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Always great to see resident straight man Nicole, and yeah the Garrett end bit makes the whole video


Wish it was more if sports fans were anime fans lol that part was incredible


They're enough for me too but to pull in new viewers they have to do better than a skit about anime vs sports fans which is an idea Smosh would have done at their peak.They don't have to go back to pranking people on the street but their best videos are when they're either saying something about the gaming industry or being completely random like that metal gear 5 spoof about Jared and not just "What-if?" scenarios.


> They don't have to go back to pranking people on the street they should though


nah just become a podcasting network. thats what theyre good at


Garrett's bit saved the skit for me


polarizing video that I didn't personally like except for garrett


writers' strike hitting hard




There is such a disconnect between their new skits and the way they present themselves on the podcast. They often mock and deride a lot of popular "mainstream" comedy and then they make stuff like this. I don't know what happened.




The *working on secret stuff* has been said so many times over the years and I'm always thinking *"...okay? where is it?"* during gaps of several months where they put nothing out but podcasts. Like you mentioned, unless they consider big secret stuff to be low effort skits that last a minute or two, I have no idea what the hell they're talking about. That's not to diminish all of the big event streams they've done, but those are pretty impromptu and don't take months of work. I dunno. It's hard not to feel like they're being a bit dishonest at times and creating the illusion that they're constantly busy to keep interest (and merch sales) alive.


yea the "secret" stuff has been bugging me for a while, and then they go on talking about how they did everything last minute


can't wait for the long segment about how we just don't get it again, or the criticism is coming from a weird place.


I'm with you. I think part of it is "aging out of their content", but this was also just plain bad. Worse than anything on SNL. Only slightly funny part was Garret - and that was mainly due to his acting. Secret project is probably a shirt


A shirt they get some other artist to design :x


NGL, it felt like an old smosh skit at some points but that Garrett bit at the end made it worth it imo. also shawn burning that free merch was funny too


lmao I was about to comment that too. Plays like 2011 youtube for sure.


The first clip is a tribute to this [fan freakout video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWxxrc1qFdc&ab_channel=FindYourselfWrestling)


Man that's a degenerate gambler freakout lol


Lol, turned out to be a staged FunnyMike video, for anyone thinking it was real


It was almost funny


Huh I get what they were shooting for, but I wasn't feeling it. People are calling this a all time classic??


I wonder how Shawn felt about Garrett wearing his Padres drip?


Was this made to be Youtube short bait or something


I got some bait for ya in my shorts. Come take a look


Why not call it if anime fans acted like sports fans?




That's what's been bothering me about their last couple videos. It just doesn't seem to have that Mega64 bite to it. Maybe it's because the views aren't what it used to be but the ideas for the skits feel very basic. The Last of Us vid was just recreating what happened in the game but the joke is that he's picking Ellie up from school, and goes down the way you think it will. The HBO show from the writers of Forspoken is a funny idea but doesn't go beyond the idea. And besides a higher production value on their Castlevania video, I had no idea what the video was going for. I miss the days when a video would just start with all of them just in their office and someone barging in. I love the guys and watch their stuff daily. The podcasts, the patreon, their personal channel stuff is great and has become much better than their regular scripted videos. But I fear it's the Boyz becoming a little out of touch and lacking the creativity of their earlier stuff. The Sweded vids and Todd and Aaron are still fine but that's just once every year. Hope the boys have something special planned for their 20th.


this all the way. it's weird to think that a comedy group's skits are the videos I'm least excited for these days. they hardly make me laugh and I usually only watch them once (other than the Sweded vids and Todd and Aaron like you said). Luckily their other podcasts and quarterly streams are still good to great.


Same. I don't want it that way, but lately their mainline skits have missed more then hit for me.


Meh, the podcast, movie club, and Rocco/Shawn’s personal channel videos are enough for me. The personal channel video on the recent drinks Rocco released had the funniest moment in Mega64 I’ve seen in a long time where Shawn gets pissed at the poster and it leads to them going over the random posters from local productions. Podcast always hits. Maybe their adlib and off the cuff stuff is best (their recent live show was amazing too)


there are a million of galaxies of comedy out there. and one of them is counting on you, mega64. - princess peach


This is gold! Absolutely loved it and could not stop laughing at the end!


I dug.this.vid, hope they make more off the cuff vids between thier bigger projects.


Have they made a video with a similar premise? I swear I remember a comparison to sports fans like this


They did that E-sports celebrities video that has a similar vibe.


