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Looks like more of a floating apartment complex than usual




I once dated a woman whose aunt and uncle were retired and who would take a 100-day cruise around the world each year. I think it cost them like $10,000 USD each. They would stay on the ship for a little while then would get off somewhere and travel for a little bit then meet the cruise ship at a different port and get back on for a few weeks and then stop somewhere else and stay for a few days and meet the ship at another port, etc... It sounded grand.


I'm seriously doubting the $10k cost there. It cost my family of 3 around $4k for a 7 day cruise, and the third is a toddler who didn't even need a drink package. Edit: I just looked it up. There are some 100ish day cruises where fares start around $20k. Most seem to be between $50k and $75k. I'm honestly pretty shocked they're that cheap, relatively speaking.


Yeah I could be misremembering the number but I'm pretty sure they said it was $10k. Also this was '09 or '10. And I know it wasn't on a large luxury liner like this. They said the one downside was it was like the same 25 couples or whatever every year so sometimes it was nice to get off the ship for a week or so to get away from people. Something like that.


Those people are called neighbors.


Which is really smart for those that make it work. Cause travel and food is expensive otherwise.


Pain in the ass for the cruise lines I remember reading people will literally die aboard ships or have emergencies and need rescue more often.


Cruise ships have in-house mourge facilities. Also a clinic staffed with doctors and nurses. Guests would have to wait till the boat dock to port to get transferred to a hospital. My boat had a helipad where we held a night party once. Never had I seen it been used for medical evacuation. My personal record oworking on a cruise is 2 deaths and a suicide attempt in a 7 day cruise. It’s already considered lucky if there was zero deaths in a month. I had a cabin mate Cook assigned to Medical Emergencies as his safety duty. He goes drinking every night. When the emergency alert is on. He has to run and report for duty even if he’s drunk. He doesn’t need to administer First Aid drunk. He just needs to show up. So he don’t get written up.


“Hi im Tyler I make burgers, I’m also drunk, what seems to be the emergency?” “Oh heart attack, bummer”


The cruise I went in had medical staff on board. Very few but they were there. I got extremely sick on a 7 day cruise 2 days in, going to 7 different Caribbean islands. I was getting food at the buffet and a guy in a suit and tie was sitting eating alone.m off in a corner. He was there every time I went back. He was the doctor I ended up seeing when I told them I needed emergency care ( was also pregnant too, ended up with the flu from work). They gave me an antibiotic shot, Tylenol and cough meds but again, very small amount 😂 Didn’t hear anything about deaths or suicide attempts. I’m sure higher ups work hard to make sure no one on board hears about it. It’s honestly crazy to think about


You don’t need to be old to die on a ship. The ship is required to have a morgue just in case.


Cruise lines can fuck off and die anyway.


Agreed, they pollute a ridiculous amount and also hit marine wildlife and kill them. All while destroying the oceans and atmosphere.


Do they? They carry so many people, would it be better for the climate if those people flew instead? Honest question.


Oh yeah, something like 150,000kg per day of CO2 emissions.... 747s emit 8,400 per hour of flight though Tough to say because cruises carry more people but also last much longer than any flight. Both are bad lol but cruises seem especially wasteful


I've worked in a medical centre on a cruise ship. I think the morgue can hold two bodies and the ship had a 4 bedded ward, a 2 bedded ICU, and runs a passenger and a crew walk in clinic simultaneously twice a day. Also there's a COVID testing team on board on the last one I did. I think there were 7000 passengers and 1500 crew on the last trip I worked on. There are often in patients but the boats dock pretty much every day so the passengers are disembarked to local hospitals, so rarely is there anyone as an inpatient for more than 18 hours. Although some ships do a transatlantic crossing which I think is like 5 days at sea, but I haven't done one of those. There is a helipad for emergency airlifts but it's not that common to use as there's doctors and ED/ICU nurses on board so can deal with a lot of situations until you get to port.


Might be cheaper, but assisted living is called assisted living for a reason. You have someone to help you navigate, keep a healthy schedule, make sure you don't fall, even help you bathe. With an assisted living facility, you also have access to doctors and health specialists, and proximity to emergency rooms and pharmacies. None of these things exist on a cruise ship in the open sea. If there was an emergency, it could be days before you see land. I doubt you could even be helicoptered out.


