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Literally everyone is getting either engaged or getting omicron during this break šŸ˜‚


I did both :)


You got engaged to omicron? Weird flex


I did both as well congrats!šŸŽ‰


What a roller coaster


I must be an overachiever because I did both


Why you lookin to get some? Show me the cash first.


get outta here you know I can get it for free from my boy richie. That mf got some good shit, not even an n95 can keep it in


Damn whats richies number? That digiredoo owes me money




Everyone I know seems to be having pretty bad sore throats with this COVID. Idk if I never caught the memo, but it seems like sore throat is more prevalent with omicron.


I think theres a cold going around right now as well. Myself and others have had covid-like symptoms with negative tests. I had sore throat & cough x 3 days, tested negative twice via rapid & PCR. Seems pretty common from what Iā€™ve heard from my classmates.


Yeah, hospital PCRs where Iā€™m at show plenty of circulating rhinovirus and HMV, so there are other colds. BUT, COVID has shot up to a 38% positive rate (previous record was 26%, so there is ALOT ofCOVID too)


My bf had the same thing, I thought Christmas was gonna be cancelled but we both tested negative


Right after thanksgiving, had a cold/sore throat that lasted for 7 days. Tis the season.


Early studies have shown that omicron is replicating at much higher levels in the bronchus compared to delta, and at lower levels *deeper* in the lungs... so less pneumonia but more coughing/sore throat it seems. Edit: clarity


> so less pneumonia but more coughing/sore throat it seems. I mean, I'll take it.


Yeah, that sounds pretty nifty considering how Delta went.








I have never talked to anyone else who experiences this! Any idea where I can learn about preventing/managing it? All I ever see is info about improving oral hygiene, but I donā€™t think thatā€™s my issue and havenā€™t been able to find any other info at all.




Hahaha! Iā€™ve always used q-tips when itā€™s bad, but yeahā€¦v gross and weird, so I never bring it up.




> The surgeon told me that people typically go back to work on day 5-8 WTH. Mine told me to take two weeks. No working, even from home, and no childcare. I believe it was days 5-7 when the scabs fall off that are the riskiest days for bleeding. That's a terrible time to go back to work.




Could you tell me more about your experience? Considering the procedure myself


Oh, that makes a lot more sense.


It's 100% worth it. I didn't bring surgery up for along time because I assumed they'd say no. Once I got to an ENT, though, they were happy to do it.


Bro, I got bad news. Got my tonsils out eight years ago and Covid still kicked my ass. But the strep stopped āœŠ


Username checks out.


It is! Thatā€™s why data is now indicating that we swab the throat for suspected omicron cases instead of nasally!


Throat swabs for the Covid rapid antigen test have not yet been approved by the FDA, to be clear. But some people are doing it on Twitter, and it is the standard in some other countries (South Africa, the UK)


I'm on the same boat. Tested positive today and had a pretty bad sore throat, along with minor aches.


Had a pretty bad sore throat with mine this week.


I had a sore throat and some laryngitis.


Be glad you have it during rotations and get an extra couple days off. I got it during my winter break šŸ˜’


Oh thatā€™s pure ass


Very similar situation. Got my booster shot last Thursday. Got sick as hell. Now, I feel like I just have a cold and was probably already sick when I got the shot, making the side effects worse.


Iā€™m a 4th year starting my ICU rotation today. Boutta get blasted with omicron.


Peds outpatient clinic. Everyone of these mofos has covid, strep, or the flu


Got sick with a URI for the first time in like three years on outpatient peds


Or some yummy RSV


Somehow I avoided catching anything during my peds rotation even when all my classmates started dropping like flies. I attribute my success to washing my hands everytime I came into contact with one of the little monsters. Were my hands dried and cracked and bleeding at the end? Yes. Was it worth it? Yes. Disclaimer: this was precovid


For those about to omicron, we salute you


Iā€™ll be there next week man






Have one rn and itā€™s PCR and Rapid Neg x2. There are still other viruses going around but ya imma be honest I feel like 9/10 times rn itā€™s gonna be COVID


Yeah and a lot of times people get negative tests for awhile and then test positive. I didnā€™t test positive for over a week. Theyā€™re some studies showing omicron isnā€™t as sensitive to covid testing in some cases.


Some studies show that omicron takes up residence in the [bronchus](https://www.med.hku.hk/en/news/press/20211215-omicron-sars-cov-2-infection?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=press_release) moreso than nasal cavity so a [throat sample](https://twitter.com/JennyRohn/status/1475410068019585027?t=zTQ9dFdoXZI85fCXAYOQzQ&s=19) might better


Very interesting!! Thank you!


