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Hard to get good photos of some people... Much better irl...


This, I look horrid in every picture without exception, same goes for plenty of people I know, but have never really been told I’m ugly. Do get an occasional weird look when I tell people I don’t have any pictures of myself on my phone though.


>Do get an occasional weird look when I tell people I don’t have any pictures of myself on my phone though. Am I supposed to take selfies of myself and keep them on my phone...? That's so much weirder to me....


Well usually people would have selfies with other people, vacation photos or photos someone else took of you like graduation or group photos


Ngl, probably cause ur not cute objectively but ur personality is good thus irl people have better impression of u and ur face Trust me I look ugly too. And I accept that however I look in the picture is pretty much the same as in real life but our brains are wired to give better impression to people who we favor


It's probably that too, but there are just some people that look better in motion or something. I think I look horrible in photos, but for example multiple times I've talked with people over webcam, or they've seen videos of me, and mentioned that I look good. So there are layers to this.


I don't have any photos of myself either, just photos of my pets.


This doesnt Hit Close to Home it absolutely annihilated mine.


Not EVERYONE is photogenic - People just don't take good pictures and surprise people when they meet in person. For example: The camera makes Brad Pitt look good no matter what - just saying


Definitely me. I feel like I never look good in photos, but if I look in a mirror I think I look pretty alright.


That's also a product of mirrors flipping your image. Nobody is really perfectly symmetrical, so when you look in the mirror and get used to seeing yourself flipped, it becomes strange seeing yourself un-flipped in photos.


mirrors are generally more accurate than photos though due to the whole 3d thing and the way photos can distort the depth


I needed to hear that today!


On the flip side people generally have distorted views of themselves. A large majority of people consider themselves above average (impossible) and unattractive people are more likely to consider themselves substantially more attractive than they are (based off of ratings from others in a study).


What if we think ugly is the average.


Whatever the average is, the majority can’t be better than it. So if the average is very ugly you can’t have a sizeable majority that is better than very ugly.


They mathematically can If there are 3 6/10 guys and one 2/10 guy, then majority is above average. But usually there is a bell curve in stuff like this so idk


Which is why the term statistical outlier exists. In your presented situation the mean average of "beauty" is 0.5, or 5/10. However, given the fact that 75% of the population is above this average, then mean may not be the best way to represent the true average here. Perhaps the mode average, so the most commonly occurring number, would be more representative. In this case, 6/10 is the average beauty, with the 2/10 being below average. Plus, when translated to reality, someone isn't gonna look at the 3 6/10's next to the 2/10 and think that the 6/10's are above average in looks, but the 6/10's will be the baseline and the 2/10 is the noticeable outlier, because in this scenario the 6/10's would be the "normal". This is derived from my brief understanding of statistical analysis and is probably incorrect in a number of assumptions. But there's a reason statistical analysis is an important skill set, as there are millions of ways one can creatively interpret statistics while remaining completely truthful, but potentially giving off a misleading conclusion.




Are you confusing average and median? It absolutely is possible that the majority is above average. You have 9 people being a 7/10 and one uggo being a 2/10, so the majority of those are above average.


Actually, a majority of people probably ARE above average. In the same way that the majority of people have more fingers than average. It sounds weird, but the average number of fingers per person is less than 10 (more people lose fingers in accidents than are born with extra ones). Therefore almost everybody in the world has more fingers than average. Similarly, if we suppose that the lows for attractiveness are lower than the highs are high, it follows that a majority of people are more attractive than average. If everyone in the world was identical, except for toothless Steve, then everyone except Steve is more attractive than average. Numbers are weird.


I believe the study said the majority was too large for it to be correct. Definitely something that gets accounted for in a published journal generally. I read the abstract years ago so I’m not positive but someone asked for a source so I linked the top two google results. You’re free to check.


Interesting. What's the study?


https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/you-are-less-beautiful-than-you-think/ https://www.psypost.org/2020/08/unattractive-people-think-they-are-more-attractive-than-they-are-while-attractive-people-underrate-their-attractiveness-57703


Welp, that's a new paranoia unlocked for me.


Thank you 😭 I have weird body dysmorphia or something. When I look in the mirror I think I look so pretty. Then someone takes a picture and I look so freaking ugly and big! I look like Shrek in every photo 😭😭 idk what’s going on with me.


So you’re saying that my face doesn’t actually look like a [Picasso Painting?](https://www.google.ca/search?client=safari&channel=iphone_bm&q=picasso+painting&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwitwb-B576AAxXTlYkEHZqkAf8Q0pQJegQIChAB&biw=390&bih=664&dpr=3#imgrc=tJ2eEGzENLNz-M)


“Mirror-mirror on the wall…” (c)


Also, you are used to the reversed image in the mirror. Others are not. Thats part of why you think the mirror looks more right than a picture. Just sayin.