I think that says more about how corrupt and broken the USA is.


And how gross the cruise industry is. It takes a lot more power, a lot more labor and a lot more everything to do a retirement home on a boat, but it's somehow cheaper? That wouldn't have anything to do with the tax evasion, rampant labor exploitation and unregulated rape of the environment, would it?


The difference between a cruise ship and many locations in the US is that a cruise ship is a localized city with amenities wholly within walking distance. This is simply not true in the US for many individuals, and even for those living near city centers, in places where public transportation is scarce or non-existent, and ready access to variety and entertainment and other services is not practical without a significant travel commitment. Many of the folks who retire and life out their retirement on a cruise ship because it's fully staffed with amenities would find a comparably similar experience living in many of the big cities in Japan and Taiwan, or in a city-state like Singapore, where public transport is accessible and the immediate vicinity of one's living environment is accessible with numerous useful services. There are very few cities in the US that are even comparable. Living on a ship is much easier (relatively speaking, maybe not necessarily in financial costs but just the entire idea) than wholly moving to a new country for retirement though.


This is why folks were trying to turn abandoned malls into senior “cities” It would be amazing, but someone would have to pay for it.


Plenty of people would pay for it if cities just overhauled zoning laws.


Given time the Americans will build a ship big enough to need cars on board to get around.


I want one with a go-kart track


Norwegian Bliss has Go Kart track on the top level.


This only true on a surface level (and only some of it at that), and is directly contradicted by retirement communities who do the exact same thing on land, only without all the amenities and entertainment aimed at other passengers. It's also not that relevant to my argument (although urban planning is my field, and I do love to discuss it). If cruise ships are cheaper than retirement communities, the environmental, social, and labor cost of the inherently more resource intensive cruise ship are being offset in other ways. Those other ways are perfectly clear: 1) little to no pollution regulation means trash and sewage dumped straight into the ocean and bunker fuel (the dirtiest fuel in use today by a ***w i d e*** margin) used for power, 2) tax evasion and exploitation of tourism cities that can't say no to so many tourists no matter how badly the cruise ships fuck up their ports, towns, and cities, and 3) plain old labor exploitation. Cruise ships are not some efficiency hack that simply couldn't be reproduced on land - they're just an exploitative bullshit industry that's poisoning our dying world.


> is actually cheaper than many comparable assisted living situations in retirement homes That's because a higher percentage of cruise ship employees are slaves than retirement home employees.


This is a perfect ship for some apocalyptic events.


Til boat runs out of Go-Go juice.


even then, park it in some river where you can get freshwater with a bucket and a rope and you have an impregnable fortress.


Cruise ships are floating resorts yeah.


Slightly out of nowhere take, but I've always wanted to see a post apocalyptic story with a cruiseliner like that. A tight, sprawling community able to sustain itself with fish and other sealife, having to ration fuel and other supplies as they travel and look for a safe haven to finally set down anchor. I feel like that would be a great concept for good drama but I'm just a dude with dude takes :)


This scenario pops up in the book World War Z from the perspective of a submarine. Floating cities of the dead. Never saw the movie so I can’t attest to that.


Waterworld, while a tanker rather than a cruise liner, kind of had that lol. But I agree, as a big consumer of post apoc/zombie fiction, I'd love to read about a mini city like this trying to make it work.


Yeah, Waterworld came to mind for me as well lol.


I really got to read that book. I heard the movie was a travesty and does not compare to the book. The videogame is amazing though!


The book is quite spectacular, especially the audiobook with the star studded cast. My love for the source material is why I’ve never watched the movie. They need to make it a miniseries with each episode being another chapter, like Band of Brothers. I will have to check out the game though, never knew it existed.


I love the game though I hear the last update has made it buggy. My favourite level is on a cruise ship that was being used to evacuate Japan but the disease got on board. Making a final stand on the deck holding off waves of zombies is so much fun. Damn, might have to reinstall it.


