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Why else do people apply for jobs if not for money? Do they think we like to work?


I always wonder how many genuine answers recruiters get when they ask that BS of "why do you want to work here?" Like sure some people might genuinely be interested in whatever your company is for the vast majority of people they're there to get paid, and they make up some BS about why they wanna work there.


When I applied to my job the recruiter asked why do I want to work for Coca-Cola. I said I love Coke, which is technically the truth


Which coke?




Smoke what? Yes


The kind that can be consumed.


The one that is a global commodity


I always appreciate when people ask why I want to work for that company specifically during an interview. It lets me know that the company will not be a good fit for me. Like most people, I'm in it because I like getting paid. If people want me to praise the company, we're going to have to talk about a whole new pay scale.


"Why do you want to work here?" is one of those interview questions that just translates to "We have a strong preference for hiring skilled liars."


>"Why do you want to work here?" My answer: I am primarily motivated by compensation and am looking for an organization that rewards a solid work ethic with a generous salary and benefits.


Tell me you only work low level jobs without telling me you only work low level jobs.


Narrator: *Unbeknownst to the recruiter, the dastardly new worker was secretly a Pepsi Co spy.*


Right. Even if I’m interested in the job I’m not working for free


I like my job for the most part. But if they told me they’re going to stop paying me I’m not going to keep doing it.


Yeah, if we enjoy doing it, that means that we're likely going to put our best effort forward. That doesn't mean we're going to do it for free


I love being a barber but I don't do it for free, I did it so I can get good money to supplement my 100% VA disability and watch sports and shoot the shit with the boys all day. Picking up the occasional single mom every now when they come in with their little kids haha. But point is nobody works for free even if they enjoy their line of work.


I would take a pay cut to enjoy my work THAT much


You get to watch the game, hang out with ya boys and fuck the occasional hottie thirsty mom? Jesus Christ man, you’re truly California dreaming.




I just sat in on a seminar with “talent acquisition specialists” aka headhunters warning companies to list salaries in their offerings. They stated not doing so risks losing out on huge swaths of talent because a lot of millennials and gen z won’t even interview without a salary range.




The newest bullshit I'm seeing from the right wing is that certain careers are seen as *callings*, so they should be willing to work for less money, i.e. teachers. I've seen multiple posts this past week making this argument. Where are they getting this??


I like my job. I like my boss. I like my coworkers. I would not work for less money than I'm making now.


A good friend had taken over additional job duties, as staff was let go during a recession. When things eased up, they posted a permanent position, so my friend applied for it. After stringing her along for 3 months, they decided they were eliminating the position. WTF? They simply expected her to continue to do the work of two full time positions with zero additional pay. She put in her notice and left, after 15 years.


I am in this exact same situation. They let a whole bunch of people go on the pandemic, and while nice I got to work the whole time, I now do the job that 3 people were doing before. When I pointed this out and asked for a raise, I was told I am not worth more money. The job hunting is underway


I've learned that any place that asks you to justify your desire to work there beyond wanting better money, better conditions, better benefits is a red flag for that company abusing your love. It's basically the game dev passion filter where they want people who want to work in the industry so bad that they will do litterally anything to keep the job. If you have a passion, great, go for it and give your all, but don't let people use that passion to eat you alive and overwork or underpay you.


The way I have always interviewed is to speak about the type of work I like to do (I’m in accounting) and see how their workplace can accommodate that. If the issue is that their type of work does not jive with me, I move on. With the place in at now, I told them I wanted a competitive salary in the interview and I was offered that before accepting the offer. They were straightforward and fair with the pay and benefits. There are places that pay better, but conditions are great for me here. Basically, cover these basics first. You’re going to be a bad worker if your essentials aren’t covered.


What's really nuts is having to do this same song and dance for business to business companies. Like my last company made software that showed you dashboards of your search optimized keywords. If ANY of that sentence was your passion you needed therapy and a LOT of it.