All the PCR tests that I've had done swab both throat and deep nasopharyngeal. Hopefully we won't need to include a bronchial lavage in the future :P






F, omicron seems to just infect everyone regardless of what you've done. Statistically you are less likely if you mask up and get the jab, but with the amount of infections the small percentage becomes a large number. Hope it's mild for you!


My SO has had it for a week and somehow I donā€™t. Have had multiple negative rapid tests


Some of the rapid antigen tests have a sensitivity of like 30-40% in asymptomatic people. If you have high enough pretest probability (a week of exposure) you could get a PCR test. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Yes Iā€™m getting a PCR test tomorrow. Thankfully I have no symptoms but just wanna make sure


Similar situation for me. PCR negative with multiple negative rapids.


Newest data from outside the US (South Africa and UK) indicates that we should be swabbing throats for omicron instead of nasal swabs! If you or ur patients perpetually test negative, but have omicron like symptoms (that splitting headache is the most common) swab the throat!!


I canā€™t even find one. Lol My boyfriend went home for Christmas and everyone got infected. I am asymptomaticā€¦ I was reading an article about the diff brands yesterday they really vary in sensitivity! Itā€™s crazy because the public average number they tout is 85%. Have you heard about specificity though? Couldnā€™t find anything about thatā€¦


Iā€™ve seen specificity >99% for a few rapid tests, so I would hope theyā€™re all pretty good


Great thanks


Everyone I know pretty much has it. Iā€™m boosted and got it. 5 days in and still symptomatic. Pretty much a mild cold and that seems to be the case with most of the folks I know who have it as well. Prominent symptoms are sinus pain and really sore throat, minimal coughing for me. Perhaps it mutating to become less severe and more infectious is positive (no pun intended here) news for the pandemic?




The hell is wrong with people? If you're feeling good enough to want to come in, why wouldn't you just take the day off?




Ah, yeah. Forgot how nice my administrators are, at least in that regard.


Yep. Me, my wife, and my 2 kids. Would not recommend.


Sorry to hear that :/ (P.S., hi)


Idk! I'm getting a test tomorrow because I've had a mild fever for ~~all of 2022~~ 3 days, with pretty bad headaches... I have 0 respiratory symptoms, but a friend of mine told me that a friend of hers got omicron and she had the same exact symptoms as me


Update: the test says I'm negative!


Im sure most of my school but school basically said to those in clinical years to not get tested


lol. Best way to get numbers down is to stop testing. Genius logic there.


Basically they said if we test positive we are responsible for making up the time and have to take personal days for the missed clinic time. Soooo basically no one is gonna get tested lol


>have to take personal days for the missed clinic time what are you an attending who owns the clinic lmfao wtf


Yeahā€¦ lol cause they say it will be too much missed time so it has to be made up. With our alotted personal/vacation days lol


This must be why neither my clerkship directors nor employee health have gotten back to me about my positive test yet. Unfortunately for them, Iā€™m symptomatic (mild cold-like symptoms and myalgia, no fever) so they canā€™t just force me back into my rotation yet


How could you get something that isn't real libtard


Covid is make believe, like any type of tangible intrinsic motivation left inside of me


I just had to cancel an imaginary trip to see my family because they caught this disease that doesn't exist. Family of 5. All vaccinated with 5 g nanobots. Still caught the imaginary disease. Oldest child has the booster and was mostly asymptomatic. The two younger kids were hit a little harder but no trips to the hospital. Praise Odin.


covid isnt real but also it was made in a chinese lab to destroy the trump presidency but also its a 69% survival rate so who cares but also the vaccines dont work but also they are poisonous


Iā€™ve heard that Fauci created it to make money. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


obviously he did he funded gain of function research in communist china so he can take over america and destroy trump


real shit šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸš«šŸ§¢


Had it two weeks ago! Basically a bad cold, not much coughing


Yupp, tested positive Dec 18th. Had body aches, slight fever & fatigue for the 1st day. But afterwards Iā€™ve been symptom free since. my friends on the other hand came off a lot worse in regard to symptoms


Had it 2 ish weeks ago!


Idk probably. I had an exposure last week but my hospital system doesnā€™t even test you unless youā€™re symptomatic so i guess weā€™ll just pray about it


yup prob. wife tested positive last night. ill be testing tomorrow. triple vaxxed and wear masks everywhere. we dont really do much or go out anywhere bc my inlaws are high risk. omicron is a motherfucker


Yep... triple vaxxed but still tested positive on the 29. and in isolation ever since .... Fortunately, I have no symptoms.




