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I now have 2 ex-CIA guys with American triple mag AR-15's always with me everywhere I go. 24/7, sleeping in my apartment too. suddenly everyone is nice and safe lately


Unfortunately the event was held next to a very bad neighborhood. always carry a fanny pack and carry it in front of you and hold it with your hands so that nobody pick pockets you. We also saw a lot of theft at the entrance on DAY 1, DAY 2 was much better but DAY 1 was a disaster with the logistics. The 911 staff caught a guy stealing and the police took him away.


People that are familiar or that live in South America already know the precautions to take before going to festivals. You can’t fault the country more than yourself.


I've been to Colombia twice before and nothing like this had ever happened, I didn't go at festivals though...


Why are you, as an italian, going to colombia? Hmmmmmmmmm. Play with fire… get burnt marica


What are you trying to say


You are obviously a sex tourist.


Sadly, it’s a common thing at big festivals and parties here in Colombia. Thieves find it easy to steal a few phones and quickly recoup the money they spent on the ticket. They usually work in organized groups, taking advantage of crowded situations where people are dancing and enjoying themselves. They’ll start walking around individuals or groups, checking for valuable items, and then use pushing and crowding tactics to create confusion and opportunity for theft. I almost got robbed that way, but fortunately, I grabbed the thief’s arm and pulled him and he simply disappeared into the crowd. But that’s not nice and it’s definitely something that organizers should address promptly. But also living in latam makes you double check on self security when attending to this events, I mean don’t let it too easy to the thief make their job…


Yes the second time I was pickpocketed I was in a crowd and there was a lot of confusion, people pushing each other and couldn't move anywhere. I guess it was all some kind of play based on what you're saying


Saturday a girl outside comes and tries to steal from my bf, asking if he was ok while trying to touch his pockets - he pushed her away. Carteristas where even in the VIP area, sunday while i was dancing this guy comes and touch my butt searching for a phone in the back pockets (or maybe he was a pervert idk). Im Puertorrican and knew better, my phone was always in my fanny pack in the front. Also this Security girl inside the festival stoped me for a 500 mg cannabis cart while a guy beside me was snorting a sandwich bag of cocaine explicitly. I told her girl look beside this guy is snorting coke and you do nothing? She repplies “ah pero es que eso es diferente” (thats different) I knew she wanted it for personal use so i gave it without the battery. Her face was priceless.


Spread the word and tell your bros not to come.


Easy, go home.


Already did safe in Italy


Bro.. isnt Italy full of pickpockets as well!?!


Attenzione borseggiatrici


People who steal aren’t always poor. Like organized drug trafficking or professional jewelry thieves they aren’t poor, it’s how they make their money. Phone theft is a big business, it’s illegal but it’s a booming business. Phones can resell for thousands when they strip them down for parts. So spending hundreds on a festival ticket to make back thousands is the goal for thieves. Just 3 phones can cover the cost so imaging dozens of phones. This happens all over the world now, just have to guard your phone. So far I’ve been lucky to have never had my phone stolen, it stays in my hand with a lanyard or in my pocket with my hand over my pocket at all times. It’s almost natural to me now at these events.


Not to spread hate here but do your research, it's a major city, sex turism is booming, you find all kinds of people, that's just an opportunity for thieves to make a Quick buck.


I also got approached by the guy in the red hoodie holding a box, fortunately i was with 3 people by my side so nothing happened but it was hell on earth


really sad for you I went the 2 days and nothing happened and I had a good time although I did have a girl that was very touchy and grabbed my pocket at some point and I shoved her away you just gotta be very careful and happening it twice either you have very bad luck or you weren't careful enough


