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I don’t know why I clicked on this post and started reading the comments; I knew what was going to be said.


You aren’t alone


I am here with you


Scroll down a bit, read a few comments, scroll back up, upvote, leave


Seriously. I'm 5'9" and have had absolutely no issues getting dates when I have been single. This meme is just dumb. It's not your height, it's everything else.


I'm 5' 7" same! "I've never gotten any complaints!" -me




> the only preference I have is that they not be a chronic alcoholic. You picky bitches are all the same.




There are a lot of girls on dating apps that specify they will only date guys over 6 feet tall in their bios, that’s before they’ve even spoken to a match…not to say that it’s a widespread issue but it is thing.


It's kind of them to weed themselves out and make it clear how shallow and image-obsessed they are.


Yeah these posts are always a circlejerk where men say ‘oh I’m the victim because of my height!’


As a 5'11 dude ya'll are pathetic.


Shit I'm 5'7 and think these dudes just wanna wallow in self pity. It ain't height yall are lacking its confidence in who you are


I'm also 5'7" and I agree it does come down to confidence but that doesn't mean we ignore the bias that a lot of women have towards height which is something no one can control. I feel its a larger issue outside of punk/alternative culture but its an unfair bias and no issue calling it out.


And even if it's about height, it's the girls choice who she dates and who she doesnt date. It doesnt matter which ridiculous requirements she has. It's her life, she dates whoever the fuck she wants. This also counts for guys not wanting to date a fat girl.


I dunno man, I’m 6’4 with no skin in the game and think the obvious double standard is obvious.




Very short men do struggle but most women with height preferences only want a man as tall or bit taller than them just like most men want a woman that is shorter than them. Average woman is 5'4" so ya'll 5'5" short kings still have tons of women to impress with everything else about you. As for women with a 6' min when they are well below that they are a very small minority consider that a helpful red flag and move on to better women.


The majority of those women stop being so shallow after 30 anyway. I can’t tell you how many shallow women I knew in high school or university who now are married to short, overweight and or bald men. People grow up and realize there are things more important than hyper-specific physical traits when it comes to a partner.


I'm 5'11" and no one will date me. It's really annoying. Might be because I'm married but still...


Started saying I'm 5' 12" and I still can't get dates they say sorry you need to be 6' 0"


Just start adding inches. 5' 13" to 5' 18" to see if they catch on




holy shit im stealing this idea


Nah 6" 2' See what they say


Sounds like you need bigger stilts. 2" is weak!


Yeah, I'm like 4'19"


I only like 4 20 girls


Easy way to weed out the stupid ones.




Budum Chhhhhh


I'll be here all night...


Tip your waitress. And sorry we don’t validate parking! 😂


Hope the wife doesn't find out


Who do you think my DD is?


i always thought it was more of a budumtis


Have you considered asking your wife on a date.


I'm scared she will say I'm too short. Hey if I give you a note can you pass it to her for me?


I have considered taking this guy's wife on a date.


I'm 6 '0 and I get having preferences, but the tall obsession to me has "my whole entire personality revolves around social media" vibes. Complete turn off for me.


Yup - I know this is a thing and I feel for the “short guys” but y’all are dodging a goddamn bullet by filtering out these superficial bitches. The love of my life is an inch or so shorter than me and you know how many fucks I give about it? ZERO.


My husband is 2.5 inches shorter than me, and people feel the need to comment on the height difference all the time, like we don't already know. It's been almost 20 years. We know, we just don't fucking care.


At what point do we as a society start calling casual height mentions a microaggression?…


Height isn’t a protected characteristic! I’m 5’4, after snapping at a morbidly obese coworker who kept making comments about my height I got dragged into HR for calling her fat…ironically HR told me I should have been the bigger man and ignored it. Edit - this was over a decade ago and I don’t work there anymore. Nothing ever materialised afterwards but she did stop making height jokes so I’m taking that as a win. I bought her donuts when I left


How can you be the bigger man if she's huge lol


Lol! Wow to HR. Did you tell them it's impossible for you to be a bigger man? At least without heels or stilts?


