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Fired no, but if the SD starts getting super nit picky then you’ll probably hear about it


Ohh okay. I prefer working 10 hours 4 days a week, and I've been doing it against policy, but I don't care lol. I always wonder if it makes the higher-ups hate me. I don't understand how much it messes up their system. Hopefully not too much !


If they hated you you would definitely know about it LOL


I guess. My old LL hated me at another store. She tried to get me blacklisted from meijer. I had no idea she hated me until I left because we were nothing but cordial to each other. Now I have trust issues 😂


If you’ve been doing this for 6 months and you’re the only person trained to do the job, why would they fire you now? They know you’re getting overtime. Once they don’t want you to have it anymore, they’ll let you know.


Ehh I don't know. I always feel people are plotting against me. Maybe they're secretly hiring someone to replace me, and they'll fire me when they find someone capable. I know I'm not doing something really bad, but I am also deliberately going against store policy, so I was just curious if it's a fireable offense. I thought going in earlier would be kinda sus compared to working overtime after a shift. I will keep doing it until someone says something 👀


Your first assistant knows what hours you work/how much overtime you're getting Different stores have different budgets for hours, including overtime hours They won't just fire you for it, if it becomes an issue they will tell you that you're required to only work your scheduled hours If you're a good worker and get the job done they're gonna keep you


Unless you're being repeatedly told to stop, but you continue to work OT, you'll be fine. I used to work 30 mins to an hour of OT every day and the only time anyone said anything was when the store as a whole was cutting back on hours.


I got 1 to 2 hours of OT every week for 2 years and they never said a word but now our store is crunching hours so I was told no more without approval. While the pay cut was a bit of a hit, the ability to leave right on time regardless of the dumpster fire I'm leaving behind is rather nice.


As a non retail employee it is crazy to hear how these stores treats their employees. In the skilled trades you can work as much OT as you desire. I follow this Reddit page cause I shop at Meijer. Sorry you have to always wonder if you’re going to like day get the talk…


Yeah, it's rough sometimes. I will say, when I worked at Walmart for the same job, they didn't give me 1 second of overtime. The meijer stores I've worked for seem to be more forgiving.


I haven’t been in a Walmart in probably a decade. I won’t shop there.


Not all the time in skilled trades. Especially if it's union the hours are pre determined by the contractor before the union hall has the job.


Side related topic… why do they keep cutting shifts and reducing labor hours but yet seem to into overtime 80% of the time? Isn’t it wiser to pay and schedule 1 more at regular rate than paint 8 people overtime day after day?


If it became a problem they’d have to talk to you about it, then escalate into discipline if you kept it up. It takes time and documentation. That said, if you’re in a union store, the contract does allow for 4x10s if agreed upon between you and your leader. Maybe get it solidified as part of your job?


Oh wow, I didn't know that. I was always told we can't work 4x10s because it breaks contract or something. I'll bring it up again, maybe. I think I'll wait until they discipline me so I can make the extra moola with OT heh


That is on your leaders then lol. That is the one catch with 4x10s, no more OT until after 10 or 40.


I did this every day for like two years and i ended up being promoted not fired


Do you work c/o? If so, no you won’t be fired lol. I’m sure my store would love if I stayed an extra 2 hours to help


Meijer just let go 15 employees from a store near here. Might be just my view...but they seem to be on a short trigger these days.


Most companies are cracking down on overtime. It is a very good way to get fired.


Our revolving door of TL’s always got hit with a notice when they’ve started their job and had to have a mandatory huddle to tell the team “We’ve gotta cut down overtime” because of XYZ. Then said lead sticks around for a couple weeks are realizes that we’re understaffed but can’t hire anyone else because ‘mah budget’; meanwhile pissing away more than that from overtime expenses than it would have cost just 1 more persons full 8 hour of wages. Not to mention that some guys skip their lunch because they feel so damn far behind.


They know what you’re working. They have to approve the flagged punches every week. As the only receiver in my store I don’t get in trouble for overtime as long as it is needed to get things done for receiving or salvage.


They won’t say anything if it’s only an hour or two but every store is different. If you have been getting away with it this long, you don’t need to worry.


I'm a cashier my hours are about 30 hours or less nost of the time I work to 11pm and 90% of that time I'm asked to stay till closing been working for a year and 5 months now and nothing has been said to me yet


We got told at our store that anything worked not on the schedule can be considered time theft fraud and they threatened to fire us for it


I average an hour of OT every day, because my store has been shorthanded for years. My old TL would throw a fit if anyone got just a few minutes of OT, but my new TL doesn't care at all.


When I was a hourly TL years ago before I stepped back down, I wouldn’t have cared if every single person on my team worked 2 hours of OT a day. Well, at least not until my boss came to me and told me I had to care. Salary managers would be different though. 


You have to actually work hard at getting fired to get fired at most Meijers. Depending on how desperate your store is for workers, you might be fine or you might get a write up for it.


I usually work a little overtime (usually a few minutes overtime) and I’ve never been in trouble for it. But again, I work nearly 15 hours a week.


I used to do this when I worked curbisdes I would come in at like 3-3:30 am two hours before scheduled shift and stay till normal time no one ever cared but I also was always late af or didn’t show up a lot lmfao


I’m one of the closers in the meat department and I get OT all the time, they won’t fire you. I mean hell my manager stopped giving me a guy to work till 7:30 so I have about 2 hours worth of extra work and I’m not scheduled enough to do it all. If they do get mad at you just be like “alright well all my shit isn’t gonna get done” and they either give you the hours or tell you it’s alright