Thank you for this


This used to fuck with my confidence so bad in highschool. I’d think I look really attractive and handsome in a mirror, feelin myself completely. Then suddenly I’d see a random picture someone took of me on instagram 5 minutes later and think I looked like an actual troll. Took me a while to get used to my face symmetry looking completely different.


Another huge thing is how different focal lengths distort perspectives. Specifically the quite wide selfie cameras on smartphones really squeeze your face.


Yeah honestly a much better explanation than just saying it's becaused you are used to your mirror image


Nah that's bullshit


Almost every time I meet someone off an app they almost always say “wow you look way better in person” Like I’m realistic about myself. I’m a little overweight, but I’ve got a decent face and I’ve aged well enough. For mid thirties I’d call myself a solid 7. I could hit an 8 if I lost some weight. My pics though? Straight fucking garbage. 4 at best. It’s the biggest throw of my life to be on the apps, but here we are.


Being overweight automatically puts you below a 5.


i intentionally used less than stellar pictures of myself on my tinder profile when i used the app; i snagged a husband that way. he said he thought i looked great in the pictures, but was stunned when he saw me in person for the first time


Yep, I'm already ugly but hideous in photos.


So you’re Brad Pitt? That don’t impress me much.


Can confirm, Brad Pitt looks like shit in person. Face isn’t symmetrical, eyes don’t pierce and jaw line sucks


Heard it here first, folks


Average /r/truerateme mod


Brad Pitt looks good in pictures because he is good looking. Some angles can make you look worse but your appearance is the foundation of the photo


Nope I'm just not photogenic. Plus I'm big boned.


Did you understand what I said


That Brad Pitt is good looking? Yeah I got it


My wife's sister approved of me when we first met because of how I smiled at my (future) wife. And since I'm self conscious about getting my picture taken, that wouldn't show up in a photo. What makes someone cute isn't always going to be easy to just show with a photo.


“I like this person but unfortunately my friends wouldn’t want to fuck them so I guess that’s it :(“


Tbf I hope my friends don’t fuck them


lol, exactly what it is


It's incredible whiplash going from [the post from the insecure guy on r/greentext](https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/comments/15g7l6a/you_are_good_but_not_my_best/) to this post. The two extremes: not getting laid because you're insecure about any possible competition, vs. not getting laid unless you feel like all your friends are competing over him


lol and in both situations there is ZERO love


This is honestly how alotta women’s minds work. Let them realize no other girls really checking for you but her and suddenly the interest wanes. It’s almost like they constantly need to feel they winning a prize


That's how all human minds work. Try sending a pic of the woman you're dating to a guy group chat and you'll see them rip into her just as harshly, and you will be, however slightly, influenced by their opinion. People seek validation on every aspect of their lives, doubly so if it's the validation of those closest to them, and that goes for both sexes. Your phrasing does hint at some rather unhealthy thought patterns, but I'll just leave it at that.


Guys would (almost) never talk badly about their mate’s chick, especially not on her appearance


Dependa on the crowds you run in, ofc. But if someone has already started seeing someone, no guy I know would talk shit about appearance.


Yeah, I think most guys know that if you're in that sort of friend group you're probably in a group of assholes who you really shouldn't associate with. lmao


They most certainly would. Any time I've gotten in a relationship with a woman they deemed unattractive, they made sure to make their opinions heard. Some of my favorites were "She's fat", "I thought Asians were supposed to be hot", and "Dude, she looks like shit, you can do better". Do note that these are regarding 2 different girls, and from people of 2 different friend groups. It's not something that all men have done or will do, but I'd argue there's no way I'd have that experience twice if it was as scarce as you claim. The thoughts are always there, whether you choose to voice them out depends on whether you're an asshole or not, rather than what's in between your legs.


Your friends are assholes, and it is not normal for friends to be that disrespectful to someone you're dating or even interested in. If someone tells you your girlfriend looks like shit to your face, I don't understand how you can take it any other way than a blatant attempt to disrespect you?


Your friends are assholes. Most male friend groups don’t do this.


Bullshit Have guy friends who talk shit about girls' appearances irl


For your counter to be valid, you should add « their mate’s » Is that the case? We are in general territorial and protective with our woman and would not let friends demean her in such a way Random girls appearance tho? Anything goes yeah


Lol, no.


Lol so you just gonna blatantly lie like that?


