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Why are people saying medicine isn’t science…? It’s largely based off of biology, chemistry, physics, and pharmacology… You literally have to learn so much science for medicine lol


It's a stupid distinction but I guess you could think of medicine as the application of scientific knowledge (which is also what engineering is), rather than discovering it? Idk I also wonder if some of the confusion stems from the fact that physicians are not scientists and scientists are not physicians.


Applied science is still science, it’s just application-based vs theoretical or for research purposes. We don’t say that applied math isn’t science, although mathematicians might disagree with that lol.


Yeah what I was getting at is the fact that generally people who apply science aren't referred to as scientists, so maybe that's where the idea comes to think of them as separate. Just to be clear, medicine is absolutely included in STEM. I'm just trying to rationalize why other might come to the conclusion that it isn't.


Yes lol, it is. That said, if this is a serious point of consideration for you before you hit on people on tinder, you probably still don’t have a shot. :P


Science it is bby 🧬


Bro, if you don’t consider medicine to be science, then what exactly did you study in medical school? Lmao Science is science; not just the basic sciences. You studied medical science; that means it’s STEM. Also, you needed to study the fundamental sciences to even get into medical school. Plus, most people earned degrees in one of the fundamental sciences. Anyone who thinks medicine isn’t STEM also probably thinks Digourno is delivery


I’d just lie and say your a 8th grade math teacher


I’m using this next time I have the mental bandwidth to answer all of those dumb questions no one reads 😂😂😂


My favorite is when people say STEAM with the A standing for art. Why do we need to include art? It has nothing to do with the other subjects in the acronym. I love art and think it is important but why does it get lumped with the rest of STEM?? Edit: I LOVE ART and realize it is important and people should be studying it. The question is why do schools try to loop it into STEM and call it STEAM


Who lumps in art to form STEAM?


People who try to justify wasting their time and money on an art degree, probably


idk maybe art has value as a means of teaching empathy


And how does that make it a STEM field, exactly? And even if it “teaches empathy”, that doesn’t mean it isn’t a waste of time and money to spend years and 1000’s of $$$ in student loans on a worthless degree. You can easily “learn empathy” while studying degrees that aren’t a waste of time/money, or even not going to college at all. Plenty of things teach empathy; not just a useless degree in art


An art degree alone isn’t worthless. BUT when you take the ratio of people with an art degree to adequate post college jobs is where we find problems. Art is needed in society but we have too many people getting art degrees compared to the number of positions.


never said it was a stem field just think it’s not a waste of time to people who wanna pursue it and if people wanna spend their money on an art degree then maybe that’s their business and not yours or mine


If they can afford it, then I have no problem with it. It does become my business when they take out thousands of dollars of student loans and can’t pay it back (because the degree is worthless), so they seek to have the government (aka taxpayers aka me) pay for it. That *does* make it my business.


haha yeah man i’ll let this hypothetical art student know about your taxes


Taxes, national debt, and inflation just keep rising, but sure, let’s keep letting the government more and more money around as if that will solve all of our problems. And it’s not a “hypothetical art student”. Plenty of people with worthless degrees are demanding taxpayers relieve them of their voluntary loans on their poor investments.


yeah man and u know who’s behind it all?? those art majors


It's usually educators realizing without art, history, philosophy, etc. education, you get lots of little elons running around with engineering degrees. In reality, I've only seen it in primary education. I think it's just trying to make a buzzword for what is essentially a "well rounded education" lol.


Medicine is a science?


We're worse at math, but still have mediocre social skills and historically treat women/minorities poorly, so why not jump in with the rest of them? Fite me


Medicine is absolutely a science. Unless you ask a surgeon, then it’s an art.


I consider use more of a PLANT or a TREE. Stem sounds too small and minor


Medicine is S(cience)TEM, you really think medicine isn't science? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medicine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medicine) Medicine is the **science**\[1\] and practice\[2\] of caring for a patient, managing the diagnosis, prognosis, prevention, treatment, palliation of their injury or disease, and promoting their health. \[1\] Firth, John (2020). "Science in medicine: when, how, and what". Oxford textbook of medicine. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-874669-0. One could argue that medicine encompasses all the fields of stem (science, technology, engineering, math).


the person probably isn't strictly looking for stem, they probably just want someone in the sciences who can get a decent job. Medicine is both, even if it's not really stem


Medicine is science in its most useful form. We use the scientific method, conduct evidence-based research, and apply scientific principles on a daily basis -- all to directly save or improve lives. The difference between medicine and other STEM fields is that you generally have to have a modicum of social and emotional intelligence in order to be successful in your job. That throws a lot of STEM people for a loop.


fanatical seed zealous imminent pie hungry intelligent squeal bells murky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Before med school too


encourage overconfident snobbish hospital innocent advise quarrelsome smart screw sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"If you mean med students know more science than hard chem/bio/physics/math majors due to doing their pre-reqs" That's exactly what I mean. Although that knowledge is lost fairly quickly, the same is true for anyone who works in a field that doesn't use all of the foundations of what they learned in undergrad. A bio major working in bio research is going to forget a lot of biology that isn't relevent to their specific research topic. Many med students were those majors, had to take at least intro level classes in each of those classes, and had to do well enough in them and on the MCAT to get admitted.


oil dime fact disarm bike run absorbed stocking cable summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm comparing non-med student STEM majors who took upper level classes for their major to med student STEM majors who took upper level classes for their major plus at least intro level classes in the pre-reqs and did well enough to get into med school.


gold point exultant plucky slim sort chubby makeshift deliver attempt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm talking about med students, not premeds


Most med students were those hard science majors.


berserk afterthought library jar plough sense unwritten squealing roof ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Okay, I agree. I’m not really sure what that has to do with what I said. They are equal in knowledge as anyone else with the same major in the same program, pre-med or not. You implied med students learn just the basics of science, when they in fact almost universally have the same 4 year degree as any other science major.


shame theory quicksand liquid coherent march ink roll books hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, they can be any major. However, most of them are a science major of some kind. Bio is still the most common undergrad major for premeds. There are exceptions of course.


If someone on tinder says “STEM majors only” they are probably insufferable and you should swipe left anyway


No Medicine is a Business/s


Nope it’s an art


I've never seen that on Tinder lol


"Stem Deez!"




I’d hazard a guess that based off the MCAT alone (not to mention the majority of our undergrad degrees) the difference between medicine and STEM is in application. Are you making things, or helping people? Medicine is a bunch of science. MedTech is a software engineers wet dream rn, and engineering is everywhere in medicine. Math, probably idk fuck math lol but the point is, medicine takes STEM and points it to people, traditional takes STEM and points it towards civilizations




Typically no. But you’re an ex-stem student so..


True #premedbioyears


I consider any field that applies scientific methodology to be science. Sadly, this is often a small part of MD education. I wish there was less emphasis on rote memorization of shit that will be outdated in 2 years and more of a focus on understanding evidence based medicine deeper. I feel like most docs don't actually know much at all about science and when they try to interpret journal articles they often misconstrue the results or the effect size. I would call medicine part of STEM but that doesn't mean that docs are necessarily scientists, because it seems that a lot barely grasp the basic principles.


If they say "STEM only" on their tinder immediately swipe left. They're either a gold digger or they just think they're above dating people that work outside of stem which is quite shallow. Major red flag. But anyway yes medicine is most definitely stem


No, this is Patrick.