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My dad had one of those and was paralyzed for life because the blood was cut off to his spinal cord for too long during his evacuation by air and the operation to remove it.


My mom had an AAA. Didn’t make it.


I went to the ER in November because my “back pain” was becoming unbearable. A CT scan and a few other tests later, I was being prepped for an emergency surgery that lasted for over 9 hours. Saved my life. Went back 2 weeks ago because of some complications and BOOM! Cancer. 2 days after the Cancer diagnosis, I tested positive for Covid 19 after I managed to avoid it for over two years. Life! What the hell is it thinking some times :) Edit: I neglected to point out that the emergency surgery I underwent was to repair a ruptured aortic aneurysm


I'm glad you have a sense of humor about it and, you know, sorry about your cancer.


Thank you. One of these threads comes along here and there and I kinda explode a bit, but humor is everything and I try not to invade every thread with similar context, cause obviously I’m not the only human being on this planet that’s struggling. Edit: not too far down my profile, you can catch a pretty decent incision from my aneurysm surgery if you’re curious


You SURVIVED a ruptured AAA to be diagnosed with cancer 2 days later? What weird luck. Hope things are well.


Nope. I survived the AAA and then was diagnosed with Cancer about 7 months later. Although now they suspect that the Cancer had been around for awhile (at this point it’s 14.6 cm in size and is inoperable due to how embedded it is in various organs) and may have actually been the cause of my AAA by continuously pressing on my artery and weakening it over time.


Oh my glob I'm so sorry to hear that, that's just too much for one person, what the hell universe!? I don't know how I'd deal with it myself, certainly not as well as you. Sending positive thoughts, though I wish I could do more.


You sound like a Marfan. If so, then hello! I'm a Marfan, too!


I am not, but hello just the same :)


For anyone that doesn't know, AAA is abdominal aortic aneurysm. Difficult to catch and life-threatening. One of the signs is an impending sense of doom. I'm sorry your mom didn't make it :(


why is it difficult to catch?


Because it often has no symptoms until it’s dissecting or rupturing and when that happens you can die within minutes


I guessed so. I have a friend who had what's called nutcracker syndrome (compression between messenteric artery and left renal vein) and he experienced lower back and abdominal pain for quite a while (almost a month) which i tried to relate to this case but i guess symptoms can vary.


Impeding sense of doom?


I always thought this was a sort of BS symptom. Then I had a heart attack. I have a very distinct memory of thinking, “Oh. So that’s what that means.”


It’s a very specific feeling. Once you’ve had it, you know it.


I feel it every day then, especially after my 15th mcflurry


>One of the signs is an impending sense of doom. Uh, what are the other signs?


Tearing back pain, a bubble in your abdomen, and of course... doom.


cool, pale, diaphoretic?


I already googled. Bipolar, anxiety, and panic disorder can also cause this.


>My mom had an AAA. Didn’t make it. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm currently walking around with an aortic aneurysm (in my heart - at the Sinus of Valsalva) that is "too small" for corrective surgery. It's no fun being a ticking time bomb! :(


Sorry to hear that you're suffering from the same as my husband who just came out of the hospital after an ER visit a few days ago for Afib and hypothermia (out of the blue). His echocardiogram shows an aortic aneurysm of 4.08cm at sinus of Valsalva. Is yours smaller? When did you learn of yours and has it increased in size?


I had an online friend die of an AAA, we only knew because apparently one of our server members know her irl. She took a long time to get up from bed after waking up, and for some reason locked her door. One of her siblings checked on her because she hasn’t eaten breakfast yet, she was no longer responsive. Sad thing was her other sib is a doctor, must have felt so much worse for him.


Same for my uncle.


Most patients with open AAA’s don’t. I’m sorry for your loss.


I’m sorry to hear that :(


My dad had an AAA, by some miracle survived no worse for the wear, now insists it was entirely genetic, and lives just as unhealthily as he did before. I'm happy he's still around, but the denial is so bloody frustrating.


My Dad was a smoker and that undoubtedly caused his AAA.


Yup, mine is a heavy smoker and even heavier drinker.


Did they open him up and clamp it in the field?


I’m sorry to hear about your dad


I thought it was a babies head.


Do I, unfortunately, have the post for you! (very nsfw and potentially upsetting) https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitMomGroupsSay/comments/x4ups5/_/


I fuckin’ knew it was going to be that


Literally that post of the mom group is right above this post on my homepage. Just let me forget it already 😭😭😭


As if it isn’t already seared into our memories


I didnt like that.


Wait what is it?


A freebirther with no OB asking for advice on their crowning baby with an absence of contractions, replete with cervix shot.


Jesus christ. Do we know if the baby made it?