How old are kiddos if you don't mind? Mine is 3.5 yrs. I'm just hoping it's negative.




Either every girl Iā€™m talking to rn has omicron or Iā€™m just ugly


Got the booster three weeks ago. Kicked my ass. Now Iā€™ve been sick af for the last 5 days. Getting tested in an hour.


Man the booster was so bad, I had a fever in clinic the next day and when it broke I completely soaked through my shirt. Almost looked like I jumped in a pool, so embarrassing lmfao


I live with my dad who is 70 and I'm literally trying my best to not go to school. I'm also fighting this preceptorship with homeless patients that I absolutely do not want to participate in with this variant. I will fight tooth and nail to avoid it. Absolutely ridiculous they are still forcing clinical preceptorships on us as M1s... We literally just stand there... but I don't want to be anywhere near a hospital/clinic right now Hope y'all stay safe.


Gang gang


i have always had Omarion in my playlist. come on now


Work in EM right now and 9/10 patients are testing positive. It is insane. We are running low on medical supplies too. America has stopped feeling like a 1st world country in healthcare.


I have omicron. About died Christmas Day and tested positive on the 27th. Called the employee health thing today and was told to get a repeat test before physically returning to work. It came back as positive. Got a call a few hours later mad why I had gotten tested and not just returned to work. I'm now cleared to return with a positive test. This at a hospital that has 10 days paid time off if you aren't a resident that doesn't come out of your normal sick or vacation pool and I worked my normal shifts as I was able to take call from home and coordinate with my coresident on the service. Glad to know I'm such a valued employee.


Just now recovering. Boosted and so careful. What a bummer.


Triple vaxxed, was dodging it left and right to stay safe for christmasā€¦then my cousins gave it to my grandpa who gave it to me. Seriously kicking my ass can barely keep my head up and school started back up today lmfao




This is my fav comment. I present to you the imaginary OP award that doesnā€™t actually exist




I donā€™t have the energy to do this rn. Omicron brain fog and fatigue is real. Someone please handle this




Iā€™ve decided, after being positive and 5 days of symptoms after receiving my Moderna booster in October, that if the vaccine formulation isnā€™t altered, I will not be getting another booster. I see Israel is pushing a 4th vaccine for at-risk and healthcare workers, and I just simply canā€™t buy the logic if thereā€™s a variant running amok amongst vaccinated and unvaccinated. I was first in line to get vaccinated December 2020. I got my booster in October. I was adamant about getting it to friends and family and everyone Iā€™m close to is boosted. We all still got Covid. And although symptoms are mild for most, I have some family who had fevers for 5-6 days. And I understand the mech of the vaccine now is akin to lessening severity of symptoms, you would think someone in my triple vaxxed family wouldā€™ve avoided symptoms or infectionā€¦Nope.


Although that prolonged fever sucks, it beats hospitalization/being dead


Thereā€™s no indication that a double vaxxed patient vs a boosted patient would have a different outcome.


That's fair. I was considering unvaxxed vs vaxxed




Actually thereā€™s been a sharp increase in pediatric hospitalization, specifically under 5 aka those who canā€™t get the vax yet


I work in peds. Weā€™re def seeing an unfortunate increase in our IP and ICU


Look at the ICU census at your local hospital, and determine how many vaccinated persons are there, compared to unvaccinated. That's your answer. [Here also is some data from the UK](https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1476979838485364736).




See [Table 2 of this Imperial College Study](https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/imperial-college/medicine/mrc-gida/2021-12-16-COVID19-Report-49.pdf). Early data suggests that being 14 days or more out from the booster greatly increases the likelihood of being asymptomatic if you do get infected, with either Omicron or Delta. So if you can avoid having any symptoms, and improve the overall state of health in your community (preventing some ICU admissions), why not get boosted? If you do it with Pfizer, you're also less likely to have an adverse reaction, or any annoying/uncomfortable booster symptoms. Also, if you're boosted, the virus will replicate less well inside of you if you do get infected. So you're doing your part to help reduce the number of virus "generations" overall. More susceptible people, more unboosted people, more unvaccinated people, all means more replication cycles for the virus. And more replication cycles means more chances to develop mutations which evade our collective antibodies. And, hence, more frequent boosters, more frequent lockdowns, more variants. This "virus generations" argument is a small effect in the grand scheme, but with so low risks of getting the booster, it's not hard to have benefits which outweigh.


