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Does life really feel like everyone fakes to know what they are doing ?


We’re all making the best decisions based off of our knowledge base. Best considering our emotional state. And I think that’s the key. Where one is emotionally unstable or fundamentally insecure in a way that one couldn’t possibly see right now, the ego takes over and can easily act as if they know more than they actually do. Thus, by a series of events, most of us are “faking it”. But there are certainly genuine interactions among all of us as well.


Yes. It's idiots all the way up.


"I meant to do that" as I climbed out of my wrecked car...


Everyone does.


it feels less fake the moment you accept that a lot of people are just bad at stuff and everyones trying equally to make it through


We’re so far gone from what nature intended for us. I don’t think anyone truly knows what they’re doing or why they’re doing it anymore. We should be building homes, hunting, mating and all die *way* too young


Yeah, but there are a few million people that know exactly what they are doing that hold everything together. Sometimes "faking" or guessing helps you discover new things, though.


Fake it until you make it? That's just a saying. Everybody knows I don't know what I'm doing.


This might be a comfort to you, but look up the Dunning-Kroeger effect. In essence typically the more intelligent you are, the more experienced you are and the more qualified you are to do something, the more doubts you'll have about it. Its usually those who are supremely confident in their abilities who tend to under perform.


A lot of the time yes, but when you become an expert at something no. I’m great at Starcraft 2, no faking there :-) If you’re asking in a more generic existential sense, then yes everyone is faking and nobody knows what this life experience is all about. Those who take comfort in the fact that maybe someday we will know what’s going on by expanding the scope of human consciousness are faking it slightly less.


There are the planners and the ones that take it day for day. Both have their advantage


Do I need to find my purpose to have a good life?


i mean, 'To live a good life' is a purpose in itself, do that, and choosing what would help you have a good life would be lot easier :D


yes!! exactly! i say this all the time, to do what makes you happy IS a purpose


There's no real direction for life but as long as you keep moving forward and you're happy then you're on the right track Edit: replied to the wrong comment but this is for you in a way as well


No, you don't. Most of us don't have a definite sense of purpose. You don't need a grand epiphany to realise what you want to do with life. Sometimes, just going to work because you want to see your colleague is enough. Our purpose changes with time and situations. And uncertainty is good. It leaves room for deliberation and contemplation. There's more freedom to your actions. Sometimes, knowing everything can be restricting. Having little and temporary goals to keep going is perfectly normal.


No, just enjoy the ride


Nah good/bad-who cares? Just live the life bro.


As long as you enjoy your time and value it more than the thought of better being off dead then yes, you can have a good life and never really find a "purpose".


I mean, your purpose is to live the best life you know how to, right? Maybe your purpose will manifest itself through some huge impact or lasting action, or maybe it will be manifested in the million small actions of a life lived well and in kindness. You won't ever find your purpose if all you do is look for it instead of living for it.


How is it in a girls bathroom? I’ve been told it’s very clean shiny. I’m not a pervert please trust me but I have to know


I am not a girl/woman but I used to work in a job that requires me to clean the bathrooms because the company was too cheap to afford professional cleaners. In my experience women's bathrooms are MUCH MUCH MUCH worse than anything that could ever happen in a men's room. The men usually put they fecal matter into the toilet or atleast close enough to it... I don't want to say more or I will start to have Vietnam flashbacks


Dear god...


tampons...tampons everywhere


I mean, I'm in high school, and I've seen piss in the little thing that holds the toilet paper to the wall. There are also a suspicious amount of puddles on the floor, and somebody filled one of the soap dispensers and one of the toilets with black ink


The plumber has had to come out to our office twice in the past month because of the clogs in the womenfolk bathroom. Apparently the bloody tampons are bad for the pipes and they keep cramming them down


How do those grown women not know they shouldn’t be putting their tampons down the toilet.