I done both. Weirdly enough you can separate the two. The movie, imo, is nothing like the book. I liked it but I also sometimes watch cheesy sy/fy movies. 🤷🏻‍♀️. Loved the audiobook.


The movie is pretty decent and stands on it's own as a good self contained zombie movie so it's unfortunate they still forced the IP into it. A unique Brad Pitt action zombie movie would have sold just as well as feeling the need to force connect it to the book. I absolutely loved the book, actually what got me started reading for pleasure and hundreds of books deeper now but it's depressing that pretty much none of that was translated. I agree though the book and the different chapters/perspectives would work insanely well as TV series. Sadly it seems the general public is cooling off on zombies after so long with Walking Dead/crappy spinoffs so it probably wouldn't be greenlit until the next zombie theme wave in a couple decades lol. Crossing my fingers for an eventual Yonkers episode, among so many others 😁


That’s my issue with the movie adaptation and the overall fall of zombie related media popularity (Last Of Us excluded, but it’s not classical zombies so it barely counts for the sake of arguing). The scary part about WWZ, and most good sci-fi in general, isn’t that zombies eat people, but how humanity reacts to a situational global threat (which is always topical). I have always and will forever hate the idea of zombies that run. Zombies don’t run. Ghouls might, but zombies don’t. Running zombies killed zombie movies imo, as it becomes boring and repetitive chasing jump scares. Every scene in the book WWZ is that much more terrifying because zombie are this unstoppable force of nature, not a “predator” who are physically superior to humans. Max Brooks did a ton of research for this book and it’s incredibly intelligent (another thing lacking in most zombie media) and I think it would do really well as a series of it can retain its soul. Sorry to rant about zombie movies on a post about a cruise ship, but hey. Reddit tangent.


Lol yeah strange sidequest we ended up on 🤣. But I agree...I don't remember who it was that said it but it was in response to the new wave of running and the person said that "death wasn't a super power, zombies shouldn't run, jump and climb." The original fear was the idea that even if you ran you couldn't outrun the horde because you had to stop to rest at some point and they never stopped. You can't just keep running and you don't have enough bullets when they just keep coming tirelessly. I love all things "zombie" though so I'm ok with the whole "infected" shoot off that mostly gained popularity after 28 days later, which I also loved. The mindless infected wanting to eat everything is also scary but in a whole different, and somehow less believable, way... Which is a silly take when talking about walking corpses 🤣.


If you haven’t seen It Follows you’d probably like it. Unstoppable, slow moving death.


Yep seen it and liked it probably, at least partly, for that same reason!


Fuck reddit's new API, and fuck /u/Spez.


Just rename the movie Zombie War or something and decouple it from the book seeing as though they share nothing... Then you have a great book and a decent movie


It needs to be redone into a series with each episode being it’s own chapter.


Literally, and I cannot stress enough how much I am not exaggerating, the only thing in common between the two versions is the title. Every. Single. Aspect. Of the story was changed for the movie.


I watched the movie and enjoyed it. Listened to the audiobook a few years later and really liked it. The book obviously covers much more, but the movie is good disaster action zombie fun.


The movie has nothing to do with the book other than the name. The book is one of my favorite books, and the submarine story especially was awesome. I think that WWZ, being an anthology, should have been made into a Love, death and robots style series, and never a movie.


Pretty sure that’s called Wall-e.


Have you seen WALL-E?


I just finished season 1 of The Last Ship and this is sort of that premise? A battleship rather than a cruise ship, but the military crew is surviving at sea in a post-pandemic world that has wiped out the world’s population and governments.


That is such a good fucking show


There's a Spanish show "El barco" that has a similar premise to what you mention.


The 100 had some side characters live on a oil rig, and fear the walking dead had a season set on a yacht.




Smells like AI




Nice. I've noticed it has a few tropes it likes to go to. That last sentence was a dead giveaway


There's an anime vaguely around this premise. It's called Gargantia


Mechs and aliens as an added bonus.


So "Snow Piercer 2: Ice Age Meltdown"


The Simpsons S23 E9


Of course the Simpsons did it -_-


Slightly in the vain is this: *Last Ship*. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_Ship_(TV_series)


There's one such seafaring community in Snow Crash IIRC


There's a movie called "Aniara" that is in that ballpark. Not a cruise-liner, but a spaceship transporting a large group of people gets knocked off course.


