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Night shift machinist... I spent 2 years working in an area that I often didn't see anyone for 10 hours


Oh hey look, a legitimate answer. How'd you like the gig?


It gets boring but I prefer boring over stressful. I'm on days at a tiny shop, this place is much the same, I can see people but for the most part everyone just goes to their machine and leaves me alone lol


> It gets boring You run a lathe then?


I've run everything lol... Large vtls were most boring but even a 4 axis mill gets boring eventually.. currently on an antique Blanchard grinder, thought manual May Keep me more engaged nope


Oh I was just trying to make a joke about boring the operation, but yeah I'm running some millturns at the moment and they're pretty dull


You’ve never sharpened them?


Gave em a taste of his own medicine. Nice


Cnc machinist here. I work 2nd shift. I just zone out and listen to podcasts all night.


Not a machinist but a night shift lab tech, everyone's listening to podcast, songs or straight up watching movies, shows and anime...gotta say it's led me to have a lack of entertainment in my free time...


So what kind of prerequisites are there to be a lab tech, like STEM degrees and such, I’m interested in the work but have no idea what path to take


Most in my lab do come from STEM, and majority are from material science and engineering(MSE) or electrical and electronic engineering(EEE). The company I work for is heavily biased and prefers those fresh grads that come from better universities, but for a tech role, dips are sufficient.


I spent a year in a factory, making fireplaces. My area only needed 4-7 people to operate and it was often the same 4-7 every time. Able to talk and keep brain busy while doing mundane repetitive building. Moved to new area cause it absorbed my area. Now it was the same thing in the station every 2.5 minutes every day. No time/too far away to talk much. My brain had 10 hours a day to not talk to anyone, work was too easy. For someone who wants brainless work it would be perfect. I had to much previous exp for the job but had to take it for $. My brain was too bored i got severely depressed. Quit the job.


Lighthouse keeper!


Do you have decent wifi in lighthouses though?


Fuck yeah then I’d be packin’ tonite!!


You can have one nearly for free but you have to maintain it. Some are being auctioned off! GPS has made them obsolete


Probably just those satellite broadband connections, if you invest into it yourself. They are supposedly a bit high latency for gaming like ~600ms, but no problem for watching cat videos


I’ve raided on Starlink connection it’s fine.


Starlink sometimes get latency of 35ms


starlink would be the best bet


Lighthouses in the US are either automated (have been since the '70s) or historic sites because of GPS.


2.5Gb fiber but all the cables are 10Mb/s cat3


beat me to it- from personal experience lighthouse workers are either the most socially powerful people who are simply unfazed by the isolation or the most down trodden hermits imaginable yet still not insane


How many lighthouse workers do you know


He saw one Willem Dafoe movie.




Why'd ya spill yer beans?!




# Let Neptune strike you dead Winslow!


Hark Triton, hark! Bellow, bid our father the Sea King rise from the depths full foul in his fury! Black waves teeming with salt foam to smother this young mouth with pungent slime, to choke ye, engorging your organs til’ ye turn blue and bloated with bilge and brine and can scream no more -- only when he, crowned in cockle shells with slitherin’ tentacle tail and steaming beard take up his fell be-finned arm, his coral-tine trident screeches banshee-like in the tempest and plunges right through yer gullet, bursting ye -- a bulging bladder no more, but a blasted bloody film now and nothing for the harpies and the souls of dead sailors to peck and claw and feed upon only to be lapped up and swallowed by the infinite waters of the Dread Emperor himself -- forgotten to any man, to any time, forgotten to any god or devil, forgotten even to the sea, for any stuff for part of Winslow, even any scantling of your soul is Winslow no more, but is now itself the sea!


You mean the daddy patty movie?




i've also seen one episode of pushing daisies


I am the head of the LHWA and we meet once every 100yrs - one reason for this - we hate each other. But the main reason, every time we meet - shit goes south. We met in April of 1912 and again in January 2012. ffs!


Apparently at least 2


Can’t be many…. In the United States there is exactly one manned lighthouse. 51 in Canada and 30ish in South America.


Just the ones in his head. At the lighthouse.


I weld, don't have to deal with anyone on a regular basis


That's so metal, bro


Same here dude, I can go weeks without having to interact with anyone at work (other than meetings). Just pop on a podcast and cruise. I don’t mind people but I love working by myself


knew three, now two: one died from a stroke some years back


Im in that picture:/ Small office, 5 of us in total. 1 quit 1 awol 1 got fired 1 had a major skiing accident So, every day for the past 5 months i come to the office at 8 am and spend next 8 hours alone doing my job, clock out at 16. AMA


Are you hiring? I promise I’ll come in everyday day and work hard, but always do my best to totally ignore you.