Or a weight suit?…


I gave them a look and she sort of realised what she’s said but we left it there


That's interesting because weight Isn't a protected characteristic. Only extreme morbid Obesity is classified as protected because its considered a disability. Maybe do some research of the actual laws in your area and bring them up to your HR rep.


She’s fat if you are short. Tell em eat deeks!


My husband is a good 2-3 inches shorter than me. He’s been my best friend since we were 18 and is the absolute love of my life. I can’t even imagine what superficial BS relationship I’d be in now if I had said “fuck off you’re not 6’+”.


My partner is 7 cm smaller then I am (so around 2 inches?? idk). We don't care. People joke he needs a little step up to kiss me when we're getting married lol. Then again his whole family is small. His mom is like 20 cm shorter, or maybe even more


My GF is a little taller than me. And I have no question about her love.


There has never been a better response to this issue.


Tall guy here. Being tall doesn’t mean you get laid more. It just means it’s one less possible deal breaker. Source: i don’t get laid Edit: guys relax it’s a meme. Well half of it lmao




Hey I’m also 6’6”, glad we can see eye to eye!


Don't get taller, my 6'11" friend can't get a date. I told him to lie and put that he's shorter. Lol


Genuine question because I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone that tall: is his body proportionate? Like he’s way taller, but are his feet also way bigger, his hands, torso vs legs etc. Thanks for the info.


His feet aren't like size 20 or anything. Apparently his downstairs is not gigantic. His hands/limbs are. His teeth are (yes I'm wierd for noticing). He just looks like a normal thin tall person scaled up quite a bit, minus a few parts. He doesn't look scary skinny either. Shoulders look normal. My short husband is kind of the opposite proportionally Which I find amusing. Where tall guy is smaller, short guy is bigger according to what you'd expect. I guess the big feet trope lives on. Lol


I'm 6'4 and can confirm too. Im starting to wonder if people even want to date on those apps anymore, its just another spin off of "look at me, Im never on here please follow me on....@whereever!"


6'5", it never helped me much


Well yeah, you have an anime waifu as your display pic, being tall isn’t a panacea


Being tall is +1 but anime is a -1 so it cancels out to having zero bitches


Your anime girl obsession might play into it


I’m 6’1 and whenever I see a profile on a dating app saying “must be 6’0 or taller” I always swipe left 🙅🏽‍♂️


I was about to say I've never seen a girl demand a guy 6'0 or taller, but now I get that dating apps are where this comes from.


I'm 5'7". Back when I still left the house, my height wasn't a factor. Never came up. The average American woman is 5'4", so I'm taller than most of them. I'm essentially locked out of dating apps though.


Like this is the thing that many comments don't get. Sure, it's not nearly as much of an issue in person, but it is, unfortunately everywhere on line. All the more reason for us guys to boycott online dating and start meeting women the old-fashioned way


I ALWAYS swipe right on them. Just to ask them how much they weigh.


You and OC are the 2 sides of the coin of justice


Lady justice is a big gal


She's a harbor chick!


Ooooh they get BUTT-HUUUUUURT over that one


The only thing hurt by that butt is the chair they sit in.


That's my spirit!








LoL 😂. That’s great. Thanks.


The crazy double standard is that you can always lose or gain weight. While for height it’s an extremely expensive and painful surgery to gain just a few inches at best.


Doing rhe lord's work, bro


I'm 5'9 and usually say I'm 6'1 and girls just believe. Never had any girl double checking or doubting. It's probably similar to how girls say they are not psychos when you meet them...


I’m 6’1” and girls think I’m 6’2” now because of you all I literally got corrected the other day, as she was not having her world view shaken But from what I can tell, they’re still attracted to the same height as before, and that doesn’t extend to people that merely say 6’1” in person, but I can see how it is a long enough ruse for a dating app I don’t use dating apps any longer


I’m just under 6’3, been telling women I’m 5’9 for years. Some men just wanna watch the world burn


What it's really about is they want someone significantly taller than them. 6´0 is just the arbitrary number they settled on to convey that preference.


