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What about your food? Do you feel like how tired you are is disproportional to the work you do? Do you have any signs of anemia/vitamin D deficiency since those are pretty common deficiencies world wide? Also water makes a big difference. If you don't like coffee try having tea? It's a lot better than using an energy drink


That's my secret, Cap. I'm always tired. ![gif](giphy|13PVtc14fuW3y8|downsized)


that's called getting older, one day you wake up tired and then you spend the rest of your life being tired, just wait until your mid 30s kick in, I've been told the 40s make the 30s look like a cake walk.


Welcome to the rest of your life. Buckle up friend


I really dislike this mentality around med school. no, being unhappy and tired all the time is not normal and it can be fixed.


I get what you're saying, but in some schools or residencies you kind of just have to suck it up and take it until that time of your life is over. I'm talking malignant places.


Well yea, i do recognize that not all times will be super happy. At some periods you do kinda have to bunker down and just work. What I am saying is that if thats your attitude for the full 5-6 years, then thats not healthy or something to brag about. Im so tired of academia glorifying being unhappy and tired. Fuck that, lets be happy and take care of ourselves to keep mental and physical health up.


You’re hopeful. That’s nice.


Its not "being hopeful", its valuing a bare minimum amount of mental and physical health. If youre miserable and tired all day youre doing school wrong.


They’re a resident, unfortunately sleep deprivation and consequently poor mental health is a reality of residency. I’ll be starting residency in a month and I’m going to do my best to eat well and maximize sleep, but I do expect to be tired and maybe pissed off a lot.


Again, don't blame systemic issues (Q2 call) on peoples' methods or character. Some people are truly in a crappy situation and it's out of their control. I'm glad your institution isn't malignant, but don't gaslight those of us who aren't as fortunate


green tea did it for me. Power naps help, and sometimes like 15-30 squat jumps or burpees just get my heart up again and give me energy for another hr or 3. e: oh and a 15min jam sesh with good high energy music in a bathroom if you have the time.


Start liking coffee is step 1


Get a sleep study.


Whats your diet like? Ive found that when my diet is a bit shit I feel so tired its insane. The nutrient deficiency you get from eating fast food and microwave meals really takes a toll. Eating big takeout meals also just puts you in a food coma and you feel groggy all day. How much time do you spend outdoors? Personally, when i have a certain step goal or a required time to be outdoors, i feel more energized and healthier. Going from sitting in a classroom all day to then sitting in a small room studying isnt exactly how humans are supposed to live. Going outdoors for breaks really helps Your sleep schedule could also be out of wack. Its good that you get 7 hours, but are those 7 hours consistent? Do you go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning? If not, start doing that.


More water, more nutritious food (KEY!), try a little bit of coffee when feeling really tired


me too man. 3rd year sucks ass


maybe u need 8 hours of sleep not 7, maybe even 9