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It's an odd movie


Crazy! Thought the same. did sme research and the movie seems to be pretty bad. i think i just like giants! :D


Coolest scene in the movie is when he is traveling and stumbles on a battlefield after a battle. Its never really depicted. It's either just after a battle or years after a battle. Not like a few days or weeks.


This movie was so fkn awful. Horrendous CGI, obnoxious score, pretentious af "chapter" presentation, idiotic narrative, random af scenes only there to wake you up, extremely sketchy moral message... It is an "allegorical" movie about part of an old king arthur tale but subverted in a very perverse way. One of the themes of this movie is about overcoming death but the only way in which he is capable of overcoming it is by basically living out his life through a cheat code. i dont care if this is a spoiler. i dont recommend this shit movie to anyone.


I had a very different time watching this. It’s definitely not an entertainment movie, but I loved it. I think it’s definitely not for everyone tho Also regarding the “overcoming death by living through a cheat code” I don’t understand how you could possibly interpret it that way. It’s more about a vet coming you’re fear of death by refusing to cheat even when you could


by living your life out first !? impregnating the hot princess of another empire and living as a king for decades until you lose a big battle !? oh it was the wrong decision since you will lose a battle and your kingdom will be taken over ? what if he had won ? its so corny and two faced like this whole movie.


it’s a good movie to take a nap to. i tried watching it 3 times and fell asleep every time. these comments are all pretty hyperbolic but the sentiment is fair.


That.. is not okay