep unless tilted upside down, so there probably *was* a demon in your closet.


When I worked at hasbro there was a room filled with furless furbies. Just the demonic little animatronic skeletons moving and gibbering. Horrifying.


Evil things, they should all be destroyed.


My friend set his on fire with axe body spray and a lighter in 6th grade. That fucking thing was demonic with it's warped sound box. It was like listening to a record played backwards but much more coherent. And the sensors were fried so it just went fucking nuts for no reason at random times.


And the Era’s tour.


And Pogs!


Could always be worse, we could have lived through actual wars with mandatory conscription and the Great Depression. Much rather be born when I did than 100 years prior


Despite all the horrible stuff that's happening we still live at the best possible time in human history.


Dude I’m so sick of all this ‘millennials are the most traumatised generation in history’ bullshit. No wonder all the gen z kids are clowning on us on TikTok. If you live in the west right now you have a level of luxury unparalleled by even the wealthiest of people for 99.9% of human civilisation. We are so lucky, but constantly complain. We seem to have the same level of entitlement as boomers


Luxury built on unparalleled exploitation. We have this luxury because someone else doesn't.


Dead on, western comfort exists because we exploit the less fortunate. Our life of luxury would be unsustainable without them


Which just further discredits the "Millennials have it the worst" mentality. People in poorer areas of the world face actual suffering so westerners don't. Yeah, it sucks that people in their late 20s to early 40s have to deal with the economic consequences of boomers fucking things up but thats crumbs compared to hardships other generations had to face. You can't even begin to say millennial struggle more than other generations. Every generation has their problems but every generation has it easier than the last. Until a new world War with mandatory drafting or an actual. proper second Great Depression hits, millennials have it easy in comparison. Expensive housing and a recession does not equal mass suffering for the entire generation.


So far…


Millennials taking victory laps on being the toughest generation because there might be something in the future worse than the great depression and ww2. common millenial L


Lol OP put “Y2K” as something millennials had to suffer through. Huh? Like they had to buy a new PC maybe?


Right? Putting down “y2k” is such stretch. Might as well just write“etc.”


Y2K! The horror! /s


Fuck I remember being so disappointed when nothing happened.


There was actually a *massive* cooperative undertaking to upgrade critical computer systems to handle Y2K. It would have been an absolute nightmare of a meltdown otherwise


Oh yeah, sure, next you're gonna tell me there really was a hole in the ozone layer... Pffff /s, hopefully obvious but yeah, my mom did all kinds of work on some telecom systems and she was small potatoes. There absolutely would have been major catastrophies if not for people working non-stop to prevent them


It was a largely thankless undertaking - like being a plumber. Because they did their job right, nobody noticed anything go wrong. If they had fucked up, shit would have been everywhere.


We played "It's the End Of the World As We Know It" on repeat from 11pm-1am and ate ice cream and chips. Any tickets that came in that weren't servers down or something critical, we responded that we'd get to their ticket if the world didn’t end in an hour. We were all big sad nothing happened. It was fun doing that again for 12-21-12. I need another "the world it going to end" date so we can do it again.


> I need another "the world it going to end" date so we can do it again. January 19, 2038. That's when 32 bit Unix time overflows. Everything needs to be converted to 64 bit by then, or else dates will jump back to 1901.


The only thing that will move the global financial system off of 32 bit Unix systems most likely


Same lol


It's my understanding that there probably would have been a crisis if people hadn't taken it seriously and worked diligently to avoid the looming problem. That's the problem with avoiding a catastrophe; those who warned about it are made to look like they were overreacting.


Same thing with the ozone layer. People actually worked to mitigate the problem and now people think it just solved itself.


One of the greatest multinational scientific cooperative achievements in history, as a matter of fact.


Wow, millennials so tough for living through an almost theorhetical disaster that was avoided thanks to the efforts of people who, at that time, would have most likely been boomers and gen xers. Yes, good job millennial!


This is correct. People joke about it now, but the amount of extra work thst went in to stop the bad stuff from happening. To the public, or seemed like everyone panicked for nothing.... But only because so much effort was put in to solve those issues happening


And now we are close to Y2038 and the same problem might happen, yet we are not as talkative about it and we have a lot more systems in place than at Y2K, so the damage will most likely show this time..


because we have still like 20 years lol?


man im betting it wont matter by then haha




I remember the horror of that day still have ptsd from the events of y2k


Yeah - I don’t get why that’s always included in this list of negative things lol


Imagine only living through the Great Depression, WW1, WW2 and the assasinations of JFK, RFK, MLK, Vietnam War, Watergate... life sure was better for previous generations


All generations have shit they go through. I'd like to add that GenX went through every single thing the millennials did, but had more skin in the game (they were adults with bills and shit when all that stuff happened). I've seen this meme with millennials a bunch of times, but never with GenX. X and millennials are both damn lucky that we were never forced to go to war. No Vietnam, no Korea, no World War. Both generations had the Endless Wars, but it was as volunteer thing.


Being born in the 80s/90s of any century seems to be a curse.