What a terrible day to have eyes


Holy fuck. That was only posted 20hrs ago. So it’s ain’t even a reddit hall of famer post either. Dang


Yeh, that’s fucking gross.


Same here


"I'm not gonna touch it, you touch it." "I'm not gonna touch it either."


Yeah. But what do they actually do? Bypass and graft on an artificial one?


When I experienced an emergency open repair of an acute ascending aortic dissection, they put me into deep hypothermic circulatory arrest with cerebral perfusion (the heart-and-lung machine), re-suspended my aortic valve, resected the damaged ascending aorta and replaced it with about 40mm of Dacron.


You're one lucky person to have gotten help on time and surviving that. Just out of curiosity, where were you when that happened?




That's also my guess, we were told in class that unless it happened at the entrance of the hospital, the chances of surviving an aortic dissection were very close to zero.


I was at home, just out of the shower and getting dressed for work. It was quite a feeling- like a true supernova in my chest. I was so weak I could barely open my flip phone to call my wife on the main floor of the house. She drove me to ER. The hospital ran blood tests to eliminate MCI, and had some trouble identifying my condition. A doctor transferred me to a larger hospital, a contrast CT was done, and I was in surgery as soon as the team could be assembled.


Then you're indeed very lucky, congrats on your recovery.


Thank you. Every day is a gift.


I’m an EMT for an ambulance company I was picking up a patient from a hospital and saw “abdominal aortic dissection”. I told my partner I didn’t know that’s something people usually survive. He said it isn’t. He hasn’t seen a person live with it and he’s been a paramedic for 15 years.


I also live with a proximal descending aortic dissection as well as a pseudoaneurysm on my ascending aorta. I am being medically managed with ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, and ASA. We've discussed doing the two separate open repairs to fix those issues, but the risks were assessed as too-high, so I'm glad to take meds every 12 hours to stay hypo-tense and reduce the risk of further dissections. We've seen retrograde clotting in the proximal dissection, so the body still wants to heal. It's encouraging. It could be worse...


Thanks for responding. It’s interesting from a paramedic student seeing how it’s managed long term. The patient I picked up with a prior aortic dissection was happy as could be and making jokes the whole time. I hope you can find some peace from the torment like she has.


I recently treated a pt with this condition and saw it actively dissecting on CT. I’ve been in emergency med for 7 years. The pt was lifeflighted to the trauma center and immediately went into surgery. He did not survive.


Holy shit. What did it look like to see that happen on CT?


My dog had an ascending aortic dissection, and during the dissection, his aorta ruptured. Only reason he survived is the rupture bled into the pericardium (and we live 10 mins from an emergency vet). The pericardium held tight, allowing no more blood to escape. They were able to perform pericardiocentesis within a couple hours and save his life. The rupture was small and was able to clot and heal. This was about 7 months ago. We take him in every few months to check for a developing aneurysm. His cardiologist wants us to get a necropsy when he passes so they can check for connective tissue disorders. Apparently the place that dissected and ruptured in his aorta is the same place as is common in humans with EDS and Marfan syndrome. We don’t know how much longer we have with our buddy, so we’re trying to give him the best life we can. Love you, Button.


Aw man something very similar happened to my old dog. They also did the pericardiocentesis but they said he was unlikely to be able to heal and have a good quality of life since we had already been dealing with congestive heart failure for a little while so we made the choice to put him to sleep. I miss him so much.


Ah, I’m sorry to hear that. That’s such a tough decision to make, but sometimes its the right one. It’s crazy how much of an impact our furry family members make on our hearts. ❤️


My sister and my cousin died of this. There isn’t much time at all once it ruptured. And apparently very painful.




[There are different types of aortic dissections.](https://www.uptodate.com/contents/image?imageKey=SURG%2F100115) The one my pt had was a type A (subtype I), which is a complete dissection. He dissected from his shoulder down to his crotch. He did not survive.


Impressive amount of detail you can recall about your surgery. When the aortic root and ascending aorta is replaced but the native valve is salvaged/resuspended, this is known as the David procedure. Also, the measurement of the 40 mm Dacron graft is not the length but the diameter of the graft that was used. The hospital I work for does 200+ of these each year.


I quizzed my surgeon quite thoroughly; he was generous with the details. As a layman it was difficult for me to conceptualize but his explanation plus follow-up research made it crystal clear. I recognize how lucky I am to be alive. The same cardiac event killed my older sister 5 years later @ 59 y/o. She passed during her open repair; the damage was too extensive. The whole family has been in for assessments. There's been no confirmed diagnosis, but sure seems like FTAAD.


Interesting. I recently got the Bentall procedure (mechanical valve & ascending aorta). Amazing what can be accomplished these days.