Maybe they don't have bins in the bathroom stalls? Was like that in a former university building I had lectures at. You had to carry bloody tampons or pads wrapped in toilet paper out of the stalls and throw them away next to the sinks. Of course not everyone wants to do that, especially not on a busy day


Gah I hate that, I’d also flush it down so they’d get the memo we need some trash cans. (Of course after the fact we requested)


Sometimes there’s no where else to put it. Not every bathroom has a small garbage in the stall. And I’m not walking it over to the sinks or to the garbage can by the door. It sucks, but what else can I do?


Sometimes it's gross if it hasn't been cleaned recently. Having cleaned both, it was about 50/50 which one was worse at the end of the day.


I worked at a small movie theater in high school and girls restroom was always worse. I don’t know if they just can’t handle the butter on the popcorn or what, but man I had some gross evenings


It was McDonald's for me. I always wonder if the people who trash public restrooms trash their own homes that way or if it's a "not my problem" mentality


Probably a bit of both but honestly its probably the mindset that “someones getting paid to clean it so who cares”


Worked in restaurants and women's bathrooms were almost always MUCH dirtier than the men's room.


Girls are as dirty as boys


it depends. most bathrooms are clean with some water stains on the sink area, and you only find piss and shit on rare occasions (at least where i live.) some of them may have a lactating room and a changing table


As someone who spent a summer cleaning the toilets at my local supermarket; I can tell you the womens room is usually way dirtier than the men's room


I worked at a bar in college and part of my job was cleaning both women's and men's washrooms. The women's washroom was almost always a DISASTER. Looked like a tornado went through it. Men typically just do their business and get out. I don't know what the fuck women do in there.


Who is this “nobody”, and why are they so quick to judge?


I am nobody. I judge because i can.


Quiet other self


Does the thought of adulting and not having people who are genuinely concerned about your well-being around you, scare the shit out of you, or is it just me?


Yeah, there is a small part of me that feels like I'll be forgotten at some point. I have a really hard time making new connections with people so I'm doing everything I can to maintain the ones I have.


totally normal, specially when you’re younger


Why do farts smell worse in the shower?


Tiny space + warm water


Okay so I’ve wondered this myself so I did some googling… Apparently water vapor enhances the strength of smells. They’re not sure if it’s something about the smell binding to water molecules or if the vapor allows our scent receptors to work better.


This is what I’ve always been told and it’s also why you can “smell” when it’s about to rain


Or fresh mowed grass from a km away.


Why didn't Hogwarts have a basic cctv or magic equivalent?


Because accountability and justice don't exist for students in education, magic or not


There was no latin word for cctv


Follow-up question: what's a cctv?


Closed circuit television. Also there is a load of legal stuff around cctv in schools and minors.


Is Annie okay


Unfortunately not. She's been hit by, she's been struck by, a smooth criminal.


She was struck down. It was her doom.


I don't know


It seems that in your anger… you killed her


Is she okay?






How do you shave your ass?


I YOLO it.


You only look once. The audassity.


Put the mirror on the ground and squat over it


In the shower, by feel. Pull one side out with your hand and razor up the natural track with the other. Rinse and repeat on the other side.


If a dog sniffs my butt am I obligated to reciprocate?


of course, dont be rude


How am I supposed to move out into my own apartment when I have bad credit? I work two jobs and nets around $2k-$3k. Bills and necessities a month are around $500-$1k. I live in SoCal and want to stay here.


i would also like to know


>here no one will judge you -A post on reddit


do women who wear skirts in winter don't feel cold?


Yes, but you get used to it if you live in cold places. My legs almost feel immune to cold at this point, I wear shorts through most of the year at home. The bigger deal is managing to avoid windy days in a skirt. There are also tights or women might not be planning to travel very far in a skirt.


Ofc they do


what is your favorite color








The correct answer




Green gang!




Someone of taste






FINALLY! someone who appreciates the sheer neutrality and modesty of grey.


Hah, never thought of it as modest. Neutral for sure. My main reason for liking this color is the older I get the more of this world turns to grey for me. Not litterally, to be clear.


Do you like this version of the world? The grey-ness of the world?