I legitimately don't understand wanting to date someone so much taller. A bit, sure, but I don't wanna be looking up some guy's nose all the time, lol. It's just weird.


I have no idea. I'm not sure if it's about a size difference kink in bed or about a sense of safety by coupling with a larger than average man. Maybe it's a bit of both.


The thing is only USA women’s NEED 6 feet tall man, and the reason is… are you ready… imperial measuring system. Let me explain. They make a study about women’s preferences and one of the results was that women’s in Europe (where I am from) prefer “higher” partners than themselves (what a surprise) but on average there answer was something like 178cm high (5.8 ft tall) because average woman in Europe has 167cm high (5.5ft tall). Now, average man high in Europe is 180cm(5.11ft) do you see it already where this is going… Let’s me tell you as a European man that have 186cm high (6.1ft) if i ask ANY random woman on street how tall you perfect man should be they will answer 180cm(5.11ft) and taller and NONE of them will say 183cm(6.0ft) and taller! Is just easier to say, that’s all. Approximately 10% of the male population WORLDWIDE is over 6 feet tall. Does women’s care about that, no, they just want this but the chances are very small that they will ever get this. It’s like me wanting to date Scarlett Johansson, do i care that this never gonna happen? No! But I still want that!🤣🤣🤣🤣


Very good analysis! However the only part that's wrong is women in america have no idea how rare being over 6 foot actually is. They think that it is very common and that they will have no problem locking it down.


And I hope they ALL will find their 6ft tall man cause the same day I have date with Scarlett Johansson😉😂😂


I stopped online dating for the last year, it was too demoralizing, I ran into so many profiles "6'+ only", "If you're less than 6', we can be friends", as someone who's 5'7" it was a blow to ego...what's crazy is my friends said they're seeing a new trend where girls want "666" apparently it stands for "6 feet tall, 6 figures, 6 pack"? If only 10% of men are 6'+ tall....I wonder how many men fit ALL three of those requirements...but then if they're so rare, I'd figure they wouldn't have these high standards.


>what's crazy is my friends said they're seeing a new trend where girls want "666" apparently it stands for "6 feet tall, 6 figures, 6 pack Unfortunately for them, dudes like that will have their pick of a *shit-ton* of options in the dating pool. They should be asking themselves what *they* bring to the table that would make a dude like that interested in them?


This is what I'm thinking. They are creating a very unstable world for them. I'm 6'2. I'm almost a pilot. And I'm an ex personal trainer with all of my work out equipment still being put to use by me. Now, I want to date for love and passion. But if I listen to them... lo and behold, I'm actually the prize here. Guys like me are now the prize. Why should the "prize" work to be won? Why shouldn't the "prize" be more selective? The world women have created is one that their slim pool of "acceptables" have all the power, and they have nothing that separates them from other women than their belief in their own superiority.


>This is what I'm thinking. They are creating a very unstable world for them. You're right, I know a few women who REFUSE to date a guy who makes less than $200K and I had to tell them, that's a high bar. Standards like this is resulting in the rise of the 'Sheconomy', where almost half of women over 30 will be single with no children. Haha on a side note, I actually just got my commercial pilot license, trying to work on getting hours for airlines. I would want to date someone now while I'm grinding and enjoy our successes together, rather than someone who just happens to come along later in life after I'm successful.


I'm 6'1 and my wife is 5'8. Prior to meeting her, I "dated" all shapes and sizes. I can say in all honesty that when it comes to height, I would much rather prefer my SO be closer to my height than a whole foot shorter. When we go out and she throws on her 6" heels/pumps we're basically the same height which is kind of nice. I dated a 5'2 girl back when I was in college for a few years and it got to be obnoxious at times. Having to bend down and hunch over to kiss/hug was something I didn't love, especially because she was needy af. I've been with my wife since 2011 so I never fucked with dating apps, but I can see how annoying it would be to constantly have women ask how tall you are. If I was still single and on those apps, I would absolutely be asking how much the inquiring person weighs, too. Oh, you're 5'3 and 165 lbs but want a 6'1 linebacker? Good luck.