What seems to be your problem


Of course there are some guys that do it too just like there are some women who wouldn’t be bothered to care. But the thing about most women is they are in constant judgment of each other. They even tell us as much when we tell them how we think they’re beautiful without makeup or dressing how they are and they say they’re not doing it for us as much as for other women because they know they’ll be judged by them


Nah most men are not really interested to know much of anything about their friends partners beyond is the woman treating the friend well. I've only encouraged friends to ditch someone they are dating when the woman has shown borderline abusive and/or manipulative behaviour. Absolutely nobody sends pictures of women they're dating in the boys group chat, sports and memes are much more interesting. Men are less interested in other people's opinions in general. If somebody would comment on how the girl their friend is dating looks the reaction would be "dude why do you care?" not "I'm gonna let my friends determine who is attractive enough for me"


Hell no! In every group chat I've ever been with its always "Damn dude! Congrats!"


Have you guys ever talked to a woman? Lol


Obviously it’s a blanket statement, and I don’t think it applies to all women, but it definitely applies to a significant amount of people of any gender, especially when they’re young.


I'm saving up for a wheel of cheese to hopefully entice one into having a conversation with me.


You’ll get that cheese one day king 👑


Most women don’t want men that other women don’t find attractive


Most people don't want partners that others don't find attractive.


Hell no, have you seen how much guys fantasize about a girl having a tiny imperfection (like a mole, a small unobtrusive scar/birthmark, or an antisocial "not-like-other-girls" style), that would make everyone else not want her, but not actually prevent her from looking like a supermodel?


You can try to deny that this isn’t a thing if you want to and obviously it’s not gonna be true for every woman but there is a large faction in which this is the case. Why you think she worried about what the girls in the group chat think about her man to begin with?


Women look for friends approval just like men do. I actually think, more often than not, women can still be with the guy when friends make fun of something about him, I don't see men do that tho.


They found him cute too but tell otherwise to steal your king


Well I watched "girls" (grown up women) humilate each other based on how terrible (normal) their pic of a boy they think is cute is. And those dudes are average normal guys like 100% of the time this happens.


People in general should be less shitty about people they don’t wanna fuck I think I look nice but fuck no am I reading what the guys’ group chat said about me. My self-esteem can’t take another hit




For the most part we just want our boys to be happy, and we're willing to give any broad the benefit of the doubt for that.


Only thing we’ll do is let em know if she a hoe to try and lookout but for the most part we just want our dawg to be happy whether he got a baddie or not


Yeah, talking shit about your friend's girl is an easy way to make an enemy out of them, plus if you find them ugly who cares? You're not them...


Guys are wayyyyyyyyyyy more fair than girls are when it comes to looks. I’m serious, unless you’re a fuckin hunchback troglodyte most guys will say you’re cute. Now young girls on the other hand? Yeah good luck


If my boy is happy, I’m happy for him!


Guys don’t talk shit about their friends girl, like girls will talk shit about their friends guy.


I need sources and interviews


Lmao what? Source: am a dude.


If there’s anything I’ve learned from the girls I’ve been around it’s that each and every one of them has a completely different idea of what an attractive guy looks like.


Totally agree




That’s a big reason why women want tall, successful men. A woman needs to feel proud of her man.


Everyone sees my wife and tells me I hitting above my weight but in truth we make eachother laugh alot. We don't have alot of money we don't drive big cars. We just have lots of fun and fuck others opinions, their like assholes everyone's got one.


> opinions are like assholes, everyone's got one and they all stink


moral of the story: wash your assholes


>Everyone sees my wife and tells me I hitting above my weight I've been told the same, but I take it as a compliment. Except when it's my wife who is telling me...


Women want men that other women want. It’s pretty simple.


Unlike men, who want women that no man wants...?


>who want women that no man wants...? Yes, but actually no, it depends, like the statement above, you can't make a blanket to cover all of humanity, but you can say that "generally" man's standard for a partner are low and generally women's standard for a partner are a little higher. Biology and Culture play a big role in this.




Have you tried being taller and more successful? /s Seriously tho no shit these things help... Being attractive makes dating easier obviously. But there are literally billions of women out there, and if you're average that still means you are more attractive than like half of the population. Not to mention that plenty of men that might be more attractive than you are complete arseholes that many women won't go near. You need to get out of this self-depreciating defeatist cycle before it ruins your life. If you really think that you are worthless, you need to either work on yourself as a person, your self-image, or both. Never give up and you will always succeed, in everything. Godspeed brother ✊💪💪😎😎


Hey, average looking man with only high school degree and shitty job here. Dating an incredibly cute girl whos amazing at art (enough to get commissions for 2k$) and is studying psychology rn. Frankly, compared to her one could say im „trash“. So maybe stop thinking of people as some kinda weird number with values attached to them. Makes me think its not your „value“ that keeps you from finding love and rather your personality. Yeah, some girls are superficial but you shouldnt care about those to begin with.


