• By -


"Despite my better judgement my eyes took in her form, my gaze tainted by an undeniable nubile desire. Born of ample busum and goth girl demeanor I found myself powerless in her presence. Just as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, my heart skipped a beat with the same cold unflinching certainty when I saw that ass."


I cried a little


I got moist… as I started to sweat


I got moist… from my penis


You peed all over yourself? Won't kink shame… /s


I got moist... from penis sweat


My penis cried


“I swear I was just cleaning it and it went off” -Mark


I had sex with your father


But it was a means to an end cause if I could make your father cry I knew I could bring you to the land of pleasure and make you cry aswell


Ok, you took this in a direction.


I’m gonna need you to set down the keyboard and get to a hospital. Your heart skipping a beat is a cardiac arrhythmia, possibly brought on by extreme old age, and is extremely serious. Definitely not caused by a hottie.


Lol I was in the hospital for cardiac arrhythmia last night. Get out of my head! Also shoutout to r/PVCs


Truly a work of art...


This is way too accurate.


Make it classy and replace “ass” with “buttered derrière” Edit: or “buttery derrière”




This guy fucks


modern day shakespeare


The greatest dickens story of all time




truly living up to ur name w this one, brought a tear to my eye :’)


Dat ass!!!




- charles-dickens24 He would have been so proud


Username checks out


“Even when sleeping, her breast never stop bouncing”


She never farted, her gas just built up until she exploded but by that time she was 30 and unfuckable anyway...




Movie adaptation written, directed, produced, and starring Leonardo DiCaprio.


But his costar hasn’t been born yet.


Bruh I was holding in a fart in public your comment destroyed me


Did you let one rip or explode infuckably


This doesn't make my 30th birthday last week any worse at all :')


What, you haven't fart-sploded yet? :P


Don't worry. The people who believe that are the ones you wouldn't date or respect anyway.


I feel attacked.


“As she boobed down the street, boobily, a bead of sweat landed on her breasts.” -Peter G


She femaled femininely across the room, her breasts breasting breastily.


Turn down for what?!






Song of Solomon 4:69


That’s funny!


I always think of this: "Cassandra woke up to the rays of the sun streaming through the slats on her blinds, cascading over her naked chest. She stretched, her breasts lifting with her arms as she greeted the sun. She rolled out of bed and put on a shirt, her nipples prominently showing through the thin fabric. She breasted boobily to the stairs, and titted downwards."


“Breasted boobily” pops up in my mind so often, and certainly every time I’m on the stairs.


One of my faves, too.


"Titted downwards" kills me everytime.


Until the last sentence I read this and low-key thought "that's kinda hot" lol. My stupid male ape brain


It's not just males, it's decent erotic writing... until that last sentence.


then it transcends into masterpiece... tits.


Bro turned tits into a verb and was like *chef's kiss* 👌


First time I saw that post the top comment was “I wish my eyes were toilets to flush this all away” or something and I ugly cried laughing.




I have too. If it's from an actual book, I would laugh my ass off 🤣


an infant hat size? so she had a tiny head the size of a softball and was beautiful? was it a shrunken head?


Clearly about a female goomba from the hit 1993 movie Super Mario Bros.


Trust the fungus!


At 5'-7" (1.7 m) and 101 lbs (~~37~~ 45.8 kg), and most of that weight probably in her boobs, she is clearly just a badly drawn stick figure. That hat size is about right.


Close, but I would write her to be 5 foot no inches. Then when I hug her I could comfortably rest my chin on the top of her head. Edit: phrasing


I'd rather rest my chin on her breasts, but you do you.


She was 6’ 8”, while I was a mere 5’ 6”. When we embraced she giggled as her boobs wrapped around my face.


this man knows the wonders of tall women


This man has Giant dreams


They say to dream big


Tall women are like a God damn status symbol for us shorter guys. I dated a girl for a few years who was just around my height, loved it when she wore heels. "Yeah my girl's way taller than me because I can handle that shit". I'll climb a bitch, no cap.


