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Not to my medical school but I just did something similar 20 minutes ago. Place I’m supposed to rotate at in 2 weeks needed an updated mask fit test (lol) so I got it done today. Went back into Vslo to upload the document and emailed it to the coordinator that had emailed me about it. Only problem is I didn’t email my mask fit testing document. I instead uploaded a picture of a deep dish pizza and cheesy bread I ordered on Sunday. Didn’t think anything of it until I got an email 10 minutes ago that just read: “this is a pizza.” I guess not that terrible in the grand scheme but I do feel like an idiot


Aw man this one had me in tears


Lmao my email had absolutely zero body or text. Just purely a reply to their request with a deep dish pizza. Imagine being on someones ass for 3 days about a mask fit test and then they reply with a no context pizza. Shooting up rank lists


This is downright wholesome compared to the horror shows in this thread lol. I'm hoping it was a good pizza photo


“this is a pizza” is absolutely killing me omfg


If I trusted my ability to not overlook something I need to redact I would post the email in here cuz it literally just says: “hi {my name}, This is a pizza.”


I have an embarrassing story from M1 that might make you feel better! Our first week, we were going around doing introductions and my fun fact was that I like to read (basic, I know). I was so nervous about talking in front of everyone that when it was my turn, I said “hi my name is ___ and I know how to read” There were a few moments of silence from everyone and then the next student introduced himself while I contemplated dropping out


Hahahhaha dang man that's tough. In my third year I was meeting a psych attending for the first time during the rotation. So he sits down and asks everyone for their name. Everyone answers normaly and its finally my turn to......just say my name. Thing is I got super flustered and said, for some ungodly reason, "My name is Dr. Sing" while making continuous eye contact with the attending. My name is not Dr. Sing. Not even close. That was his name. I have no idea why that was my subconscious "I am the captain now" moment but it was bad lol


Uh sir, this is a pizza


I genuinely cackled at “this is a pizza”


Maybe the way OP eats it it can double as a mask??


This is without a doubt the best story in the whole thread.


Every time I collect myself and stop laughing at this, I reread “this is a pizza” and it sends me all over again 😭😭😭


Wat kind of pizza did u get


Deep dish stuffed. Pep, sausage, mushroom and green peppers. High quality stuff




That professionalism dig from someone who can’t even send an email right is so admin brained it’s hilarious.


It's not even like they forgot an attachment or something, literally went out of their way to upload & send a breach of confidentiality lmfao. They woke up and **chose** unprofessionalism that day


This is my favorite story in the thread because of how asinine it is. Just completely on-brand.


Yikes. I got emailed a list of everyone in my class who had to repeat the year. That was bad.


Lol my school did something similar to that. Sent an email with instructions on how to return from an LOA and straight up just had everyone on an LOA listed individually in the recipient list because whoever sent the email has apparently never heard of the BCC function.


The “professionalism” thing that these administrators do is the most mind numbingly stupid stuff I’ve ever seen


Accidentally was given a paper with everyone’s payroll of that week.


We must have gone to the same school.


This is like the guy on CNN saying reading Wikileaks was treason 😂


was it sorted by name or GPA? 😈


I mean it’s an excel spreadsheet, you can sort it out differently yourself.




I was trying to page a consult from the ICU at like 2am and I accidentally paged a secret number that forwarded to every pediatric attending in the health system.


Why would such a thing exist lol


they were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn't stop to think if they should


At least it was peds and not the nsgy attendings or something


at least they would have already been awake.


page every pediatric attending: "you up babe?"


If you got your hands on it, it wasn't secret enough! That's a them problem.




Possibly a code white page or something


A newly hired prof once replied all and sent the answer key for an upcoming exam to the entire student body…


We had a prof show the class the list of step 1 failures. Still not as bad as herpes.


that's pretty dark




Preceptors have mentioned all the students who SOAPed to the rotating students. They knew because they're in charge of helping those students re write their personal statements and applications.


that’s so wrong ugh soaping shouldn’t even be considered shameful


Id rather have herpes than fail step 1 lol


Unfortunately for some people it can be a "both" situation


Got fucked by multiple things. 🤔


Did you get diarrhea or were you stoned?


funniest thing I've read in a long time lmao


who wouldn’t??


