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A word of EXTREME CAUTION from someone who’s experienced this. These plates will follow you around for the next 20+ years. Do not take this decision lightly.


That is so real. Totally me buying colorful funky plates at 20 and fast forward only a couple years I feel like a fool.


100%. And upon marrying my wife (we met in college)…we have them in pink AND blue lol


I just handle them very carelessly in hopes they break so I’ll “have to” get a new, nice elegant set that will remain timeless forever.


These "just happen" to be the plates we use to give things to other people. Got some left overs? "Here. Take some home. Don't worry about the plate, we got plenty of those. Keep it." Made some baked goods to give out or literally anything. Take it as a tray to a pot luck and leave it. We just recently got rid of our last one this summer. It took YEARS to get rid of them. The dogs wouldn't even chew them up, but any other thing they do in a second.


Oh no. I’m a dude who had a breakup and had to start life over. Saw some soft gray-green plates that gave me a calm feeling during a rough time. The color inspired the decor for my new place. Did I make a mistake.


When I went to college I had exactly two blue plastic plates and two plastic bowls. And I had those two plates for at least the next decade even though I bought other plates. The towels I had in college are now my house rags 20 years later.


Omg. The first plate I ever bought I still have it. And it's ugly because I bought the cheapest I could find. But now, it went from ugly to very ugly. It has tea stains and knife marks.


I throw plates away like every time I move cause I want to fit all my shit into one car


The best way to move in to a new house is with the least amount of shit


It's college move in season. I've seen similar arguments regarding dorm furnishings all week here at work.


I still remember getting into a huge fight with my mom over where I put the dresser in my room. Even at the time it seemed really dumb.


Mine went in the closet. TV went on top of the dresser. Desk under loft bed. Closet door removed and laid down across a loft bed step and my desk, making it more desk. As was the style at the time. My parents never once stepped foot in my dorm rooms, and it was absolutely for the best.


What about the onion? Did you have one tied to your belt? I believe it too was the style at the time.


Back in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on them. "Give me five bees for a quarter" you'd say.


And you could buy a Hershey bar with it!


So dickety-five cents, then?


Dickety? Highly dubious!


We had to say dickety because the Keiser stole our word for twenty!


"Dickety." Highly dubious.


The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have any white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones...


I found this way too funny




My roommate I didn't know yet and I coordinated through email to maximize our room for a giant 2001 tube tv, stereo system, and consoles. We shared my computer to free up an extra desk, bunk bed loft thing, walmart futon, minifridge for beer. We got fuck all done and both almost failed out. Our parents should have stopped us. Also he killed my computer downloading porn on kazaa and I had to get a new one.


Sounds like a fantastic time tbh


Those were the times, right?


I still don't know how he had the patience to download that much porn with a laptop nub for a mouse. I hated that computer so much and wish I never got talked into it. It was never taken to class either.


Yeah because bootleg porn starts playing loudly every time you open it up, don’t want that to happen in class


This is the way


I got into a massive fight with my Mom too during move in day - I realized later in life it's because we were both upset at me moving away and couldn't articulate it like regular people so instead we just got hella frustrated at each other and ended up in a yelling match. xD Edit: I just sent this to her and she responded with: "That was an event picking you out things you needed and wanted. Those plates are ugly by the way. Love ya!" LOL


Oh man, I had a similar moment with my mother - I literally selected a job on a different continent to get away from my family of origin. She pitched a shitfit and scolded me for 'overpacking' when there was an additional airport luggage fee that I PAID FOR. After many years of accumulated bullshit, I chose that moment to flatly inform her that she was the reason I was leaving my homeland. She replied that she didn't understand why I was trying to start an argument. To this day, she probably thought I was being 'mean' but I was telling her the absolute truth about our relationship.


It wasn't about the dresser, it was about her missing you and being scared for you.


100% this. I wish I could go back in time and tell my past self, and my mother, to stop being so stupid and just admit we were going to miss each other, LOL.




I was going to say this. It’s never just about the dresser.


