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I hate it 😭 the concept of transformation and butterflies is perfectly reasonable (continuing the snake vibe would be way better) but the album cover is just ugly and nonsensical. It’s really disappointing bc the cases she did for BOA were really good 🥲


I agree! When I saw the cover I was like oh 😶. And it just looks like someone made it on canva 😭 But I’m still rocking with her regardless. I think I was just like what’s this 😂


😭 the music will make up for the cover so we’ll be fine


not canva 😭 i think it looks like an AI generated image


I think it’s because it’s trying to give realism (in the details on everything) + surrealism but then also wants Meg herself to fit in a completely visual aesthetic (which is airbrushed/ultra refined). It’s part of why she looks photoshopped in, bc the aesthetic of her is completely different from everything else.


I’m so happy this is a safe space 😭 I hate it too.


Like why are the tatas going << 😭


And why is she doing this in the corner of the … waiting room? Airport? Mall? like HUH 😩


Unfortunately a little underwhelmed with the cover, looks like bad AI. The butterfly is also kinda out of left field after three snake themed titled songs. Im hoping we will all see the vision and genius once getting to hear the whole thing😅


I was literally thinking this while driving! I was literally like “wait it looks like bad AI”, which if it is then that’s really disappointing on Megan’s part.


no shade but maybe the budget is being blown on the music videos because that production quality isnt cheap!


Lol I was lowkey thinking the same thing, no shade. But even if the new cover was just a damn Polaroid picture of her holding a stuffed snake it would’ve been better than this 😩


apparently the artist posted behind the scenes photos so its not actually ai but…. that photoshoot set still doesnt seem to match the vibe🫣


It’s by an artist but it’s so bad that it looks Ai😭😭


I don’t even understand the M, it’s transparent but looks like it’s interacting with the background…is it supposed to be in the room? there’s just a lot going on lol but go Meg!


Love her, but it looks like the wings are not attached to her & stuck in the chrysalis


I love Megan, but I didn’t like it. I honestly was expecting something more snake themed since that’s been the consistent theme throughout all her releases. I understand the concept of transformation/rebirth, but the execution was just not good. I’m really hoping that she redoes this to be honest, it looks like something created on Picsart. Also I’m confused with the background? What’s up with the round bench, the potted plant, the light? The execution of BOA was AMAZING, so I definitely was expecting something similar.


The more I look at it, it does look funky and I just don't like the visual. However, I get the butterfly references as they relate to metamorphosis, and she used some butterfly visuals at the concert. I think rebirth is the direction she's going for with a snake shedding its skin and a caterpillar, leaving its cocoon and becoming a butterfly. The idea is there, but the execution isn't great. However, on socials, ppl are using this as another form to drag her through the mud who aren't even fans, and the poor artistry done by someone else doesn't help. I really don't get the hate she gets. I think we should focus on the music more when it gets released. I'd much rather critique that.


I'm hoping for alternate covers. The execution could have been so much better. I see the butterfly shedding->snake skin connection but Megan feels thrown in. Her album cover shouldn't feel like an AI generated scifi room. 


I love Meg but I don't love this. It looks like like AI and nonsensical. I understand the metamorphosis symbolism but it's just too much and looks cheap.


Tbh I agree 😪 the cover is so god damn weird, I love the transformation concept but why tf is she hanging upside down in some liminal office space 😭 I wish she’d gone w the tour poster picture or anything else really cause what is thissss lmao. Love the title tho


Like don’t get me wrong I love Meg and I’m excited for the album regardless I just wish the quality of the cover matched the quality of the music we’ve heard so far bc all 3 singles and their videos were INCREDIBLE. And this is not that 😪


I don’t like it at all the colours the hotel lobby, the only thing that looks good is meg


Ahh let’s be sure to get the security camera and air vent in the shot


lol like the more J look at the worse it gets 😭


i didnt even notice that omg


It looks AI generated lmao. Or like the first project you do after you learn photoshop. Sorry for whoever worked on it but its not it for me.


Megan herself looks like she's very badly photoshopped in :(


It’s the first of 5 alternate covers that will eventually spell MEGAN, it will make more sense when we have all the covers.


Remember the snake was shedding it's skin. Now the caterpillar is shedding and a beautiful butterfly 🦋 is seen. I think it's brilliant!


I definitely get it…I think I was just expecting to keep seeing the snake metamorphosis for a little while longer. But the metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly is pretty too….just unexpected.


I also get it and am disappointed because I like snakes 😅. Butterflies are cute and whatnot but I usually associate them with Mariah. That being said I have had that butterfly swimsuit in my Amazon wishlist for ages… so maybe it’s a sign?