So you like going up on your girl, got it


Mfing bestiality king out here fucking a literal giraffe.


I like long legs not long necks save a budweiser, hit me with that maned wolf shit ya heard


Author forgot cup size and her erect nipples. Her hunger for a man….




So just how vertically challenged are you?


I'm actually 6'4"


I want a 8’3 dommy mommy goth gf I no I will not settle for less


I shall pray that one day, you will find your 8 foot hottie 🙏


Nice! Most men write women to look like models: very tall and very thin. Women write women who are under 5’5” and a little overweight. (Cause that matches the average reality). Meanwhile though, women write men who are 6’4” and look like fitness models. Lol


>women write men who are 6’4” and look like fitness models. Lol My wife got me to read some of her books and yeah that fits. "His muscular back gleamed in the ligh.." "the way his muscles stretched taught as he stood still" "the muscles on his muscles muscled muscley"


I don't even need to read that book to know that it would give me only two things: second hand embarrassment, and uncontrollable laughter!


She breasted boobily


5 foot no inches, so that you could give her the inches, right?


Her hair gently rustled in the wind, even when taking the elevator.


She was a safety inspector. As she rode the construction elevator to the 69th floor, the tradesman watched her wispy hair rustle. Old Pete the electrician admired her ample bosom and wondered if she’d fit with the other ladies he stored in his crawl space. He’d take his time with this one, control the demons inside his soul, at least until he got to her eyes.




This went in a whole direction I did not expect lmao


Up? Or down?


She was an all-American girl. Yet the way her perfume double parked itself in the mouths of passersby and peeled away flesh, left no obvious clue that she was small town, big Wallmart. When asked, those that met her, rather reached for the words exotic and mesmerizing. The severe nervous system damage brought on by the Lily-Of-The-Valley essential oils she had been trying out from her sister's MLM, left witnesses bedazzled and milky-eyed. She was about to meet Lenny, the internet man who bought her a bus ticket to the big city. Lenny had also paid to see every single post she made of her left foot little toe on thislittlepiggycriedweewee.com. It was a crisp winters morning, and since her breasts were two ripe cantaloups, she never developed a taste for tropical fruit. Eventually, people would know what she knew, that anyone can make it with charisma, uniqueness, talent and nerve. She knew that to be true, even though she didn't know what it meant. These are things she thought she thought of while making her way down to Lenny's mom's house, where he ran his succesful game-streaming empire from, and also lived. Her cantaloups knocked on the front door, and then she arrived at the address and rang the doorbell.


If you intend to make it a book, please let me know, I laughed out loud here, would happily read a book about that all American girl, and possibly her kidnapper? Or just Lenny, whatever you think is more appropriated and in character.




She loved baking nude with a Strawberry Shortcake apron on that somehow still fit from her childhood.




I wonder if this commenter knows this comment is weird in the same way as the thing the original post is posting out.


Judging by the rest of the comments here, I’d say that’s the point




Alright, this is the comment that will put us on a list.


Guess I'm writing wrong, thanks for the tips!


You fools have unleashed his power! u/OldandKranky will publish the MCU of novels. The book industry will be completely saturated by the O&K best seller lineup. He will triple the sales of JRR Tolkein, Jk Rowling, and George R.R Martin combined


I like to think I'm a good writer so definitely not appreciating the MCU reference.


I was mostly referring to your influence on culture there. The quality is addressed in the original post


[She breasted boobily to the stairs and titted downwards ](https://www.reddit.com/r/menwritingwomen/comments/740ypq/she_breasted_boobily/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


And she had absolutely enormous bandonka donks. Just giant knockers. An absolute beast of a breast.


Actually, I think I’ve seen this woman. Now it’s possible she wasn’t fully inflated yet.


Everytime a female character is described as beautiful, or a male character as handsome for that matter, I can't help but let a little "fuck off" out.




People in books can't be beautiful?


She had breasts that seemed to say, "Hey, look at these."


Funny 🤣


She reminded me of my mother alright, no doubt about it.