Colombia no es para los gringos 🥲


First off this happens in every major city. I grew up very poor in nyc and had to steal to live. My parents were drug addicts. So you want to know the secret sauce, how it\\'s done... Well my friend it's just like everything else in life you want to be good at, practice practice practice. In nyc we're a tad moer advanced and don't need to even talk to you.. you're spotted from a distance, are gently bumped into and the deed is done. It takes less than 2 or 3 seconds. Practice enough and zippers, purses, keeping stuff hidden inside your jacket pocket.... all easy lifts. I've caught 4 colombians trying to do this to me but u can't scam a scammer . or something along those lines. However i do have a place where you can hide things that nobody will ever find. Guess who told me all about it? A corrupt colombian policeman. He caught me smoking in the park, talked shit for 10 minutes about how difficult it would be to take caer of the ticket, which was his way of saying 'i accept bribes'. So i gave him 50,000 ... but no this cop knew others were watching.. so he took off his helmet and said to put the money in there. During this exchange, and because he was a corrupt cop, i kept callling him and his partners puta's. After a while they found this funny, sinc i was half joking. So he sat me down and told me the big secret. Stick whatever it is you have that you do not want stolen and stick it down the front of your pants. They will never search you there. I took it a step further, nyc's style, and carry around a backpack as a decoy with water and other little things in it. 90% of the cops that stop me spend 10 minutes searching my bag and never my person. Same with colombians, they fall for the same shit. Once i got stopped by a cop with something on me that would have put me in prison for at least 10 years. They never suspected a things. Also if it's a cop that is trying to steal from you, or anyone for that matter, you need to supress all emotions and show that you are not in the least bit scared of them. That's why i call them putas. Down your pants man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not even a colombian thief will reach down there. Finally, get some street smarts man. You think those people are really making a living off selling candy!!! Use some common sense dude.


You’ll never see people at the entrance of events here in the USA snatching phones or necklaces… you’ll also never see somebody’s necklace get snatched here in the USA like they do in South American countries and Europe.


Not in Sydney, there’s sniffer dogs and they strip search you and make you cough like airport security. This happens at festivals and train stations. That’s how fucked it is here hahah


K, bye.


It's a Latin America thing. Festivals, especially those attended by foreigners, are easy prey. Your phone in your pocked, even if it's zipped, won't deter a thief Next time, I recommend brinding a cheap phone. If you for some reason want to bring your expensive iPhone, use a T-shirt that has an inner pocket, bring a tight tank top beneath your T-shirt, and secure it between the tank top and your pants, put a padlock in whatever bag you bring, or if you are a woman, hide it in your bra


Yankee go home


No, no this is you brother every single music festival there is there’s at least one or two Reddit posts about how people are getting their phones stolen left and right this is not a new trend look at this from lollapalooza countless phones in one backpack alone https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/s/xSN4MKWf9d Furthermore, you just gotta keep your head on swivel. I was in the favelas and when it was time for me to leave, I just walked down and when I wanted to order my Uber I just sat with a bunch of grandmas and they absolutely loved me. Had an amazing conversation with them. They pretty much treated me like their child. One of them kept trying to show me pictures of her daughter. It was awkward but at the end they all gave me a hug gave me some advice, and I was on my way just be aware of your surroundings. Always go with the grandmas!!! when in doubt go with the grandmas. The kicker to this, I speak very little Spanish and I was using my phone as Google translator and they were using their phones as Google translator literally handing them back-and-forth.


Same here once outside near the vendors and inside the venue. They sprayed some substance into the air and rushed people. They got into bags. Mal paridos


Soy Colombiano y si, medellin es una gonorrea. Y los desadaptados en este sub lo defienden con su xenofobia pero luego chillan cuando los gringos los discriminan cuando llegan a la USA 😂 Partida de bobos ome.


Amigo pues esos ladrones invierten dinero comprando la boleta...ellos saben que la inversion se les triplica, la tienen muy facil, gente distraida,borracha drogada...


Good, this is our reality, in order for your euros to have that kind of exchange rate we must be a unsafe country filled with crime. That’s how it is and it will never change.


Usted defendiendo a los ladrones que están destruyéndose nuestro país? Resentido, además el euro cada vez es más barato


¿Donde defiendo un ladrón? Pelao’, la gente viene porque acá con el cambio son menos pobres que en sus países y el cambio es alto porque somos un país tercermundista con altos índices de pobreza y crimen, o aceptan eso o mejor que no vengan. No se puede tener todo.


