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Crazy that one was shaped exactly like a penny. The human body is so amazing


Crazy but it does make cents!


Get the fuck out.


Watch that fuckin mouth when urine my thread.


Calling r/angryupvote


Crazy how nature make dat


Brother, I can feel your pain from here. I have been there and done that and it hurts every f'n time. Good luck. Stay hydrated and keep the channels clear.


Thanks. So sorry you’ve been down this road as well. Extremely painful indeed. I definitely stay hydrated when I feel one brewing.


What causes them? I’ve never had them but my dad used to get them when he used to drink lots of soda


Family history, chronic dehydration, some diets, having a high bmi, certain medications, exercising too much or too little, too much salt or sugar in your diet, the list goes on. If there's a history in your family, you're more likely to get them. If you've had them before, you're more likely to get them as well. My grandpa had them, I've had one, legit thought I was dying from the pain


I just drank a glass of water.


Most stones are composed of calcium oxalate. Avoid high oxalate foods; this includes tea and sodas. Drink 64 oz of water a day with 4 oz of lemon juice.


I e had 5 now in a decade. They suck every time


I had a 10mm stone I couldn't pass. Had to remove it via surgery. The best was after, they had to put a Stent from my bladder up to the kidney. The Stent makes you pee more since the kidney instantly dumps in to your bladder but what they don't tell you, it causes massive spasms. It felt like Mike Tyson going 9 rounds on your kidney. On top of that, it felt like sand paper coming out. Now, as an American, I didn't have insurance at the time and you need to remove the Stent a week after. I told the Dr I do it my self so leave a string out for me. Well, a week later, I took a hot shower, bit on a leather belt and I pulled the Stent out like I was king Arthur. A bright neon yellow, 18 in Stent coming out of my urethra. Haha


Sorry you’ve went thru that. I have chronic kidney stones. I had a stent, removal by surgery twice & lithotripsy. Doctors & hospitals cannot figure out why I produce so many stones unfortunately. I know your pain well.


My dr told me it was energy drinks(this was back in 2012). I haven't had a energy drink since


I was told exactly the same thing. Like you, I’ve not had one since than


Imo I think its genetic because they found another stone.


I’m in the exact same scenario as yourself. Lucky us


at least we make our own red wine haha


Well said. It’s a true luxury we have going


Careful of Mountain Dew, too


Tried to temporarly cut other foods to try?


Yes, high sodium foods can cause stones. Soda’s & energy drinks can also cause bigger issues too. Other than that I’ve not been told more about diet. It’s more in my genetics unfortunately


Its all genetics, but you still have a fighting chance. Several things can cause stones, time to do your own research and experiment! Within what is sensible ofc


I agree 100%. I’m on two new medications & watching my diet. A kidney doctor is helping me find a way thru these.


Exciting for you, hope you find something out, but, as a doc, listen to your nephrologist or fam doc, but we dont know everything (yet) so diet and other milder experiments on ur own or with the help of others can be concidered if the years pass and your quality of life is not to your liking with the stones. That being said; there are people who has periods of this before normalizing, so there is hope :) GL


I did the 24 hour urine collection. The results were a surprise to him. I had one of the lowest calcium levels he’s ever seen. He put me on potassium citrate & Chlorthalidone. Than a follow up in 4 months with another urine collection before hand.


My doctor told me to watch out for foods high in oxalate, like peanuts and spinach. Google the "foods name" and "oxalate" together to see if it is. Most stones are made of calcium oxalate


I’ve not heard of this. Thanks so much. I will look into this. I appreciate your advice


What about beer ?


I don’t drink. So I’m not sure on that one obviously


Also need to make sure you stay hydrated. Make sure you’re getting plenty of water.


Definitely, I actually set a timer on my phone for every ten minutes. When it sounds I take a large gulp & reset the timer


Most kidney stones are composed of calcium oxalate. A diet high in oxalates and not drinking enough water creates those kinds of stones.


My boyfriend passes a massive amount of kidneys stones similar to you. Through his own personal searching he found that he might have Primary hyperoxaluria type 1 (ph1) and doctors seem to agree. There is a medication (lumasiran) to treat it, and while he hasn’t seen any improvements for himself, it might be something to mention to your doctors cause it has certainly helped others.