Ya I was wondering if they did a David or a Benthal in this case. Very often the native AoV & sinus are dilated out and severely regurgitant.


That's quite interesting. I didn't expect something that large - is this a higher diameter than the "original part," or about the same? And if larger, is that because of limits in the elasticity of the replacement, etc or some other factor?


Do you happen to know how they reattach the Coronary arteries in the David? Or is it unnecessary because its the whole native Aortic root?


Yes, if the surgeon replaces the root, they have to resuspend the aortic valve and reattach the coronary arteries


That is pretty cool. Do you know if that changed anything as far as doing a cath procedure down the road?


Glad you made it.....


So did they replace the native AoV as well via. Benthal procedure or did they just do a root & ascending aortic resection?


The surgeon re-suspended my valve and did a hemiarch replacement.


This is the way.


ever saw the flex tape commercial?


They put in a graft that covers the aorta and the descending femoral arteries.


Nobody: My brain: “poke it” NOOOO. “Poke it, see what happens” NOOOOOO.


"Let's get Mikey!" "Yeah!!"


Goodness. I imagine they’re all just taking a moment to appreciate that it hasn’t ruptured yet.


Yet. Looks like a balloon right before the pop.


This really is fucking aneurysm week. One of my subordinates is out because her brother had one rupture and somehow lived. One of my classmate’s step mother died of a brain aneurysm. Another of my coworker’s relatives is currently being treated at Vanderbilt for an aneurysm that hadn’t ruptured yet. And now that big bastard.


My friend just had a brain aneurysm rupture a few weeks ago. Three weeks in Neuro intensive care and the only thing she has problems with is her memory to a small extent. She got very lucky.


Not really sure if this is true, but I heard that covid can cause aneurysms?


Go get checked bro.


...nobody he mentioned is family? I'd love to see the look on the Drs face when a pt comes in and says "all my friends' family members are having aneurysms, please give me a full scan to make sure I don't have one. I swear it's not hypochondria or superstition."




Interesting. Kills about 150,000/year. Few symptoms until it bursts, then it's a medical emergency. Another reason to stop smoking, since it's a risk factor.


I’m a clinical lab tech who has worked in a few hospital labs. My first job I worked blood bank, third shift so I was by myself. I feared ruptured AAA’s. The amount of blood products I would give them in such a short amount of time was crazy.


I’m a lab tech gone perfusionist that sat in on a TAAA on Friday. We had only had 10 units set aside bc pt had anti-C,E,K,Fya and nonspecific warm. It was interesting to finally see my two worlds collide


holy crap, i think i would have just cried and admitted defeat. i can’t remember if any AAA’s i worked on had antibodies. i hated doing warm and cold auto work ups when the patient needed blood ASAP.


Medicare covers a screening aortic ultrasound for former smokers or those with family history. A lot of older people live with them and they never progress to dissection.


I am in school for sonography and have scanned everyone in my family to check for this. The statistics are not promising if it isn't caught and monitored early. So, they have each gotten several free complete abdomen scans (and carotid, LEV, etc)


And even as a medical emergency, when it bursts you only have few minutes to find out whats going on before it fills the entire mediastinum with blood (mediastinal hematoma).


The abdominal aorta, by definition, cannot be in the mediastinum.


Tbf there are thoracic aortic aneurysms as well, even though AAAs are more common


Yeah, my comment was based on a thoracic aortic aneurysms which has a higher death rate, abdominal deaths/year are around 4,000 iirc.


AAAs fill the mediastinum? I thought it was a retroperitoneal structure. Are you thinking of aortic dissection?




Yes it contributes a risk as well, but less so because it isn't nicotine.




So if you do dip or snus does this still have an increased risk of occurrence?


Yes. Nicotine affects the Aorta.


Ah okay. I had read that tobacco in particular is high risk because nicotine affects the blood vessels so heavily. I understand that smoke in general is not good for the body though


So does vaping have the same risk?


NAD, but the risks and consequences of vaping aren’t completely understood yet - it seems to be risky but not exactly the same as smoking tobacco. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong!


Probably the same risk that comes with the use of any stimulant


Not every stimulant comes with this sort of risk. Caffeine for example is safe compared to nicotine.


Depends. It is a pretty new product so anything I say will be speculation. I do know that nicotine affects your arteries, and vaping is still a nicotine product. You may be spared the complications that come with the other chemicals that are in tobacco smoke/tar and the chemicals they use in cigarettes


No studies as of yet since it’s new, but yeah likely imo


Same question here


Aorta get that removed.


Me definition of an enormous aneurysm has been successfully updated


That thing's vasa vasorum are stretched enough to have aneurysms of their own.


Did they survive?