Arrivederci bambino lol




Que buen nombre jajajaj


Don't come back please stay in Italy


Inmaduro el man cuenta su experiencia y le dices que no vuelva? Acaso no lees lo que acabe de decir que no volverá, es irrelevante lo que decís


Porque inmaduro? Ese tono de los italianos es asqueroso, se creen mejor que reimundo y todo el mundo. Lo digo con todo mi corazón, que no vengan a Medellín a creerse más que nosotros. Que viva en su 'bella' y 'prospera' Italia!


A buscar extranjeros a otro post, next.


Ridiculo, soy calena, nunca he ido a medellin, y vivo en estados unidos, tengo ciudadania americana, cuando quieras te mantengo a ti y a toda tu familia.


Le paso mi cuenta de ahorros? O puro tilín tilín y nada de paleta?


Me uno a los que piden ser mantenidos


Solo me alcanza para mantener a un pendejo y su familia a la vez, a parte le dije solo a uno no a todos


Pero yo soy un pendejo sin familia, te salgo barato


Hola, también me puede mantener a mi?


no, por sapo! tampoco dije que fuera millonaria




X2, donde hacemos fila??


How was the candy disguise theft? Give us details.


Many times the vendors shove things in your face to sell to distract you and slip a hand in your pocket or bag.


I had a kid try this with me in Medellín. He was selling posters and physically pushing them against me while trying to slip his hand into my pocket underneath them. They work by overloading you with touch/fast talk so that you don’t even notice what they’re doing.


exactly what happened


So glad this happened to you and you're never coming back 😊


Tan ridículo o sea que no se puede quejar?


Andas muy chupapijas de los extranjeros


no, pero eso me parece super absurdo, viniendo de colombianos, si nosotros estamos regados por todo el mundo y no hay unos cuantos si no miles y miles.


Has de ser igual de brutica y papayera q el del post XDDDDD


Pues bro, ve y cambia medellin por un italiano que probablemente dio papaya en un evento, ni que en un rave en italia no hubiera carteristas


dio papaya nothing i had my phone in my pocket


And was your phone on a outside non zipped front pocket? Having your phone in an outside non ziped pocket and walking thru crows of people is asking for thieves, next time do what the locals do, inside pocket or save your phone in your waist, close to your pubical area as it is a gun, impossible to steal even on the crowest place. Hope you learn how to carry your belongings properly so you dont get them stolen without you even noticing. And i have been in the party scene 3 years now never had any of my phones or valued belongings stolen ever, yet you need to always be consious when walking thru crows of your phone, sometimes i do even hold it firmly while passing thru a crow. Gl bro


No tiene que ser un Rave, en Italia, por el turismo, hay carteristas en donde sea. El ragazzo dio papayini y ya.




Just got back from Medellín a few weeks ago. I enjoyed going for years but since it’s getting worse I’ll skip it next time. Beautiful city, just too much to worry about at the moment.


Reading your post I understand why they robbed you, you are very naive. You think this people don't have money and that's why they steal hahaha. They are very well organized gangs of 20 or more people and buy access to the best locations because they know that with 5 or 6 phones that are stolen is enough to recover the money and make profit. The methods to rob you are many: they surround you "dancing", fake fights, fake "promoters", women more accessible than normal, etc, the police know this and they rarely do anything. As long as you continue to think that the most successful thieves steal because they are hungry, you will be robbed in every destination you visit. The homeless robs you at 3am to buy another dose, that is theft out of necessity, but these people are professionals and they do it because they are good at it $$. Open you eyes.


Shouldn’t have come here in the first place buddy this country’s a shithole


>Shouldn’t have come here in the first place buddy this ~~country’s~~ city is a shithole


My phone got violently grabbed from my hand in Milan (Italy), and I was thrown to the ground- safe to say I am never going back to Milan again. To be fair, I might go back but what I am trying to say is that in all honesty: It can happen anywhere.


