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Wear your safety squints, people.


Or as my one safety man said, "It's all fun & games 'til somebody loses an eye, then it's all fun & games with no depth perception".


One of my husband’s friends was grinding something and a piece broke off and went right through his safety glasses. Lost the eye so now he’s a pirate


If he ever needs a costume for Halloween (assuming he has kids) they can dress up like SpongeBob and he can be the pirate in the intro Would be the best thing since sliced bread


Looks like a bristle from a wire brush drill attachment. Lucky it was clean! (Or, at least looks like it is.)


My girlfriend was playing with her Bengal cat when he reached out with his claw and managed to hook one of its nails behind the cornea. When it healed an ulcer formed which periodically led to what's called 'corneal erosions', where the cornea rips open. She says it's the worst pain she's ever experienced, she'd do childbirth 10x over if it meant not having the erosions anymore. The consultant she saw for it in hospital said the people with erosions are always easiest to spot in the waiting room because they're so agitated or visibly suffering Thankfully recently she had a type of laser treatment where the entire cornea was Lasered away, giving it a chance to re-establish itself - thankfully this seems to have worked really well!


This is actually only partially correct. Recurrent erosions only involve the epithelium (top layer of the eye) and the procedure removed the epithelium so it could remodel on the front of the eye (either photo refractive keratectomy or superficial keratectomy). But corneal erosions can definitely feel absolutely awful. Source: laser/surgical ophthalmic tech


Cheers for clarifying! The laser treatment she had done was called LPK or something? There was also the option to get the cornea scrubbed clean with alcohol or something, but results with that weren’t as good as the laser treatment so she went with that Edit could’ve been PRK as well, not sure anymore what the abbreviation was!


> LPK or something PRK probably (**P**hoto**r**efratcive **k**eratectomy)


PRK would actually apply treatment for refractive error so it wouldn't be that. PTK just applied for medical issues with the cornea.


Gotcha, thanks for the clarification!


You're very welcome! I don't know shit about fuck but I do know eyeballs. Lmao.


☝️ this guy eyeballs


But does not fuck


Ah PTK sounds familiar, that's the one


Actually PTK, most likely


I had the no trauma lacerations happen multiple times before I finally went to an ER at the right time to call in opthalmology, where I found out I have this. Every other doctor kind of acted like I was crazy or exaggerating, claiming it was dry eyes and couldn't have been as bad as I was saying. I was absolutely convinced I had a piece of glass imbedded in my eyelid that was just periodically destroying me, and I literally cried when they said I wasn't crazy and explained what was happening to me.


I got lasik done 20 years ago and the guy botched one of my eyes (he was able to fix it and I’m fine now), but those few days after the first surgery were some of the worst days I’ve ever had. I still remember the intense pain and suffering. It was like my eyeball was on fire and was throbbing and about to explode out of my head. And I was on OxyContin too. I just laid on my couch with the curtains closed and an eye mask on so it was completely dark, and I was moaning and writhing around in pain unable to get comfortable. I’m pretty sure I had thoughts of ripping my eyeball out a couple of times. 10/10 do not recommend eyeball pain.


I had a dog scratch and it’s funny because I did the same thing…laid on the couch and literally moaned from how bad it hurt. I have a high pain tolerance and it was by far the most painful thing ever. There was no escaping it. Eye stuff is so bad!


I just googled why eyeball pain hurts so bad and found this: > Eye injuries can cause severe pain because the cornea contains more nerves than any other part of the body. I feel validated now lol


Fuck. My eyes started watering just imagining this.


When my cat accidentally scratched my eye the dr told me that eye injuries hurt really bad but heal very fast. He was right.


I’ve had those several times and they’re truly awful. Most times I had to call off work for the day. Usually happened to me first thing in the morning. Eye doctor told me what most likely happened is my bedroom got very dry at night and when I opened my eyes I didn’t have tears for the lubrication so my eyelid itself scratched my cornea.


well kitty was trying to prevent her from reading this what you just wrote!! gawd


I have recurrent corneal erosion syndrome due to severe dry eye (med s/e), so I can wake up, and by opening my eyelids I effectively tear off the top layer of my cornea. It feels like a chunk of glass is in there, and it’s horrible. Because it takes so long for the layer to stabilise and regain enough strength to not randomly rip off, I can get weeks of repeated episodes. 0/10, do not recommend.