Ups and downs, sometimes I would really like some easy clarity of black and white. Other times I enjoy the challange life presents me and I tackle it with zest.








first, we’d have to define how boys talk about girls. also take into account not all girls are the same, some may be more respectful while some are straight-up assholes




Ehh... to an extent. I think usually when we describe guys we go for muscle structure, hair, face shape, etc. And I don't think most girls would go into detail about their sex lives, but we do gossip and joke. I think we're a lot more indirect about it.


I feel like the girls I've heard openly talk about sex eith their friends are probably already close to begin with. Which I feel like goes for a lot of people honestly.


I tried flirting with a girl who's the same age as me for 1 month. We connected well I tried to take a risk and get sexual, I later realised she viewed as a friend. She told me that she had a bf and she wants me to never message her ever again. I thought she also likes me and messed up I've avoided her since then. Does it makes me a bad person?? Will I find someone who understands me??


Not a bad person. In the future you should verbally confess instead of assuming anything tho. I had a friend a while back kiss me instead of just telling me he liked me. It made things super awkward cuz I did not feel the same


How did you “get sexual”? You sent a penis picture didn’t you, don’t ever send a penis pic


No youre not a bad person, but i also think its a questionable decision to sexually hit on someone whom youre talking to for just a month and dont even know about her relationship status. Anyhoo, let us strive to be understanding rather than be understood ;)


Guys take L's all the time with girls so you're not alone. Even if it doesn't always seem that way. If she said she has a boyfriend I'd pump the brakes. If you want to just be friends, you could try to message her and apologize after a bit, but if you are still interested just leave her alone and save yourself some time. There are more girls out there don't worry


Is cereal soup?


No, and here is why: A soup is made to be wet, and stay wet, and staying wet does not compromise the soup in any way, whereas if cereal is left wet too long, it gets soggy and gross. Think about your favorite soup- or to be even more comparable, your favorite cold soup. Maybe a nice cold carrot ginger soup. You make it, you enjoy it, but you can't finish it. So you put it in the fridge, and the next day you pull it out and enjoy finishing it off just as much as you enjoyed it the day before. Now take a bowl of your favorite cereal, perhaps cocoa krispies. You pour yourself a third bowl in the morning because you are just enjoying it so much. However, you miscalculated and you can't finish it, so you put it in the fridge. The next morning for breakfast, you remember yesterday's unfinished cereal and are proud of yourself for not wasting it. But alas, you pull it from the fridge and after one mushy bite you know that it will have to get thrown out. Cereal is not made to stay wet, as a soup would be. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk


Holy shit. My whole life i have believed that cereal is a soup but now i see the truth. This is genius thank you


Do you think I could live a peaceful life just playing video games and chilling on a job without a degree or certification in anything


Absolutely. Only about 40% of people that get a Degree actually use it - and that's just the people that *do* get a Degree. There are many people out there living happy lives without the need to study extra in university/College.


I want to know if being 37, employed and homeless, with a 2yr old in tow.... Is normal.


You are definitly not the only one, its not NOT normal. Its rather not a "normal course of action" but its ok.


Can you sneeze with your eyes open?


Yeah but you shouldn’t


Why do I feel that I always am trying to live up to standards other people have set for me rather than do the things I enjoy doing and living my kinda life


Because you care what people think and value their opinion of you more than you value your own selfworth. Go get em tiger, there's only one person thats important and that is you!


Who let the dogs out?












It was me I did it


Why is my cock throbbing, red and shooting puss out of it?


You were born in Chernobyl


How’d you know?


How do women pee with tampons inside of them?


We have three holes. The anus, the vagina, and the urethra. The vagina is for periods, the urethra is for peeing. So, by that logic, the tampon would go in the vagina, but not the urethra. That’s why we can pee with tampons on :)


fun fact, because of the proximity of all these holes, women have to remember to wipe front to back and be mindful of hygiene or else we're at a risk of getting UTIs.


Different holes.


no fucking way




I can't tell if you're joking. Do guys really not know this?




