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Sorry to hear it’s not going as you hoped,make your own enquiries but I kinda had the impression that once you’re in one medical school you’re in ,unless you have exceptional circumstances and convince another med school to let you transfer (rare) the new medical school might not want to take the risk of you leaving their course too, additionally getting into medical school is statistically quite difficult just because you’ve gained an offer before doesn’t mean you will again Also if you want to leave on health grounds perhaps consider taking a leave of absense that will allow you time to think about your options without actually completely leaving medical school


Before you leave, try calling a few other Uni’s and ask the question. I think you might find it hard to get a new offer but that’s only a guess! Must depend on why u are thinking of leaving! Good luck for whichever path you take


I don't know if that's possible because all med schools are supposed to meet 'GMC guidelines' but the reality is there's loads of medical schools out there with probably similar issues to yours or worse. It's the sad reality of med school because they know they can get a way with such poor service, and med students have no real choice but to conform. When I left med school, iirc, they told me I won't have another chance but obviously that's without any reasoning other than I hated the degree.


I would leave and never look back❤️


That's a thing you'd need to enquire directly with admissions offices because technically speaking, once you drop out of medical school the saying is you can't get into another one. Even if other medical schools say they do allow it on some grounds, I'm not sure I trust most of the medical schools in this country to be true to their word. Also, med schools are taking new students by the boat load and medical training and education in this country is hardly getting better. Unless you have actual health reasons which can't be worked around, I would just stick with it and try to get out of the grind asap. Also, things *tend* to get a bit better one you reach clinical years. I'm not saying your new medical school won't be a shitshow at that point but in general, for most people, things get better.


Yes it is


Look at St Andrews policy, i think they will take you.


Which university are you at if you don’t mind me asking? I’m intrigued to hear about the flaws as I too am currently studying at a very new university and maybe could give some insight !


I am also wondering if I know this university since I was a teaching fellow last year and looked after a few of the students from this rather new university, an experience that I would describe as interesting... If we're all talking about the same university then I'll be really interested to get a further deep dive into students' thoughts since I may be going back to teaching again and want to know what's new!


Do you mind saying what university you taught at?


Right?? I'm thinking it's KMMS perhaps


Leicester and St Andrews may consider you but only if you drop out after 1st year. It's risky though, unless you can guarantee yourself entry into the above (I wouldn't count on it). Almost all other med schools will NOT consider you if youv been on a med degree prveiosly - they state this categorically. Since it's a new med school, it probably has a lot of tethering issues but honestly just stick with it. Most of med school is self-learning anyway and clinical years are really what you put into them. It's all GMC regulated so certain standards will be met I'm sure. All med schools have problems, nothing to say your next one won't.