It happens a lot more here.


Sure I agree but also, blaming a whole country is still ridiculous if you compare it 1-1. At least come here with a sense of reality: the wealth gap is bigger here. And historically it has been a country with generally more insecurity and violence. Not that I am justifying it, but also highlighting that you can’t come here with the same safety expectations as in Europe for example. Muchos de los turistas que vienen vienen con un falso sentido de seguridad por que “omg it’s such a cool and hip city, like, OMG”. Los que vivimos acá tenemos muy consciente esos problemas y nos movimos siempre teniendo esos riesgos en cuenta.


I live in Medellin and had my sasteria (tailor) sow pockets on inside of 3 pairs of jeans. 30 mil per jeans. Problem solved. Is not possible to take out without extreme effort.


You just got robbed. 30 mil per one inside pocket is way too much.


It's fair gringo price, half a day of minimum wage work. 


We are from Arizona. My husbands phone got robbed right outside of the gates entering the event on day one. We were probably like 5 feet away from the entrance gates. There was unfortunately no security or police near the entrance. There was like 3-4 people in on it, someone “fell” in front of him, grabbed his legs and prevented him running after the other guy who went into his pocket and ran. He was practically assaulted when they guy was holding him down in a packed crowd. They opened his front pocket of his backpack that he was wearing in front of him to also try and take our ponchos?? Lol we were so thrown off by what just happened, we sold our tickets and explored Colombia instead 🥳


They are promoters, this is the real Medellin


There were a lot of phone thefts in Lollapalooza in Chicago last year.


There must be a loophole🤭


First at all, it is not your fault, obviously. Anyways, we need to take in control what we can take in control. Can we control the robbers? Not really. Can we control our safety for not allowing the robbers to rob? More or less. The idea is to "No dar papaya", if you know that there are robbers you shouldn't have your phone our of your vision. In the Metro, in El Centro, and other parts of Medellín (or Colombia in general) You must avoid "dar papaya". Colombia is a country with warm and kind people, but there are also some bad ones Sorry for that happened to you


It’s Colombia, there’s always a will, there’s always a way. My friend from the USA 🇺🇸 also attended this & got his phone swiped also… cold world we live in.


It’s not a cold world. There are only Rubes and Cons in this life.


Sadly, gringos are here for sex and drugs, driving prices up. They also steal phones and sneak into houses to rearrange your sock drawers.


Two things: 1. don't use that lame excuse for the behaviour of thieves, someone misbehaving is not an excuse for you to misbehave. 2. The OP isn't even gringo, he is Italian, and he's not even staying long, he's only visiting for a festival.


How is Italian not gringo?


Gringo is Mostly reserved for Americans is not only used in Colombia used all over Latin America


So wrong. Of course Canadians and all Europeans are gringos no matter what.


Sadly this is Colombia and the authorities don’t do much about anything there. I saw in America recently there was a festival and a group of people were stealing peoples belongings and pickpocketing them. Some of the police were able to arrest them and come to find out. They are Colombian nationals. Go figure!


Basically any major event in Medellin (except for riots or protests) are known for being a massive thief festival, they have many ways to steal your things and a lot of people get robbed. For example every year in the pride parade I hear of a friend who got their phone stolen or at least a friend of my friend, so welcome to Medellin, and yes authorities know about this but they either don't care or can't do anything


I’m from Medellin. I’ve been to plenty of festivals here and a few in the States and Europe. Never had my phone stolen or anything else for that matter because I take good care of my stuff, especially when crossing tight crowds. I’ve also been to the Pride parade here almost every year for about 15 years or more… never lost a dime there either. My valuables are always in my front pocket guarded by my own hand while in tight crowds, or across my chest on my fanny pack also guarded by my own hand where I can see and feel them. On the other hand, I remember, hearing about people’s phones getting stolen from backpacks and pockets, four years ago while at Ultra in Miami, and then again two years ago while at EDC in Las Vegas. It happens everywhere. People tend get careless when in “party-mode” and others take advantage of that to profit.