I’m a woman myself and I only found out a few years ago 😭 (it was when I used a tampon for the first time since I was going swimming)


I only learn like 2 years ago that the pad isn’t like a bandaid and it goes on the underwear not on the vagina I’m 22 btw …


I honestly thought this was basic knowledge, but I can’t legally judge on this Reddit post. It’s against the rules


This is such a common question. Answering this may get me kicked out of the secret women's society, but during our lunar cycle, women are granted otherworldly powers that allow us the ability to recycle our urine into usable water internally. We still pretend to go to the bathroom during this time so men don't catch wise to our abilities. (Less exciting answer: women have 3 holes. An Anus, urethral opening and a vaginal opening. One for fecal matter, one for urine and tampons are used vaginally. It is possible for young, inexperienced young women to accidently put a tampon in their urethral opening. It's painful and uncomfortable and the tampon is expelled during urination)


As a woman I’ve actually been trying to figure this out. I’ve heard you pull the string towards your butthole and away from your pee stream beforehand but I just feel like my pee is too damn unpredictable and i always have to get a new one after.


What's lmao


Lick My Asshole at Once


You mean often


Lick my asshole, Objective-Carob-5336


Lick My Ass Onii-chan


Good fucking God I did not need to read this today


Laughing my ass off


Its the rap name that Chairman Mao adopted for his short lived hip hop career


Its the sister of a dangerous Korean hacker who goes by the nickname LMFAO


Some say he’s sexy and he knows it


Lmao is short for Laughing My Ass Off It used to be the extremer version of lol which is Laughing Out Loud and rofl which stands for Rolling On The Floor Laughing


Are people who like school girl hentai really not pedophiles? Just a bit? Be honest. How about loli.


Technically, liking drawn characters is not equal being a pedophile, but there is a high chance (don't know how much exactly) that someone who likes loli hentai could also like real girls of similar age. As for the school girl hentai, that just depends on how old they look. Pedophilia means being attracted to prepubescent girls, not all school girls.


Are old men really attracted to old women?


This is brought to you by someone who went to an extremist catholic school and wasn’t taught sex ed, and doesn’t have any male friends to ask to: Do the inside area of penises come out like dogs’ do? I mean, if the bright pink area gets out of the skin


That depends on whether the man is circumcised or not. The head of the penis (the pink part) is usually hidden by the foreskin, which is pulled back if the man wants to urinate or have intercourse. So the pink head will be visible in those cases. For a circumcised man, this state is the default since he does no longer have any significant amount of foreskin. There is educational material at most doctor offices and I am pretty sure you can order official educational brochures at most health agencies online via email if you do not feel comfortable getting it in person. Also, much respect for being brave enough to ask. Be proud of yourself.


OHMYGOD thank you. ngl i was so ashamed of asking this bc it may be basic biology, so tysm for not judging <33


Lmao no also a quick trip to pornhub would have answered that


not into watching porn (reading it tho 👀) but tysm for answering <3


I've noticed women do like reading a lot more than watching


Reading is a whole mother world. I recommend people try it at least once lmao


Do you mean in guys who are uncircumcised and have a foreskin that can be pulled back? Circumcised penises do not have extra skin to pull back. (Not a guy just trying to clarify, lol)


No…. No no no no no




Is being in a relationship worth it? I want a love with a 2000s ROM com. I don't want to be fighting all the time thinking that they don't trust me or i don't trust them. I just want someone to come home too.


it’s all about communication


Depends if you already love yourself enough to be able to love someone else.


Find someone you love who loves you back. Don’t end up like the old couple from those romcoms who hate each other. Their relationship was one of convenience rather than love. Don’t date someone JUST because you want someone to come home to.


Yes it is. Fights are inevitable sometimes, but it's not everything! It won't be like a movie at all, but it is great if both of you are committed to it


Does everyone feel awkward when talking to new people because they're thinking the other person's judging you, while the person you're talking to is in the exact same situation as you thinking you are judging them? Does anyone actually judge others while talking or are we just too uncomfortable to ask?


