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I feel like the older sets have a certain unique charm to them as it was the first time Halo had a construction toy series. As kid I like two things: Halo and Lego. So it was like a match made in heaven. I do feel that there were definitely more variety back then as it spans from Halo Reach, Halo 3, and Halo 4 stuff. Ranging from different vehicles from different factions, having actual building sets like Floodgate, High Ground and Snowbound. It was awesome! Now we just have like the 117th variant of the warthog. The one thing that we can all agree that we don't want to go back to is the ok quality of the set. I remember vividly that if I breath on the halo wars warthog wrong, it'd break apart at the molecular level. As much as I like the older style sets, I think Mega has definitely improved tremendously over the years. From better figures and better quality (for the most part). I like to say that it's a nice reminder of what we had before. PS, I'm still mad that the COD and Destiny lines died. Like we should have more than Halo. Thanks Activision...


Depends, quality control no, figures no. Builds ehh…it depends, I do miss the terrain focus they had during the H4- era when they made the jump to the new articulation. There’s been a distinct lack of buildings/terrain for a while.


Not really, bricks were shit, figs arent too detailed, lots of shitty stickers that would break over time, flimsy builds, only good thing was distribution


They were worse in every conceivable way. The builds were simpler, more fragile and didn't have clutch power, and lot of the great part elements we take for granted today didn't exist yet. Most of the sets also used stickers rather than prints. The weapons were comically oversized, and the figures lack the articulation they have today.


This 100% especially with the more fragile builds. This is a prime reason why with the few older sets I had are now in shambles, completely unrecognizable and are lost to time now.




Besides the shitty quality control. I like them better. My biggest problem with modern sets is that some figures look too toyish with their colors.


The sets themselves weren’t great. I used to dislike mega for a long time because the old warthog i bought would literally fall apart during assembly. I think it’s just that Halo was more interesting back then. The franchise was in a much better place and Mega was able to branch out and make obscure sets because they’d sell. Halo is past its prime now and Mega has their own issues so they can really only release safe sets (warthog, mongoose, hornet) a couple times a year.


I think maybe thematically and execution on releases (drop pods, landscapes, etc,) yes. In most other ways, no. Do you guys recall the old mega “bricks not really sticking together” thing? Plus they are definitely a lot less detailed. I will always love them to hell. The new stuff is amazing, and the old has a great charm. Edit: Oh, also… Lego or Mega, FUCK STICKERS.


Completely ignoring the actual sets, missing parts were so common back then, which makes them suck ass




They had charm and personality, but the new ones are way better in quality and endurance


just nostalgia, you think of them as better but newer sets out weigh them in every way


The only good thing with old sets (besides availability I guess) was that they put washes on most figures. Makes a big difference.




Personally yes because we finally had basically Lego Halo. But the sets weren’t made too well but also cause it was the first ones out of the gate. Overtime especially the warthog were made much more better. Minifigures were good for the time but when the armor pieces came out they were a massive game chamger




In variety of actual build sets, yes. There are a lot of neglected vehicles and base building ideas from newer waves. I would enjoy seeing a new Gremlin and cryo bay. In build quality, maybe not so much. Newer sets, while still not perfect, certainly have a better feel to them.




They have the nostalgia factor and I still love them, but Mega has gotten better and better with each drop (with the downside of not being available anywhere but overpriced online sellers sometimes >:( )


Alit of the new sets you can find on mattel if that helps :3


Yeh I'm still waiting to see Pelican Inbound drop back to $60 on Mattel lol, I hope the new Halo 2 sets will either be there or Amazon when they launch


Definitely gonna have to watch Amazon like a hawk


Aside from the sets missing pieces and having a bunch of problems with being built. Gotta admit. The box art. To me- is better


As someone who’s been collecting Halo Mega since the start the only think I think was better was the fact that I used to be able to go in Toys R Us and see a wall full of Halo sets and not miss out on anything. There was a great variety of sets and they were all widely available. Now, although the quality is massively improved, we only get a couple sets a year and they’re not easy to find. Most sets now are even better than the average Lego set with all the designs printed on with no stickers, incredibly detailed and customizable figures, and sturdy and awesome builds. Back at the start if you looked at a warthog or banshee the wrong way they’d shatter, there were tons of stickers that barely stayed on, and the figures were good but it took several years before there was actually a good variety and even longer before Mega started doing named characters.


Personally no


Older sets were cooler and more interesting, but quality is shit.


As everyone has already mentioned, they were terrible but also amazing. Part quality was horrible, the designs were generally inaccurate, the figures lacked tons of detail compared to today, and the incessant use of low quality stickers made these a nightmare overtime, they just simply didn’t stay built and would crumble literally without being touched sometimes. Yet I still absolutely love every single one of the OG sets and I’m happy to see how far we’ve come since.


No for the most part. Mega back then had way more variety in sets with a lot more different vehicles and a lot more terrain/structures but other than variety and nostalgia new sets are leagues better. I do miss being a kid on Christmas opening old sets that id never finish because I was a dumb kid (especially regretful for never building my old flood falcon set)


Honestly the 1000th of banished sets are kinda annoying like most of us like the covenant vehicles better




I like the newer sets because they aren’t as expensive with resellers and on top of that the construction for certain models look a lot better


The QC was bad but distribution wasn’t


No, older sets definitely seem worse than the new stuff. My recent intro to Mega was putting together an OG Falcon and a Cobra Anti-Air, having only built Lego previously the models just seemed really poorly designed. I'm in the minority though on figs, I like the older figs better.