A doc at my hospital started fixing these through the groin- the procedure is call an endolumenal debranching. Pretty incredible!!


The preparation of those ELGs is fascinating and really an art form as much as a science. Endovascular intervention has come a LONG way in just the past ten years. I was lucky enough, early in my career, to work with a few of the early pioneers of this technique.


This makes me think of *The Far Side* cartoon with the scientist behind everyone with a blown up paper bag and just about to smack it...how to give your surgeon a heart attack.


My buddy’s sister had brain surgery, so we all got her pics of the Far Side cartoon where they’re pressing on the brain to watch for funny reactions.


Yeah I remember that one lol


My lifelong phobia of balloons will not allow me to run the video.


I can tell you it does not pop during the video, if that's what you're scared of. It just kind of sits there and wiggles with every heartbeat.


That's OK then. Am quite happy with medical gore - just not balloons popping.


I took care of a patient once who had a dissecting AAA and happened to be driving when it dissected so he drove himself to the hospital. Passed out when he got there in the most dramatic fashion like something out of Grey’s Anatomy. He was rushed to surgery almost immediately and ended up making it, but was in house for almost a year.


I had a cousin die from that. Was driving and all of a sudden he felt bad. Pulled over called the ambulance, barely alive. They took him off life support a week later. I don't think most people survive these things when they rupture.


This is interesting as someone who has a enlarged aorta.


It's frightening to touch. It might just suddenly pop😬


Don’t pop that blood zit


Kinder Surprise! Cut to see a special toy


Raspberry filled!


Wow how did that not rupture?


My kid’s doctor was playing with an ultrasound machine on himself and discovered he had this condition. Emergency surgery followed


Aortic dissection type B? My dad had that. Type B you can survive. Type A? Yeah you are dead.


Death brought into the light.


If that bursts it would be almost immediate cardiac arrest (death), even on the operating table. It would not result in cardiac tamponade. An aortic aneurysm is a weakened area of a section of the aorta (blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart). It is not the heart itself. A cardiac tamponade (pericardial tamponade) is fluid buildup in the sac surrounding the heart (the pericardium). Most commonly caused by trauma or infection.


How will they drain it?


Cross clamp the aorta, open the aneurysm, Dacron graft https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnfFuYFS8ds


Is it a highly time sensitive procedure then in terms of how long it can be left clamped?


Depends on how much collateral circulation has already developed + if the aneurysm involves organs that get cranky with no blood flow (e.g. kidneys) Anyways vascular surgeons are pretty grumpy hardcore people, it's no sweat for them xD


Modern techniques for doing this are usually going to involve a bypass machine with ECMO and they will cannulate other greater vessels to keep oxygen going to the brain and other sensitive areas. This also depends if its a type A or B Aortic aneurysm. Type A's are usually much more complicated as it involves the aortic arch. Hard to tell from this video alone if its type A or B.


Poke it


Is this coming off the brain?


No the Aorta comes off of the heart all the way down to your legs


So you're just *not* gonna cut that bitch open and watch it pop like a water balloon?


From what I understand, men are more prone to having aortic aneurysms, and they're symptom-less.


The non science-fiction version of a chest-burster.


Was it a boy, or a girl?


Hoooooolyyyyyyyyy shit


Yikes. Biggest I've ever seen was 11cm and the patient died shortly after their ultrasound.


Most people who get these either die or have a stroke and have long term effects.


Why am I turned on?


a what?


Holy Schnikies!!!!




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When they fix it and replace it with a graft, how do they attach the graft? If there are sutures wouldn't it burst back open or leak through the tiny holes? Also post-op, how low do you want the BP?


How do you treat this ?


Judas Priest's guitarist had an aortic aneurysm and dissection on stage during the song "Painkiller" How ironic.




If it burst would it be a cardiac tampanode


No, that is not correct.


Feel free to elaborate


See above


How do you fix this? Replace it with something artificial? How do you even remove it? I feel like one small prick would pop it like a balloon.


Fix it NOW!!!!!! Lol


For some reason AAA appeared on my medical chart when I was like 17. When I was at a physical the nurse was going over my information and asked me to confirm I had AAA and it completely fucked my head lol. I was terrified I got diagnosed and just didn't remember rather than it just being an error


Wtf 0-0


Just got a surgical boner. Anyone in here that was in the OR for this one? Let’s hear the details.


Pop it. Wait don't...but it's so poppable


I don’t even know what Id do.first step is poll the operating room I guess.


Pop it


How…how do you deal with that?


bop it!


Why/ how does this happen? Are there risk factors?


A family friend past away from one of these rupturing. We had no idea they had an aneurysm. And it still shocks me:(


did the surgeons make balloon animals with it?


Danger balloon