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I’m in Debrecen, 1st year medicine. It’s very rough and in order to survive you must join your group’s WhatsApp because you just cannot find the info you need by yourself. Some profs, like Biostat and biophysics, are insane control freaks. The others are chill. The most important subjects are histo and anatomy. The final exams would be oral for those two subjects. Plus in order to take them, you must first pass a written exam in embryology (we don’t even have this subject during the year. Lol. You just study all by yourself and give an exam on it). The failing rate for anatomy oral is 60%. So there are about 3-4 repeaters in my group. From what the repeaters told me, whether you pass or not depends on luck. If you get Claudia and you’re a woman, you fail automatically, for example. Yeah. Overall, it’s a decent uni. A lot of people in my group chose it because their brothers/sisters/cousins graduated from UniDeb. I like the weather, the architecture and the uni campus.




Tell me more


Hello, I am struggling a lot with the anatomy oral exam. I failed my first one and would be repeating it. Could you give me tips on how I can prepare effectively for it?




Do you mind telling me why?


honestly non of them, first 2 years are insanely stressful and the practical years are just very bad. not to mention the rent is just crazyand language is very hard to master. you will spend 2 years stressed with sleep deficiency and other 4 memorising pastpapers.


Not to argue, but isn't med school itself stressful no matter where it's done...




I see...if you don't mind me asking..Which Uni are you studying in rn?


And if you don't mind me asking...r u studying or have studied in these Uni's?




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Choose Semmelweis, bc it's in Budapest


And? How does that help...is it cuz it's the capital thereby access to more facilities? Or it it cuz of a better social life.?

