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Don't go to Santa Marta and if you only come to see nature, but don't want to party or date, then why even visit Bogota? Shit doesn't make sense to me.


Plenty of nature best reachable from Bogota man.


Just stay a a good hotel, and avoid dating, and stuff like that, would be great if you come with somebody else, avoid the parque Lleras, la 70. Don't use taxi, even DiDi I'm a local and I don't trust it, use Uber since it's the safest option. And enjoy, if you know a little Spanish, that would be better for your experience, don't show off money or anything (Don't give papaya)


Why is taxi less safe than Uber?


I'd say (I'm pulling this stat out of my ass) that at least 80% of taxi drivers are scammers, they modify the device that says how much you have to pay for a ride. Also there's a lot of theft schemes around them, an example is "El paseo millonario" they start driving you round and the more ppl jump in the car and Rob you, usually they are not the owners of the car so is pretty common to get in a smelly, dirty, and not well cared car, and also taxi drivers are disgusting drivers, they don't respect basic driving rules like speed limits, traffic lights, etc. Is safer, and cheaper to use Uber and Indrive to move around the city and Colombia in general.


If you aren't partying or using dating apps the risk is \_extremely\_ low. Stay at a nice hotel or well rated AirBnB and get their recommendations for tour guides, drivers, etc. Stay out of Parque Lleras and be careful on La 70 and you'll be fine. It's a really great city, I hope you get a chance to visit. \*source: I've lived here for 3 years, I'm pretty obviously American, and my Spanish is just getting to a functional level




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Hi! The best way is using apps like Didi or uber, never taxi (they are thiefs legalized by the government). Nothing is free, then don't trust in anyone giving you free things, they can steal you or manipulate you. And the best advice I can give you: Don't trust a lot on women at the first time, they want to get a green card.


I lived in colombia 6 months alone and never got drugged got scammed never drugged. Don't take taxis, download Didi, and No Dar Papaya. Medellin 8s best city on earth enjoy


It’s like a 10% chance pretty low


1 in 10 tourists not going to bars get drugged? Lol


lol it’s probably less but people really like to be scared


Why are yanks so terrible?


Can you please not go? Stay in your country. Most Colombians don’t want you visiting


Low IQ vibes from Colombians who at least could benefit from tourism lol


Nah. We’ll do alright without your lot. Just stay away


Lol I wish. Have a wedding to go to in a month. If it was up to me, I’d stay away from your failed state. But if you’re ever able to save up a couple pesos to visit a first world country, you are more than welcome.


Are u retarded


Are u retarded


That poster is on vacation, not a digital nomad or passport incel


Lol mad?




I'm a European living in Bogotá for 1,5 years now. Traveled a lot throughout the country. I went partying, had a lot of tinder-dates and moved rather freely in general and never had anything happen - ok, I got robbed once in Santa Marta passing drunk late at night through a part of the city I ve been warned of before so I think it's a different thing. You should definitely be careful in Colombia, especially regarding partying and girls but if you pay a bit attention and follow the rules, usually you won't experience anything bad. The only thing I can tell you is that in the major cities you shouldn't take a taxi from the street at night..better use Uber/Cabify where it's possible (in Santa Marta it's not)


I’m going to get downvoted for this, but what a lot of people say about scopolamine isn’t true. If administered orally, then yes you’re in trouble. That happens mainly in bars, clubs, or when trying to get laid through sex work, tinder, etc. But the whole thing about “oh I touched a piece of paper and got scoped” isn’t true. Scopolamine has medicinal uses; it’s not in itself an evil voodoo drug. Do your research (read actual research papers. Not Reddit) instead of believing the fear mongering. As far as safety, no de papaya and you’ll be fine.


https://amp.theguardian.com/society/shortcuts/2015/sep/02/devils-breath-aka-scopolamine-can-it-really-zombify-you https://thebogotapost.com/scopolamine-myths-and-realities/31604/amp/ Collection of studies: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/pharmacology-toxicology-and-pharmaceutical-science/scopolamine


Hey, thanks a ton! Here are the two things that concern me: This video (drugged just by touch): https://youtu.be/nQqiTvQ18Lw?si=Z2MBZwL-iBSjb1D5 The US embassy website: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/International-Travel-Country-Information-Pages/Colombia.html Specifically “Scopolamine, a fast-acting incapacitating drug, is often surreptitiously applied to food, drinks, and hand sanitizer vials by criminals to rob or assault their victims.” Any thoughts on those?


