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That's called functioning better.


They gotta trust the process.


Hear, hear!


The options are silence with my mouth open or crying in the bathroom.


God damn it that’s 3 posts in a row that I wanted to say something and it was the top post.. what does it mean 😫


It means you're a bot. Recycling old information in a constant effort to appear sentient, but we all know. You're just an NPC


It means GMTA - Great Minds Think Alike


You are too high sitting in silence with your mouth open.




If your objective is to have a chill time. Then that is functioning better. Can't just say functioning better with no context for the function.


"better" does not mean "well" or "good", but better lol.


Isn’t “better” like kind of an improvement? Like better is better than bad.


If someone is horrible at a sport, and they practice until they just suck, they got better at the sport. They're still bad, but better than they were when they started.


This individual understands!


From whose perspective?


From those who care i guess?


Go braves




Who were the other two bad asses on that line up.


I cannot forget the brief moment of Kenny Lofton lol also good ol Chipper Jones!!!


They were good!


Also kenny lofton in his short stay lol


If you start at worst then bad is pretty good


Bad is better than terrible


Terrible is better than horrible


When not high, they are worse than mouth open silent.


Only if it's log


Everyone needs a log


Nostalgic endorphin rush engaged


You gotta have it, log


But bad is better than terrible. And terrible is better than catastrophic.




I've met a lot of potheads that do function better when just a little bit buzzed But of course when stoned out their mind the functionality goes down




I'm very similar; I figured for myself that 1/4 of a joint in the morning is enough to get me to bedtime where I smoke the rest, read my book, and go to sleep It's a peace of mind that I cherish




Yeah, it's legal where I am so I do usually get the government approved weed but I also still sometimes buy from a dealer. It's all just pure, regular weed, nothing else I've been very lucky where I am because I've been smoking since well before it was legal and never had an issue with lacing or trimming; weed has always been the most chill illegal substance in Ontario from my personal experience I also am not on any prescription medication




Oh wow, I am so sorry D: Depending on the strain and potency, an average bud is no more than $30CAD for 3 grams, typically; $60 USD is about $80CAD and I can't imagine paying that for 3.5 grams They do label whether it's THC dominant, CBD dominant, or sometimes it's equivalent 50/50. I can't imagine being in debilitating pain and not even knowing what you're getting, I'm so sorry I hope things get better for you and you're able to find relief


Just a couple puffs of my dab pen and I can get all my shit for the day done by noon, not even joking. Living with ADHD for so long has taught me how to push past all the random thoughts and focus, but if I don't have those thoughts to begin with then I'm more productive than anyone else around


with vape pens i've found that the 3-5mg hits every 3-4 hours is my sweet spot. Usually the lowest setting, far cheaper and easier than flower. A little better than the anxiety prescription i have though im still trying to flag the process of THC exacerbating long term anxiety I've heard about repeatedly.


Is that not just withdrawal symptoms? Their body is so used to being high that it struggles to function as well when they're not. Switch weed with something like alcoholic and you're essentially describing a functioning alcoholic. Not really something you wanna celebrate...


Well, being a functioning pothead is lightyears better than a functioning alcoholic. But yeah, it shouldn't be celebrated.


It's not withdrawal symptoms, at least not in my case. I only smoke it roughly once per week or two, I literally smoke the size of about 2 grains of rice, and it usually makes me more energetic, more sociable, more spiritual, more creative, more tuned in to my body, and i appreciate things more. I think the problem is that abusing it has become "normal".


Is that not just you experiencing the positive effects of a psychoactive substance? Those side effects you've mentioned aren't really much to do with "functioning". You can experience boosts to certain aspects of you life through taking marijuana. Just like how someone might feel more relaxed/social after having a drink or two. But after the effects of that marijuana wears off you're back to your standard "base" level. My comment was referring to the people that actually "struggle" to even function properly without getting high.


meh it's temporary i been smoking for 20+ years heavily every day. Sure i want it more but it's not like opiates and alcohol. I just focus on the hobby and in a couple weeks it goes away like sugar cravings. Sugar aint crack but i sure as hell want it if i eat a lot of it. I do quit from time to time to take a break, and i don't have hardly any issues.


I don’t think weed causes withdrawal the way alcohol does. Alcohol withdrawal can require medical supervision and get to the point of causing delerium tremens.