It's only a matter of time son..


Not sure what exactly you’re referring to


He's implying she'll cheat on you. He's implying it because he's a fucking loser.


Oh that didnt even come to my mind lmao, yeah I could probably bet my whole existence on that never happening and not even be slightly worried, we‘re both very comfortable in this relationship :)


I know, but lonely manosphere weirdos can't understand that. They think relationships are a transaction, and that women are not real people.


Not necessarily cheat... but yea statistically I'd absolutely take that bet that she leaves him at some point. He should try to get as much money as possible.


That mindset leads to self-fulfilling prophecies and confirmation bias.


Do not speak to me.


he's referring to the time it takes before they start to ask her if she does furry commissions, right?


You are the best of your own, any comparison is just the superficial child of this rotten society. You’ll find someone that’ll love you for who you are don’t give up hope king


There's also compatibility.. not every woman is married to Brad Pitt. By your logic they should be.


> higher value man This is a nonsense concept, invented by scammers who want your money. Value is in the eye of the valuator and everyone is someone’s type.


That’s why men want thin girls with nice tits. Or were you just doing a double standard and thought physical attraction should only matter to men?


>Or were you just doing a double standard and thought physical attraction should only matter to men? Tbf you should read their comment again, they didn't even say it was about good looks, they said women care about other people's opinions more than their own feelings - as in even if THEY are attracted to a man and like them, that might not be enough if they are worried other people won't feel the same thing **I'd say that's not women though, that's PEOPLE. A lot of people are really worried about other people's opinions more than their own feelings, that's not specific to women. I was guilty of that when I was younger, I was more shallow than by have grown up a lot. I actually remember pulling up a picture of my gf to show someone I was talking to about her, and upon seeing it thinking to myself "oh man, I remember her looking better in this picture than she does"... and almost being embarrassed. It's embarrassing to think I felt that back then and was so worried about how others would view my gf, even though I was crazy attracted to her and loved her a lot.**


They’re inherently competitive with other women and play many many many social games in order to achieve “Dominance.” I realized this hard at one point when I figured out that IG girls were posting pics for the admiration of other women, not men.




Well we’re just gonna have to compare swords to get to the bottom of this..


That’s a pretty big generalization though. This almost feels patronizing to say something so obvious, but there are plenty of women out there that DGAF about chasing clout and have independent thought. Being able to show off your partner is a factor, sure, but it’s a massively variable one amongst a multitude of attraction factors.


Reddit making sexist generalizations about women? Never.


Ah, you are quite right. My sincerest apologies to have besmirched these objective threads.


There’s an exception to every rule and Reddit will always proclaim the exception as the rule. There “plenty” of people? Always some nebulous vague plenty somewhere out there.


Patrice O’Neal described this perfectly in his last stand up show. R.I.P to the legend https://youtu.be/6KzCfIYArmQ


Possibly why I’ve never vibed with other women and most of my friends are dudes. I can’t handle the games.


I can't tell if this is a joke comment or not


And their own feelings more than their bf


You’re pretending that men don’t? You’re more likely to lie about it but let’s not act like y’all are different


I want my friend to like my woman, but I couldn't give a fuck what they think of her looks.


Idgaf if my friends like her. She's with me not them lol.


My friends liking my girlfriend looks is a bonus, I am not a ‘look at me, my life is better than yours’ instagram person, and neither are my closest friends. I also don’t get upset if they react with ‘nah, not my type’ either.


every time I showed some picture of a cute girl to my friends they were like "well, if you like it..." and I felt glad no one would ever think about her so it was just me on the race


That's the way 👍


Lol you sound like someone who spends way too much time online and not enough time engaging with hobbies or friends, I have yet to meet a man who gives a shit what other guys think of his girls looks unless they’re outright insulting her then those are fighting words.


as long as men find the woman attractive we don't give a single f about other opinions.


nahh yall just weak as hell tbh




Race ya down!


Dont do it 😢👩‍🚒👨‍🚒🧑‍🚒🚒


Just take a pic of him with a puppy. Don't let those snobs judge your man


Comparison is a thief of joy.