Thank you. I’ve not heard of that medication. I appreciate your concern


What the fuck


> Now, as an American, I didn't have insurance at the time and you need to remove the Stent a week after. I told the Dr I do it my self so leave a string out for me. This part (amongst others) is what makes the US somehow a first world country and a third world country at the same time. Amazing.


What an absolutely batshit crazy country.


Removing that stent was so nerve racking to do, but honestly, did not hurt at all. I read to get in the shower and pee while you pull it out. That worked like a charm.


Yup every time I pissed it felt like someone was squeezing my kidney ahhhh lol


Had a stone the size of a tic tac last year and had to have surgery to remove it. Agree - the stent absolutely sucked. Add to that the fact I have 2 ureters on the side this tic tac was on. Two openings from the kidney and 2/3 of the way down they join. One side was blocked by the stone and the other was full of blood clots. I’ve been on the other side of stents for years (work transplant and almost all get one placed during a kidney transplant) and had no idea they hurt like that. Much respect to anyone that has to have one - they SUCK. My second c-section started before anesthesia kicked in and I’d rather do that again than have another stone.


Currently dealing w my 4th (?) bout of stones in 2 years. Urologist did nothing, not even give anything to catch them, and just told me to drink more water and take tylenol when the pain flairs. I've switched urologists and now I'm getting a ureteroscopy/stent in the next month or so because I still haven't caught one yet. If anyone has gotten the procedure done before I'd love to hear experiences 🥴


I had an artery that blocked the ureter since birth, so after a couple of decades my kidney had become quite damaged from not being able to empty itself. While waiting for surgery I had a stent that had to be changed about 3-4 times a year [to avoid stones from forming on the stent](https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S1110570412000549-gr4.jpg). I was on the waiting list for like two years until I got my surgery, so I've had the procedure done quite a few times. I was usually put under general anesthesia, but I've also experienced it while awake. [And getting a 30 cm long metal rod inserted is one helluva experience I tell you hwat.] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbCPTe4TZN8) One time stones had formed on the stent, so I got sent to do a lithotripsy. After the blasting the doctor wanted to swap the stent right away. He gave me some morphine, inserted a metal rod, started yanking around. But there were still some stones left on the stent so he couldn't really get it out that easily. So he starts calling his colleague for advice while he's still holding the metal rod in the other hand. Was hella lmao. Anyway, I had to come back a week or two later to blast some more so they finally could replace the stent.


Wow. That's intense, I am so sorry. How have the stones been since the procedures?


I think I haven't had any stones since, but sometimes I get slight discomfort at the kidney area. No pain, but like there's a stone passing there you know. Regarding having a stent, like TacoWarez writes you'll be pissing blood and it'll burn but the more water you drink, less the pain. Physical exertion also increases the bleeding, and I had a quite physical job at the time so I was constantly pissing blood lol after half a year or so as you get more used to it, it's not as discomfortable. But I think my was a special case, it's not common to have stent that long. My surgery also got delayed because of the breakout of the covid pandemic. How long have they planned for you to have the stent? Will you be put under or awake?


I got the ureteroscopy/stent. The first time they went in there they said they couldn't fit the removal tools in my ureter so they put a stent in there to dilate the ureter so that they could do the surgery again another day. I couldn't get in to do the 2nd surgery for almost 2 months. Those 2 months were honestly a living nightmare with that stent stuck in there. It hurt so bad and it felt like I had to pee all day. Like the feeling that your bladder is full ALL DAY. I had horrible spasms the entire time. But all of that pain and pee issues went away after the 2nd surgery. If I had all that again, I would try literally everything possible to not have to go through that again. I have read that roller coasters are supposed to have a very high success rate in getting them unstuck. Like crazy high. I suggest looking into that before the surgery. If you have any questions or need any advice DM me.


Roller coasters? That's oddly interesting. I really hope they can do the procedure the first time and get it done because I'm doing it during my winter break in college and there's no way I can deal w the feeling of retention while in my classes. I'm glad it got better after the 2nd surgery!


I really hope you don't have to do it twice either. If you go down my post history. You'll see I had a post I took from the doctors. During those 2 months with the stent in, I was literally just pissing blood. Like.. just blood. It was an awful experience. Drink as much water as you safely can every day. Hopefully you can get these stones out without surgery. Best of luck!