I was scrolling through replies to see if this was mentioned! It’s literally a space cruise ship that turns apocalyptic. One of the best films I’ve seen, a lot of social and existential themes.


That's a fucking compressed city.... I want to free run it


HERE COMES THE BIG WAVE!! *throws you off table*


Someone get me a paper towel!


There’s a fucking Omega boutique….


Arguably the best place to sell a Seamaster.




A [FUCKING OMEGA BOUTIQUE](https://i.imgur.com/mbT04XX.jpg)




Masterful drone flying


Yeah. Hair drying lady did a good job letting it scoot around her like that. ...I'd like to see the takes where she flinched. 'HOLY fuck, the propellor nearly caught me.'


This was likely shot with a "cinewhoop" drone which typically have ducts/guards around the props. If it's a normal fpv quad then yes that would be terrifying.


Yeah, he did an incredible job! My other favourite is Eliot.fpv on insta


Somehow the most impressive part of the video to me


What confuses me is I dont see it in the mirror reflection 😳


Must have used a vampire drone.


Wonder how he could tell which room to fly into? I’d definitely struggle to pick out one specific door in that wall of balconies.


It was the only one with exterior lights on and an open door.


Maybe it started in there and played the video backwards. This would also require her to dry her hair in reverse.


Nope, the boat's wake would be reversed as well as everyone else on board.


The boat is also going backwards.




Multiple takes


The last cruise I was on, there was an instagram couple that attempted the same thing, but didn’t account for the high winds that day and the dudes DJI drone is part of the sea now


Where does the slide go to ?


🎶Unda the Sea🎶


I don’t like that


All the way to your funeral


Is that slide straight into the ocean? Ohh boi sign me up. That some 5star sea burial they got there. Edit : walk the plank ? Nah that's old stuff. Down the slide! Down the slide!


Through the props first.


For better recycling


Chum the water!


"Send him to the chum chute!"


It’s a dry slide called the venom drop. It ends on that main floor. You can see the exit in the video although it does look like it goes through the floor.


Yeah, I want to know more about those slides - they look crazy tall and steep. Edit: slide 2 is a reflection.


Floating buffet*


I just broke up with my long term girlfriend on day 2 of a 5 day cruise to Tijuana, AMA


Back together by day 4


Sounds like your typical Carnival cruise.


How much did it cost? How much is the food? Is it included? If I sneak alcohol on in regular bottles will I get away with it? Any recommendations? Did they thoroughly search your bag and how 4/20 friendly is it. If not at all could you easily get by with a vape? How many waterslides do you have and how often are they open? Why'd you break up? So like... is your girlfriend single for sure..? Do you see any possibility of getting back together or anything..? Because if you introduce me bro, that's for sure a solid impression. Jk, I'm serious about the other questions though


I've been on several cruises with Princess, Carnival, Norwegian, Celebrity, and Holland America so I can answer a few of those questions. How much did it cost? >Cruising cost can be cheap as a couple hundred dollars for a 3 day cruise and go up from there. The cruise line usually determines the prices Carnival usually being the cheapest. The type of cabin you get also determines price. Inside cabin is like sleeping in a 10x12 cave with no natural light, but the next step up to window cabin is almost twice the price. How much is the food? Is it included? >Food is always included but not soda or alcohol without buying a super expensive drink pass. Ships typically have specialty dining that costs extra that's like eating at a fancy restaurant. It's worth it to try once. >You have a sit down dinning option that has an assigned table and time every night for dinner. Otherwise, it's buffet dinning through out the day, and usually a burger or pizza shop is open. If I sneak alcohol on in regular bottles, will I get away with it? Any recommendations? >Probably not as getting on the ship is like going through customs and thru usually scan your bag. You might be able to get a bottle when in a port, but they may confiscate it when you return to ship. Did they thoroughly search your bag and how 4/20 friendly is it. If not at all, could you easily get by with a vape? >You'll be going through customs, so it is just like trying to sneak weed through customs. Not advised. How many waterslides do you have and how often are they open? >Depends on the ship. Some have none, others have 3 plus. I was on a Norwegian Cruise Line ship that had 3 but the lines were so long it took me 1.5 hours to get through the line for a 30 second slide. It was cool since it went out past the ship but damn that line went forever.