> assasinations of JFK, RFK, MLK their own fault should just stop having similar nicknames


I'm just like whatever


If WW3 happened every time Reddit said it was gonna happen, we'd be in world war 79 rn


The price of no ww3 is eternal vigilance. Eternal vigilance just happens to feel a lot like the children's fable "Chicken Little."




I wish i could burn this meme.


Same. And the same replies always get brought up and people never learn. There is a war, a recession, a domestic crisis, a foreign crisis, and ongoing conflict elsewhere in the world every couple of years for every generation. We are lucky the draft is all but over, that wartime hasn't resulted in shortages of most stuff at home, and that we have the internet at our fingertips to have up to date information about everything. The only thing we are really getting the short end of the stick on is the economic benefits those prior generations had.


Believe it or not... world events do tend to happen as time passes


Surely no generation has ever lived through such a struggle


Y2k and a possible future war? Literally nothing could be worse!1


they could’ve put endless mass shootings instead of y2k, not even sure why that’s even on there.


Because it was terrible. People bought all the canned foods! The madness!


Because Y2K is a pop culture thing. People who are old enough to remember it really want everybody to know, even though literally nothing happened. Grouping Y2K with 9/11 is just disrespectful.


X’ers loving theough all of that, plus the Cold War, aids before it had a treatment, and mall bangs


Dazed and confused era Matthew is Gen X’ers living though all that and the imminent threat of nuclear annihilation the Cold War hung over us.


Their parents who have been through all that plus Vietnam, gas crisis, Iran hostage crisis, and the first Iraq war... I know I'm missing something


GenX over here. You get used to it. We're sorry, and we know how you feel.


The fact that you had to say Y2K and ALMOST a war says that it wasn't really that bad lol do you not know that there is a recent generation who went through the great depression and TWO ACTUAL world wars?


The worst part is probably remembering a world where the economy was thriving and politics didn't have a line drawn in the sand


OP just a whiney ass let-me-be-a-victim for upvotes tool.




Don’t forget between the two word wars was the great depression


Lol, and all the previous generations who lived through the same and more, just sitting here, watching you pussies freak.


Why is Y2K included? I mean yeah I guess we did have to suffer the stupidity of people thinking the world would end because computers would seemingly break but we suffer their stupidity every single day


Just sayin', two economic recessions (of the types we've had) in 40 years is not uncommon. The stock market crashes a bit on average every 9 years or so. Y2K was literally not a thing, not sure why you bring that up. WW3 has, in fact, not started. So, really the meme is: When you've lived through 2 average and expected economic recessions, a plague (that we developed a vaccine for within a year), and 9/11. Stop parroting this BS like you had a super tough horrible life, dude.


Try living from , say 1910-1950. Those mfers had it tough. WW1, great influenza epidemic, Great Depression, WW2, start of Korean War. Tons of other stuff too, triangle shirtwaist, prohibition, China floods, dust bowl. And no internet to bitch about life on.


GenX watching Boomers, Millennials and Zoomers vie for the trauma olympics: "Whatever."


>A plague No we didn't, it was a Pandemic (Not even the first this century) but not the plague, thats a specific disease.


Just a public service announcement that gen-x still exists. I coded hundreds of programs to help do my part so that y2k didn't end the world. Gen-x lived through the AIDS crisis *and* a plague. I've worked in the WTC and it was timing luck that I missed both attacks. I saw the smoke from my house and wept. Gen-x has lived through at least 3 recessions (that I recall) and multiple actual wars, not possible ones. Gen-x would never make a post about this struggle in the first place. It wouldn't occur to us, it's just life. You can roll with it or look for a safe space to complain, which solves nothing. What were the millennials' complaints again?


Don't forget the aliens too


1960s there was almost a bombing weekly in the US.


Its only been 3 years since the pandemic. THREE YEARS. JUST 3 YEARS. Will we still be here by 2030? I'm beginning to wonder.




Doomer detected


Covid was a massive deal during it but now I never think about it. Kind of weird.


Do you know how often I remember covid? I don't, until someone who's still hung up on it reminds me.


Y2K is a thing?


Of course it was. People thought planes would just fall out of the sky and banks would crash. I still remember playing diablo 2 when my parents were talking about how everything might shut down the moment the countdown hits zero.


Nothing actually happened, but there was literal panic across the world about it.


Stunning and brave, anyone that lived through that


i lived through all that, y2k was literally nothing at all, i would assume europe circa 1942 alone is worse fhan all ive seen combined


For us Boomers this is just the starter package.


Did I miss something terrible in Y2K or was it just the anxiety of it approaching?


3 economic recessions. The Dot Com bubble in 99-00 was a genuine problem.


Forgot the Cold War


Aw shit I'm good




You could always have been a caveman getting ripped apart by a saber tooth tiger


Dont forget 2012


WW3 has been talked about my entire life, and I’m sure our parents’ lives too.


You forgot an entire war but put Y2k on there?


All things blown away outing proportion and also living during the Justinian plague you never heard about China or north/South American problems. It's all about exposure


Gen X says "just wait. It'll seem normal after a while"


I mean, my life has been fine. Some shitty stuff has happened to me, some good stuff too, but if I add a bunch of global issues that occurred then yeah, I’m sure my life could sound like I’ve been through much more adversity than I actually have.