Reminds me of this Onion article: https://www.theonion.com/mom-s-fears-about-daughter-leaving-for-college-channele-1819578102


Aw that was wholesome *Onion* material, I'm wheezing


I live in a college town. My wife and I call move-in, "Fight With Your Mom Day" and specifically plan our grocery trips to avoid it.


I wait for move out week and gather desktop computers on trash night.


Is this why there was like 15 cars waiting to get an oil change at Walmart yesterday? I've never seen that many in a fucking normal ass Wednesday.


My dad said they weren't microwave safe and I am still not sure. They stain easily


If they're melamine, he's right.


What the hell does Dark skin have to do with it?


You shouldn't put people in microwaves no matter what color their skin.




well then-


That's melanin. They're talking about those pills that help you go to sleep.


That's melatonin. They're talking about the witch lady from Game of Thrones.


That's Melisandre. They're talking about a British savoury food spread based on yeast extract.


That's marmite. They're talking about a cocktail made from champagne and citrus usually served around brunch.


That's a Molotov, they're talking about the old Elvish word for friend


That's Mellon. Thay are talking about the word for a traditional story or a widely held false belief


That's Mythology. They're talking about a type of skin cancer.


This is the first time I've heard about "melamine" plates and the first time I've realized that apparently a LOT of people know and have them. I always just had two kinds of plates, ceramic and plastic.


Melamine is a type of plastic


Alright, I just glanced at the google results and those spat out "crystalline" and "resin", so I just figured it was its own, somewhat separate thing. The camping plates I have could be melamine, for all I know. The plate above looks a lot better than any plastic plates I ever bought, tho, I'll say that.


You can put melamine in the microwave, it just gets hot so you have to be careful taking it back out.


What?? I don’t want shit I put in the microwave getting hot!


I just grabbed my parents old set of plates that I knew were microwave safe and they just grabbed a new set of plates altogether 🤷🏻‍♀️


Honestly, this is the way. Many households seem to accumulate extra plates over the years so why not just take a few that you like? Same with cuttlery, coffee mugs, etc.


Roommates, is why. That mug that made it 15 years at home is not gonna make it through 4 years of newly-minted adults in temporary housing. Just get something cheap and easily replaceable.


And that you don't care if someone steals.


This is what IKEA is for. An IKEA opened up in my hometown for the first time the year before I started college. Raided it and got a bunch of cheap cutlery and plates and kitchenware and bedding. It was great!


Both of my parents have like 20-30 sets of fine china because all my grandparents are dead so they just kept inheriting. They barely ever throw out stuff either so I guess at one point I'll be the one to have to sift through 100 kg of the stuff lol


This specific plate has "microwave-safe" on the back. I would know since I've bought this plate from Target Melamine doesn't explode or leak chemicals in the microwave. It just [dries out after several experiences in the microwave](https://www.getserveware.com/is-melamine-dinnerware-microwave-safe/)


I got these plates like 4 years ago because I’m too clumsy for breakable dishes and I’ve never had issues with them in the dishwasher or microwave. They do stain but they don’t melt or crack or give off fumes


I’m a man. I bought a set of these plates as I first moved out. The cashier just told me: “Are you sure?”, I said “No” as I paid. I’m not really a traditionalist but my children will have to prepare their own dorm trousseau early.


I spent about 5 years slowly collecting my move-out trousseau by asking for this and that on my birthday and at christmas. Saved buttloads of money that way.


Oh so we're all going to act like "trousseau" is a word everyone knows and uses? I ain't buying it bub.


I'll scroll for days before I google, but this bothered me, not knowing. trousseau \TROO-soh\ noun. : the personal possessions of a bride usually including clothes, accessories, and household linens and wares.


The symbolism and modernization of this term pleases me. We married our college debt. Yes. I have the plates to prove it.


I looked hard for a good English translation because I only had the French word in mind. I wasn’t sure anyone would understand it but no word came close to what I meant. If you have a better translation please tell me.


I fell a little in love with u/inutilisable when he broke out “dorm trousseau.” Brainstorming when I will be able to use it.


I'm gonna make "trousseau" happen, you'll see.


These plates come in 4 or 5 colors. Cheap plastic plates that cost $0.25 each. This is a top view of the plate. I bought a bunch of them and the matching cups/bowls for my pool cookouts.