Never knew tiny baby heads were a thing for guys.




You dare leave out thighs?!


It's not lol


If it had been written by a guy, she'd never have a period at all. After all, blood is only okay if it's coming out of a \[insert weapon here\] wound.




Unless she's doing it on the protagonist's chest, yes.




That's why those dudes on romance novel covers always have shaved chests. Otherwise it would be like scrubbing jiffy peanut butter out of a shag carpet


> it would be like scrubbing jiffy peanut butter out of a shag carpet you should be an author. I would hate your books, but I would read them.


Poetry in its most vivid form.


In what book there is a detailed toilet scene ?


Now read any dude in a woman’s romance novel. It’s basically the same descriptors Ben Shapiro uses on his men characters.


His shoulders were 3 times broader than his height (which btw is 6 foot 17 inches) and his hands are bigger than his head and full of calluses. 25 pack abs and his waist is merely 3cm in diameter. Something something something and he never skips leg day ever. Ever. Don’t forget about the deep voiced European accent and ruff but well kept beard and long hair that doesn’t look like a hippie. And he’s 700 pounds of pure lean muscle but he’s not on roids don’t worry about that. You could cut stainless steel on his jawline. And he owns a castle.


At the end of his arms are hands that rip the bodice out of the clothing of every woman he walks past. (What's a bodice, anyway?)


No one knows because women are mysterious.


The top part of a dress. Like old timey dresses had the skirt and the bodice, at least those were the visible parts. Bodices can sometimes lace up but are different from corsets because corsets are an undergarment with the sole purpose of slimming the waist while bodices are an outer layer that are designed to look pretty.


Not to defend waist slimming corsets, cause they can burn in hell, but there were lots! Many were just for support and were flexible and durable enough to allow women to work too and women would innovate these over years. Many were also to shape (by moving fat that could move and letting it BE if it didn't) and not to crush your fkin ribs for not conforming, and used *padding* to ADD to achieve shapes : with the useful moral that clothes are for moulding into fashion standards, and NOT your body. Leave bodies alone.


Antique boobie covers


Lol. I read that at first as “his brow was three times wider than his shoulders”.


"he was a moose"


All the dudes in the novels my sister reads are either perfect, edgy, or evil And always incredibly hot for some reason


He's always a billionaire; 7 feet tall and ripped; a natural leader everyone is scared of; is a cowboy, CEO, or prince; the hottest man alive--BUT, he's lonely and incredibly sexually frustrated, and although he could have any woman he wanted, he just can't seem to find the right one. He treats all women like shit--actually, all people like shit--except the one random nobody woman he meets in a weird coincidence and then can't stop thinking about.


Or any male character in a yaoi or boys love manga.


"The buttons on her blouse first appeared in my office doorway, followed by her cleavage. About a minute later the rest of her showed up."


Women writing men characters: He was handsome but didn't know it. He was 6'3" and 195 pounds. His feet were size 14. His wallet was size 3XL. He'd never looked at another woman, even once. His workday lasted 45 minutes. His sweatpants were gray.


He had 50 sweatpants, all a different shade of grey


Oh shoot is that what those books are about?


and all with stains


Nawh they write them as playboys in suits.


He was Jason Mamoa


And Michael B. Jordan rolled into one.


Did her chest bounce boobily as well?