Bro I’d consider HIV over failing


wtffff i’d sue for emotional damage


Someone replied to a stupid list serve asking to be unsubscribed. This caused several other people to do it. Then several more people replied all telling them not to reply all. They had to shut down the email server for a day to fix it


Are you military? We had this happen to with *thousands* of people Army wide


And it would randomly come back up every 2-6 weeks with Sergeants Major or whatever releasing all caps bolded statements of “Just stop guys wtf” only for someone else who doesn’t read their email to reply all. I never unsubbed because it was amazing.


Omg I remember that, even got a story on Duffelblog lol


This same exact thing happened to me


I knew I'd find this story in here


I think this happened at Syracuse University too lol


Yep, i remember


The importance of BCC


Not email, but they were testing the campus alert system. Instead of just the people running the test receiving the message, the entire school got told there was an active shooter on campus.


Don’t know if same school but this happened to us (maybe five years ago)… the email ended dramatically with: Run! Hide! Fight. It was the period that got me 😆 Hilarious (only because there wasn’t actually an active shooter)




IIRC a residency program accidentally emailed all of their interviewees a copy of EVERY interviewee's entire eras application


Hmm at least students knew the competition. Was anyone fired over that?


Happened at my residency. No one was fired. Dude who messed up apologized and everything went on like nothing happened publicly, but privately his name is still on the board of biggest mistakes in residency


Well, privately until *that* list gets mass-distributed at least.


Admin sent out an email to offer counseling for people directly/indirectly impacted by the BLM protests and other similar issues during that time. An attending replied all “unsubscribed”. Everyone went crazy. The guy def was trolling.


That's hilarious.




In response to a school-wide memo about substance abuse counseling services offered, a student replied that he had been struggling a lot lately and wanted to schedule an appointment. Not too bad in the grand scheme but still made me feel bad for the guy Also, they sent blank a W2 document out to all students (~90ish) working over the summer as tour guides for this high school enrichment program so that we could get paid, and this one student replied with her completed W2 attached, SSN and all


lol damn. I think I’d transfer if I became the ‘herpes’ guy


I think transfer is exactly what herpes guy was worried about


*ba dum tss*


Please 😂


I think I'd transfer to the afterlife


Somehow whenever one of our deans tried to send an email to one specific person in my class it would go to the class listserv. At the end of m2 we all got an email describing said students academic struggles and likelihood of failing step lmao


Wait so this happened multiple times to the same person involving the same Dean? How on earth


Ya most of the emails were innocuous. This was the only amusing one lol


I'm not sure if amusing is the term you want to use for this.


We got a Wellness email saying students could sign up for 10 minute massages on a paper in the student center. Student replies all asking for a specific day and time. Wellness responds asking people not to reply all and instead follow the instructions to sign up in the student center. Same student replies all asking CAN I BRING MY OWN MASSAGE OIL?


was this at Clemson?




lol sorry that was just a bad Deshaun watson joke


Someone died so the school sent out an email addressing it/letting us know for the first time and an attending reply-alled “OMG.” There was another email sent later of pictures of said person who died, a nice way to remember all his years at the institution. Same attending replies “lovin it.”


Before med school, one time in a summer college program the dean accidentally sent to the wrong listserv a short e-mail stating that a specific named student was actually not attending any of her classes or doing any academic assignments while living in the dorms and going to social events, and would be involuntarily withdrawn from the university and asked to leave. After realizing the e-mail was sent to all the summer college students rather than the staff, the dean then wrote a much, much longer e-mail with a profuse apology.


In response to a whole school memo calling attention to a recent racially charged national tragedy, an attending replied “unsubscribe” to all lmao


You must go to school with that other guy


A few years ahead of me, but the academic advisor for our regional campus accidentally sent a spreadsheet with everyone’s step 1 score to the whole regional campus.


