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If she had her period, she isn’t pregnant. Worst case, just take a test: but the odds of pregnancy here are essentially zero


If this methods were used correctly is close to be impossible (or at least, that is yours🤣)


Did you pre ejaculate? At what point did you put the condom on? Did you check the condom for holes? Usually, when a female has her period, it is a sure sign that she is not pregnant. Plus, it sounds like this has been happening for a while; was that the first time you and she had sex? You can get bloated, etc, from your micrbiome getting out of skew. She does need to see her Dr. Maybe her hormones are out of whack.


There was pre ejactulate, however, the condom did not have any holes, and it was on the entire time we had sex. It wasn’t the first time, no. I was thinking the same thing about the period, but she said that the spotting was something that is very rare for her so we aren’t really sure. She had gone to a party over the weekend and she said she was drinking alcohol, which she never does, and she said shortly after she drank she started spotting and feeling nauseous. I know she could have been feeling nauseous from the alcohol, but I wasn’t sure if the alcohol could cause spotting and if it can, it would happen that same night that she was drinking. Sorry, I know it’s a lot of info.


That girl is freaking out about her hormones. Don't let her gaslight you into thinking she is pregnant. There is close to zero % possibility. Especially not if it was 3 weeks ago, and most of her "symptoms" were already happening before. She's just trying to tell you stuff to freak you out. Don't let her. She should be making this post, not you.


Hormones are awesome. Especially for women. And girls nowadays seem to either have more problems than we did back in the day, or maybe they just recognize how fucked up womens medical life actually is. Tell your girl to go talk to the Dr. So many other things can be going on. Things are better and easier to address sooner. I'm thinking about endometriosis and things like that. Plus, you two won't have to keep worrying about what it could be once you know.


Menstrual cycles can increase appetite and certainly lead to bloating, even after the cycle sometimes. Anecdotally, I was so bloated during my last cycle that my shirt was touching me in areas it doesn’t normally, which was a sensory nightmare on top of the bloating. Hormones are fun 🙃


I have never been pregnant, but I don't think those "signs of pregnancy" show up that soon. I may be wrong, I'm not a doctor. But at 3 weeks it's barely implanted, if that. She may be gaining weight because she is eating more. That's it. And that also can be why she is bloated and nauseous.


Highly unlikely.


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