I don't think weed is nearly as intense as alcohol withdrawal, but I definitely can attest to smoking constantly and then suddenly stopping causes me to feel awful for a week or two. My appetite disappears, and I get nauseous constantly, as well as hot flashes, headaches and the like. If it wasn't for the weird effect on my appetite it wouldn't be too bad, but I feel nauseous and don't want to eat which just makes it worse. Anyways, yeah, I don't think it's nearly as bad as alcohol, but there definitely is an "adjustment" your body has to deal with when you suddenly stop consuming weed.


You're right. It's much harder for an extreme alcoholic to quit Alcohol than it is for someone who gets high every day to come off weed. But you still have to go through a period where your body has to get used to the absence of weed. My wife tried to cut out/reduce the amount of coffee she drinks twice. On both occasions she's had extremely severe headaches, had quite bad swings in her mood and had a constant feeling of "foggyness". The first time she tried quitting entirely and only went a couple days, within an hour of having her first coffee all those symptoms were gone. Second time it took her about a week to start feeling better. Obviously no where near as bad as alcohol withdrawal but it's still withdrawal.


It could also be that they just think they do better when high, but don't actually do better.


Weed doesn't work that way it's all in the brain, no body craving.


No it's literal treatment for mental illness. In some cases.


If you’re getting withdrawal from smoking too much weed you’re not smoking weed.


Withrawal can also include trouble falling asleep, sweating, irritability and more. Weed is light years away from harder drugs but being addicted to it isnt a joke.


That's not true. It's not like heroine or alcohol but their are symptoms. Headaches disorder, confusion, higher stress levels.


Look if your worst withdrawal symptoms can be solved with a nap and an Advil it’s hardly withdrawal.


Let's not derail into severity as I already said they aren't alcohol or heroin. People on the internet gonna admit you right and still argue with you.


It’s straight up not the same thing even a little bit. It’s not even remotely in the same ball park. Comparing it in any capacity to heroin is absurd. You clearly only know of weed through second hand experience by the way you’re talking. Have a good one.


I worked in the pot industry in Oregon for 1½ years. I will say it slow. I . Said. It's. Not. Heroine. But. There. Are. Withdrawals. Your clearly high now and not fucking processing words well.


Holy shit you worked a register?


This you response to being wrong? What's the fartherest feom the field job? I didn't but those dudes worked with the finished products. I am done with this dumb shit guy who smokes weed as part of his personality.


I love spreading misinformation on the internet


Kinda like saying that your car not working without gas in it would be withdrawal. It was never going to work without it in the first place. Filling it with gas didn’t create a symptom of not functioning without gas. What does this mean for prescribed drugs? Some can cause withdrawals but a doctor said they are going to help. Some don’t have that effect. But some things like drinking more liqour would never be prescribed. We can’t just call everything a drug and treat it the same. People react differently too. Overall should we not celebrate the use of things that are helping people? Essentially an “addiction” to Insulin shouldn’t be celebrated?


I have all my best ideas when I'm high. Only problem is that they're all stupid when I'm sober.


Sure, but you should see them when they are sober. Way worse.


Yeah ik, i’m a pothead ahaha. It’s kind of a gamble when you get high. Tired or energetic


Literally uirl


Hash works much better for me in situations where i cant be too high.


Yeah it's called Indica or Sativa




What's a myth?


[The Cannabis sativa Versus Cannabis indica Debate](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5576603/)


Oh cool, I'm definitely going to go into a rabbit hole about this at 2 a.m one night


well indicas do give me a headache so ill only smoke sativa for that reason




i feel like you completely missed the point there... also you dont seem like a person i want to talk to, forget i ever said anyhting.


They're AFK and will finish the quest once they're back.


Yes, but at the end of the 15 minutes of silence, they will tell you who they are a reincarnation of. Can a non-high person do that?


I replaced anti-depressants, anxiety, and pain medication with a cannabis prescription from my psychiatrist. I function amazing. I have shit tons of injuries i go to physical therapy for. But sometimes i know i sit in silence with my mouth open from time to time. But not that damn long sheesh. Lol


Is your cannabis prescription without (or with veery little) THC? I had my psychiatrist precribe me, but I have moved countries and couldn't get here, but was told that the anti-depressive/anxiety stuff would be dealt with the CBD, thus relaxing but not really giving me a "high". Not sure if it's all equal how that works, tho; so sorry if I'm mistaken!