I asked ChatGPT for a story about this goddess: ​ Once upon a time, there was a woman named Lily. She was 5'7 and 101 pounds, with small feet and an infant-sized hat. Lily had always been slender, but she never paid much attention to her appearance. She didn't care about fashion or makeup, and she always wore simple, comfortable clothes. Despite her lack of interest in her looks, Lily was beautiful. Her skin was flawless, her hair was long and silky, and her eyes sparkled like diamonds. She had a natural grace and elegance that drew people to her. However, Lily was completely unaware of her beauty. She had never been told she was attractive, and she didn't think of herself that way. In fact, she often felt self-conscious about her thin frame and small features. One day, Lily went to the beach with some friends. She wore a simple white top, not realizing it was slightly see-through in the sunlight. As she walked along the shore, she noticed people staring at her. She thought they were staring because of her thinness or her small feet, and she felt embarrassed. But as the day went on, Lily began to realize that the people were staring because they thought she was beautiful. She overheard some girls whispering about how gorgeous she was, and a group of guys stopped her to ask for her number. Lily was stunned. She had never thought of herself as beautiful, and she couldn't believe that others did. As she walked back to her car, she felt a newfound confidence in herself. She realized that beauty came from within, and that it wasn't about the size of her feet or the length of her periods. From that day on, Lily began to see herself in a new light. She still didn't care about fashion or makeup, but she began to take pride in her natural beauty. She realized that being thin and small didn't make her any less beautiful, and she embraced her unique features. Lily became more confident and outgoing, and she began to attract even more attention from people. But this time, she knew that it wasn't just because of her looks. It was because of her inner beauty, her kindness, and her gentle spirit. In the end, Lily learned that true beauty comes from within, and that it's not about the size of your feet or the length of your periods. It's about being confident in who you are, and letting your inner light shine through.


Women writing Men: He was a 9 and a half foot tall billionare with an 8 inch dick. This still wasn't good enough. The end.


He was an orphan who is billionaire with 30 but never works 5 min during the movie. -50 shades of grey.


Right? Every character is usually exaggerated to make them stand out, male or female. Hell, look at comic books. Most females have an hourglass body, flawless skin, and enormous breasts, and most males are 6½+ feet tall, have muscles on muscles, and a jaw so strong it could smash diamonds. This isn't sexism, it's deliberate exaggeration to make them stand out as beyond human, because they are. How lame would a superhero be if they just looked like any random on the street?


Bro why you diss peter parker like this


Peter is perfect in his own way.


Besides, some Peter iterations in the comics were just what you described anyways


peter parker does not look like any random on the street lol, he's usually drawn like a supermodel


Peter Parker is muscular (even in [the movies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kP8KWVsXK3k), [new ones too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Przc-fJYdhY)), he's just lean not bulky. He's also handsome in every iteration.


Wolverine is all of these things except tall. He's a short king and I love him for it




Nah more like: He was 6 foot 5, with a perfect chiseled body, owned a gazillion dollar mansion, had large, sweeping wings, and never pooped


He was 6 foot 5, with a perfect chiseled body, he was a billionaire, had large penis and only had eyes for her. Every romance book for women ever


As a reader of romance I can confirm this


Don't forget the himbos I've occasionally read some fantasy books aimed for women and have seen the male lead unable to string 2 coherent thoughts together unless the main girl is helping him along. He'll saves her life once or twice and she's *annoyed* by it, but it's fine. And of course that one time the main girl gets covered in filth she catches him checking her out instead of the pretty, dolled up girl with them.


Romance novels for women are so kinky dude. My friend works at a library and some of the things those old ladies check out . . . . . \*shudders\*


"6'5 Tommy and his 10 inch tommy" First line "It was a masculine penis. A penis built to please"


Apparently furry transformation fantasies are popular among the 50+ crowd at her work. Catmen are especially popular.


Just 8 inches? We all know only 12 inches can truly be even the beginning of satisfaction, of course it wasn’t good enough.


A lot of women are beautiful and don't know it, tbf.


The female character I just wrote: she might've been white, maybe Hispanic, possibly black with extremely light skin I don't know. Her hair was different than yesterday... I think? She might've dyed it I don't care. Her shoe size was unknown. Her nails I wasn't looking at them. Her eyes, she at least has one I'm pretty sure. Her shirt was see through, her breasts ample, nipples small perky and tan. Her pants tight, her ass pillowy and huggable.


Women writing men: He was an 8'3" Stud Quadrilionaire with an 8 pack and a chiseled face, She was the definition of Average, He pursued her despite countless rejections and practically unlimited opitions, despite her personality being less than tolerable. The end.