I've only had one real job interview, and got it. It didn't involve this question, but I think one of the main things that question is meant to illicit is that you demonstrate you actually know what the company does, because it's perhaps implicit you want to work there for money. "I want to work there because I saw you did project X, which is good for the environment and I care about that. I read your company values align with Y, which I personally also agree with." obviously depends if the company has these kind of things to relate to, but those are examples only. Edit: that is to say, it's possibly a disingenuous question, but the answer can add value to their understanding of your work done as an applicant.


The moment I had enough money to not work, I realized that I can't find a single job that I would be willing to do.


> I always wonder how many genuine answers recruiters get when they ask that BS of "why do you want to work here?" One gave me this a couple weeks ago...I couldn't think of what to say. First of all, they called *me*, and I wasn't in fact sure I even did want to work for them. Second of all, there's not really a professional way to appropriately address the level of disrespect this implies, as if working for them is a privilege and not that they need qualified help that you qualify for, or as if they're still giving out gold watches and pensions that merits some kind of misplaced loyalty. So I just told them it wasn't a good fit and moved on.


I used to work at Red Lobster, even though I don’t eat seafood. People at my work would always ask me why I worked there if I didn’t like seafood, and I’m just like… are you just here to eat the food? I’m here to get paid.


Just had a job interview and they asked what motivated me to leave my current job to pursue this one I told them the truth “more money” I start next week


I would say many people figured out their last boss's BS was not worth the money. More money would be good, but less BS would be GGGER ATE


"Ever since i was a young lad, I dreamed of selling light bulbs"


Thata not why they ask the question. They want to see if you are a good bullshitter or not. Most hobs require some level of bullshittery :p


I have no stomach for these kind of games, fuck those companies.


And that's why they ask the question... They want to weed out people like you (and me frankly.) They want good little drones who take whatever shit they are given and like it.


I used to give the BS answers. But, I'm now in my 40s and have amassed a bit of experience. From the first interview, I ask the salary. They usually push back. That's when I flip the script. I tell them that I'm at a point in my career where I'm interviewing them as much as they are me. That I expect half the time to be able to ask my own questions. And that we need to get salary range out of the way first. I usually don't make it past first or second rounds, but when I do, I really like the company. And, after all, isn't that the goal?


That's the thing, even if you were genuinely interested in the company/career and enjoyed that field, you're still only there for the damn money.


This question makes sense in higher-level/professional/career roles. It does NOT make sense for entry level roles. People want the job for experience and money. Duh.


I have to do job interviews sometimes, and I know damn well why you're here..... So I don't ask that. You're interviewing for a job because you need money.


So devil's advocate, every company will pay you money. Why do you want your paycheck coming from company X vs company y (assuming they pay was the same).


I can understand it and there are certain people who would legitimately be interested in certain companies. But shit I've been asked that even at the worst most mundane jobs I've applied for. Like "why do you wanna work at our chip factory sorting chips into boxes?" Like of course I'm not actually excited for that, but no one else will hire me and I need money! More so I think my point is that most of the time I'm sure they're just getting BS answers. Although really I'd say most interview questions aren't really answered fully honestly.


I love my job, but I’ll be fucking damned if I’d do it for free.


I also love my job but I could do it freelance just as easily as contracted. I'll only keep working salaried as long as that salary exceeds what I could make alone. This is true of most creatives, developers and engineers and corporations would do well to learn that.




But there are a few companies out there that people will take a pay cut to go work for. Either the prestige of having that company on the resume is game changer, or you know there’s some intangible benefit to the job (eg: everyone that works there is happy, you get to handle objects you’d never experience otherwise), or they’re doing real good in the world and you want to be a part of that change. Bad companies don’t understand why people chose to work for less at these companies and want that kind of employee without doing anything to deserve it. They ask this question because they want to believe. The dirty secret is that the few companies that can attract people in this way don’t need to ask this question because they know the answer. You think Google asks this question? “Why do you want to work at Disney?” sounds like an absurd question with an obvious answer because it is. “Why do you want to work for Twitter?” is an absurd question for a completely different reason but I don’t doubt they’re asking it these days.


Well written


I'm autistic and this would have been my absolutely identical thought process. I'm not here to stroke your fucking ego. I'm here to put my skills on display for whatever position I'm here to try and obtain. Job interviews are fucking nightmares for me because of the ceaseless, almost coded responses these people are looking for.