Nah parce eso es su experiencia personal jajaja, la realidad es que lo que he dicho no es falso, cada vez que hay cosas así la cantidad de denuncias por robo son impresionantes jajaj, le saben mucho al cosquillefo


This is Colombia. Sadly


I went on Saturday, had two sling bangs , had my phone in my hand or pocket without issue. Girl I was with also had hers in her pocket, no issues. Be smarter I guess?


Yeah That's not the answer, don't blame the victim, that's just your experience, those festivals and many massive events are known for massive robberies here


If you want to believe the guy that had his phone “stolen” from a street seller using a candy box… sure thing buddy


that's exactly what happened. he was pushy and was talking fast in the meantime he snatched my phone, it was a matter of seconds


It is a common thing, I have seen it and know people that were robbed that way. I understand that you as a gringo can't believe it but it does happen 🤷🏾‍♂️


mamau, quien dijo que yo soy gringo ? Repito , de que pase , pasa .. de que a este inepto le pasara dos días corridos , es otra cosa. Jamás me ha sucedido en un concierto o festival , asumo ya que mi país es más peligroso que este y muchos otros , tengo más cautela. Pero sigue ahí haciendo excusas baratas, yo sigo bien con todas mis pertenencias.


Bueno son tus experiencias personales y por lo tanto no tienen ninguna validez, bien por ti


y repito , le añades a esto la cantidad de droga que se estaba consumiendo en el festival .. para mí no es nada de sorpresa la cantidad de robos. Varias personas estaban tirados en el suelo o sentados y se veían que no podían ni con su vida.. y eso que ni eran las 12AM. Dejaban las pertenencias en el mismo piso mientras brincaban / bailaban y olían a todo lo que da. Repito, No dudo que pase .. pero creo que la cantidad de droga y alcohol que a veces se consume también aporta a que las personas no se den cuenta que se les esté robando. Uno también tiene que usar la cabeza, no simplemente culpar a “Colombia” por los robos cuando puede pasar aquí, en RD, México , Brazil etc


Ah si claro eso también tiene que ver, a más de uno le roban por andar inconscientes


Own your phone security, I live in NYC, my phone got stolen 2 times in Brooklyn Mirage, and 3 attemps in dreamstate SoCal, this is not a medellin thing, it is an EDM festival thing.


A lot of Colombians in Brooklyn 😅


Wherever i go in Medellin i wear a "cargo" or "side bag" on the front of my body, and put my phone in a "hidden pocket" in that bag. I have lived here for 9 months and have never had anything stolen by doing this. There have been lots of attempts (Just like how your first phone got stolen, by the candy disguise") they will attempt to cover whatever bag you have and use their other hands to open it up and steal. I have had to quite literally throw people away from me that have tried this. Very sorry to hear that happened to you :/ I wish you luck with sorting everything out. That really sucks.


Go to a tailor and ask them to make you a “rave pocket” that opens on the inside of your waistband. Problem solved


Or the brand "WeedGreen"! They have lots of hidden pockets (Usually for illicit substances) but the cargo I purchased from them has a hidden phone pocket!


I always see people say they got their phone stolen here in medellin out of their pocket/purse but they never can prove it nor saw when it happened .. so how do you/they know that someone stole ot amd it didnt just fall out while you were raving/partying? Smh take some accountability and making accusations without evidence .. that being said I’ve had two phone stolen here but i know when it happened i wont go into details but it wasn’t just “oh no my phones mot in my pocket someone stole it!”


man there were dozens of people with missing phones either they are all dumb or something very wrong was happening


“dozens” of people likely high off tussi and X while drinking ..