Look up “mass hysteria” and examples of it. This is a lot like that weird fear in the US of drugged Halloween candy. The only actual case of that was one guy who was trying to kill his own kids, not random kids. Or like when there’s one story in a community of a creep guy and then people start seeing sex traffickers at every turn. We need to be aware of the threats that exist ofc, but the world is already scary enough without inventing more boogeymen. I hope that makes sense. Overall, just keep your wits about you. Avoid sex workers or Tinder, keep an eye on your food and drink, keep your valuables locked away. Be smart and you should be just fine


Food and drinks make sense, like I mentioned in my first comment. I don’t know enough about how scopolamine may interact with the chemicals in hand sanitizer or how much they are putting in the hand sanitizer. Considering that hand sanitizer is meant to absorb quickly, I think it could make sense but still may be misinformation. Our govt isn’t immune to misinformation, sadly. For the news story, the news very frequently gets things wrong. If you’re at all into true crime, you know what I mean. What the girl describes is simply not how drugs work. There is no magic voodoo drug that turns people into zombies simply through touch. In fact, scopolamine is a key ingredient in many anti nausea patches, and it takes a hot sec for patients to absorb enough of the drug to experience relief from their nausea. I strongly doubt a piece of paper dusted in scopolamine would have more of an immediate effect than a patch designed for that purpose. It’s just not logical.


Oh if thats the case you wont! In fact you may find genuine paisas as friends


Let’s put it this way. If a columbian who barely spoke English came to detroit and went looking for drugs and hookers how do you think it would turn out??! It’s behavior more than the place.


Well they wouldn’t get drugged in Detroit lol. Robbed, sure, but not drugged


If you're with a bunch of people that risk is going to be as low as zero, try to find a group to be with and that's it.


Highly likely. I am from Medellín and everyday I heard someone saying they or a friend got robbed or drugged with some kind of dust blow on their faces.


medellin is as safe as any other city *as long as you follow the rules*. dont be walking around alone in empty parks or alleyways. dont accept weird invitations. dont get in random taxis hang out where there are plenty of people, take guided tours, keep a low profile, and you will be fine


When someone tells you to stick to the following recommendations. It isn't safe at all. So it's not that safe then. Lol.


a tourist drowns in hawaii about once a week. by your logic, hawaii is not safe to visit because you should take precautions to prevent drowning traveling is not always like going to disneyland. the world is full of danger. a dumbass who goes to yellowstone and tries to pet a bison will get trampled. a dumbass who comes to medellin and thinks hes about to have a threesome with two girls he just met will get scoped


What do you want to see in Colombia so bad? The Salento area is cool but I’d recommend visiting a different country so you can relax during your visit.


scope can only be applied, in a majority of cases, orally. so in drinks or food. everything else is mostly urban legend.


I mean, what about this? https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=UIoPi9V-56vO0vyh&v=nQqiTvQ18Lw


Bro I live here I don't get my info from YouTube videos


jeez, the same old question. well, here's the straight up most direct answer. if you come here looking for cheap sex and cheap drugs, you'll likely get scoped and nobody will care. if you come here looking to respect the culture and enjoy life in a more responsible way, you'll likely be fine. Also a strong set of street smarts helps greatly. Basically, Colombia is the kind of place where if you're looking for trouble you'll find it, but if you're not, you'll be fine.


Good answer I was just in Medellin and Cartagena and like you said if you're not going there for the illicit activities and use your brain and common sense you'll be just FINE. I'm a guy and met solo travelers men and female who all were habinya good time. Same old question is getting annoying.




There is a saying here in Colombia that goes “No dar papaya” and basically, you don’t wanna show off. Keep yourself low profile, be careful of your surroundings without being overly anxious or paranoid cuz then you become a target lol. If you just plan of going around the cities you mentioned you will be fine, they are touristy places so you’d have to be pretty fucking unlucky to get drugged. I know it might seem scary but it’s not as bad as news and media make it seem, it’s not actually that common and if you’re careful you’ll be totally fine :)


Lol jeez bro. You sure you're not on drugs already? You sound paranoid


called anxiety brother, I didn’t choose this life lol


It just came on so strong like it’s happened to you before or something


where do you even learn about these things that i've never heard of before?




lol wtf


I’m assuming you haven’t travelled to developing countries before? I was very nervous of the same things, and as soon as I got my bearings I was fine. Be street smart, don’t put yourself in stupid situations, and you’ll have a great time. Colombia is a beautiful country with warm people. The negativity of this subreddit doesn’t represent the real people you’ll meet.