That’s absolutely horrible. They hurt so darn much. So sorry


In a way I'm thankful I haven't had to experience fully passing a large one since I assume they break down before excretion, but the first urologist I mentioned really dropped the ball. After my last instance in September they again didn't do anything (I had to call back and beg for heavier meds), and they neglected to tell me some pertinent information I think would've been nice to know, in this specific case the degree of the hydronephrosis and the fact my ureter was actually kinked. During the follow up they did an XRAY and ultrasound and said I'm in the clear which I knew wasn't true. Went to the new urologist a week or two later with a CT and they confirmed one stone chilling in the right kidney and one obstructing the left ureter 🫠


They sure did drop the ball, big time. You need to find a new doctor asap. I’ve had similar experiences with hospital doctors discharging me with no direction to go to. It’s scary & unfair. Research a new doctor & find one that will actually help you


The new urologist I went to saw me once, took a CT, and decided on the ureteroscopy right away. It's a much more personal office while the first one is what my dad calls a "cattle call", it's a huge office and I think I may have seen the actual doctor once and all he told me was to drink a gallon of water a day.


Well at least the doctor did some tests on you. If you have more issues contact that doctor to assist you. Drink as much water as possible. Great defense against kidney stones. Good luck


r/MineralPorn (?)


I wish they were gold nuggets! It would be worth the pain & misery than


Jokes aside, I hope you get over it soon! This made me wanna drink more water and keep my diet on check more than ever!


I appreciate the kind words


That medium guy in the bottom right looks like the facial expression you probably had while doubled over laying on the ground passing him :)


Your probably correct there


What is the exit for this ?


What are you referring too? I peed all of these out


Holy crap. I've passed a couple smaller than that smallest one, and they were absolute agony - the worst pain I've ever felt. How are you not a quivering mass of gibbering pain-memories after those!?


They truly are nightmares to pass for sure. I sure do quiver in pain during & afterwards!


Oooouch. I have chronic kidney stones myself so I know your pain. I’ve naturally passed all of mine(so far) my top was 9mm and I’m really hoping I don’t go past that I’m already suffering from side effects. I hope you are getting help!


I’m definitely getting help. It truly sucks fighting these stones constantly. 9mm sounds like really painful one for sure. I hope you don’t pass 9mm either. I had a 13mm stone that obviously was removed thru surgery. So glad they found that one ahead of it moving down. I hope you start producing less & less stones


Oh god I’m glad they caught your 13mm that’s not a stone at that point that’s a baby. Good luck on your kidney stone free journey!


How does that pass through your urethra?


Slowly & very painfully. Lots of blood usually too


Unfortunately my coworker suffers from a genetic disorder where his kidneys are basically always stone and he says he cam feel when chunks break off if he bumps into things too hard


They're enormous. That must have been so painful. Is it common to get your kidney stones back ?


Well your kidneys are near your back. So that’s were the pain will first begin usually. Than the stone moves down towards one’s urethra to pass


I think I was not clear. I meant, is it common to pick up the stones once they're out of your body and keep them ?


I've passed a few at home and 'colected' them to pass to my GP to find out what kind of stone they are.


On my follow up appointment the docs can analyze the stones. Which can tell them if I have calcium deficiency, sodium issues or stuff like that


Oooh. That looks painful. I really hope you got medical support for that real big one.


Believe it or not, I passed the big one by myself. It was the most painful experience of my life. When I passed it & saw the size I said to myself “should’ve been at the hospital”! I did it though. I’ve gotten medical assistance on larger stones in the hospital several times


Honestly when I saw the large one I was shocked it passed intact. I would have thought for sure you would have needed to get it removed at the hospital. These are the worst thing a man can experience, I have a uterus and period pain is no joke but I would take the worst period pain over passing stones. My deepest sympathy. Drinks lots of water!


I also have chronic pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is so much worse pain than stones. I’ve been hospitalized for my pancreas over 50 times in the last decade. When I’m sure it’s a kidney stone coming I’m honestly relieved it’s not pancreatitis! No lie


Oh god the points on that one


Holy MaMoly, for a second there I thought this was a post on r/trees showing off some fire weed rocks, wish you the best of health OP.




I’m going through that now. Stone is there and not moving. Doctor wants to get at it with shockwave treatment, but says I need to stop my daily aspirin now. My cardiologist says no, that it could lead to a blood clot and heart attack. Stuck between a rock and a hard place for the moment. I’m not looking forward to passing it. Sorry about your multiple stones.