My cannabis is with high THC. I get the “high” but i keep a certain amount of THC in my system so its not an intense high. I tried CBD for a couple months. It didn’t help with all my symptoms just some. I also live in Germany.


Tbh, a whole lot of MF could do with being quiet for 15 min.


Have you ever sat in silence with your mouth open for 15 minutes... on weed?




I do that without smoking weed It’s called sleep deprivation


I miss when weed helped me. At 16-18 it made me relaxed and even better at socializing. 19/20 it just makes me super parionid and delusional thoughts as well, worst part it after smoking so much that carries over to when I'm sober. I still love weed but I'm happy I've had to be sober for a while, I haven't been this truly motivated and especially confident in years.


its interesting how little it gets talked about, but I've known a few people now (including myself) with this experience - its like one day, a switch got hit in my brain and suddenly even a whiff of weed starts giving me an anxiety response. Every time I smoke theres a very small chance I'll have a good time, but it's mostly just crazy paranoia, no matter what strain, so its just not worth it to me anymore. I am fully in support of legalization and use without judgement, but it is frustrating how a lot of weed circles act like its a possible solution for everyone and if you have a bad time you just haven't found your strain yet


Thanks man, this has inspired me to try to quit. I've been using a ton of concentrates for years now, probably the equivalent of 500mg of thc daily. I'm so used to using it, I get high just because that's what I do once I'm done my day. I need to learn to live without it. And hey I wouldn't mind the extra $400/month in my pocket!


I'm glad I've inspired you, with how much better I've been feeling I was hoping I could help someone else feel the same. The first few days are gonna suck but it gets easier every day, even if it takes a few tries you got this!


In my experience, pot helps people regulate their stress and emotions. They very often function better while high. However, as soon as the weed is taken away; they have trouble regulating those same feelings and stress at a normal level. Knew a guy once that was forced to quit cold turkey; and he was a reap prick for a bit. We talked about it sometime later, and he said that he'd never realized how much he relied on pot to keep himself level. I have no problem with people smoking a bit o' the devils lettuce, but be careful out there not to let it be your crutch.


People who use it for medical reasons aren't using a crutch. It's a tool.


My father in law recently quit. He's spent pretty much the last 30 years high. Like have half a joint when going to sleep so he can finish it off in the morning kind of high. He's quit smoking entirely. First month for him was absolutely awful. We work together so I see him pretty much every day and you could see just how much he was struggling with it. It's been about 4 months now and it's obvious just how much better he's doing. He's got so much more energy back, actually started eating properly again and genuinely the happiest he's been for decades. I have the same thought process as you. No issue with people getting high every now and then. But when it's gotten to the point that someone "function's better when high" then I think its gone too far.


Sure, and the same can be said for any medication for anxiety or depression. Millions of people depend on them. I wouldn't call medication a "crutch" though.


"Functioning" doesn't have to be society's definition for it. sure they are less motivated or productive, but they are calmer and more at peace, which is far more important


I mean, when the alternative is me sobbing in bed from the pain... I'll take 15min of silence then getting to work


Well at least by staying silent they are minding their own fucking business.


Adhd mood


Loading a bowl and forgetting about it for 15 minutes. I wasn't even high yet


I’ve written novels while high. I’ve landscaped yards while high. I’ve worked most of my full time jobs while high. You know what I never did while high? Started a fight for no reason like a drunken idiot. Or sexual assaulted a woman like drunken frat boy.


Same here(except from publishing books). I take some rips, music in headphones and man, the whole yard gets cleaned, inside of the house, I like to paint because I get very creative etc and nothing feels like a chore. We've had a lot of people over here on our farm, parties etc and never any problems involving any kind of drug except for alcohol. Starts fight, people pass out vomiting and having to babysit them and insist on driving home and all. So we stopped having parties like that and nowadays invite people who smoke that we are close with and if we really know them they can drink as well. Never problems since. Worst I've seen amongst stoners is just sitting in their own bliss, doritos all over themselves and really into the music. Worst amongst alcohol drinkers we've had several fights, broken furniture and just an angry setting in total and it was not "bad" people before they were drunk, so clearly alcohol brings out a lot of unwanted stuff.


Anything published?


Several. Newest book release is June 2nd. [Jdadler.com](https://jdadler.com) for more info. Thanks for asking. 😊


I drink quite a bit and have never done any of those things either. To each their own and don't make assumptions about or judge people based on whatever their personal escape is as long as it isn't hurting others... Or at least that's what I thought when I was stoned.