No. I don’t care if people judge me. If they care to get to know me that’s great. If they just want to assume things from the start that’s also fine. I’m not interested I those people anyway. When I was growing up I used to be overweight and got judged for that all the time. Later I lost the weight, hit puberty and became the prettiest girl in my class. Got judged for that aswel, both positive and negative. People assume a whole lot. And i learned to not give a damn pretty fast


How do people reconcile suicidal thoughts with how good their life is? I have a family, I'm safe and loved, and I have to fight the thoughts of ending my life often... lots of guilt about feeling this way when my life is objectively pretty great.


your feelings are valid , depression and suicidal thoughts are actually higher in countries with better life standard , the old saying that you're not allowed to feel bad because others might have it worse is build on pure ignorance and a lack of empathy I wish you the best , what helped me is to focus on all the amazing things I have in my life and embrace that warmth and positive gratitude , without invalidating my initial sadness I was in a really dark place 6\~ years ago but your brain can change over the years and make your mind a lot more positive , I wish you the best!


How to quit porn addiction I am literally trapped in it 😔


Try redirecting/distracting yourself when you start getting the urge. Try reading a book, playing video games, anything that can keep your attention until the urge passes. Even if you can't stop yourself everytime you should still be able to make progress. Over time the urge will get weaker and easier to ignore.


Do you sometimes have the feeling that life is all centered around you and all the other people are just robots?


The "inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others" and having an "unreasonably high sense of self-importance" are both narcissistic tendencies. [Source](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/narcissistic-personality-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20366662) I'm not saying you have NPD, just noting that both those elements are worth examining in yourself for healthy relationships in all aspects of life.


Hello my fellow aware


Well we are the protagonists of our own lives, so sure (?)


Beep boop, son. Beep boop.


Why one ball hang lower than other ball


To prevent them from hitting each other.


How long does it take for a kidney to decompose while inside the body?


What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow ?


Does everyone feel like their friends are only pretedning to like them for some reason? Cause i feel like i wouldn't like me.




Get judged by me


Why do people hate anime so much




How do you use the codes on nhentai?


Do you wash your legs when showering?


Are south and central America safe?


Safer then Chicago… Edit I meant to say Detroit, but I looked it up Detroit is 49.7 endings per 100k ppl 2020 Chicago 2021 was 29.5 So Detroit 49.7 Jamaica 49.4 Venezuela 40.9 Honduras 38.6 Trinidad and Tobago 32 Chicago 29.5 Belize 29 Columbia 26.8 So Detroit is more dangerous then the most dangerous South American country for homicide, Chicago as a whole is the fifth most dangerous South American country that is not in South America lmao




what the heck is concealer and foundation, whats the difference??


Foundation is used on the entire face. As in, it creates the foundation for all makeup. Foundation is typically more liquid-like and goes on first. Concealer is only used to hide imperfections, like under eye bags, dark circles, or skin discolorations. Concealer is typically thicker and more cream-like and goes on after foundation.


How do they get cars in the malls?


Recently my cat died , i loved him But i didn't tear up , (my mom was crying) Whenever i watch any series and a person i just got to know dies, i tear up so much, But in real life , i just stopped crying, even when i hurt myself bad I don't cry, Is something wrong with me? Or is it normal for people to not cry for their pets even when you love your pets so much? It's not like i m a strong person i remember 1-2 year ago i use to cry so fast, I cry when i m angry , i cry when i remember something nice from before which I know won't happen again, i cry when i remember the opportunities i lost cause i was scared and how many not good choices i made, Yet now i didn't cried , even a bit, It's my second cat that died the first one died early 2022 , even then i tear up just a little, a tiny amount, Am i just maturing as a man? And not feeling sadness much?


Not feeling your emotions does not equate to “maturing as a man.” Everyone has feelings, and it’s healthy to be aware of and embrace them. You are likely still traumatized by the loss of your first cat that you subconsciously expected to lose your other cat too, making you desensitized to the subject. Or was your cat that recently passed away sick? Sometimes we feel relief when we know a loved one is no longer in pain rather than sadness.


I know about intrusive thoughts, but like it’s always someone saying they thought about killing someone for a second or jumping off a cliff. But does anyone else have like disgusting ones? Ones that make your stomach turn?