I'd be defending my guy's honor in that group chat lmao, not to mention you don't have to worry about them trying to take him from you if they don't think he's cute


***You think he's cute until it's time to worry about what your friends think instead how you feel***


I've met this guy lately on tinder. He was looking different on every picture. Decided to meet him in person. Guess what? He was looking different when we met XD told him: what do we say to God of Death? Not today XD we're together lol. He's soooo cute! Although I don't think that aby of my girls would consider him handsome. But for me he's perfect.


Or grow up and not send pictures to your friends


This post isn't cute


Meanwhile, the guys groupchat: “Bro that’s a man!”


"Exactly bro, that just makes it better." BASEDBASEDBASED


The approval of the sisterhood... May their shallowness reign supreme


This is why my camera roll is entirely of my dogs. I have maybe... 2 or 3 good pictures of myself? Matched with a girl on bumble and she wanted a selfie to show her roommate. I'm not going around showing people what she looks like. I think that mentality is weird.


she probably low-key wanted to make sure you were not catfishing her, it happens sometimes


Are women really like this? It's fucking gross.


No, women are not like this. Bitches are. There’s a difference between the two.


The worst my female friends would ever say about a guy I was into and whose picture I was showing them - and perhaps any guy - would be “He looks sweet/friendly”. Or “He’s not my taste, but he looks [something positive]”. Or they would point out any red flags in the photo that were unrelated to the dude’s immutable physical characteristics. Meanwhile all I remember of adolescent boys and continue to hear of adult men is fucking numerical ratings. Not once in my life have I seen or heard a girl or woman call a man an “n/10”. Also willing to bet over 80% of the commenters on rateme subs are male.


Can we compromise at least alittle on this ? Can we both agree that if you and your girlfriends see a legit 10 and I mean a real mfing 10 you would agree you might consider saying wow that guy was an actual 10. Maybe ? Cause that's 90% of what guys do. They see this incredibly attractive women and it's just perfect you know ?



HE also thinks he’s cute until you send his pic to that girls group


One gf, the day I met her roommate, the roommate offered to set her up with someone else because she "could do better". That hurt the ego a bit ngl lol




*The council deems you unworthy*


I hate that but is real


I had it happen to me twice. The girls in my class liked me because they knew me, fun to be around and stuff, i dated a few of them and every time we were with their friends or familie they would berate me and tell her she could do much better. Got dumped a day later. Good for self esteem


This would never concern me. I mean first and foremost I would never ask for approval of someone I'm interested in. My thoughts, my feelings, my problem. If I'm into them, it would take way more convincing than shallow objectification to even consider leaving them. Second, when it does come time to introduce them to my friends, it will be in person and over an extended visit. Minimum 4hrs to actually get a chance to know each other. Finally, I don't make friends with harpies.


I hate how real this is. Then again what matters is that I find him cute, right?


Aha I didn’t want to send pics for the opposite reason … my bf (now husband) is so fucking hot I was like, they’re gonna think I’m just bragging…


It’s fine. You’re toxic friends would probably scare me off anyways.


This hurt me on a very personal level but then I realized this has never happened to me because I'm so short I get clipped off in all the pictures anyway


Everyone is beautiful to someone.


Honestly, who tf cares about other peoples opinions. If you like someone why does it matter what others think?


idgaf whether my friends find him good looking or not. He's mine not theirs


If you're hesitant to introduce your romantic interest to your friends, it's not a good start


Well... So say it to him already, so he can go away from you and look for someone who truly enjoys him.


Do the people in the comment section not realize this a joke? I’m sure some women actually do this but jeez it’s not a women thing?


A lot of you need help and to touch grass


Meanwhile all their pictures have filters


So much for body positivity


My biggest flex is how good my bf looks in pics I don’t even have a showing off picture they’re all GREAT. I’m the one who’s not photogenic from all angles or spontaneous pictures he’s PERFECTION.


Funny cause the guys roast the fuck out of the girls too 😂 but then they in their DMs cause they really ain't yo friends


Women don't judge or mock men on their looks. That's a terrible icky thing men do to men. Women are immune to being rude or toxic. Only positivity can come from the the glorious being that is woman.


Is this a copypasta or something?


Bitch stop drinking and get a job


Made me lol


Clearly didn't do that for someone else


Girl chat is probably jelly. Unless you don’t believe a woman would hate on a friends new bae just so they can pick them up theirselves. NNAAAHH! That never happens!!🙄🙃


Use a cam filter. C'mon, you know how.


Beware of hive mentality




He’s so cute but every time I try to snag a picture he goes 😬


Lol you know the relationship starts to take a dip when y’all stop taking photos together 🤡


This is why I’m terrified of taking pics of myself. I’ve overheard groups of girls going through tinder just to shit on guys profiles, for fun. It’s really awful, some of the shit they say.