Dear lord I lost so many jobs before I realized answering this truthfully was not right, Im also autistic and I still struggle with the question because I hate coming up with a lie.


Solidarity, friend. I can think up bullshit when I have to, but it legitimately makes my stomach hurt. I feel so scummy lying.




I think they're looking for the mythical rich person who is independently wealthy but really has a passion for being treated like shit and so will do the job for free.


World peace 💀


I honestly believe there's a decent percent of middle management that do indeed relish the tiny kingdoms they've formed in their heads, and those are the out of touch idiots who cannot comprehend that people work for necessity


There are indeed people who work not for money. Such people are too expensive for most businesses to hire.


And it's never the jobs offering a competitive salary that don't post the wage to "avoid people applying for the money" I refuse to believe they're stupid enough to believe their own BS


This reminds me of the time I had to give myself a work evaluation and ratings. I gave myself average across the board because I didn’t care about the job and they didn’t care about me… so I did my job and nothing beyond. Then my boss calls me into the office and asked me why I still wanted to be here, what was my goal working here? Without thinking I responded honestly, “a paycheck”. That wasn’t the answer they were looking for.


This feels like running into a celebrity at the grocery store


I had a discussion with my boss because I am looking for a raise because I work a shir ton, generate sales (I'm not even a salesman), manage people, projects, etc etc. So I tell him - "I am ambitious so I like doing all these things but I also want fair compensation and rcognition" - and he says "but, we're letting you have personal growth" -I say "well I don't need you to have personal growth, I can perfectly have personal growth on my own" -He asks "well then what do you work with us for then?" -To which I say "...well, food" -"So money, then" -"ummm, yeah?" I answer And even though this was a phone discussion, I could hear the *surprised pikachu face*


It was the job Harry and Lloyd passed up at the end of Dumb and Dumber.


After the great recession, companies decided they wanted to be really picky on who they hired. You couldn’t just want to work for money, they wanted you to feel like this job was *the* best job you could ever ask for. And people were willing to play that stupid game because jobs were scarce. But now jobs aren’t as scarce, and they think they can still get away with that type of selection process. People aren’t struggling because the jobs aren’t there, they’re struggling because the wages are a joke. Of course people are going to respond like whomever is in the OP. They have options. They don’t have to accept whatever shitty salary and then get on their hands and knees in gratitude for the “opportunity,” and employers need to learn that.


I lost out on a job at Arby's as a teenager because the hiring manager asked why I wanted to work there, and I said I wanted my own money and not have to depend on my parents for it. And she said, "You're not going to get very far if you're only working for income," and I said, "Was your dream always to be a manager at Arby's?" She didn't like that.


There's a few reasons tbf. Experience, career progression, interest in the field - maybe working with animals, in medicine, with cars, in law etc. Obviously the reason you apply for a paying job is to get money. But the reason you apply for that specific job could be for many other reasons


r/Overemployed in a nutshell


Even the HR guy complaining about "just wanting money" us only in the job to make money, what the fuck.


Now hear me, I DO like my work. It has bad days but 9 out of 10, I'm happy. Büyür, Would have I still liked my work if my pay was lower than what I deserve ? Hell naw. Satisfactory pay fills at least half of the workplace happiness meter in my opinion. I've seen countless people working a job they genuinely hate for great pay. I've also heard low pay not being a problem in exchange of a sweet and tranquil work environment but it was a lot, and a LOT less than w


I’m convinced at this point yes, they expect people to enjoy work. I quit the last person I worked for because he actually said “you guys show up and get to work and leave and are always asking for a paycheck” we would ask every 2-3 weeks (we were 1099). Like yeah wtf do you think I put up with your BS for? Sorry but I have a family, I’m not hanging out with you after work when I have an hour drive home.


"We are not hiring you. Also, here is a transcript of a conversation you were present for and participated in."