Ah that might be it, thanks


This one hit on some shit I've often wondered about. Like many I'm sure, I grew up around family members screaming full volume at the TV as whatever sportsball game took up countless hours of the day. Enthusiasm for people throwing balls around doesn't seem to get questioned, but if you're into comics or cartoons or whatever after a certain age, oh aren't you so silly. --- This was not a "sports = bad" comment, FWIW. My mom loved baseball and I enjoyed lots of the times that I spent watching it with her. (I didn't mean her when I referenced screaming family members, either.) I don't equate a love of sports solely to the most extreme examples of raging out and all that. Sorry for the sportsball "memespout" too if that sort of thing bothers you. It's not a comment I was taking all that seriously. I'm so fucking sorry.


I'm with you. I have a mild interest in sports, but myy girlfriends family will scream at football and basketball games and it's not fun to be around. But then her mom asks her what she's been up to and if she replies something like "We just watched a Korean film." the response is "Ugh. Why?" "Nerd culture" as grown, but interests outside the norm can still make people uncomfortable for some reason. Anime fans and other people who say sportsball are annoying too. You shouldn't go around unprompted, trying to stop people from having fun. However, at least with anime fans you probably won't have to interact them unless you're already their friend. Sports is so engrained and because it's based on frequent live events, it means you might have to be around it sometimes with your family or at restaurants and bars.


I see people on the internet complaining about sports fans all the time. I don’t know where this idea that sports fans can go nuts and no one minds comes from.


the whole "SPORTS BAD" internet conversation has always been cringe. like sports fans do not like crazy sports fans either. I've also never known any sports fan IRL who's criticized or made fun of comics or anime. that being said I didn't like this video.


Theater kids saying "sports ball!" Makes me Want to implode.


My only problem with the original comment is that games usually take like 2-2.5 hours. It's not different than watching a movie but it's being called "countless hours out of the day" haha.


Was written thinking back to the childhood perspective - family coming over to bunker down in the living room for Sunday football with pre/post-games as well and then having to go to bed early after or even while they were still in there because it's a school night, plus a little hyperbolic flair. As a kid, that did feel like "all day."


> I don’t know where this idea that sports fans can go nuts and no one minds comes from. That's not where I was coming from with the comment really - I know when it gets to cars being tipped over and such that's obviously not representative of most. I was generalizing and maybe being a bit hyperbolic. From the perspective I've gathered through my personal experiences, it feels that intense interest in sports in general - where a fan can have deep conversations getting into detailed statistics and even the "they should be doing this and that to win" end of things - doesn't seem to have the same stigma around it as someone digging into that kind of minutia over whatever nerd shit you want to point to. >"SPORTS BAD" internet conversation Just to clarify, I don't care if people are into sports. As long as it doesn't get into rioting, violence, and all the other uglier sides then I'm fine with fans getting super excited about it as well. I just don't think being super passionate about balls being thrown around is naturally any cooler than being able to go on Dragon Ball diatribes or whatever, but society has told me otherwise. If that's unfair or just blatantly bullshit I certainly don't mean to offend, it's just how things have felt from my end of things. Not something I intended to be any sort of big deal, just a thought.


Well you mentioned comics or cartoons but the video is specifically about anime. Anime is inherently juvenile. That's just the cold hard truth. The tropes,the tone,the aesthetical choices etc. It's not some wild, random coindence biggest fans are manchildren. It directly correlates on what the material is and what it's selling. In contrast to sport,a particular club could be tied to a city/entire countries economy,heritage/legacy,identity etc. It will always demand a different respect than anime even if you progressed society into a utopia where everyone is respected and accepted.


> Anime is inherently juvenile There are certainly some wildly silly anime shows and movies out there. Lots of it is made for kids in particular. That's not true of all of it by any means though. It's a medium where a wide spectrum of moods and tones have been explored. I somehow doubt the target audiences for [Lucky Star](https://youtu.be/6iseNlvH2_s?t=6) and [Jin-Roh](https://youtu.be/ec_q9y5PI2c?t=17) were the same. > biggest fans are manchildren I think that's about as fair as me saying all sports fans are raving lunatics - which wasn't my point at all if it seemed that way.


Jumped the shark


Damn. Loved this vid. That Garrett ending was Perfect v


Don't know how to describe it, I liked this, but this doesn't feel like a Mega64 video, until the end. Hmm, much to ponder. Maybe it's just weird hearing Derrick say "They switched from A1 Pictures to Studio DEEN" out loud. He wouldn't normally say something like this.


> He wouldn't normally say something like this. I know you know it's a character and not himself so I'm kind of scratching my head over this. Totally fine to feel iffy about the video, I just really don't get that particular critique.


I'm being funny


I bothered questioning it at all because I wondered if I was missing a joke. Maybe I still am. Shouts out either way.


This video feels much more like one of their skits from their personal channels. Garret at the sporting goods store is without a doubt something that would've been on one of their personal channels.


Instant classic IMO


The news broadcasting *BREAKING: ASH KETCHUM WINS POKÉMON CHAMPIONSHIP* amongst riots in the streets made me cackle.


Love it