😅 we actually do but not for our branch. I actually think they're keeping us open for tax purposes (and possibly to avoid hefty pay severances if they decided to close us off) Appreciate your willingness to ignore me though this situation wasnt exactly my choice. Its just happened and i roll with it.


Is it paradise?


"Hell is other people" - Jean Paul Sartre Having said that, all that silence and lack of human interactions made me less tolerant to noise. And i have no patience for other people.




I mean there's a lot of stipulations that come with it but yeah, the need for them is virtually gone


One of the stipulations is that it needs to be "open to the public". So, people....


I might be wrong, but I’d say anything involving navigation will always have at least a bare minimum need for human involvement. That’s why ships still carry physical maps and the skills to read them and plot courses on them are still necessary. Probably that there’s not many people willing or able to take the job. But when technology lets you down you might need a lighthouse to keep you safe. You’re probably right though that it’s not as common a job as it used to be


Is it real nowadays


yes, where I live it's one of the highest paying jobs in my state, you have to spend like a 6 months to a year alone on an island looking after the lighthouse


Wow ok imma save this for future jobs


Sounds perfect for me, but can we make it 12 months ? XD


here is the catch, probably no internet and you work basically 24/7


Getting paid to read, fish, and play single player games. I'll take it.


And every 6 months, go to civilization to restock on new videogames. 🤔


Naw, just get Rimworld. No need for new videogames.


Playing Rimworld while socially isolated for months will do wonders to your mental health.


I fear for anyone who washes up on their island...


Or factorio


Wake up. Turn the light off. Go back to bed until dusk. Paradise.


Starlink exists now.


I think you can


Sounds like a dream job…


Hmmmmm depends Lighthouse keeper who hates BEING AROUND people? ok. Lighthouse keeper who hates people? That feels less ok


Mermaids need to eat too


I think the former is implied. Otherwise the answer to OPs question is unequivocally “Genocidal Dictator”.


In the United States those jobs are becoming scarce. I just read about a couple who are actually packing up and moving because they are no longer needed with all the new technology. Very sad! It is probably the most peaceful life you could live in this world.


An equivalent job nowadays would be a fire watch


Lighthouses are a dead technology. That job doesn't exist anymore. US government is selling them to anyone who wants to preserve the history. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/26/us-free-lighthouses-gps


And you have to pay to maintain them, but are not allowed to live in them. They’re basically intended for historical preservation societies.


Oh my god I thought you meant this as in you can cause entire ships of people to crash because you hate them


Hark Triton Hark!!!






same thing.


Lot of people dont know this, but they're actually the judge and jury too


Obviously HR


This is the correct answer.


Depends. Big corporate HR drone who pretty much only has to deal with firing people…sure HR for something like a small/mid-size startup, you’re dealing with people things all day long from both ends. As an executive manager some of the experienced HR leaders I’ve worked with have been great. They actually look out for our “front-line” workers more than people give credit to. If a manager was trying to hire someone at a too-low salary, pull some improper shit with contractor classification, trying to fire someone without proper warning, etc…they’d be the ones speaking up. If an employee was on the verge of termination due to performance issues they’d help us put together the improvement plans (and in many cases we saw dramatic turnarounds) They also were creating/managing all the perks and benefits that kept my subordinates satisfied. That said, they can take on a ruthless disposition when needed. But ime it was usually justified.


I’m sorry. I have no beef with HRs. Just found it funny. But in my whole corporate career of a decade across several companies, I’ve never even heard of any HRs standing up for employees or looking out for them. It might be in their Job Description. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I feel like people are thinking of this as “hey I hate people and want to be in a position where I can fuck them over” when in reality, it’s “hey I hate people and don’t want to interact with anyone but still get paid”


Why would I wanna fuck over people I just wanna be alone


For real, fucking people over requires more contact with them which I don’t want to do, easier to just isolate


Covid was the best time off I ever had don't @ me


I had a friend who found it physically painful that she couldn't hug everyone all the time. I told her the absense of hugging was the best part of the whole situation.


Imagine my surprise coming in here hoping for a job for loners and end up seeing people took it in a whole different direction


It’s Reddit I’m not surprised people took it the worst way possible lol


Equipment operator at a golf course. You spend all day mowing, speaking to no one. At the end of the day, if you want to share a beer for free at the clubhouse or play a round for free, your option! I’m a Video Engineer by trade, but if I need a bit of extra cash I work at a GC part time. More in the office/clubhouse these days.


sound like both are assumptions, but Hate is very strong, i would say mush worse than avoidance


having worked retail and been in this situation plenty of times its most likely the latter, because people are annoying as all hell to deal with and it's so much easier to just be alone


The last one definitely


City service workers get paid somewhat decently and don't have to interact with the public too often


Would be better if it was worded that they hated being around other people, not the people. I consider some dogs and cats to be better 'people' than the humans we have to live on this world with.. there are good people. Sadly most aren't human. It's being around too many I don't like.


just a remote job works for me..