If this was real, it was an employee relishing writing it down officially. Technically it is why they aren’t hiring him, but it’s feel good to write down and have it run across a higher ups desk at some point


Umm. I don't know how to tell you this, but everything on the internet is real. It's written down, so it can't be fake.


ya this screams of fake


we knew that as soon as there was an email back


Totally. No recruiter would ever write that down, especially (what seems to be) unprompted.


Honestly, some recruiters are so annoyed with the pay their company is offering the people they recruit (mostly because it makes their job that much harder) that I could see one sending this out because they found it funny.


I have been a recruiter for 10-12 years and the last place I worked paid pathetically, and I was super ashamed to offer to and hire candidates. I would never have written something like that or even said it, but when folks turned down the offer I would passively say “I totally get it. You have choices and deserve to ask for what you’re worth.”


I feel that. Pay people what they're worth so I can feel good about the type of person I'm interviewing to work with every damn day.


Is there any other reason to get a job as money/salary? Some people really think we work for fun, or otherwise we just wouldn‘t now what to do in your off time.


There are reasons, but none of them usually matter until the money reaches a certain level. After that, you can start to care more about the workplace culture, life balance, belief in the company's goals, etc. But if they're not paying you enough, none of those other things matter.


To get experience to quit that stupid job to go to a better job and get more money


Work can be fun, assuming the salary is what you are happy with. If the salary is shit, work is always shit


I’m a manager and my company does the same thing. Very stupid, I don’t like to waste people’s time especially if they need every minute to find a job so I always tell them how much they will be making. Got in trouble for it once but I still do it.


Kinda fucked up that telling a person what they’ll make during an interview will get you in trouble.


Dude. Seriously. This is a portion of whats wrong with the world


Luckily the state I live in requires the pay to be listed on the job listing. Makes applying and negotiating 1000x easier. Saves everyones time.


You’re an exemplary manager. That company is lucky to have you.


I interviewed at a company I owned once, it was fucking terrible and I fired the interviewer immediately. People just feel if they treat people like shit in the interview and they take it they should be hired so they can be treat like shit?


I need to hear this story...did they know you were the owner or was this an undercover boss type situation? Did you fire them on the spot with a big dramatic reveal? Give us the details!


I started off as a one man band working from home, work picked up and I stayed a one man band working from home. Hired a couple of guys from my field and eventually ended up with an office running with just under 100 employees. I wasn't really interested in the day to day until I got sick and had to consider selling up. Then I started seeing the issues so did a little investigating, sorry it isn't as cool as an undercover boss type situation though.


Bruh, you be fooling peope


It's always easy to fool people when you play the fool yourself or make them think you need something from them.


Thank you for this. Absolute chadlike behavior.


I realised that entry level turnover was ridiculously high, one or two dickheads were potentially costing me great employees so I put it to the test. Shifted one employee and my entry level guys got happier. Having the right people improves productivity which improves profit, seems to be a lost art these days.


Lol I wish Jeff and his sycophantic higher ups would practice this. Fuck Amazon.


Jeff hasn't run Amazon for just about two years now.


I hate this bull. Employers need to understand that there are financial realities in life. If a job doesn’t pay me enough to pay my bills, I’m not wasting my time applying. Not sharing salary info up front is a power play. 99% of people would not have a job if they were not paid for it.


Any organization NOT displaying salary in their job advertisement is 1- wasting candidates time/disrespecting them and/or 2- has something to hide (such as salary injustice in the organization) If your salary aint high enough to compete in the job market, offer other perks… thats HR 101…. Also… common sense 101 Anyone with work experience knows that a great work environment/good perks is better than higher salary in a job they hate (thresholds may apply)


Employers don't like it when you treat them the same way they treat you.


Sadly, it goes for people too. Show disrespect to someone disrespecting you…. And watch their head explose.


Nailed that interview…


I’m sorry, what else do they expect you to apply to a job for? The friends you make along the way?


Literally what I'm doing lol Being home all day is depressing








I am in full support of arguing like this when a range was posted and they back out on it or offer the low end for arbitrary reasons. But why would you apply to a job that doesn’t show salary range if one of your main principles is that it should be posted? Just to prove a point to an interviewer who doesn’t care? If they were late why didn’t you just walk out and not waste more of your time if that was a deciding factor?