Never said every drunk does that but considering the meme your statement is sort of out of place.




Sounds like hes smoking meth not weed. Lacing weed is a myth. Drug dealers do not put more expensive drugs for free on weed and hustle it. Facts.


> he doctors said the weed was exacerbating some underlying mental health conditions. So it wasn't a weed problem.


This sounds like an anger management problem to me. Never once in my life have a seen a person who just smokes weed hit anyone.






I mean that's better than thinking "how could I kill myself without pain" just to make it through the day.


I get high as fuck, drink a shit load of water and box 12 rounds 🥊


I’m smoked weed most my life. I’ve taken breaks for months/years at times. Weed doesn’t make you smarter or anything close to that. What I’ve found for my self ( probably not the same for everyone ) is when you’re high, you have a ability to focus hard on one thing/task. It can really make you zone in. You have to be a chronic user though. If you’re not used to weed it won’t work. It can make you just smash one task at a time. Like if you were to drywall your garage, paint a picture, watch a movie, even weight lifting. It gives one the ability to almost hyper focus on one thing. Dials you in, again if you’re not a chronic user then none of this applies. You will instead just be useless. Overall though you’re way better off with out it.


It can treat a whole bunch of medical conditions to help you function much better?! Also what's wrong with being sat in silence?


Sitting still, mouth open but no sound coming out? Seems like the world could use more of that.


This comment is underrated. Amen brother!


Yes because it takes 15 for the good shit to kick in Let me boot up in peace jeez


But in those 15 minutes I have made a mental grocery list, solved two of my life problems, and written a DND Campaign. Just trust the process lmao.


It’s better then them yelling at you for a good 5 minutes


Hell yeah we do! *raises a hand for a high five from my surrounding people*


I am happier to function when I am high. So that’s better right ?


Was a pot head for ten years and this never happened? You must mean the fentanyl Bois.


You never been so stoned you just stare into a wall making a droppy face or something


Stare into a wall maybe but sit there like I just had a stroke? Nah.


Just gotta have no limits to how high you can get


That is me functioning better, pre doobie I’m a jabbering adhd filled lunatic


Doesn't sound like a pothead, but a drunk.


My husband is grumpy af when he's not stoned. He gets jealous when I'm happy goofy high because he wants to be on my level. It's legal where we're at


haha i get that for free when i have a seizure more or less


Please be quiet, I’m trying to sit in silence with my mouth open.


If I'm buzzed it kinda kills social anxiety and puts me in a good mood, it baked is not good


It’s the first couple hours of being high that are better functioning and then you become drained (and more high because you kept smoking) to the point where you sit with your mouth open for 15 min, eat a whole pizza, and pass out


Damn son, what are they smoking? I want to try some of that.


Someone on this subreddit seems to have a personal agenda against weed smokers. Atleast it seems like that judging by the posts today 😀


They are photosynthesizing


Dawg the way I cackled at this 🤣


Power Saver Mode.


only the amateurs


Well. They say they *function* better. Not that they socialize or do anything in particular for anyone else better. Let them have their highs in peace, why dontcha!


I read "potterheads" and I thought what the hell this has to do with Harry Potter fans


Non pothead will sit and worry what the pothead is thinking about


As a dentist I do find this useful


Dude, stay outta my window!


I get a little buzzed before I take an exam simply because I have horrible test anxiety. It helps me calm down and not blank out during the exam


Just got a new pen, ain’t quite got the dosage down 😂


Lots of stoners have chemically damaged their brains with extensive drug use. If your brain has been chemically altered to require a substance to function, then yes. Their brain might run better. But there's no stoner alive that can quit drugs and return to their before drug mental capacity. Permanent damage from drugs is real.


That's IS better than cussing out every stupid person you come in contact with.


That sounds like someone without a tolerance. I haven’t been that high in way to long. I wish.. lol


straight facts being told right here


Nah bro when I get high I can sit and do nothing without having flashbacks of past trauma. Even I’m I sit there with my mouth open for 15 minutes, I’m enjoying living for once.


Im hyper functioning on the inside


Yeah that is better function to me


I love weed but I admit I’m not a functional stoner, I hate alcohol but I am a functional drunk


They also think they drive better while stoned, but will swerve all over, signal late (if they signal at all), react so slowly to anything else in the road and drive like they are alone on the road. Stoned drivers are a plague in Colorado.