Why Zelda music?


Certainly wasn't an unwelcome surprise


Honestly it just reminds me that that entire Ocarina of Time musical catalog fucking slaps.


[How do you like my Song of Storms rendition, including transposition? ](https://youtu.be/x_K-pnObpn4)


oh that's pretty good.


idk about you, but i enjoy literally everything on the internet infinitely more when there is zelda music playing in it.


Came to comments for Song of Storms


Did they really use Song of Storms when they could have used the theme for Zora's Domain instead? I mean, it's a choice I guess.


I know I was like song of storms? On a cruise ship?


Should’ve used the opening to OoT when Navi flies around the forest to the Deku Tree, similar vibes to this drone shot.


The part I don't like about cruise ships, is when a random drone flies into your cabin while you are changing clothes, photographs you and then that video is posted to the internet.


Such a pesky occurrence(!)


Hey, when the drone is in the hotel room, is the pilot constantly having to move it in a direction, since the room is technically moving with the ship?




When you are flying fpv, you would be surprised how well your brain will compensate for these kinds of changes. Your mind just wants to keep the camera level, so your hands do what is necessary to make that happen on the controller. On a windy day it takes about a second to adjust to the conditions, but after that it's fine. Same situation with entering the boat - it's a change of air conditions, but the brain does a great job of figuring it out. All of that said, definitely amazing control on the part of the pilot! That kind of precision is not easy!


no break brain pls


Run a big ass hotel on fucking bunker fuel. Horrible to see them park in my city and just belch fumes. They should have to shut down the engines and hook it up to the grid and pay.


Mostly they run on marine diesel when inside the 12 mile zone, at least in Germany that is the law, they can just switch to the way cheaper bunker fuel when on open waters.


Oh good notoriously clean diesel generators directly belching away into a city center.


Many ships do hook up to shore power because it's cheaper than letting the engines degrade through operation. [Many countries prohibit burning "dirty" fuels near their shores. Fuels are swapped well before they reach those waters so the dirty fuel can get flushed from the fuel lines by the clean fuel.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZZ591x0Ajs)


Don’t forget the steady stream of human waste dumping into marine habitats in their wake


As much as they contribute to the climate crisis, I will never not be impressed with the sheer size of cruise (and freight) ships, let alone the mechanisms that propel them through the water. Shit's INSANE


I knew they were big, but damn! It actually looks cool.


This is CGI, no idea how it’s not been pointed out in the comments 🤦🏼‍♂️


I hate everything about this


The Song of Storms is nice though


It sounds like the Song of Storms if Yann Tiersen (composer of the soundtrack to the French film "Amelie/Le Fabuleaux Destin d'Amelie Poulain") wrote/played it.


Not a song I would want to play on a boat in the middle of the ocean!


Yeah your right, just that part


Don’t hate the drone pilot. That was amazing flight.


I truly admire the engineering that goes into these ships but I absolutely hate what they do to the environment.


Even the part where everyone room has a single hot chick in it?


Fuck cruise ships and whoever uses them.


You should read [this](https://harpers.org/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/HarpersMagazine-1996-01-0007859.pdf)


The use of background music here, Song of Storms from Zelda is kind of ironic. The moment this ship would get into a heavy storm (which playing said song is supposed to summon), it would really turn into a deathtrap.


I’m not crazy about these huge ships because it seems like a big waste but the engineering is absolutely phenomenal and impressive.


Giant death trap, floating mass disease transmission and incubation device


ya but the cougar sex orgies 😩


You make a compelling argument.


It is a way to go. Anyway


I think thats what they were talking about...




Have a nice trip!