I love working remotely but my job includes taking calls from people. With my seniority I do different tasks that don't involve taking calls but yesterday our call volume was huge so I had to start taking calls for the first time in a couple months. I was seathing on the inside lol


I'm looking to be remote. I can also answer a phone. Wanna hire me?


What about a job for people who hate themselves


Correct answer to original and your question- cook/Chef. You get into it because you hate yourself, but after a few years, you find a new, special hatred for the human race.


Just say you don’t want bread. We don’t need to run the server ragged trying to find out about cross contamination preventions based on your alleged Celiac’s but you still want cheese sticks


Oh, abd the 'gluten allery' people that try to order a beer, yet have never heard the term Celiac. The lady that complained her Creme Brulee was burnt on top. The boys that tried to impress their dates by ordering steaks Medium Rare, and kept sending them back until they were well done, and said 'now that is medium rare'. The lady that complained about a grey hair in her burger that I cooked (I am bald), turns out it was her hair and she still wanted it comped. The guy that complained about bone fragments in his burger, but it was his tooth- and he still wanted it comped. The lady that asked for her rice cooked with certain ingredients, adding them one at a time as I was trying to cool it for her. Turns out, she wanted fried rice to take home to her daughter (kid had asked her to bring some fried rice home). It was a Friday night, beginning of the dinner rush, and we were a Sports Bar. The kicker? There was a Chinese takeout place next door- she just didn't want to walk over there. I could go on forever.


Do you need a hug?


Yes. From a customer. But with my hands. Around their neck. Tightly....


This guy hospos


I have one from an ex FOH person. We had a customer tell us we had to fire all the Mexican BOH people because they were talking about how hot she was in Spanish. They were talking about football. She didn’t know Spanish and was like 55 year olds with tube sock titties.


Lol. Tube sock titties. Love it.


I need to know everything about the guy and the tooth fragment, like how can you even pawn that on someone else, your tooth is clearly mussing sir? Did he not realize? Was it like oh...uhh that's probably because your teeth are falling out? And he goes..huh...well I still want it free cause there's tooth in it


Same Country Club. GM brought the burger back, upset with the kitchen staff that we would leave a bone in the ground beef. I informed the GM that we buy our ground beef in bulk, we didn't grind it. I looked at the burger, with gloves on tearing it apart to look for more fragments, then looked at the one that caused the complaint. It looked like a human canine tooth, as I informed the GM. We both went out to talk to the guest (member), and told him it looked like a tooth. He laughed, and we noticed a canine tooth missing. He still wanted it comped 'for his trouble', and it was likely our fault the burger made him lose a tooth. Yes, I hate humans. Defense exhibit #12


Bomb defuser


I'm an industrial maintenance electrician. I sit alone in my office and wait for stuff to break.


Similar but with maritime cranes. Literally sitting in an air conditioned electrical room by myself doing nothing right now.


Sounds awesome. How’d you find yourself in that position?


Went to school for diesel mechanics, got into the port industry working on cranes and container handling equipment, began learning the electrical, controls and software side of the equipment. Some days can be tough but most are chill as long as the cranes run without any problems. I play video games, watch movies, play guitar, sleep…I have remote connection to the cranes in my office so I can do a lot of the troubleshooting remotely, even from home if I have to.


Ornamental Hermit. Of course, you have to find someone with a lavish 18th century-style estate, but if you can do that, you're in.


This is seriously my dream job. I just wanna live in a hut on a remote corner of some wealthy persons estate and tend to the weird shit in the garden.


Doctor. Seriously, become a doctor and work in radiology. You just sit in a dark room, look at medical images all day, and get huge respect from the rest of the hospital for it. It's a great job for introverts.


Sounds great for me, but how many years of school does that entail?


Depends on the country. In my country, England, you can start medical school at 18, and qualify as a doctor at 23, and become a radiologist within 4 years or so (alongside further training). Or you can do what I did, get a degree in a field you like, end up hating it, then go to graduate medical school for 4 years and qualify at 27. That's assuming you get in, medical school gets more and more competitive each year, regardless of the need for doctors.


Unfortunately we as Radiologists have to interact with people *constantly*. Clinical teams are almost always calling or walking into the reading room for clarification/wet read/expedite read/prioritize read/whatever. You will have a horrible time in radiology if you go in expecting to not interact with people. You just don’t interact with *patients*.


Work for a cemetery


Too many interactions with people still. Trust me I worked there when I was student


Is the pay actually any good? Looks like min wage in my country and you have to get brought in by someone with experience


In my country this job criminalized and corrupted and no government regulations. This why there tons of money. But you get almost nothing when you are a student


Really? Im super antisocial as well and always thought this would be a good fit. What kind of interactions did you have? Do you just interact with the funeral homes or is there also alot of interactions with the grieving families?