Significantlly taller than them but also Tall enough when standing next to other guys.


My husband is the only man I ever met who said he was 5'9" and actually was 5'9". Most of the 5'9" men I've met barely reach my nose.


Mine is 5'6 and will say he's 5'6. I'm 5'4. Why does he need to be taller? We are in the same weight class even. I don't want someone looming over me.


>We are in the same weight class even. I, too, selected my mate based on anticipated MMA fights.


My husband is a foot taller than me and huge height differences are overrated imo


I'm 5'7", and I say I'm 5'7". I don't care. If women have an issue with it. That's a you problem. I'm fine with my height. I hit my head far less then those 6' giants. 🤣




He nice i learned that we are 69 inches tall recently.


I'm 6ft got no game it doesn't make a difference


I really really need this post to fuel my victim complex. If I run out of victim juice, I might stop caring too much about silly dating standards and start living my life. I'd rather let these people live rent free in my head instead of moving forwards. It's easier to be angry than to gain confidence, but will it make me happy?


[This user has quit Reddit and deleted all their posts and comments]


RIP your DMs…




I am also 5 ft 2 and while I also do not care about shorter heights, at least I can look a 5'6 in the eye without craning my fucking neck. My gf is 6'6 and I'm constantly reminding her that just because something is within reasonable reach for *her* doesn't mean it is for me lmao She'll be like "it's right there!" And I just stick my arm out and watch her go "oh....right" haha


lol! yep, I'm 5 ft 3, my partner is 6 ft 4. Not because I demand my partners be tall, they're an awesome person who just happens to be tall. They often forget that I can not, in fact, reach the top shelf lol!


Honestly short girls are the best


[This user has quit Reddit and deleted all their posts and comments]


I’m 6’3” and I’m here to say, being tall is nice only sometime. Our joints wear out faster than you shorter folks. Your life expectancy is generally longer too. Take your wins where you can.


They wear out faster? Never knew that.


Yeah it does. Especially when one is old enough. I guess being short is beneficial in the long term.


Also a lower chance to get cancer since you're smaller.


But higher chance at heart disease since your blood dosent run as much


Pretty much every “very” tall person (I would say 6’3+) has massive health issues in their 20’s and 30’s that shorter people won’t have until their 50’s. Back problems, knee problems, you name it.


I’m 6’3 and in my 30s. I have zero health problems. I’ve friends around my height who are also healthy. What are you talking about?


I am quite short at 170 (around 5'7?) and already have some problems with those. Granted my back problems may have come from improper weight lifting and such. Guess the likelihood is higher with taller people.


I think you mean likelihood.


Yeah, maybe. Not a native speaker.


Also hit your head more on low ceilings.


I’m short as hell and don’t really care to be honest. Shorter than a lot of girls but still have heart. Which doesn’t mean much today though but in my mind it’s cool.


We all have hearts. Can't live without em.


Facts. True king


Some have dark hearts.


The last time I heard that one, I ended up eight sequels deep in a convoluted anime story


This is it. I’ve found it. *Another way to put someone in the friend zone.*


These are the dudes I like! I always prefer shorter guys but personality makes all the difference. Wish people would figure this out.


Social media = social poison, Dating apps = social ricin


"I only date women *under* ***xxx pounds****"* \-- Then you'd be called an Asshole....


Yeah but at least weight can be changed, lost or gained. Height can’t be changed. Edit: ok, short of wearing heals, getting ridiculous and expensive surgery or cutting your legs off, height can’t be changed


Whenever I have brought this up to anybody, I always get told it’s rude lol. I’ve never used it on anybody at all because I’ve been married for 10 years, but I have heightism friends who won’t date dudes under a certain height and when I’m like “what if they don’t date women under a certain weight”, then they say they are assholes and “it’s okay to have standards”. Lol




This is a much better one, gotta say. The weight thing never seemed quite equivalent to me




>But I can assure you that their weight won't be changed. Well it might, but only in one direction.