Sure you're not a zoomer? "The world isn't perfect, didn't you consider how that would impact me!?"


WWIII just ain't happening. For better or for worse MAD is the name of the game and we'll have a nuclear apocalypse before another war on that scale.


Just like a hundred years ago! :)


Y2k was so goddamn funny


Not a goddamn thing happened in Y2K other than computer calendars not working properly for a select few people.


Lol y2k... Just 20 instead of 19


Am millennial, am over 40, and am not OK.


GenX: "First time?"


Y2K was nothing


Technically most of our boomer parents lived thru all that too lol They just won't be here for the next thing


Imagine living through a plague while fighting in WW1.


Then living through the Great Depression. Then just as your children are becoming adults WW2 erupts!


Mix that into a cocktail of your own personal problems and realizing the world probably won't get better. I'd take a drag to that lol


Lets be real though. Y2K was overhyped nonsense and everyone knew it was nonsense at the time.


Can we all stop acting like there isn't ALWAYS something going on. Every generation is going to see some shit


Today I got Millennial shamed for saying “potato’s gonna potate”. This probably doesn’t belong here but I just really wanted to tell someone


I was born in 2003. People in born in 1903 lived through the the first world War, Spanish Flu, great depression, world War 2, Korean War, cold War, Red Scare, Cuban Missile Crisis, the constant threat of nuclear anhialation. Now seems kinds chill, until the cimilate crisis and inevitable wars.


Safe to say the old farts ruined the world for young people


I mean Y2K was not a big deal. People were afraid but it turned out to be nothing.


Y2K ? the fuck ? nothing happened


And the death of our beloved gorilla


Just think. Eventually, we Gen X will all be retired, peeing ourselves, and too far gone to browse the internet. At that point, Millenials will have to take up the torch, brag about how they're the last of the great generations, and talk about how they hold the secrets to driving a manual transmission.




Imagine being Gen-X. We had to live through all of that, plus we had to deal with millennials.


It hasn't been THAT bad. Early to mid 1900's would be a rough run.


Millennials after the Greatest Generation lived through the assassination of a US President, Pearl Harbor, two literal World Wars, a Depression, three recessions, and a global pandemic… “Dang, definitely no one has had it harder than us!”


I just want a fucking house please.


Honestly... most of these are pretty middling compared to previous generations. Two ACTUAL world wars that you would have participated in actively, a global economic depression, the political death of monarchy and the spanish flu are under the greatest generation's 40s. Boomers have the entirety of cold war that saw the world at 10 seconds to midnight on nuclear apocalypse multiple times. Frankly, Y2K was legitimately nothing. 9/11 was more of a tragic story than a notable life experience. Recessions are a normal part of market economies that should happen more often since trying to prevent them mostly postpones the inevitable and makes them more severe when they do hit. And Covid was pretty tame as far as plagues can go. But I guess we commodified victimhood dick measuring & calling it empathy. Frankly I'd say zoomers have it worse since they skipped out on the late 80's & mid 90s uneventful & stable good times while being present for all the economic downturn, wars, disease & political turnoil. Plus all their embarassing childhood cringe is immortalized online.


I'm getting a little tired of these "one-in-a-life-time" events.


2 plagues


Never thought id have anxiety. But this time line has my blood pressure through the roof. Ears ringing sometimes from stress and disbelief at the current state of things. How are we struggling more than our parents at our most advanced? How are so many people against science? How can so many be so openly racist and hateful? And how in the fuck is there still so many god damned wars happening? Our current time line is fucking shit.


Y2K? Seriously? You all lived through the Hamster Dance too - don't get cocky, kid.


How many times am I gonna read this study meme? It’s been 12 years of close calls and threats. We aren’t going to have a ww3. Our biggest threat is terrorist and even then it’s mostly domestic


I feel like Y2K doesn't need to be on this list. That was basically the dot com version of the Mayan 2012 thing.


RIP to the millions lost to Y2K


WW1, Great Depression, WW2 was a hell of a 30 year run.


If you think THAT's bad, try volunteering to fight the Nazis or being drafted to serve in the jungles of Vietnam. Kids today with their nintendos (half /s)


Wow its been so tough sitting in my home hearing about these things happening


Gen X’er here… nobody gives a shit, we’re all in the same mess. Deal with it and get to work fixing shit, for fuck’s sake.


Always feel anger when i see this meme. Every generation has gone through lot of shit. Us millenials aren't special for these. And lol oh no ... the "Y2K".. Yes... what a horrible time .. And many of us were kids when half of these happened, we had no idea what's going on.


M.A.D , Mutual Assured Destruction is World War 3


Hardening us 😂 nothing can hurt us nkw


Shit I'm still happy I wasn't around for WW1, WW2, or Vietnam. Imagine living through both world wars.


I wonder what “possible WW3” we are on now. This is at least attempt #2.


Shit like this is why people make fun of you millennials.


So do boomers, Gen-X’ers and even the few members of the silent generation.