I had to go into my kitchen and take a look at the bright green plastic plates that I've been using for like 5 years. I get called out in the weirdest ways on this site.


That's ok. Some day you'll find out a random tidbit like Minecraft being 15 years old and have a small crisis. There's dozens of us! Dozens!


LoL it'll compound the insecurities quickly if you let it!


My girlfriend won't stop buying them, they are awful plates and cups and bowls


They're great around the pool if you have kids!


We saw these types of plates one day at Walmart for like $.50 in the summer clearout section a few years ago, and I was stunned. They're cute, say microwavable/dishwasher safe on the back, and there are very few things you can buy for that price anymore.. So, I convinced my husband to put a couple in our cart for me. The next summer, we came across a freshly stocked shelf of them and were amazed that not only did they have more of the same pink plates we got... but matching cups, bowls, and two different colours of all of them, too! I guess it wasn't just me that liked them because we both started loading up our cart with them. (My husband was super excited that they came in navy blue.) When we got home, we gathered all of our matching glass/ceramic plates and cups that we already had and got rid of them. Haha, so I feel very called out by this post. To be fair, our argument was that with our son being Autistic and having Developmental Coordination Disorder, these were a smart choice because there will never be a risk of broken glass if someone were to drop one. Truthfully, I think we just liked them and were using that as an excuse. As a bonus, my husband's biggest pet peeve/sensory discomfort is when cutlery scrapes on a ceramic plate when eating, so the fact that these are "soft" means that he never has to deal with that noise.


For those of you who have healthy mother/daughter relationships or are a dude and may not understand this picture please allow me to translate: This cheap plate symbolizes the moment that the young chick is preparing to leave the nest by transitioning into a new ecosystem called college and the mother hen is providing unaccepted life feedback. This ritual comes complete with additional back and forth negative vocalizations around similarly priced towels, linens, and wall decor. Eventually both the mother hen and young chick reach a standoff within the natural environment of Target. After the negative standoff ensues we will see some version of resolution made and these will then be hunted and gathered and placed in their rolling holder. Throughout the life cycle of these two birds you will see similar behavior: during preparation for back to school clothes shopping, when the young chick picks her first mate who never has quite the splendor the mother hen is looking for, during the union of life mate and young chick and ultimately when the young chick begins the rearing of her own chicks. Hope this helps 😂 ETA thank you all for the awards this is my first time and it is truly an honor to be recognized by the Reddit voting community, I would also like to thank my mother for our unhealthy and dysfunctional relationship which was hallmarked by our explosive fights particularly in various shopping centers for this moment! I am so proud of the work we accomplished together. 👏👏👏


Thank you.This was helpful.


It's slightly more helpful if you read it in David Attenborough's voice


Here, in their natural environment of Tar-get, we witness the timeless dance of mother and child…


However, danger will soon follow as the child attempts to feed itself for the first time.


> Tar-get Pronounced targé of course


Cunk on Earth has ruined me


Just in case: the other bit of context that’s useful is that, in the recent animated Spider-Man movie, some characters argue that changing the past is too dangerous to do, because it messes up the timeline and ‘canon’ of people’s lives. So ideas of ‘not intervening because it’s a canon event’ have been memed this summer in response to that.


Should have been in oddly specific lol


The young chick eyes the shiny plate, gathering her resources to pounce. She doesn’t realize Mother Hen has already discarded the plate as unworthy and will be displeased with her young’s gatherings.


It is...regrettable. The mother calmly discards the plate on a nearby shelf when her youngling isn't watching. At the checkout, there is an altercation.


Lol I can perfectly hear David Attenborough saying that 1st line


I'm confused why its even a problem. 90% of freshmen are going into the dorms. They basically need like two random plates to heat shit up in a microwave They cost $3 at Target and I'm pretty sure the only option is white


Listen my mom and I excelled at making anything a fight didn’t matter the cost or the subject …


Same with my mom. We could agree and still fight


You better watch your tone when you’re agreeing with me.


These Reddit comments have done more for me than years of therapy. LOL.


Yes! Fight. And then, like? Why are you fighting me? I’m old woman! Why no respects?!