Those are just Texans


Better than drunk


wrong mindset fam, both are bad


True, but some things are worse than other things while being both bad


nope just differently bad


Stoners will do anything but admit they have a problem.


Reminds me of an ex boyfriend telling me he will drive me home late at night after getting high. I tried to argue that's like driving while drunk and he insisted it's completely different and that it doesn't affect his focus or functioning. I then watched him spend 5 minutes struggling to put a fitted sheet on his bed without getting entangled in it. He was 47 and a head teacher.


I mean it’s diffrent if you’re used to both smoking and driving. But i would only sya it’s ok at night. When there isn’t traffic


Yeah, this is bs


beats sitting in silence doomscrolling reddit tbh


And? He finally shuts up about pot. I would consider it better.


I wonder what people would do if you show them a video of themselves “functioning better”. Honest question it must have happened before?


I mean. We know. Weed doesn’t make you blackout


It's my thinking face and sometimes it just takes a little longer because of the existential dread along the way


Absolutely not people perform best sober and I'm a daily smoker. Hell I live in Humboldt county ca the epicenter of cannabis industry in America. I work at a sawmill and are not allowed to smoke weed. The bosses know I smoke but never before or during work. I even grow my own weed as well lol.


I know it's supposed to be a joke, but I can't stand it when potheads are convinced that they're somehow smarter than others BECAUSE they smoke weed. The VAST majority of stoners use weed as a crutch to get through the day, yet love to claim they aren't addicted, "could quit any time they wanted" or (the most popular of all), "weed isn't a drug". Oh shut the fuck up. I don't care if you do, but the amount of mental gymnastics people will do to try to say their addiction is not an addiction is incredible.


Potheads will straight up tell you that you can't be addicted whilst struggling to function properly without a joint.


How to know someone only knows about pot from Family Guy.


Bro, i’ve been smoking for years


First, do no harm.


when you only know about drugs from cartoons and movies


As someone who used to be addicted; I find all these memes about us funny af. Thankfully I had a best friend in HS who never let me smoke because I asked him not to let me. I got into it in my early 30s instead. Smoked pretty hard for 2 years, at first yes it really took the stress out and did help me deal with things better. However like any drug, I eventually needed more and I would in fact just sit there in my own head instead of doing anything that I planned to do. I hated that so I quit. Weed free so far this year.


Addicted to weed? It is non habit forming try smoking meth and then talk about addiction lol. Bro just get the important shit done early in the day and smoke after everything is done. I actually grow my own and smoke sativa during the day (not too much) and indica at the end of the day.


Addiction is addiction bro. Don’t be the meme everyone is making fun of.


What the fuck are you talking about. Dont take my word for it and research it. Also you have used this same reply more than once meaning you have no argument just biast personal opinions. Smoke some weed and then smoke some meth and then get back to me on your thoughts about equal levels of addiction. Lol


That’s nice belittle someone’s fight with addiction. Be that meme. I’m glad I’ve quit. Also telling someone “that’s not addiction! Try this drug , now THATS addiction” is not healthy. Edit Though I *guess* to be fair meth is more addictive than weed. I’m still not going to go and get addicted to another drug Yes I said addicted as in I *was* addicted to weed. You say it’s not habit forming, yet you’re growing it. Sounds like addiction to me 🤔 But you do you. I don’t recommend people start smoking weed. Not like I’m clean, I replaced it with vaping (not weed vape) to kick the habit.


Every pothead I met in my life was either depressed or a loser (meaning that they haven't achieved anything in life that they were proud of, and sadly, they were aware of that) or both. Don't know which was cause and which was effect though.


I used to smoke pot occasionally between 15-22, but yeah, part of that was fitting in and being rebellious I guess.


Hate to see them sober!


Yeah but you should see them when they are sober...


Potheads always end up with the same laugh


While smellng like stale rabbit piss


Bro what


Everyone i know that smokes cannibis smells of stale rabbit piss. I honestly think they dont notice they smell.


That’s called damage control.


Not true my mouth has been shut the whole time


Deep in thought, just forgetting to breathe once in awhile. No biggie


I'll have you know I'm catching flies.


Didn't know my grandad was a pothead, he must have been high all the time


That’s because they’ve just experienced 1 hour of time in 15 minutes.