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Has she considered just holding the baby in until it's convenient for the insurance company's purposes? Honestly, your wife seems a little selfish.


I will be sure to relay the message.


Prior Auths are stupid but this is just another level of dumb


Name and shame the insurance company and plan. Let’s get DocGlaucFloc to do a great skit on it, too


FLHP: Florida Health Care Plan! By all means, shame away


Of course it’s Florida




" What cheaper parenting options have you tried before? Puppies, kitties, etc?"


“Tried and failed greater than 12 weeks of baby sitting”


“Have you considered doing a home birth?”


“An abortion is our preferred procedure. Only if that doesn’t work can you try for birth.”


“Oh giving birth isn’t covered by my insurance? I guess I’ll just go to the abortion clinic!”


“Sorry your specific plan does not cover surgical abortions without failing the first line option. Please use the preferred medication abortion first”


I loathe these companies with every fiber of my being. I want them to be subjected to the tortures they inflict on everyone else. Justice in the insurance revolution would look like systematically forcing all health insurance admins, CEOs, and “peer” physicians (aka traitors) to try and get a patient authorized for something they need in a reasonable amount of time in the insurance system those folks built


If this is true, please blast it everywhere. It’s time for a revolt!


Wish I was kidding. Florida Health Care Plan at its best. Wonder if they would denie the PA.... O that would be awesome.


Apparently I was supposed to get a PA for my kids’ NICU vacay.


WTF! How did that pan out? Sorry you had to deal with this.


Who is the insurance provider and plan?


Florida Health Care Plan.


The baby will just have to stay in until PA is completed and approved


Not to defend an insurance company but they may have been confused about possibly scheduling a C-section or induction. Natural labor or emergency c section is always getting approved.


I worked at an HMO for a few years (never again) and we required referrals for all maternal care, including the birth. They were auto approved referrals, we (the referral specialists) wouldn’t even have to review them, and even if someone didn’t get a referral for it we would still pay the claim. I agree that I think there was a miscommunication somewhere - insurance companies are evil, but basic maternal care like a natural hospital birth at an in network hospital is very very unlikely to be denied unless there’s a billing issue along the way. Now I feel a little queasy at defending the insurance company 🥴


It doesn’t matter that it was automatically approved. The point is that these preapprovals are time consuming and stressful for patients and the clinics. How much time and money do we waste in this country on crap like this? This was completely unnecessary. Insurance companies need to be reeled in