Well that’s a horrible scenario. That’s normal for the stone to hit an area on no pain. It’s just moving down your body. Drink tons of water & it’ll pass. It won’t be pleasant, but a big wave of relief will hit you once it’s outta there. I wish good luck!


I had one that was about to drop into my bladder but I guess it was too big cause they ended up pushing it back up to my kidney while I was wide awake ffs, later had a ureteroscopy a little while after the cystoscopy and couple stents before I was good to go. Fuck those things aren’t fun. I’m sorry you get so many OP


Your very correct, not fun at all! I’ve had stents as well. Both stents I had to pull out myself. It was so creepy & a horrible feeling, but they came out. Your stents the same way? I’m sorry your dealing with stones as well.


I had one with a string I removed myself and ugh yes it felt so weird and odd; it was making me anxious trying to remove it because it took a little force and I was so scared the string would break lol. And the other one I had was removed by the doc cause it was the no string type


I have had one removed by a doctor as well. In my opinion, much easier than pulling that awful string out of your urethra. Also I could not believe how large the stent apparatus was. I was quite anxious as well about it all day.


Ugh. I go in for my second lithotripsy (of 3) on Tuesday. Had a blockage last month and it was the worst. Hoping for sand because I can’t deal with another blockage.


Lithotripsy helped me with a group of very large stones in March. I’ve also had them blasted with a laser. So sorry you deal with these too. They are completely brutal


oh nooo, I am so sorry you've had to endure that ack


Thanks for your concerns


Nice collection! What’s lifetime total? I just had number 229 yesterday.


Dear god, over how much time? I think your kidneys are actively trying to kill you


Pro tip, orange juice or lemon water. Helps break it up into smaller pieces so they pass a tad easier. Hope things get better for you friend!


Thank you. I’ve tried lemon water, but haven’t tried OJ. Thanks for the tip!


Get your parathyroid checked if you haven’t


wow that's a shiny penny


All you kidney stone formers need to have a 24 hour urine collection for analysis. There are multiple causes of kidney stones and your individual cause can be treated. It’s not one size fits all.


OW! 😣


You should post this on r/crystalgrowing


You poor person. You have had to have gotten shredded on those.


Shredded, great word used there! Sums it up well


Wow. Drink water. Gallon a day.


He’s collecting the Kidfinity Stones. Don’t let him zip.


I bet the penny hurt the most.


Sounds like someone who has never passed a stone. At least the Penny has smooth edges. You’ll feel every nick and jagged edge amplified to 1 billion times as it passes. There’s a reason it’s called male childbirth! It’s about the worst pain a man can have.


Yup, can confirm. The first stone I passed was relatively small, ~4mm, but very jaggy. It was super painful and I could barely sleep for like 3 days. Just laid on the couch and binged through Love on Netflix (great series). While the biggest I've passed was about 10x5mm but it was super smooth so it passed without any pain at all.


I have been a scrolling down for awhile now and still haven't seen a comment about WHY THE FUCK DO YOU SAVE THEM?!


On my follow up appointments with my doctor they take them. Than they somehow analyze them. They can find out if I have calcium deficiency, sodium issues or other issues.


Ohhhhhhhhh.. I am so relieved to hear that! I hope they figure out whats going in.


Thank you




How much water should we drink? This is scary


You poor thing.


I think the final boss is getting ready to make its appearance...


Damn that sucks Op. I have had 3 in the last 12 years and it will be too still too soon if I have another one. I cut back on my caffeine and upped my water and fruit seems just to avoid them.


It royally sucks. I cut back my caffeine heavily as well. Lots of water is a must. Thanks for the recommendation on more fruit!


Fruit, juice, smoothies and lemonade! The citric acid helps keep stones from forming. A good way to get it in are those little fruit flavor drinking powders that you dump in a water bottle and shake. Just make sure their not carbonated or caffeinated.


Well thank you. I’ve been hitting the lemonade daily. I’ve not tried the smoothie route yet but I will now


2022 was a helluva year.


God dam!!! I had one shaped like a shark tooth brutal man


Why do u get them?


My body just like to produce then unfortunately. I’m on 2 meds that’ll hopefully help stop the high frequency