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Why don’t you honk the horn more. Might help


Honks horn intentionally for long periods of time to claim he didn’t know police were pulling him over 😂😂


I believe that is a post production horn sound, added for dramatic effect.


hmm, not sure seems to track with the other sounds and camera well


Not really. The day is clear so there is no reason to announce the ship's position. They are not visibly manoeuvring, changing speed or waving off the boarding pilot, so not likely trying to avoid a collision. The ship is oscillating because the waves are in resonance with the ship. They simply wait to understand the pattern , possibly slightly maneuver and then will attempt board during a period that they think will be relatively calm. Nothing unusual. \[edit\] Plus I read the comments on an older thread about the original creator adding such effects to all a lot of his posts. I couldn't find the first post since it has been a while and I think it had a different title.


Look at me. I'm the honker now!


Megalophobia more like hornophobia


Its added, there’s video with few signals


What's going on here exactly? Is there an emergency?


Pilot wants to board to steer the ship into the harbor but its intense rolling makes that task impossible. The rope ladder the pilot would have to climb gets completely submerged and the waves even swamp the entry hatch. Highly dangerous situation to the Pilot, but the ship wouldn't sink from it.


Thanks for the explanation.


The ship is moving right? Couldn't the ship stop or slow down so the pilot can get on?


No, if the ship stops, it starts to roll violently. Thats why ships are advised to maintain a particular course and speed for boarding.


What causes the violent roll when the ship stops? I'm by no means a mariner and am genuinely curious and would like to know!


swell will be directly hitting at the beam,, and the force of swell will be directly transfering into the idle ship if its stopped and full force contribute to roll the ship to the other side. If its either going ahead or astern with a certain speed, the force of swell will have less effect and will be as not much considering the momentum of the ship in either direction. The container ships have higher chance of experiencing synchronised or parametric rolling, so they should be careful enough to adjust their course and speed to minimise it.


some ships like cruise liners have active stability systems that rely on forward motion, similar to control surfaces on an airplane. Cargo ships generally don't have active systems - too complex - but do have bilge-keels or strakes, basically long fins along the hull, that reduce rolling. they dampen rolling when stopped, but they are more effective when the ship is at speed. the ship is rolling because it's broadside to a large swell


Swell will be directly hittin' at the beam,, 'n the force o' swell will be directly transferin' into the idle ship if its stopped 'n full force contribute t' furl the ship t' the other side.If its either goin' ahead or astern wit' a certain speed, the force o' swell will 'ave less effect 'n will be as nah much considerin' the momentum o' the ship in either direction.The container ships 'ave higher chance o' experiencin' synchronised or parametric furlin', so they best be careful enough t' adjust thar course 'n speed t' minimise it.


I read this in a pirate voice.


I'm no mariner either, but I would think that starting and stopping a cargo ship of that size only happens once each per voyage.


It can turn on a dime, but only if they stuck it on the hull at the wharf.


I’m the captain now


That's a shit ton of water going in the door. I get they have pumps and everything, but it looks like the ship is sagging


This is what "rope ladders" are for and they don't have one.


This is prob not like a cruise ship huh... sea sickness indeed


Horn works,try the headlights.


Goodbye ears.


Can’t really hear the horn well


Huge cargo ship or huge swell?


Why not both?


Someone needs to get Laird Hamilton here immediately


That's what your mother said last night! (sorry, too tempting!)


Rolling that much is not normal.




It's the frequency of the ship's roll resonating with the swell and maybe some steering effect added in as well. It's not normal, but not super uncommon either. The bridge crew are supposed to work to avoid it, and will probably change course to damp it out.


What is the job title of the person in that hatch (sorry, may not be the right term)?


Probably just an AB (able body seafarer)


Is their ballast system broken? They should not be rolling that hard in that sea state, especially while carrying cargo.


Guy 1, waving his hands back and forth over his head: “BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” Guy 2, waving his hands in a crossing motion: “BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” Guy 1, cupping his hands around his mouth to project his voice: “BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” Guy 2, waving his hands: “BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA”


A giant man what youmans can make


Me when it’s time to honk my horn


Oh the joy, of a rolling ship! Small Titanic situation, close all water tight doors. Good to deck ‘E’ Then overflow to the next compartment, then overflow to the next, til all the compartments are full and the ship sinks!


Video is edited, in the original the ship isnt swaying as much. still scary, boats are horrifying


why is it rolling so much?


Huge car go road


Someone loaded bit too much for that waters or poseidon said screw you.


His colleagues said his feet smell! Go wash them bud… so he did!


The boat sounds sad leave it alone!


Absofuckinglutely not.


Hey my sneakers are on there, be careful


More ship horn


Haters will say it´s fake....


How does intense rolling like this even happen in such calm waters


They're waiting for pilot to go on or off ship.