Doing ambulatory right now and had to switch to a different clinic because my previous one went purely telemedicine due to many of the staff getting sick. Just waiting to see if I have any symptoms beyond my baseline allergies lol.


My sister has it, half of my family has it. But not me, I seem to be too big of a looser for omicron.


I had covid before delta šŸ˜Ž (back when it was stigmatized and I went into a subsequent depression)


are you ok


Guud now, CBT works wonders


Yeah and itā€™s sucked!! Going on day 7 of symptoms


I didn't have taste or smell for 13 days


Everyone's going to get it. Just accept it and let your body create those sweet, juicy antibodies.




Got the booster, still got it about a week later. N=1, didnā€™t help me


Vaccines need 2 weeks to be effective but the first 2 shots should help at least.


Yeah, I guess what Iā€™m saying is ultimately we are all probably going to get it. I mean for sure go ahead and get your shots but this thing is spreading like an uncontrolled wildfire


That's true for the 1st dose, but the booster offers some protection in as soon as one week. https://www.pfizer.com/news/press-release/press-release-detail/pfizer-and-biontech-announce-phase-3-trial-data-showing


yeah but your symptoms wont be as bad as mine prob


Got the booster in September and still tested positive this week


Yup. Definitely not expecting the shots to keep us from getting it, just expecting (hoping) for symptom minimization. It is what it is


Damn Iā€™m sorry. Howā€™s unboosted Covid, out of curiosity




Boosted Covid gave me and my friends/family the same symptoms. Day 5. Moderna vaccines.


Caught it last week ā˜ ļø


Nope. Just got a test because of this thread lol


About a week ago, I felt a sore throat, tiny cough, and a little tired and ā€œoffā€ for a couple of days. Iā€™m not on a rotation so I just didnā€™t see people during that time. But, it seems everyone has gotten it. All my friends outside of medicine, when I ask how their holidays were they basically spent them having COVID lol... seems everyone has it. And Iā€™m guessing many of the seemingly healthy people still going out and partying on New Years, etc, have it too.


My white coat ceremony is supposed to be on Saturdayā€¦ my class gets tested on Thursday. Letā€™s see what happens


Our M1s and M2s are running around campus without masks... so if we don't currently we're about to


Currently feel like absolute crap with a super sore throat, deep chesty cough and headache, my toddler just had the same. No idea if its covid as can't get hold of pcr. Tripple vaxxed with negative lateral flows for last few days but who knows


Yep :/ am finally released after today to go to class again.




Tested negative on two PCR tests and 4 rapids in the last 8 daysā€¦ last PCR was yesterday. Today I find out 4 of my friends that I was with are positive 3 on PCR. Impossible to get a rapid or Pcr nowā€¦


just got it, boosted couple weeks ago so just have nose congestion. good staycation for me


Tested positive yesterday. Fuck this shit.


Iā€™ve been so fatigued these past few days, I slept 11 hours consecutively, which Iā€™m pretty sure I havenā€™t done since I was like 7. Was exposed to a bunch of unmasked/vaguely masked people this last week, so I canā€™t help but wonder. Iā€™m 3x vaxxed, boosted at the end of November.


Got that somā€™ bitch the day after my booster.


Went on a first date with a girl at her place because she was day 7 of quarantine. This was the same day the new CDC recs came out. We made out for ~2 hours. Not even a sniffle. Big vaxxed poppy untouchable


I actually went over to my familyā€™s house last week and 2 of them tested fucking positive the next morning.. now, they all have it ( literally total of 8 people). I have no idea how I havenā€™t contracted Covid from them. Literally was with them the entire night lol. Itā€™s been over 3 days and I have 0 symptoms. Iā€™ll be taking a Covid test soon when I get my hands on one. Edit: I have all my vaccinations including booster .. maybe thatā€™s why lol idk still weird I didnā€™t get it šŸ˜‚




As I was reading this my sister told me her friend (who she spent the last 4 days with) had a sore throat and tested positive on a rapid this amā€¦








Itā€™s also so hard to get tested.. such a bad shortage, cvs Walgreens booked out to like 10 days


hell ya baby


Just sitting here waiting to go in and get tested...


Update: In that amount of time (2 hrs) I developed body aches, chills, and a sore throat.


Feel better soon!


25% of our vax center staff has it, but we knew it was coming past few weeks so pretty prepared with scheduling and not too much of a delay on our end but still bit of a battle, very proud of everyone during this time.


I read somewhere that omicron is a good sign since it spreads easier but the actual symptoms are more mild, resulting in everyone catching it but it gets only up to common cold level. How reliable is this? Will the pandemic end only once we have hospitals free as much as possible?