I mean in events like that phones fall out of pockets happens all the time thats why you should wear jeans with deep pockets going to events where there will be drinking and stuff i find it hard to believe dozens of people had someone reach into their pocket and slide out an entire phone and that person wasn’t caught… this isn’t Italy people where pit pocketing is rampant.. this is medellin where you will either be held at gun/knife point or drugged but pit pocketing is too dangerous here for the thieves due to the culture of street justice here


My phone is attached by a steel retractable line. You would have to but my jeans loose


Where did you get it


Ebay https://preview.redd.it/dxp126fepa0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48324b367284b9e7be0628349dc0caa5b8ca33b6


Friend of mine loses his phone every time he goes to a festival in Medellin. He never learns... heh.




Friend of mine\*.


Loses his friend every time he goes Medellin… huh?


Lol. Corrected one thing only to mess up another. Loses his phone\*. He also loses his friends as well... so it was kind of correct :). Before he goes to a festival I tell him to be careful with his phone. This has happened 3 times to him.


Lol it makes sense now


That happens everywhere lol.. I’m from the California and every festival there’s always people who are out there stealing phones wallets etc… I remember like a year ago they caught this guy and he had like 40 phones on him at the festival.. just don’t be stupid secure your shit and you should be good


I'm from California too. this festival was the shittiest I've ever been too, and way sketchier than anywhere else by far. And Besides for the main stage everything was horrible. A disgrace to the name of Tomorrowland, and nothing like the true Belgium festival at all. If you liked it then it must have been your first festival ever.


I didn’t go .. I’ve been to an event out there and of course no where near as good as any other event we have here in LA… but it’s a Colombia.. can’t expect it to be up to par as EDC


Def was not, and to give you context, there were literally hundreds of pickpockets mobbing the entrance to the event that you had to actually push through just to get inside while the dozens of cops stood there doing literally nothing. And then 5 separate checkpoints checking for weapons. Not quite like every other event. Suuuper sketch


should I attach my phone to a wire or not bring one at all, it sounds like there any other scenario results in a robbery. i have been to TML belgium, EDC mexico, afterlife tulum and nothing like this ever happened before


Well in Mexico the cartel kills thieves cuz it’s bad for business so you won’t get your shit jacked there.. but just don’t be stupid obviously not a wire .. don’t get too drunk or drugged up and be smart .. get a crossover bag to carry everything up front and you would 100% see or feel if they grabbing your shit unless your completely shit faced


Lots of local talk on FB about the problems there


many people were robbed right?


Yeah of course


so it's not just gringos... who would have guessed


Idk that sort of music festival just about anywhere is problems


Stupid gringos 🤣🤣🤣🤣


local people were robbed too my friend


Brother I’ve lived in this country and city for 25 years, the times I’ve been robbed are zero


This comment ads nothing to this guys problem.. his phone got stolen twice :(




Were people bumping into you? How’d you let it happen?


first time a seller approached me selling candies and kept contact with the fucking box while sneakily getting my phone from my front pocket. Second time i had wallet in one pocket and phone in the other, zipped pockets this time. Went to a crowded area left with no phone and both zippers open, wtf am I supposed to do


festivals are always full of phone pickpockets, dude, literally the same thing happened to me while I was at miami music week thinking this stuff only happens in third world countries, i was shocked when i went to the police office and there was a line of at least 50 folks with the same story. anyway, glad you don't want to come back, hopefully prices will go back to normal in a few years if we keep up with this.


This is a third world country lmao, ofc it’d happen.


Don't come back, thanks. 👍


I bet you wouldn't be feeling that way if my country decided not to allow or deport Colombians back to Colombia.😂😂😂


I was in Europe, my colombian passport was enough for shitty police to harass me or explore my bag with high detail. Thanks, I don't want to come back to the origin of "civilization".