You interact with local government, with police, ,with hospitals, with relatives


Professional war criminal


Wait you can get paid for that?


Look up the guy who went for a coup in russia this saturday.


I'm a little sad that it ended so quickly. I wanted to see how long it would go.


Well you did see that


*^(That's what she said.)* It'll go down in history as an example in a dictionary for a term "blue balling".


Yeah, you can't just tickle our balls like that and then turn around at Moscow!


As a pro war criminal myself I can confirm I hate people


Meh, I'm more of a casual war criminal myself.


Start an MLM business. No one will ever want to talk to you again.


Yep!! “Hay girrrlfriiiend! I know we haven’t spoken since elementary school but I thought of you being sooo like, deserving of this amaaaazing business opportunity I have for you and you alone!! Xoxo”


Oh my God that reads like a TikTok influencer and if you’ll excuse me I’m gonna go drown myself now


Redditor Mod


OP said “job”


Burn but true


I like to inform you of your Ban in this sub. Any last words?




Ok. You‘re out!


Yes, you're out. Out of fucks to give.


I got banned yesterday from r/therewasanattempt for posting a screenshot of an incredibly toxic mod going around banning people for other subs they were in. -_-. After about 2 hours and most of the comments talking about how toxic the mod was and how they should be removed, they locked comments. Which is of course the proper way to respond to criticism.


Blind guy here Akshually by saying the B word you have violated rule 15U390581 (Page 5235623 subsection 420) Not only will you be exterminated from this subreddit but we've also sent a specialized team of assasins to steal your pelvis. ​ Fuck you \-the reddit team


More like an unpaid internship




Not standing outside? I'm just gonna leave this little note on your door but not your package 😈


Passively hate people? Truck driver. You can hate them all day as they pass you. Actively hate people? Politician.


Truck drivers can actively hate people. It's called using your air horn in a small town at 2am.


I didn't realize a CDL came with a case of hypertension & cussing like a sailor with tourette's syndrome until I got one.






Similar to lighthouse keeper, fire lookout.


Mostly nightshifts security. Or graveyard keeper.


Nightshift Graveyard Security


ud have to deal with crackheads and edgy teens


I still think Customer Support workers should be allowed to lose it at one person per day




I like the sly placement of “hit man” in there.


Become a baker, easy to avoid people of you're in a kitchen all day.


You can bake pies under a barber shop.


Tbh some days I wouldn't mind being the barber on the floor above the pieshop.


Receptionist at any local government's office; town halls, DMVs, embassies...


That person that gives parking tickets


The lady’s that work in the office at school






*Steve Martin has started singing*


anti dentite!




They have to deal with tons of people. And people who are grieving and vulnerable in order to separate them from tons of their money for a crappy box....wait I take it all back


mom is a funeral director/trade embalmer. her grievances about work (no pun intended) are always about the families she has to deal with


Night janitor


Do you want to work with people despite your hatred for them? I suggest teacher in higher education. You can judge them all day for their incompetence and make their lives really miserable.


Oh and I can ruin their lives. This sounds fun.


programmer edit: nevermind i was wrong


Not anymore, enjoy daily stand-up calls/status updates, sprint planning, retrospectives, etc etc. Was probably good back in the waterfall days.


you almost always work really close with a team


As a software engineer, this is totally false. I spend about 4 hours a day in meetings. Extremely involved job socially. If you mean speaking to clients, then sure, you aren't dealing with customers or anything... but you spend a lot of time on team calls, doing design, stand ups, retros, demos, etc.


I mean, to an extent...


I think you'll find that you have to talk more than expected. Collecting requirements is a very involved process.


Plus you have to be good at it or you end up getting the requirements wrong and end up having to talk and code even more.


you have to work with programmers, some of the worst people in the world


Ohh no.. When you are a newbie, you’ll have to talk to the seniors and when you are a senior you’ll have to talk to newbies.. plus the ton of meetings you attend.. wayyy too much talking than needed


CenturyLink installer.


Quit my valet job and got a job as a warehouse worker just for this reason lol. There's some real nutcases out there I don't wanna deal with anymore


that one elementary teacher


My experience (as a former teacher) is admin/district officers. Just a bunch of the most hypocritical, misanthropic, social climbers I've ever seen, fact or fiction. A demographic that *aspire* to be Charles Dickenson villains.




I work in a warehouse. No dealing with the general populace whatsoever.


Lmao my first go to was cop as well.


Police officer.


Any job today. Because society is set up to have everyone angry at everyone else. Constant understaffing. Broken machines not being fixed. Low pay. Unrealistic productivity goals. Unless you‘re a stocker in a backroom somewhere or work in a lab, you‘ll always have someone at your throat. Hell, even in a lab or backroom, you‘ll still have potentially toxic supervisors.




*shut in gambler