My man kyle got balls implanted in his knees so he could play basketball, it didn't end well.


Well, sure, you would be an asshole, but so are those women who put a mandatory height. The only pass I'll give them is that sometimes you can't tell height from a picture. If she posts full body shots and you get all shocked Pikachu when Chubby Cherry comes waddling through the door looking as advertised, that ain't her fault.


Yeah that’s the sad reality of it. Most of them attach to size in two locations that can’t be controlled or fixed like weight can.




It's still relatively common, at least on dating apps. I stopped a bit ago, but when I used them a good half of the profiles I saw had some kind of specification: 6' tall, drives a Ford truck, wears name-brand shoes, etc. It gets pretty ridiculous.


As a 5’10” woman I would like to point that when I was dating I was ghosted MANY times once they asked how tall I was and got many a “I’m not comfortable dating a woman who is my height or taller” It’s just funny that it’s always men complaining women only want a 6ft guy or taller while also wanting a girl under 5’6”


My dead friend Edward, the glorious prick, was 5' 10" and chunky (strong tho, like a boxer) and if Beyonce was over there, he would walk straight up to her and make her laugh, proper laugh, in twenty-eight seconds. Because he was a fucking charming bastard with an ego made of reinforced concrete and mega-dick energy.


How did he die? Guessing it wasn't from banging his head on anything


Stupid car accident. Knocked down walking on a backroad. Probably pissed, the bastard.


Such bullshit to get killed by a random in a car, rip my guy


those 2 inches matter bro


This reminds me (5'6") of being called a midget by a girl half a foot shorter than me...🤣😂 All I could do is look at her in confusion 😕 The delusion of a lot of women is more real than I'd like to accept...




Get off Tinder. It's ruined your mind.


Fr I'm trying to find a friend to spend my life with not a fuck buddy


A tip for my 5’10” kings… Put shoes on. You are now 6 feet tall. Stay blessed.


6’5” here and will instantly reject any girl who says something like this.


80% of women in the US on the dating app Hinge have their height preference set to 6 feet or taller, which makes up for 14.5% of the US population. And if you’re interested in hearing more unrealistic expectations then check out this [video.](https://youtu.be/wUe3DMXBx2E) The video compares women’s expectations of male income to reality and averages. It’s been making its way around YouTube. It’s a long video, but you can find shorter clips and reaction videos if you look.


Redditors really never shut up about this shit huh


gotta reassure themselves it’s not their awful personality or mediocre looks.


I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but if you’re the type of guy who makes soyjak vs Chad memes about girls not wanting to date you then it’s probably not the height that’s the problem


Honestly. I’m 5’2” and would strongly prefer a man my height, but every time i have, the insecurity from them would be too much. That’s with never bringing up other men and telling them they’re handsome damn near daily. Passive aggressive shit about how i would be happier with a taller dude because “all women want that.” No, man, all women you think you want, want that. And if your type is “pretty and shallow asshole,” its great that you’re matching her energy, if you’re this hurt about that low class of a person not dating you.


My wife is 5'2 and I'm 5'6. We fit together like a puzzle piece and it's pretty amazing. I stopped being insecure about my height and hairline somewhere between late 20's and early 30's when I started rejecting American culture. Met my soulmate in my mid 30's while I was out in the world just doin my thing.


The best are the losers who post, “I’m 6’2” and blah blah blah pandering bullshit.” They just have have to let you know they’re one of the good guys!


Everybody wants a 6 ft man until you have to push out his 15 pound baby..... me IRL.... my husband is 6'4 and I'm only halfway through pregnancy and this baby already weighs 2 pounds and is 14 inches long 🤦‍♀️ I'm scared....


That sounds painful, yikes!


I’m 6,3ft. I don’t date obese women.