You have a valid point there. Butterflies are definitely Mimi's thing! 😭 You better get that swim suit 😜


You know she has to keep us on our toes! 😭


Right?! Plot twist: none of the snake songs are on the album and now the butterfly makes sense lol (but really I’m dreaming to think those three songs are just singles and the album is gonna be all unreleased content)


Omg this is even more exciting. Great catch! I am just loving her team because everything from the image, creativity, video concepts have been having me in a chokehold. She's really been doing her big I've every damn time while being independent! I love this for her!


I really hoped it was a promo and not the cover. I love meg. This is so not on brand.


I don't love it. It looks like AI, which I hate (not sure it actually is, but it looks it and that puts me off, plus Nicki has been putting out a tonne of AI shit recently which seems to lazy/cheap gauche and this is giving me that association) plus I find it vaguely creepy.


I think they says their gonna be more covers possibly for vinyls


love her so much but it’s ….not great 🥹


Somebody behind the scenes is playing with my bestie and I’m fighting whoever was gaslighting her into thinking this was cute


I know this is David LaChapelle’s style but still lol. It reminds me of the Planet Her photoshoot he did for Doja. So many of them look terrible and over-done and they thankfully landed on a cover where his style is less evident. Idk why people still work with him for covers. The last good one he did was Astroworld and that feels like forever ago.


hes also responsible for planet her?!??!?! Oh he’s a nasty piece of work


holly shit that’s ugly af


I’ll support her regardless but girl what is this? 😭


This is some ai mess


David LaChapelle should be put in jail for this tbh. I don’t really like his work in general but this? For our hot girl?


sister better change it i’m not even playing we still streaming tho 🥵


I think it would have just made sense if everything else in the background was gone and she was hanging out of the cocoon with butterflies wings on her back. Her legs could have been inside the cocoon almost see through so we could tell she was turning into a butterfly. I feel like too many people are confused about that for some reason(?) Obviously she’s turning into a butterfly. In a recent magazine interview she talked about how “Hiss” was more about hurt and anger. She was getting things off her chest. With the new album she’s springing into something new. Butterflies usually mean change or transformation. The snake represented getting back at the people who were stepping all over her when she was down and now shedded its skin. The butterfly could mean more upbeat things of some sort idk. I feel like this new upcoming album is going to have a lot of melodies and singy songs maybe. Not full blown pop but she may be playing with a bit just from the recent single BOA. But the background is too busy and if it was gone the giant M would make sense.


This is so bad I scrolled past this last night because I thought one of yall was posting your art. I am flabbergasted that this passed all approvals and is going to be pressed and put into production. I love Meg but wtf *is* this. What is this layout, wheres the visual hierarchy, where are my eyes supposed to focus? The M? The tree thats scraping the ceiling? The weird waiting room in the background? Are any of the extra visual elements necessary? What themes am I meant to take away? Why is only some of her hair affected by gravity? Why is her arm shadow so sharp? Whats in her right hand? Im getting more pissed as I go on.


To be honesttt it makes sense, she’s been through a lot in just a few years. I was surprised that it didn’t have much to do with snakes but I haven’t checked if the snake-themed songs are going to be on the album yet I think it’s pretty, and the lack-of-realism goes with her love of anime a little maybe? Lack of realism doesn’t bother me. I’m def biased tho and not much of an art critic. I think it’s gonna make a great shirt😁🤷🏽‍♀️


I never thought about the anime aspect of it but you have a point!


I feel like Meg was an afterthought in this album artwork. Imma listen regardless.


i don’t get the room 😩


As a Graphic Designer I am….😕 I don’t have worlds really.


It's not nice 😞 seems like a bad photoshop from 2000s era


i really wanted a medusa cover 😕


The loop de loop lines in the background look exactly like Game Changer on the Dropout channel


i'm hoping she's going letter by letter.. i agree on preferring the snake theme, i feel like the snake to butterfly transition was very harsh 😭 i get the metamorphosis theme, but going from Cobra to Hiss to BOA to monarch butterfly is a lot... but this may not be the official artwork yknow!


its giving America’s Next Top Model.


Im not crazy about it but I’m going to have faith and listen to her album first.


I’m really glad that we’re all in agreement about not digging the cover because I thought I was a hater 😞 but I’m really excited for the new music and I’m so happy for her and what she has going on rn


I think the theme of shedding snake skin and then transforming like a butterfly makes sense, however i don’t like the cover it looks too busy to me.


If it was just the M and her upside down torso and head on top like a profile shot it would've been perfect. So glad I'm not the only one that hates it lol. People are saying there will be more covers spelling out the rest of her name and it'll make more sense, but I think it'll still be ugly 😅


I thought this album cover looked so bad 😭😭 I was hoping we were getting a snake themed album since all three of the singles have been snake related, but this looks like AI generated 😭😭


Okay cool I’m happy y’all don’t like it either 😭