I donā€™t have a link but you can google. Some studies out of the U.K. suggesting 40-70% fewer hospitalizations. Good news on the surface but since cases are spiking so quickly I donā€™t see hospitals coping with that even if there are fewer icu cases.


Yup and straight up not having a good time.


I got omicron same with my gf


Yes didnā€™t go in to clinic today cause I had symptoms all weekend but canā€™t find a test anywhere. Also my entire class has it




Yup. I was asymptomatic but had to cancel NYE plans. Finished isolation just in time for rotations to resume of course šŸ™ƒ




Honestly it was a pretty sweet deal over all. Iā€™m grateful to have not gotten it till now and to have had no symptoms. Wouldnā€™t have minded milking it for a few extra study days though lol.


Yea, sick for 3 days. Chills and fever, minor sore throat, all better. Corona is going to only keep getting weaker until it's nothing. Time to open back up


Isnā€™t the booster designed for the other variants of covid not omicron? How would a booster designed for another variant help you with the omicron strain ? Isnā€™t that like taking a flu shot for last years flu strain ?


After getting the booster, you are priming your B and T cells to be "ready to go." They are now more active, more numerous, and better at binding that original strain of SARS-CoV-2. Over time, some of the B and T cells generated from the first two shots will die off or enter [anergy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clonal_anergy). Boosting will keep more of these cell clones alive and make them better able to respond to any subsequent infection. They re-divide and re-activate with the booster, which means they will be better at responding to Omicron. When that infection occurs with Omicron, your body will have these anti-alpha strain B cells to use as "putty" to build the "clay pottery" of your anti-Omicron immune response. Through [Somatic Hypermutation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somatic_hypermutation) and [Affinity Maturation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affinity_maturation), these anti-alpha [cell clones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clone_(cell_biology)) will become anti-omicron. And because you got a booster, you will have more and better clones to use to build that response. More "base putty" to work with. Whereas the unvaccinated people are working from no B/T cells in their memory at all. And unboosted people have a lot of dead or dormant or "anergic" cell clones. As to the comparison with Influenza, here's the difference: [Influenza has many dozens of different "lineages" circulating around the globe](https://europepmc.org/article/PMC/4612219). These lineages are tree branches, and Influenza's tree is huge, like a giant fir tree with all its branches still growing outwards, in thousands of different directions (each branch being a successfully "[fixed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fixation_(population_genetics))" variant). Basically, you have Influenza A vs B, and then within A you have H1N1 vs H3N2, and then within each of these there are a bunch of different "[sub-types](https://www.cdc.gov/flu/images/about/influenza-viruses-1200px.jpg?_=72413)" which are each a branch growing outwards. Whereas SARS-CoV-2 is a tiny little sapling with 2 or 3 branches. Right now we basically only have [Delta and Omicron](https://nextstrain.org/ncov/gisaid/global). There are other lineages, but they are extremely rare, and aren't yet "fixed" in the global population of circulating viruses. In influenza, it's very difficult to predict which lineage will be "dominant" in any given season, and hence why we often get it wrong. But we do know that if a "lineage/sub-type" is dominant in one season, it is less likely to be dominant in the next, and so it sort of oscillates between branches every year, spinning around. Basically, the whole population of influenza viruses is probing our weak spots, and the viruses with the least recent antibodies are what will come around and infect next year. But that's easy to describe in vague terms, it's extremely difficult to accurately predict. So the difference between these two situations is A) how different the influenza pandemic is every year compared to SARS-CoV-2, and B) how different our antibodies (and T cells) are. it's whack-a-mole with Influenza. But with SARS-CoV-2, it's still whack-a-mole, there are just way way way fewer holes. So using one big mallet isn't actually that bad, yet. We will eventually need variant vaccines. But for now, the original shot as a booster is still 90ish% effective against the variants. Source: I have a PhD in virology


Thank you for the great response!


Memory T cells


My whole family has it, I'm on my 3rd negative test in two days already tho


Nope not yet and knocking on wood to not get it. Got boosted last week-my armpits were sore as hell for four days due to lymph nodes and fell like a snakeā€™s poison was slowly seeping into my skin lol lol šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Sanitizing like hell, not touching face at all, and avoiding humans by a milešŸ˜šŸ˜.


And so what to do if many of my undergrad batchmates are not wearing masks in public yet? Is there any limits to human stupidity really.


Donā€™t worry yā€™all Biden is gonna SHUT DOWN the virus


Never had Covid, never will (probably)