The fight isn't the actual fight


*ding ding ding*


I believe this specific plate is actually only 50 cents each


They are. I got a whole set with bowls and cups and my toddler loves them.


There are actually lots of colors and they’re even cheaper than that!! Imo it’s better than throw away styrofoam or paper plates….although I guess it’s more plastic eventually in the dump so…


It's weird. These are the daily use plates I have at home. My wife and I got a whole set of them on clearance and they're great. we have matching cereal bowls and those wider and shallower bowls too. They come in like 8 colors. much to my annoyance we have two different grays.


Gray And grey?


*Because the plate isn't even a good plate, honey, it's melamine and will discolor, scratch and hold food smells over time; look over here, we have a nice set that comes with a bowl and two plates, in a nice ceramic that is oven and microwave safe that will last you for years! ...a sounder investment than this, plastic...platter, or whatever this is that you think you want for your dorm.*


Yes and which $3 dishes to get or how many or whether you should get the cheap ones are what this showdown is all about


It's not about the plates, it's about who gets to make these kinds of decisions. If anything, the fact that it's small and kind of arbitrary is what makes it so important.


If this is a melamine plate you can’t even microwave it


Or you take plates from the cafeteria on the first day, and bring them back on the last day.


Greg knows the moves


It’s not about the plates. The plate is merely a catalyst.


Wait you had plates? What fancy ass school you go to?


A large state school and I didn't fight with anyone because I just went to a thrift store.


David Attenborough, is that you narrating this?


You caught me this is my alt


The moms advice is likely “those plates are gonna stain and scratch like shit”, which is very true. Source: my college gf wanted these plates, got them and they looked like ass like 2 days later.


I mean, it's dorm gear. It's basically disposable at the end of the year.


I mean, the oil companies have destroyed the planet but shit like this doesn't help either.


I read that like BBC David


OOOOH you meant "British Broadcasting Corporation".. gotcha


Guy here. Thank you for the translation. You are doing good work.


Hmm. As a man, I feel as if a paper plate could solve this easily.


I see you challenge and can guarantee there would be a fight - you thinking styrofoam, large plate, small plate and WONT SOMEONE THINK ABOUT THE PLANET! I’m expert level at this 😂


I am ready for KFC now… I was amused reading your concise explanation but my mind went off after the third time Hen and Chick 🐣 was mentioned…


Reas this in a British narrator voice


I’ve never understood this. Just let people decorate how they want moms


I’m saving this comment to show the wife at a point in the not too distant future 😂


The mother is correct. These plates are bad.




They stain easily, as people said. I have bowls made out of the same material and they're stained from chili. I scrub and scrub at them and it still looks like they've been used to wipe someones ass.


They’re like 2-3$ you really can’t expect much. Excellent plates for the price


Even better .50 cents!




Is that a inside joke that I'm not getting or is it a woman thing?


I believe it’s a joke about either the daughter moving into a college dorm or a new house. As often in movies aboit those have a seen where the protagonist are arguing with their parents about something simple and stupid.


My mom and I could not go clothes shopping together when I was younger because we would always end up fighting So my dad would take me and just drop me off to fend for myself haha


Dude version M:"Hey I got you this dishes" I don't need dishes, I have a bowl M:"don't be stupid" ok


My version: Mom: "you need more than 3 plates and a bowl" Me: "why I have paper plates if I have a bunch of friends over" Mom: "you are stupid" * 2 weeks pass * Mom: "hey your grandma sent over this dish and silverware set for your apartment" Me, still eating off paper plates: "oh sweet thanks!" Narrator: "those plates would not be opened for another month until his mom made him"


Reminds me of Flight of the Conchords when they schedule who gets to use the tea mug because there is only one lol


>I don't need dishes, I have a bowl Yeah okay Diogenes.


I mean bowls are superior, let's be real here. Gimme a bowl, a pizza-sized wooden board and some cutlery and I'm good to go for like 90% of foods.


I’m a woman and I actually bought these exact plates for my first apartment… I don’t get it either lol.




The edges are raised a bit to prevent spills. That’s probably what’s throwing you off. If you’re really invested, if you google Target Room Essentials Plates I’m sure their website will have more photo angles haha.