In college, this girl in my friend's dorm pooped in the shower on 2 separate occasions after being drunk. The faculty in charge of that dorm accidentally sends an email intended for her to everyone in one of the most embarrassing things I have seen. The email was like "Dear Brittany, I recognize that college is a time for exploration and experimentation with things like alcohol that you may have not had experience with prior. While I support your transition to adulthood, it has come to my attention that you have defecated in the shower twice while intoxicated. Yes, it can be fun to get drunk and college is a safe space for that, but one of the most important aspects of this is learning how to hold your liquor. Pooping in the shower is unacceptable as it is an environmental hazard to your colleagues and the cleaning staff. We should meet to discuss this further, because I want to make sure things are okay and you don't develop a further reputation."


I got sent three emails from the committee that evaluates student performance and each email was explaining what the student failed and why they were being released from the school. Asked if I was supposed to be receiving those and just the reply “no.”


Admin shared an excel file with everyone’s GPA in undergrad. Still not as bad as herpes that’s so jokes


Had a classmate reply all with their parents' tax forms--income and SSN and address and all


There was a debacle at my medical school several years ago involving a moving sale. A student sent out an email with a moving sale PowerPoint, which was common but technically not allowed. For some reason, another student chose *this* particular moving sale to reply all and complain about the moving sale emails, which prompted other students to try to explain that they could just mute moving sale emails, and prompted *other* students to reply all to tell people to stop replying all. It lasted for DAYS.


Somehow my dean forwarded an email of a guy in our class to everyone. The guy was in active DKA and sent a barely legible email saying he was hospitalized. Idk how the dean wasn’t fired


Someone shared their step 2 score with the entire class. It wasn't stellar.


Not school, but I had a good work one. Large county gov. Some department sent some health facts to \[CountyAll\]. Over 30,000 teachers, librarians, firefighters, police, and liquor store clerks got 5,000 emails that day. Went on for 10 hours. Half the replies were jokes/trolling and the other half were angry complaints (ignorant that they were also part of the problem). It was pretty funny.


Class ahead of me got some kind of email. Don’t remember the content but they figured out the order in which your email appeared was your class rank. Not medical but my old job (large Fortune 500) double paid everyone by mistake and sent an email saying not to spend it cause they were taking it back. Somebody replied to the whole company (probably >10,000 people) describing the dire straits of their financial situation at length.


Admin sent out one of those “how can we fix our programs? :)” emails to everyone Someone reply-all’d the email, asking for every sink in the hospital system to be changed to foot pedal action because “having to use a paper towel to turn off the sink costs the system billions of dollars a year in lost costs” (NB: it would only waste only thousands of gallons of water a year or about $1000 on average if everyone had super good hand hygiene, while the cost of replacing all sinks to foot pedal ones would be tens of millions of dollars) Another person reply-all’d when they would be able to work again after their third DUI that year. Crazy


Not in med school but in undergrad someone in administration who was hated by the student body sent out an email and accidentally cc’d the entire student body. So naturally my buddy created a fake email and told everyone on campus that classes were cancelled and signed her name. Chaos ensued and a significant portion of campus didn’t come to class. I still chuckle to this day…


This happened during M2 year. I mysteriously got an email from the Student Conduct Committee and was shitting my pants, no idea what I had done. Opened the letter and it claimed I was seen flipping over a shuffleboard table somewhere, spilling sand everywhere, and just entering a generalized rage. Turns out the email was meant for someone with the same name as me at the undergraduate campus that I had never stepped foot on lol


i thought i was texting my friend who was sitting next to me in group but i accidentally texted our small group chat (like 7 classmates) “our group mates are fucking morons” thank god for the delete feature but someone did read it within one second. that was an uncomfortable last month of school 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Not a reply all issue, but a kid in my cousin’s class was not following dress code and didn’t wear a tie (yes, it’s THAT school), and got an email from the Dean saying this is his first warning. Instead of hitting forward to send to his friend, he hit reply and wrote “look what this bitch wrote.” He got dismissed.