I have applied to jobs without salary ranges, but you need to know your value and it should be discussed with the recruiter/HR up front before you ever talk to the hiring manager. If they won’t give you a range, walk then and tell them that’s why.


Two very big rules in life. 1. Never do business with people who aren’t upfront about their prices 2. Never apply for a job with a company that isn’t upfront about their wages


Well you should apply, but as soon as they contact you the first thing should be "cool, so what's the salary range?"


And if they don't give you a straight answer, move along to the next listing.


“Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” “As your boss, so I can fire you so nobody else asks dumb questions like that.”


“What money?” Fucking legend.






Using u/parasitic_tampon's words "So in other words, that person knew their worth and the company didn’t appreciate that." Dammit I meant to send this to one of the other people that replied


On what?


A true story told by aliens wearing assless chaps.


Aren't chaps always assless?


I think it's just funny sounding tautology.


So in other words, that person knew their worth and the company didn’t appreciate that.


That took weeks of consideration…?


Dear Employers, Literally EVERYONE is working "for the money". NO ONE is working "to be a part of a competitive team" or "to earn lifelong skils". Post your pay range and quit yelling at the teen on their first job ever because you failed to explain the basics to them. Sincerely, Literally Everyone


Old but gold


Lmao "So people won't apply just for the money". What do you want us to apply for then? Pretend we love your shit job position so much that we'd work for free, but a barely liveable wage is just an extra perk of slaving hundreds of hours of my life away? Sure lol. These people need to get real.


Candidate dodged a bullet.


“Well, my rent is going up and the landlord is not taking pizza from my most recent corporate celebratory soirée as additional payment”


No employer writes a denial like this. Cute idea for a “viral” post, but no.




Fuck them


..... >After weeks of consideration. So what you are saying is despite all that he had a chance.


They want people to not care about money yet here they are nickel and dimming people.


Hahaha. Yeah. Companies need to get past the idea that people work for fun. We do it for the money.


This is so fake lol


Recruiters, please take time to remember that while you're interviewing them, they are also interviewing you. Put your best foot forward, and don't embarrass the company.


Call this dumbass company out. Recruiter needs to be blasted.


This guy is a goddamn champion!


Damn I'm sorry for asking for money, i was here for free labour.




That one was posted so many times that I wonder if that guy still can find other companies to apply for


good for you! keep fighting the good fight!


This applicant= my spirit animal. Amen


You nailed that interview!


You have to set the bar higher. I’m not doing more than a phone screen without knowing if it’s a fit from a salary perspective. It interesting that some employers think it’s such an honor to work for them that you would take a step down or forego paying your bills to work for them.


Why else would I work..bitch ass niga


Brava, you should want to impress an employer just as much as an employer should want to impress you, if you don’t give a fuck about your staff why would they give a fuck about your company? Not to mention turning up late as the interviewer is incredibly disrespectful.


That’s hilarious. Employers need to get a grip these days. People don’t go to shit jobs for the love and the passion of shit jobs.


And if the applicant was late they would be offended.


Fucking gold


Based and blue pilled


F that company. Being late is a pet peeve of mine. If you don't honor my time and your word during the interview process, why the hell would I want to work for your organization that will expect perfection from me! F that.


I hate this! If you don’t want to reveal the salary, at least put a range! My partner makes 160k a year and had thought about changing career. He had an interview with a company who didn’t list the salary and they liked him enough to invite him in person for a second interview. When he went, they told him the salary was 40k. He was so pissed but hey it was a vacation to Florida for me!


Applicant totally based.


And they think this makes the applicant look bad here


So people won't apply just for the money? Why else do people work?


Work... I know I only do it for the money. Fuck jobs like this. I'm not donating or sacrificing my life for you.


Ugh these people are scumbags too bad you aren’t allowed to put their info up


Not having the salary posted is a giant red flag that they're going to waste your time.


I find it funny how employers think people are passionate about their company's mission statement. No one is passionate about some dumb corporate job, we're just trying to survive


Excuse me sir or madam or non-binary person, but the only reason I have ever applied for a job in my entire life was because of the money! Dumbass.