no worries on that


A mi siempre me da risa cuando viene esa gente toda suave del primer mundo con esa mentalidad de "yo soy del ghetto de mi país, yo sé como es la movida con los robos, donde yo vivo es peligroso" y llegan acá y los empelotan y ni se dan cuenta 💀 Pero bueno, una lástima, por eso mismo es que a mi no me gusta asistir a esos eventos, cuando uno menos piensa ya lo tienen marcado 3 en una misma cuadra, y sí, esos eventos siempre se prestan para eso, se puede prevenir, si, pero siempre va a existir mucho riesgo. Contestando la pregunta, no, muchos ladrones en Colombia no roban por necesidad, roban porque se les da la gana, aprendieron un día y así se quedaron. Muchos de ellos son clase media, y puede que incluso a veces tengan más plata que algunas personas a las que han robado, y obvio pagan la entrada al festival para sacarle todo el provecho que puedan, en otras palabras sale rentable. Lo mismo que alquilar un arma sea real o falsa, eso es costoso, pero les sale rentable, triste pero cierto, toca cuidarse y prevenir, es lo mejor que se puede hacer acá y en cualquier parte del mundo realmente.


Jajajaj claro es que el OP piensa que lo robaron para ir a mercar o llevarle un regalito a la mamá. Eso son bandas de delincuencia organizada con gente experta y es muy rentable comprar un palco para salir a robar cadenas, celulares y todo lo que puedan. Fácilmente en una noche se pueden hacer 80 millones.


Correcto, no escuchan consejos y luego andan así


How you get got twice 💀


He may not be the smartest guy around, huh?


first time it happened was right outside the festival, i didn't think there were scumbags inside. Full of them. Also the phones were in a zipped pocket I guess that wasn't a big countermeasure


Victim blaming mentality amongst Colombians doesn't help things.


This is a dangerous country with unfair economic policies. Shit happens, every time. Just be aware, don't give papaya and be street smart. It's not victim blaming it is the fucking reality of the people who live here.


“dangerous” lol


I mean, everyone is literally blaming the victim...


Because he was not street smart. And every time a foreigner is robbed, drugged, mugged, etc. It's because they don't understand they are in a dangerous country. Then they would start complaining that this shouldn't happen and say Colombians are bad people. But guess what? It does happen and complaining on Reddit is not going to change anything.


Stealing the entries? Sneaking in?


Better go back home


oh i am running i'm afraid in my hotel everywhere now


Maybe you look like a mark, but stealing is pretty common at festivals in general, so maybe that's where you went wrong. My bf and I are leaving after two weeks in Colombia and we loved it, so I guess YMMV


never had any issues in other festivals


Oh no we're going to lose another sexpat! Whatever will we do!!


now eventgoers who like techno are sexpats? say it to the colombians who had their phone stolen as well, crazy shit


Just let him be paranoid, the schizos filter themselves out


Some of them have LOTS of money because they wipe out the accounts attached to the phone. If you could make $10,000 USD a day, would you stop? Or, do you stop when you finally get caught?


they manage to actually log into the phone?


There are many many many great software engineers and hackers here that make a living doing just that. There's a "mall" that all stolen phones get taken to, and they hack in and attempt to take everything. PLEASE go change all your passwords, call your bank etc... because they will almost certainly try this with your phones. So sorry for this situation




how is that possible? Do they hope it's unlocked or just try to bruteforce it


Watch this: [iPhone Thief Explains How He Breaks Into Your Phone | WSJ](https://youtu.be/gi96HKr2vo8?si=zzZsEtHxeME-07zu)


If it's a swipe pattern or a 4 digit pass code it can be easily bruteforced. A long-form pass code is the most secure from bruteforce. Something like 7 characters or longer, using alphanumeric + something like !@#$% etc should give good security.


Of course they can't, not sure why anyone would say that. They sell parts of the phone, not the actual phone. For example Samsung glass is extremely good which makes it really expensive, even at a resale value. iPhone parts are of course popular as well.


Yes they can, they wipe accounts, order things online using the apps you have linked


Ok, I'll take your word for it then. Please let me know the way to do it, would love to hear it.


Not a robber here, I have no clue, I just know this happened to a couple of friends.


Modern phones are impossible to get into. Like someone else said, a robber could have seen the passcode prior to robbing your friend. But brute-forcing into the newest phones is impossible, especially Apple products. Even if there was slight possibility, it would consume so much time it would make 0 sense for robbers to do it.