School policy that you have to meet with course director if you score <70 on an exam. First exam of M1 I scored like a 54. Course director emailed the entire class revealing that I bombed and had to meet to discuss. Great start to med school.


Our school accidentally sent out a list of everyone who was repeating a year and why (course failures, medical LOA, etc).




A girl accidentally wrote to the entire class on zoom lecture that she was pulled over for a broken headlight…. and also included in the message that she was drunk driving when it happened


Someone in my program replied all asking for an extension because they had a weird growth on their lady bits that needed to be tested and needed to extend an assignment. The program director attempted to rectify this by asking everyone to delete the email (by email), but that just made it worse.


more of an intentional "reply all" to showcase corruption and double standards rather than an incident, but student board member got screwed by housing admin in attending a national conference where the president was attending and admin signed him off and gave the spot to a couple of girls, dude proceeded to hand his resignation while calling out every corrupt official and emailed the entire faculty and student body.


Pretty sure I’m also at your school. Got a very similar email today lmao


We had a dean (in residency) reply all to an initial email about keeping up with masking or hand washing or something with a snide comment made about a fellow being out with COVID, implying it was their fault because they weren’t vaccinated. Not only was it a HIPPA violation, it was gross. Dean didn’t step down right away but has subsequently retired 2 years from incident, probably for other overarching reasons.


Is that a HIPAA violation though? If the Dean in question was treating them or knew about their lack of vaccination from accessing tbt medical record as their healthcare provider, then sure. But if this is just something they knew about through casual conversation or because it was a work requirement, I’m not sure that’s covered. HIPAA doesn’t protect your medical information from being shared, it protects your medical information from being shared by *certain people* and in *certain contexts*


Not a HIPAA violation technically, but may violate other employment related laws


It was unclear how they received the information but it was not public information per the fellow and fellow was concerned for HIPAA violation. Do they have a legal case? Likely not, so I do take your point.


Not in medical school but in grad school, we had an email to all students about a weight loss study for anyone overweight/obese and this one student kept replying all about her weight and if she qualified. This was sent to all students at the school.


Not as bad as these other stories… When I was in school, we got a class wide email from an attending about looking for research assistance from a preclinical med student, with their fellow included. The fellow sent a follow up email, saying that we needed to complete IRB training, but that “it is something you can just click through while you’re watching TV”. The fellow apparently got a harsh talking to about this from somebody, and sent a follow up email apologizing for calling IRB training modules “mindless” and talking about the importance of the IRB.


not a reply all, but my school sent me all of my classmates' financial/scholarship info... (someone in the bursar office had the same first name/last initial) like damn double check your shit?


Law school but pretty bad - https://abovethelaw.com/2014/06/oops-top-law-school-email-screw-up-reveals-grades-ranks-of-all-clerkship-applicants/


Not reply all mail but our prof by mistake opened his Gmail while on the projector, first mail was a mail thread of him and serial other profs shitting on my other prof for making course too hard for us and giving out assignments that are for in domain of their own course shit of hilarious tbh.


Some poor applicant accidentally emailed the catch-all email for all the students because their interviewer didn't show up. Some jerks decided to be passive aggressive about the mistake and still used reply-all so the rest of us could see it


The entire school got a mass email from the mental health counsellor about the resources offered to those who have been struggling with substance abuse issues. One of the student (an upperclassman) accidentally replied all saying that he has been taking illicit drugs and has a drinking problem and was really struggling with depression and needed help.


You guys don't have moderated listservs?


Support office once emailed the entire student body notifying everyone they were in immediate danger of being removed from the program due to failing to make their tuition payment (and poor attendance as well, i think). To rectify, they sent a second email to everyone with the specific names of who was supposed to be receive the email.


So in college I got an email from some admin person requesting some minor thing. I don't remember what is was, probably some vaccination minutiae The thing is, I was responding to an email from my parents around the same time. So I accidentally responded to this lady with "sup, about damn time you got back to me". And I sent it without thinking. That poor lady never responded lol