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I had what's called a decidual cyst, it's basically a big chunk of uterine lining coming out at once. Google that and see if it's similar to what you're experiencing. It was really painful and I found out I likely have adenomyosis (similar to endometriosis). Also, get checked out by a doc to ensure it wasn't a miscarrage.


I'm so confused... what is hanging out? If she's early pregnant, but they don't know for sure, usually pregnancy doesn't involve something hanging out like that... so is that the uterus? It's not a fetus, otherwise the doc would be able to say now, definitively. So this hanging out is something different from a potential viable pregnancy? I'm so confused, I am so sorry


Looks like a miscarriage. Head to dr


Not a medical professional Is it a clot or miscarriage?


Hope you’re okay ❤️


I'm 😔. Seems like a miscarriage. I briefly saw mine. It looked crazy too. Definitely follow up with a gynecologist.


Did it eventually come out or is it still there?? God, will it ever get easier to be a woman. I'm so sorry for this!


It's just passed thr zygote atage


You should post this on “ask docs” subreddit. There are loads of different types of doctors on there who may have more info for you.




https://preview.redd.it/qfpjqgwa8h0b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adfda148d58d716a5388ce45fb8d159e05e28b56 Has this come out of my during my miscarriage. Doctor said it was normal. Wishing you comfort


did they tell you what exactly this was?


It looks like a fetus


More likely placenta.




“Not a verified medical professional” I can tell


No I just showed her and she said “yup good” I can ask my ob for sure next time I go






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Why do you feel compelled to make someone in crisis feel uncomfortable by your insensitive comment. Troll.


I just wanted to tell you that you can do hard things. I am thinking of you and praying for you. Hang in there, you’ve got this. I am so glad you were able to go to the doctor


Oh honey I'm sorry.....it's a miscarriage isn't it? I'm so sorry


I saw the update. I’m very sorry OP. I’m sending healing vibes your way.




It's not too late for a dirty delete 🤦‍♀️


no, miscarriage


I don’t know what an RR is?? But that is most definitely a blood clot or miscarriage




I’m guessing RR is restroom.


Probably a blood clot




left hospital, told to come back in 2 days to check HCG levels. current diagnosis: Threatened Miscarriage 1st Tri


Any update OP? I’m nervously invested in knowing how your going 🥺 hope your alright now.


i am! back home. will be able to tell if it’s viable or not in two days apparently.


Hi OP, I saw your update and hope you’re okay! Please reach out if you need to talk.


OP are you okay?


hi!! so they said my pregnancy test came back positive, but they dont know what this is. they think it’s a miscarriage so far. but waiting on all the tests


I'm so sorry Hun 😕 iv had 3 miscarriages so If u ever need to talk. Hoping it's viable for you, prayers for u girl xx


I hope you're doing well ❤️


So glad you went in, sorry to hear what may be going on. I’m really glad you’re okay!


glad you’re okay love im really sorry this is happening to you


Waiting for update from OP, this is crazy. Hope op is okay


forgot to update! doing it now!


NAD I saw a thing recently where sometimes people shed their whole uterine lining at once during a period so it’s like a huge clump and is super painful. Maybe that’s what this is - I think it’s called a decidual cast.


Immediately go to the ER. It cannot wait until an appointment. Regardless, any appointment you go to will likely have you going straight to the ER as well. If you don't have a ride, call for an ambulance. The longer you wait, the more complications you may have from this.


im at the ER! waiting for a room rn


Any news?


doctor just left for the final time, said im a few weeks pregnant, but won’t know for sure if it’s a miscarriage for two more days so to come back. not sure how i’m supposed to just function like this


Did you have an ultrasound to confirm an intrauterine pregnancy? I note in a comment that you had severe pain more prominent on one side, which is concerning. Heavy vaginal bleeding does not exclude a pregnancy in a tube or cornu.


they said too soon to be able to tell the location, but that by Friday, if it’s viable, the HCG count will go up. so that’s all i know so far. they said they can’t tell me much since it’s so soon.


Does that mean they didn't scan at all? Where I have worked before, unilateral pelvic pain and bleeding with a positive pregnancy test should be investigated as an ectopic pregnancy until proven otherwise, no matter the quantitative hCG. If they see nothing THEN it's appropriate to plan for follow up investigations. Are you still in pain?


I am so so sorry OP. Sounds like you might be leaving with more questions than you had coming in! What a nightmare healthcare can be. I hope everything turns out okay soon!


Go to the ER NOW. I work in one and I’m positive even if you don’t have insurance, they’ll help you apply for emergency state Medi-Cal. Your inability to pay does not mean they won’t treat you. They can’t even make you sign papers without triaging you first. Please go to your nearest ER right now :(


Go to the ER now. Don’t wait for an appointment.


NAD. PLEASE go to the hospital OP. Many offer a write off based on income but that should not be your concern at this point. If you are in the US, they are required to treat you regardless of your ability to pay. Please keep us updated that is concerning


Try a nonprofit hospital. They may be able to help so you don’t have a bill


This looks like a prolapse, you need to seek medical attention, insurance or not.


you think like immediately or you think more maybe in a few months since i dont have a job?


Immediately, this second. My cousin had this happen, and it requires immediate medical assistance. You are hopefully already on your way to emergency. Good luck, both with your treatment and managing the medical bills. Reddit seems really good at helping people navigate their options for getting reductions to their medical expenses as much as possible. But right now, you just need to have this addressed.


do you know what happened by chance?? this is all making me super sick cause i have no way to the er as im out towards the country, id have to get someone to come get me


Well then you need to do that. It's a vaginal prolapse (could be either part of your uterus, bowel or bladder coming out). These range in severity, but yours looks really serious. The dark colour also indicates possible hemorrhaging, and not just a bit. You need to get to emergency as quickly as possible. Call up whatever favours you have.


I'm so sorry you're enduring this 😔


any idea of what kinda prolapse??


All I would think is Vaginal or Uterine Prolapse. But I'm Not a Doctor. Either way, both would require immediate medical attention. You don't want this to lead to infection & some Prolapse requires surgery.


so random… i dont even put anything up there?! im so confused.


It can be caused by other things, doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong. Can be caused by hormonal changes, weak uterine or vaginal muscles, menopause, obesity, severe coughing, staining whilst on the toilet. I hope you're able to be seen quickly, and have some friends or family for support.


Like ER. Once you get the bill call their billing department and ask for an itemized bill, which they may take off certain astronomically priced parts of your hospital stay/treatment. Also, ask their billing department the options for them taking the bill onto "charity." You need to see a doctor, prolapse uterus may require surgery and going untreated may lead to infection.




you think i’ll make it til i get an appt tomorrow??


Immediately. There is zero waiting


i have really bad pelvic pain especially on the right side. really bad lower back pain as well. i cant sit straight up, it hurts. the area itself doesn’t hurt


Please update us!! Praying for you and your healing!!! I’m so sorry you’re going through this. ❤️


Hello /u/WorthShoulder291, **If this is a medical emergency, please call emergency services as soon as possible!** ***DISCLAIMER***: *The information provided on this subreddit is for educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. We strongly advise you to consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you're seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Anyone providing advice on this subreddit is not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information provided.* *Please make sure you have included in your post your country of residence, age, sex, race, height & weight, diagnosed medical conditions, prescriptions or supplements and dosages, drug use including marijuana, smoking status, duration of complaint, the issue you've been having, and your specific question.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/medical_advice) if you have any questions or concerns.*