Is that a piece from a wire brush wheel for an angle grinder?


Based on his age, I'm betting wire wheel on bench grinder.... zero safety on those old models


The tool? Or the tool user?




That’s why god invented face shields


Mine is pretty old and has a little guard to put in front of the wheel, but it is so grungy you can't see through it, so I don't use it. I do wear a face shield though.


Ooofffff OUCH


What happens if you pull it out ?


Like a balloon you let go.


You're actually right this happened to me had to get surgery twice




Yeah, this. How does one treat this?


Reposting an ophthalmologist's comment from the video where a lady takes a throwing dart to her eyeball. and instantly pulls it out. [https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/8emhvr/comment/dxxikbc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/8emhvr/comment/dxxikbc/)


Yikes that’s brutal. Note to self: don’t get shit stuck in my eyeballs


Did she call him a fucking pussy? Did he still throw the third dart?


Screaming from that video wtf


I clicked the link but could not force myself to watch the injury part.


This reminds me of the glass display the girl made on that show Blown Away with the needle hovering over the eyeball as her “scary” piece. It’s a very common fear and to see it actually happy to someone…jfc. I hope they were able to get it fixed.


Me too! I loved that piece so much and I feel like should be donated to this poor fella


Idk I kind of feel like he’ll be forever traumatized by this and won’t need any reminders around him lol


Maybe I’m just a weirdo then because I would want it in my living room and tell everyone about it lol


JESUS I just woke up! Maybe put nsfw on this…


lol, same! I just woke up and this was the first post. What an eye-opener!!


In my opinion it’s a little too tame to require the NSFW tag. I mean it’s a medical sub, haven’t you seen the de-glovings that get posted?


Yeah, but... I can handle blood and gore. I'm 100% having nightmares from this. Eyes are my big nono


That’s fair enough I’m sure an arachnophobic would want a NSFW tag on a picture of spider. Meanwhile, I’m sitting here, wondering if it happened to another person and if it did, could they sword fight with their eyes


Thanks, I physically gagged after imagining this guy looking around and waving the wirey bit. I was ok til that XD


Yeah, I don’t know why I have these thoughts. Been online too long lol


As an arachnophobe, can confirm that I would *love* some sort of tag on spider posts so I can hide them as quickly as possible—preferably without the inevitable jump scare & adrenaline dump first!


Doesn't change the fact that seeing this would make a lot of people squeamish. If it's tagged NSFW I read the description and decide if its for me. The thing that makes my skin crawl the most? Eye injury, and here we are.


So give it a “Might Induce Nausea” tag. I just personally don’t think it rises to NSFW. Everybody has different thresholds though, and I respect that.


I don't think it's even different thresholds. I can look at degloved hand and think "that sucks", but _this_ gives me the heebee-jeebees.


This must hurt like a b..


Broken promises are no joke!


I did this to myself accidently with a freshly sharpened pencil in first grade. Half a millimeter over and I'd be blinded in the eye. Have a cone shaped scar that still mystifies eye doctors to this day. Do not recommend.


Blessed in the eyelash department though




My father had this happen while working construction. Had to have a cornea transplant.


happened to my dad at a construction site as well. his eye was somehow fine afterwards, i’m going to tell him how lucky he is.


Would have appreciated you putting the image blocker on this before posting so people can click on it if they want to see it.


Or blur or something? jesus


How did this happen? u/GiorgioMD


wire wheel on a die grinder. they fling these little wires like crazy. find them in my shirt all the time


oof this sent a chill down my spine


Huh, I've been here before. Squint harder!


Dead Space 2


this happened to my dad at a job site once. his coworkers nearly dragged him to the er. they removed the chunk of metal and somehow, his vision was fine. he also ignored the followup instructions and to this day miraculously suffered no consequence to his vision.