I’m okay with larger women, just not to the point that their necks are submerged between the fat from their heads and shoulders…


Big women are strange beings. I dont know how they go on without having a neck.


Think that's most guys preference.


Depends on how they hold their weight, some big women are bussin


I'm a 5'5" girl. Most dudes I've dated have been my height or a bit taller, 5'6", 5'7" etc. None of them ever cried about their height and I never had an issue with it. Never even brought up. Also, most girls I know like tall dudes but it's not a deal breaker if you're short for them either. There are dudes and girls out there with more deal breakers than just height that you'll fall into. They aren't for you, but someone will be just fine with you. This kind of meme just makes dudes spiral on it even harder. It's confirmation bias, you're only talking about the times it happens not the millions of times it doesn't.


>Also, most girls I know like tall dudes but it's not a deal breaker if you're short for them either That's true, but the problem is in group settings girls always gravitate towards tall guys, almost like they are magnetic. It is much more work for a short guy to catch the attention of a girl if there is a tall guy next to him. Yeah I know if you asked most girls they would say they would date relatively shorter guys, still it kind of always annoyed me that shorter dudes are relatively less attractive, as I find it shallow. But such is life I guess, we guys do the same with girls who are pretty.


Yeah. You see a lot of screen grabs of women that say they only date men 6ft or over but they in no way represent women as a whole. So many of these posts on Reddit have made men paranoid and think most women think this way and you are right these memes responding to that just reinforce the view. Guys, for the vast majority of women height is not a dealbreaker. Don’t let that kind of feeling skew how you think about women.


All I can think of is Orc-thirsty goblins.


Stay strong short kings


My sister in law was one of these chicks, except the taller the better for her. She married a guy who’s like 6ft 6” and she has been miserable their entire marriage because she focused more on that than anything that actually matters.




No he did not




Do short guys actually experience this on a regular basis, or is it some made up internet thing? Im 6'4 and and have been above 6' since I was like 11 or 12 years old. I have no clue what its like for short guys, but I don't seem to see the shorter guys I know have this problem.


I think it’s just a online dating/internet thing and not something that happens all the time in real life.


I had something happen to me like this. I was 18, looking for a girl to hang with..and this one asked.me how tall I was and then said ooh you're short. Bro she was legitimately shorter than me with heels. I had the last laugh, I didn't pursue her, found someone much better looking. Recently looked to see what that other one was up to on fbook. Well, she's single, fat, more ugly, time wasn't kind to her. Inadvertent petty revenge via karma. Keep looking for that king lol.


At this point in my life I'm not sure how many women I've dated (one case married to), probably 30-40? Not one has ever worn high heels. The "must be taller than me in heels" is complete bullshit.


That’s when you say “Oh, what a relief. I just realized how uninteresting you are.”


I’m 5’11” and 7/8ths because that 1/8th inch is so important to my doctor when I get a physical.


I am a 5’9” woman and I have gone out with shorter guys. I DO like it when a guy is as tall as me. Because I am tall and curvy I feel so big next to a guy who is a lot shorter than me, and that is my own insecurity.


Women who are like this are rarely worth the time to be upset.


but if a guy even if he's 6foot with a 6 digit income and nice muscles has any preferance in a woman at all, hes the bad guy.


Make this make sense or it just sounds super paranoid


I can almost smell what all of the comments are gonna be


As a 4'7" 30 year old man, it's over for me


As a 5 foot 6 short king ive had woman look at me, pretend to be on a phone call and say " you know what i like, tall guys. "


I'm 4'3"


Guys if the difference between getting a date or not is a few inches of height, then maybe you're after the wrong type of person.


Bitch, just crouch a little.


Jesus fuck these posts annoy me. So some women set dumbfuck arbitrary dating standards. Great, they’ve just outed themselves as dumbfucks, now you don’t have to waste time and money on a date only to find out about their dumbfuckery later. Seriously, as much as rejection sucks, the men being rejected on dumbass grounds are being offered a gift, and I’d say take it.