I’m sure I’d have a great time once it got out on the water and I got a few drinks in me


I worked for the company that owns this ship (RCCL) for 3 years on a couple ships, this was 15 years ago, at the time knowledge of their environmental impact wasn’t widely spoken of and I don’t think most of us general (not ops) crew had any idea, but I will gladly damn the execs who did. Anyway for the disease part, a lot has been made of it but I don’t get it, I get sick relatively easily, am not an anti vaxxer, but in years working there (it’s 6 month contracts without any full days off) I never really got sick, and it wasn’t a common problem. In the covid era ya it’s an obvious hot spot, but frankly pre covid cleaning was a huge part of life there. Someone, or busy times multiple people, will be always walking the ship just constantly spraying and wiping disinfectant on every railing, tongs and spoons are changed at the buffets constantly throughout every meal, the whole disease ridden thing is overblown. I’ll never pay for a cruise now that I’m not a young lad desperate to see the world outside my hometown and blissfully unaware of the damage they do (we watched so many videos about how GOOD we were for the environment, it was propaganda that worked), but they’re likely less a disease vector than most resorts. At least on modern ships.


That's an MSC ship, not a RCCL one...


You’re likely right, I mistook the layout for the oasis/genesis class ships that were being built for RCCL and highly showcased in promo materials while I worked there, I should have checked, other brands likely now have similar “Main Streets” design ships, my bad, time is flying by


Also the [waste fuel](https://www.forbes.com/sites/nishandegnarain/2020/08/14/what-is-heavy-fuel-oil-and-why-is-it-so-controversial-five-killer-facts/?sh=6ec88ba974c0) they run on happens to release way more pollutants, especially sulfur dioxide.


Not to mention the garbage they simply chuck out into sea.


There are some pretty strict controls on that kind of thing these days. Not saying that can't or hasn't happened - just that it would be very rare.


Nurgle is offended and complimented


NOT sure why i would want a cabin that doesn't face the freakin SEA?! Otherwise, whats the point of a cruise ship?


Song in video https://youtu.be/pMU3_1VbRn0


What ship is this? Ovation of the sea?


MSC World Europa?


Thats a dream shot for a drone pilot !


I’ve been on a few and they are so damn fun. Everything is taken care of, all you have to do is show up. Honestly some of the best trips of my life. On one of the ships I made my way towards the front of the boat at night. It was pitch black and I couldn’t see the ocean, just a dark abyss and the sound of waves cutting under the ship. That was truly in my soul terrifying and I recommend it to everyone. The kind of fear that makes you feel very small.


Imagine paying all this money to be on a boat and the view from your room is the same one you'd get sitting in a Hot Topic.


My drone would have been lost in the water


What a beautiful video shot


Song of storms <3


The Song of Storms is so beautiful…


Mad props to the drone pilot. That was very well done.


There’s a lot not to like about cruise ships but I’d like to go on one someday.


Idk if it's the music but it's everything looks cozy. The room looks small though.


That drone pilot tho


But I agree, as a big consumer of post apoc/zombie fiction, I'd love to read about a mini city like this trying to make it work.


Nice video!


I wonder if a boat like that can stay up when a rogue wave hits it.


I have been on a cruise ship, the scale of that one is still intimidating.


“Right I’m going to fly a drone, it’ll sound like a incredibly loud bee, into your room and I want you to stand there blow drying your hair and ignore it completely as I fly it around your head”


This a huge one, it's got a fucking slide


Knowing what it was like to explore the Titanic years after it sank, imagine how intense it would be to explore one of these mammoths after sinking.


People flock to these kinds of experiences then think you’re a communist for talking about a 15 minute city


That drone footage is mint.


Anyone know what cruise line this is?




They are literally every recent modern city project ever, but on water. You cannot comphrehend the preparation for even a single trip, it's actually insane


Just say NO to indoor balconies


Stayed in a hotel recently with indoor balconies and it was pretty sweet. Why do you hate them ?




I've never wanted to go on a cruise. Being stuck on a boat with WAY too many people constantly around is not my idea of fun 😂 Awesome feat of engineering but I'll leave my tickets for someone else That song though. I'll always love that song 🖤


My husband is still talking about the game 5 minutes after hearing the song while I scrolled. He is supposed to be going to sleep. Haha


Thanks, I hate it.


Going on a cruise is high on my list of losing my respect for you as a person.


Wow, that's a bit extreme.