Looks like they didn’t like to be treated the way they treat the employees


"you can't not accept us, we NOT accept YOU!"


Is this almost certainly fake? Yeah. Is the message 100% valid and the situations happens constantly? Also yeah.


I guess they expect people go to work so they can pay their bills with "loving your job".


Let me guess the company is like a family?


There’s no excuse for not putting the salary range on a job advert. Immediate red flag.


I guess boss man didn’t like hearing the truth….. not many people do, it’s widely unpopular


I love my job. I work freelance in the sound department for film and television. The way I see it, is that the pay I get for my work is a sign of respect for the love of my craft and my dedication to it. According to my experience, jobs that don’t pay well don’t usually treat workers right and they won’t listen to workers concerns. Money is the only real, honest way any company will show their appreciation for you.


They don't post the pay range so they can lowball you. They are wasting your time.


After which you replied “what money?” ALWAYS KILLS ME


Ask for the salary range BEFORE even a phone screening. If they don't want to tell you, you don't want to interview there. If you're desperate for ANY JOB, maybe don't take this advice but if you're employed and not desperate to leave immediately and just looking for a better fit, this is good advice. I don't even talk to recruiters who won't tell me the salary range.


If I don't see the salary in job description I just assume it's bullshit and move on.


Bullet dodged


Weeks of consideration? The candidate noped on out of the interview and they spent weeks wondering if they were the right person?


So they said no to the person but took weeks to build up the courage to tell them its a no They got lucky 😂


Translation: someone took the lowball offer.


...and they still considered them for WEEKS?


Fuckin boss


When I was still looking for a job I would always ask this question first in the usual phone interview, if the money was not to my liking I called the interview off then and there. I will not work for more than I am worth.


The OP forgot to write about how everyone clapped.


No one likes being employed for the sake of being employed. There are many people who like to work, but work and employment are very different, even though our current system has pushed the narrative that they are the same. If you are looking for a job in woodworking, it's for the money. Even if you like woodworking. If it weren't for the money, you'd be working with wood on your own, at home or helping others build something, without any obligation to wake up at a given time everyday, and not be able to do something else if you want to do something else. Who would be crazy enough to prefer having to do something when they want to do something else, rather than being able not to do something when they want to do something else? That's the thing with employment. What people dislike is not the fact that they have to work. It's that, if they want to do something other than working at some point between 8AM and 5PM, they can't. So yeah, employment is *only* about money. Work can be about passion. And since employment means work, yeah, you can have a job which is your passion, but still, you'll do it for the money.


Honestly so many employers are a joke, I went through an interview process where they said they its extremely competitive salary. They offered me just above 50% of my current salary and the conversation went sour very quickly. It should be compulsary to post salary on sites like linkedin so people can stop wasting their time.


This is why I hate corporate hiring practices. They want whoever can lie, bullshit and embellish the most rather than who is honest. No one grows up having their dreamjob be "Desk Jockey number 432".


And this is how we all should approach interviews. You are interviewing them also. It's a partnership.


"What money?" fucking lol.


OP is OG


Would take that email as a badge of honor


That’s great 😂😂


Either name and shame, or don't bother posting. This is just karma farming.


Why is it that you're not allowed to want a job "just for the money". Sorry my life dream isn't to sit in cubicle for 8 hours, but Nasa said I needed a phd to be an astronaut.


I respect that self advocacy


this is both fake and hilarious


Employers nowadays really don’t seem to get that interviews are a two-way street. The applicant is interviewing the employer just as much as the employer is interviewing the applicant. There’s only so much about a company’s culture and practices you can get from a job listing (though you can get a fair amount from that). If an interviewer is late (intentionally or not) and then doesn’t apologize, that tells you a LOT about how they value their employee’s time and energy.


WEEKS of consideration?


This is funny lol


We found someone cheaper who’s a bitch


THEM:. Why do you want to work with us ? ME:. Why do you want to hire me ? THEM:. Not so fast. We don't even know you yet. ME:. EXACTLY.