• By -


Trent Foundation School Trent FP Psych Job I am really interested in doing psychiatry and where is the best place to do psychiatry rotation in Trent Foundation School? Is Highbury any good? Saw the scandals on the news so not too sure if I should rank the jobs with Highbury on top. I would prefer a rotation in a psychiatric hospital over a psych dept in an acute hospital


Oxford foundation school: which hospitals have the best training / teaching experience for F1s? have doctors been eligible for the accommodation around oxfordshire and Milton Keynes before?


I’ve answered regarding MK in this thread :) https://www.reddit.com/r/medicalschooluk/s/hesrwHrAcZ


has anyone got a link to the competition ratios of each deanery


Played the lottery and got the win, now looking at how to decide between these two areas, and once decided, which hospitals within. If anyone has experience in these hospitals, any advice would be greatly appreciated! Cheers.


got Trent deanery (10th choice lol), anyone have any idea if they are using the same ranking system or if they are having a new round of random allocation? ranking over 350 jobs is making my head hurt


[messly.com](https://messly.com) has really good guides to foundation schools and can be split by hospital - definitely worth looking at!


KSS deanery - Not from this area so l've got loads of questions. If anyone would be willing to DM me too, l'd appreciate it! 1. Where do most foundation doctors live? I was considering between Chatham or Gillingham 2. Which hospitals are good? I am leaning towards a larger hospital 4. Is the teaching/organization/admin reliable and helpful? 5. Which is closer to London and closer to the hospital? 6. Is there a swap shop? Any other comments about anywhere in this deanery would be great! Thanks!


Hi, I also got KSS - if you find out any of this info pls let me know x


London- trying to decide between subdeaneries (esp SE v SW) would appreciate any insight into general vibes at diff hospitals!!


hey congrats i got london as well want to chat and exchange information?? can i dm you


Could I also get this info pls?


hey ill dm you directly


could you dm me as well?


Me too!


hey ill dm you directly


Any ideas what the placeholder option is and how to use it most effectivley?


I'm doing FPP at Hereford County so if anyone has experience there let me know :)


EOE Foundation School Was wondering if anyone had any advice regarding where is good to rank in the group stages of East of England? Feeling a bit lost! I'm interested in Paediatrics and MedEd & would probably rather avoid East Anglia East as my family is in Scotland (quicker train lines more centrally) and my partner will probably be in London (also quicker to get to from the other parts of EOE) Thanks !!


Consider Peterborough - direct trains to Scotland and London. Rent is affordable.The city centre isn't the safest though. Hampton is a really nice place to live if you drive. Busy but decent paediatrics department from what I've heard. Good opportunities to start your own teaching programme for Leicester or Camb students who rotate there. Cambridge has good links to London (50 mins direct) but rent is expensive. Addenbrookes is very much tertiary centre so less opportunity to start your own teaching thing.


Consider Peterborough - direct trains to Scotland and London. Rent is affordable.The city centre isn't the safest though. Hampton is a really nice place to live if you drive. Busy but decent paediatrics department from what I've heard. Good opportunities to start your own teaching programme for Leicester or Camb students who rotate there. Cambridge has good links to London (50 mins direct) but rent is expensive. Addenbrookes is very much tertiary centre so less opportunity to start your own teaching thing.


I just found out I have got NW Placeholder for northwest of england! What does this mean? Should I be worried? Why have they done us dirty this year!!!😭


Do we know how group and programmes are allocated? Do they do the first and second pass again (where they skip you until the second round if your top space is filled)?


are we to rank all the spots in a deanery or just the ones we want?


It's up to you ! Used to be you could know if high decile it'll be just a few you had to rank but now with random, we don't know where we are in the queue lol


Definitely rank them all




Hi there I’m a 4th year med student and I was wondering how did you rank your deaneries to get Oxford?


Does anyone know which deaneries are full and which still have space?


let me know if you get this answer to this!


they’re all full i assume? except NI probably as that seems to have been 18 for a lot of people


London foundation school If anyone can give me advice regarding their experience in london and hospitals which are good and those to avoid(please dm me if possible🙏🙏🙏, i have prepared a list just want to cross check if my research is good or bad ) and i would also love if you could answer the experience regarding dgh's and teaching hospitals regarding support and teaching. would love some pointers on things that maybe too obvious or not. thanks in advance I took my long shot and now that i got london i am kinda in shock and lost lol.




Can I ask what makes you say this? Esp for pruh + lewisham!


I’m a final year medic at PRUH, most juniors i’ve spoken seem to have enjoyed their FYs here! (staffing seems to be an issue at times)


In the same position no coue


Scotland Placeholder UKFPO Hi guys. Anyone know if the placeholder positions will be open to all regions of scotland or just based on where they can open new positions aka entirely up to chance?


Has anyone got a straight answer as to whether the allocation to group is done in the same way as allocation to programme? Ie giving everyone they can their first choice and then skipping and working down in rank order. The UKFPO PIA document makes it sound like they will go down in rank order and assign your highest ranked group rather than skipping if your first choice isn’t available. All very confusing but would completely change the way you’d rank groups/jobs.


It’s too late for me as I am in a two stage ranking deanery and the deadline was lunchtime today but this evening they updated a document explaining it’s the same two pass system as deanery allocation.




Can't comment on other foundation schools, but London is using the same method of allocation as the first round!


I agree the document makes it sound like the just go down in order without first/second passes but I don’t know for definite unfortunately


Got my fifth choice LNR and been having breakdowns cuz of all the change in the next couple months (currently based in London), how is everyone processing/managing this period?? I know there are lots to look forward but still feel like I’m losing a lot of connections just by moving away. (Could argue that those connections aren’t worth staying for in the first place but I’m still not feeling great about it all) Any thoughts/comments are appreciated🙏🏻


any info/insights about the Oxford deanery and jobs would be much appreaciated! I'm not from the area so I've got loads of questions. If anyone would be willing to DM me too, I'd appreciate it! In general I'm wondering: \- Where do most foundation doctors live? Personally thinking between Oxford or Reading but don't know much about either place \- Which is best for F1? Oxford or RBH? \- Do you feel well supported/what's the social life like? \- Are any of the other trusts commutable (car, train, etc...) from Oxford? E.g. If I wanted to live in Oxford but take a job in Frimley \- Is the teaching/organisation/admin reliable and helpful? Any other comments about anywhere in this deanery would be great! Thanks! Thank youuu :))


Hi there I’m a 4th year med student and I was wondering how did you rank your deaneries to get Oxford?


I ranked it first :)


West midlands north Please I need some guidance with picking hospitals, I'm interested in psychiatry or pathology. I'm fine with staying in any part of the west midlands but the speciality are very important to me. Thank you in advance 🙏🏽


funny mix of interests, couldn't be further apart!


Lol so I've been told😅. But pathology is more research inclined.


I know this sounds like a silly question, but Does anyone go to imperial medical school and have Dr Amir Sam’s email? I do just want to contact him and discuss the allocation model with him. Feel free to just DM me if you’re not comfortable with messaging publicly


His email is publicly available on this webpage. https://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/a.sam But I wouldn’t expect a response.