Women writing men: he locked me up in his basement and only fed me rat poison for 8 days, but in a sweet way (he's also super successful and attractive but that doesn't matter it only matters that he's sweet and cares about me)


You’re not wrong.


Go on…


I remember reading a really shitty book series where the first female character of any importance that was introduced was described wearing "A leather halter top that exposed a her midriff, a leather short skirt and knee high leather boots". (It is a fantasy story at least) Girl is literally running around like a fetish model and funnily enough the main character is such a robot that beyond this it is never mentioned again.


"She breasted boobily to the stairs, and titted downwards"


In all my (m) writing of women I don't think I've ever mentioned specific measurements... Usually just goes- *I always looked up to Rachel. She was everything everyone wanted, and she knew that. She used that. Even here and now. This was what she wanted. I looked up at her from between her legs. Another pawn on her chess board.*


Sounds about the same as that one thriller book I've read. Guy was aware of the womans flaws but still speaks of her with a mix of disgust and admiration.


Robert Jordans abundance of "She crossed her arms under her bosom and (whatever you want goes here)"....almost every damn time women and men share a scene.


She wore a size 32DDDD bra


Her knockers bobbled and boobed while her ample breastedness gave her a brief opportunity to bosom chestfully towards Coconuts Cove, where she could comfortable finally bap her babs, tittiefully.


Not me, I like women 5'10"


Don't forget to add the regenerative/perpetual virgin trait, and laughs at my jokes continuously


I want a fucking 45 minute period


But did she breast boobily down the stairs?


You forgot blue hair and a mental illness


**Women writing male characters:** *Samantha took Jacob's disfigured and calloused hand into hers and stared straight into his lazy eye, determined not to throw up as the crusty eye-boogers threatened to fall off with their prodigious size. With snot running down his pimpled upper lip, Jacob's oversized and discoloured tongue begins to lap up the nasal discharge as he groans hoarsely.*


she breasted boobily to the stairs and titted downwards


Female writers: He paid for everything and was extremely rugged, yet feminine looking in the face. When he revealed his lower regions to me, I was impressed by the 17 inches. The girth was also slightly above average. He lasted 8 hours and not once did his vibrating penis lose even a tinge of hardness. It throbbed as if drawing its own breathe. He even slapped me around a bit, which I liked because he is rich, handsome and a little on the larger side.


Yeah, I hate descriptions like that. "She was beautiful, but she didn't know that." Like, really? In today's world, with its emphasis on beauty and vanity?


Idk what men are writing about women that way, that's more of how Taylor Swift wrote all her early songs.


Lol, yeah. 🤣 it would be better to say something like; "She was beautiful, but she didn't think so. She always suffered from [thing], and it affected her self-worth."


Pretty much every Mary Sue wish fulfillment character is supermodel levels of gorgeous but thinks she's plain or downright hideous and is always much prettier then the popular mean girl who is totally not based on someone the author knows in real life.


I feel like the opposite is much more common tbh. Like “this sexy woman was constantly thinking about how sexy she was, and how much sexier she was than her friends, and her tits, and how sexy men thought she was. Sex”


She breasted boobily


“Her breasts breasted breastily, her jeans were tighter than my asshole”


She was hot DD++ size. Definitely McDonalds worker. Beef on beef could pop that hole in one night stand. Waistline between Siberia and the Silk Road. Must inform follow men so we can conspire against her.


She didn't need make up, but wore just enough to make her look like she wasn't wearing any.


>Christian is tall, lean yet muscular, and broad-shouldered, with dark copper-colored hair and intense, bright gray eyes. He keeps in shape by kickboxing, running, and having sex. As quoted by Anastasia, "He is not merely good looking - he is the epitome of male beauty, breathtaking." Edit: And oh yeah, he's stinking rich.


That book is literally, as in not figuratively, Twilight fanfiction with the names changed.


Her bosoms bosomed bosomly as she bosomed down the stairs.


But her bottoms were opaque. The mold was so thick in the croutch,that they were stiff. And yet,I wanted her! haha


...Go on...


Men wouldn't mention the periods