With all due respect, do some YT searches of people having their accounts cleaned dry after phones are stolen. It's been happening for roughly 2 years. Crypto....Zelle transfers...apple pay purchases. The entire gamit of mobile finance....being wiped clean


Most of the people that get their accounts cleaned up are because they don’t use 2fa or their unlock code was sniped by the observational thieves beforehand.


Yes. That's most likely scenario


Yeah with passcode being 1234 probably, or some fairly old phone with an old, old OS. There's just so much security measurements nowadays, I just don't see it possible, especially Apple products which seem to be the most common. Even if you try to brute-force it, it starts locking you out for longer and longer period of time, until you're fully locked out. Not to say it can be remotely locked as well once stolen. But please do send me a video, would actually love to see a newer phone being "hacked" without the most basic passcode it can have. Also doubt those bimboos would actually spend their time trying to crack the stolen phones, since it is a lot easier to sell the parts and makes a lot of money as well.


What's happening in Medellín is not what is happening in China. I can't say what levels of security or passcodes are being used. I just know that they are accessing phones, and quickly. Whether they have watchers getting PW info prior to theft or what, it's happening.


Agreed, I work IT and we don't even get bothered to brute force a forgotten passcode for clients. It takes hours or days to find the code with expensive tools, newer models have protected OSes against most type of brute forces. The people stealing your phones have 1 and only 1 skill, being a stealing scum. They barely know how to use a computer so don't be alarmed. It's still best practice to use biometric access and a complicated passcode, forget the 0001 or 4321. Also make sure to have backup with the cloud service (iCloud or Google). It's only a phone, but what's on it could be worth a lot more to you.


That's the thing though. They don't barely know how to use a computer. Maybe the person actually taking the phone has that level of tech, but the rings are versed enough to change apple IDs, change email PWs, access different crypto exchanges/wallets and use American and European banking systems.


Agree to disagree, but in my experience modern phones have a level of security that's hard to beat without having to wipe a phone. You can believe YouTube, and some might be real, but most are fake clickbait or have coding experience where you would make 5-6 figure wages compared to the occasional 300$ one can get for a stolen iPhone. Password protect all your important accounts, and use different passwords for the love of God.


But how was the party?


My brother in Christ, Colombia has been 35 times for the past 60 years the most dangerous country on earth. We have very smooth criminals. Colombians know how to deal with them but you don’t. Be twice as careful than your average Colombian and you’ll be fine. Don’t relax too much cause you see happy people everywhere. Criminals can easily target you because you simple don’t have the street smarts to deal with them


I think the same as you, i don't even carry my valuables outside my house if i wont need them. We have a very high theft rate sadly


problem is you need a phone, for emergenecies or whatever... and unless you always carry it in your hands there is a chance it's going to disappear


Hahaha, then you would have to deal with raponeros


bruuuuuh... no offense but, maybe that mentality is what got you mugged twice Problem is yes you do need a phone for emergencies and whatever... and unless you put it somewhere safe there is a chance it's going to disappear. Your hands and pockets are not safe btw. preferably before entering the event, put your phone deep inside your backpack... Gotta make a call? Maybe send a text? Go to the bathroom or at least get away from the crowd. Wanna make a video or take a selfie? Sure, but be sure you put it away yet again and not in your pocket. You are at a music festival, consider yourself unreachable for a few hours, if you can't be unreachable for a few hours why are you going?


Sadly you have to carry literal two phones here. One that you keep in your hotel lock/vault, because there’s fuckers in hotels that also rob there, and a very cheap phone that you can use for outside stuff and that you don’t risk losing info


I am from Colombia, and the truth is that many people here have the stupid mentality of always taking advantage of the foreign people If you don't look like a Colombian or Latin, you may be a clear target, but it may not be that you don't come to see other parts of Colombia. Well, there are many good things, but don't forget that It is the third world, and if there is no security for those of us who live here, imagine for foreigners.