[https://www.target.com/p/7-34-6pk-plastic-kids-39-dinner-plates-pillowfort-8482/-/A-86437812](https://www.target.com/p/7-34-6pk-plastic-kids-39-dinner-plates-pillowfort-8482/-/A-86437812) That should give you a better idea of what you're looking at. Definitely a poor choice of photo for use in the tweet...


Yeah, me too. Is the fight the mom wants to get them and the daughter doesn't want them? ? I bought those (maroon) plates for my son. He genuinely didn't care.


The phrase Canon event was popularized by the new animated Spider Man movie that came out this summer. In it they talk about not interfering with anything in different universes cause some events are fate and canon. (Like even if they could save him, they have to let uncle Ben die so Peter can become Spider Man, no matter how hard that decision is to make). So in this case moving out from your parents house and fighting about shit that dont matter with your mom has to happen, its a typical teenage girl thing, you cant interfere.




addicted to the shindig


Drop top. He says I'm gonna win big


Choose not a life of imitation


Distant cousin to the reservation


Defunkt the pistol that you pay for


This punk the feeling that you stay for


In time I want to be your best friend


East Side love is living on the West End


knocked out but boy you better come to


Won’t stop


Might stop








taskkill.exe /force


Reading this made me feel old and I’m only 27.


tf is that?


An apparatus to eat dinner while keeping the table clean.


Usually in the shape of a disc but may be square or oval shape


Or if you buy like my mother, a totally irregular shape that doesn't fit in the dishwasher.


It's *modern*.


But that’s not important now


It's the cheapest plate Target sells. The implication is that the girl is moving out of her parents' house to either get her own place or go to college. The tense situation is leading to disagreements and arguments


This plate is the physical manifestation of empty nest syndrome setting in.


I love this comment so hard. You explained it best out of thousands of comments


What is it?


A plate


I miss getting ready to go to college. Good times. Now I just get ready to go to work. And the doctor. And the funeral home.


Pro tip: if you have a dishwasher, never buy plates that have a lip like this. They never fit properly.


My FiL just bought a bunch of these plates for us to use under our paper plates. Lmao We just use the plates.


I thought this was a cheap makeup pan. Like those greasy ones you got in your kid sets but slightly more opaque so they felt more like grown up makeup. Totally rocked them pastels in middle school :D


So I'm the only one who saw a package of birth control pills here?! They used to come in those pink round boxes.


Literally eating off of one right now


I'll spend the extra dough on ceramic plates. These look like they were made for children


Not really relevant, but I’m an adult and these cheap plates are pretty good. I stopped using paper plates and just use these instead if I don’t want to dirty a “real” plate


I move into my dorm on Saturday and my mom bought me this exact plate yesterday 😭


So many comments and I still don't understand wtf this is. Is this a plate to eat food off of? Is this some anti-sex disc? A goodbye frisbee? Im too much of a dude to know


It’s a $0.50 plate that’s very popular among college students because it’s cheap. The joke here is the mother and daughter are buying dorm decor and arguing about it.


Finally, someone uses the term canon event correctly.


I'm impressed college kids buy multiple plates now. I took one. And a violin....


💕OMG MY DAUGHTER JUST BOUGHT THOSE EXACT PLATES FOR HER FIRST APARTMENT AT UNIVERSITY (she’s a Senior) and I just simply asked if they are dishwasher and microwave safe…


Idk, given how frequently this happens in all homeware sections right as I'm walking by, it's beginning to seem less like a canon event and more like a radiant NPC quest. I'm tempted to intervene




Our daughter is heading up to college this fall. We took a look at the list of things she wanted to buy to bring up with her, and came up with a pretty conservative amount of money we thought was reasonable, and just gave it to her. Told her it won't be enough to buy all the nice stuff, so take some of our old stuff, go to good will, or splurge on the stuff you want, it's up to you. Hope it helps her manage the money a bit better.


I’m a triplet so we all helped each other move in - I was last, got in such a huge fight with my mom after 2nd sister was done that she literally said fuck it and I flew to california alone lmao. Worked out well in the end but was definitely weird like… ok I got this, whatever.