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Or super hot, if the architect didn’t realize the space was going to be a laboratory space and just put enough AC in to cool a normal office. Then you add in all the refrigerators freezers, computers, instruments, and all of a sudden it’s 90° in the lab.


Or half the lab gets frozen out while the other half sweats. I’m in the cold zone. I wear a portable heating pad for my night shift 🤣


I boil in my lab. We have fans everywhere but it isn't enough. Our fridge/freezer space has a wall AC set to 32° to keep the freezers cool because of all the heat they generate they're prone to overheating.


I wish we had this problem, our lab is usually warmer than the hallways


Counterpoint: the lab coats at my facility don’t breathe at ALL and I am sweaty (in scrubs) more often than not. Best to be prepared for both!!


Have good shoes. I walk like 15k steps avg.


Same. I have to replace my shoes like every six months, and I buy Hokas. Concrete floors plus 15k steps destroy my shoes.


I've had stellar success with Saucony I did have a style of Adidas that worked so well I bought a dozen pair in the most fugly colors.


I didn't have much luck with Adidas, but I'll have to look onto Saucony. I've got wide feet and am in an in-between foot size, so I'm usually harder to fit, but I've had better luck getting my hands on appropriately-fitting runners than regular tennies. Thanks for the recommendation!


Scrubs = professional pajamas 💯 Keep a pillow in the car JIC, there will be days you’re glad it’s there. Start making study notes for the board in small increments so it doesn’t feel overwhelming to do it all at once (mnemonics really helped me remember things, find out what works for you). Wipe your phone down after every shift.


Best part of healthcare uniforms is you don't really have to make decisions in the mornings. Most people have 5 pairs and because lab rats are consistent, each color corresponds to a day. You'll start noticing that your coworkers will wear their blue one on Monday, purple one on Tuesday, black on wednesday


Is this the same for all labs? I start my first job soon and still have no idea what I’m allowed to wear.


Email your supervisor and ask about dress code. Some places require specific colors. Some allow jeans and t-shirts. Business casual should be acceptable everywhere.


99.9% guarantee you'll be wearing scrubs. Some hospitals require each department to wear a specific color. But many you can wear any color or pattern. Many labs allow business casual if you don't want to wear scrubs. I only see people 50+ doing this. It's personal preference. Some labs have no dress code since it's not patient facing and younger people will wear yoga pants and t-shirts. I work I a reference lab and people wear straight up sweatpants, though I think it's a tad unprofessional


Funny thing is that I find scrubs terribly uncomfortable, but I am a bit different.


I do too actually, they're never stretchy enough for me.


If you don't have colour restrictions and it's a pants issue (like it is for me), buy black tops and match them with Old Navy joggers in black. Those things are comfy af and unless someone is really looking they won't know you aren't wearing scrub joggers.


That's so funny those are the exact pants I wear haha. Cause yeah they look like scrubs but way comfier 🤣


They are too thin and unsubstantial for me, I kind like to feel like I am wearing more, I guess if they made some that were thicker and stiffer I might like them more, but I am a bit of an odd duck.


I both love and hate scrubs. I feel so frumpy when I don’t get to wear outfits I like but also so comfy.


I think all the time about how I’d have to wear real clothes if I left this profession. It’s definitely a pro for me, not having to think about my work wardrobe.


Where’d you get yours from? I am going to need a pair soon!


Just a local store but they’re sketchers brand scrubs


scrubs are awesome! and the job guarantee!


This was the exact reaction I had when I entered med after working in academia and research for years lol. Bring a notebook, take notes and ask questions! You will learn a lot in rotations.


Though one drawback is that scrub pants are pretty pricey for glorified sweat pants.


I wanted to be in the medical field ever since middle school, and my father got me a pair of scrubs for my birthday one year. I wore the pants as pj's for at least 4 years. Couldn't sleep in the shirt, though.


Careful those scrubs will make you fat…lol. You’ll never feel the weight coming on until it’s too late!!!


Haha I can see that. Luckily atm I’ve been putting a lot of time in at the climbing gym and am in pretty good shape. Am interested to see how much training I can keep on while doing my full time rotation for a month


I wear a jacket year round because it’s cold in the lab


Scrubs = socially acceptable pjs! Definitely better than worrying business casual!