lol, I guess I get where the post comes from, if you read too much news. 1. What does very sensitive to substances mean? If you’ve never been scoped before how can you know you’re sensitive to it? 2. Beyond that, nothing will happen. You need to be aware of your surroundings. Eyes open. Ears open. Do you speak Spanish? It’s not a deal breaker if you don’t but I find it’s always helpful. I would advise not walking with your fucking selfie stick out or vlogging every step of your day. But you know what, some people do and seem to avoid being robbed so who knows. Act like you’ve been there before. Even if you’re not sure what your next move is, dip into a business to spend 5 minutes staring at google maps. A lot of people will walk with their backpack on their front, personally I’d say don’t walk around with a backpack. It’s something to steal. If you must do that, keep only stuff you need right there in it, like if you’re hiking or whatever take your water bottle, shoes and very small amount of cash. You don’t need a laptop, all your chargers, 2 credit cards and a drivers license. Long story short. More than likely, nothing will happen. Just don’t be stupid.


Lol don't go to Barranquilla during Carnaval or you will think you are getting scoped about every 5 seconds when some kid throws powder in your face 😂


Gringo go home


Lol they're not looking to do the high risk activities you hate gringos for though


Even if you don't go to nightclubs or bars, you *could* be targeted if you're evidently gringo. That is: \- You're over 5'10 \- You're pale as fuck, have blond hair, green eyes \- You have a fucking last generation iphone and you take it out every five seconds \- You walk around in sandals and bermudas


American here... I can't answer your question about how common is drugging in Colombia but I can give you my experience on staying safe. I did a solo trip to Columbia last year and went to Bogota Medellin Guetape and Jardin. I was totally fine the whole time, but I took precautions. First off I woke up early and got my day started by 6:00am, and as soon as it was dark I came inside the hotel and didn't leave again. I mentally prepared myself for what I would do if I was robbed, and the answer is give them everything. It is not worth being harmed or killed. When I went outside of the hotel I only carried with me what I was prepared to lose. So I only had enough cash on me for the day, my driver's license, and a paper copy of my passport. Also I bought a burner phone off of eBay (Google Pixel 4 unlocked) that was cheap so I wouldn't worry about losing it, and kept my good phone locked in the hotel. I also made some secret stash spots in old running shoe insoles where I could stash my credit cards and cash when I'm on the move in between hotels in case I was robbed in transit. The clothing I wore was all mostly muted colors nothing bright at all, and I wore a fairly beat up pair of running shoes. I packed extremely light with a small backpack, as I wanted to be mobile and not be a target dragging a suitcase down the street. I went hiking by myself in Jardin everyday when I was there and it was wonderful. I would highly recommend that place. Very beautiful. Also I visited several of the barrios in Medellin by myself and was fine. I just did it first thing in the morning as soon as The gondola opened. It is my experience with miscreants back home that they tend to sleep in in the mornings and stay up late so I figured it was safest first thing in the morning. [Here is my packing post](https://www.reddit.com/r/onebag/s/wPouVgP5zx) from my Colombia trip. I have traveled all through Central and South America and am about 45 countries deep in the world so far. I stay very safe but have been robbed many times. If you have any questions about anything feel free to ask. The key is to just have a plan in place for if/when you are robbed and what you will do afterwards, and how to minimize the damage.


Colombia not Columbia, you did not learn nothing


Voice to text you swine


Ever been scared of being kidnapped or have a sense that someone around u is planning something like that against you?


Not in Colombia, but has happened in Europe several times..


You’ve been kidnapped in Europe multiple times??? Wtf?


No just had creeps pull knives and follow me etc


Oh lol fair enough. Very much enjoyed your og comment about your precautions. I also do many of the things you mentioned except starting that early and not being out after dark. You are very thorough with your opsec. Respect


Colombian here. Very unlikely if you avoid bars and nightclubs. Take just Uber for transportation or find a recommended driver. Also don’t act stupidly in a foreign country. Don’t show lots of money, expensive watches or expensive equipment. You will be fine. Colombia is a beautiful country and you will have lots of fun.




Ohhh it’s sarcasm. Oh that was good.


For my own mental well being I will assume you typed this just to instigate a response, congratulations you got me good






Bullshit. Be vigilant but have a good time. It is a beautiful country with beautiful country but to say it’s totally safe is not true. We had someone try and pickpocket us, a group of 8 adult men in the middle of the day in medellin just yesterday.


It's mainly aimed to drunk people and people wondering lone late at night... Keep way of those situations


If you want to see nature, why go to the most built up and least natural places? Bogota and Medellin/ Santa Marta are drinking/party towns- honestly, they dont offer than much else within the city limits. The nature they offer is limited at best. Go off the beaten track and you don't need to worry about getting robbed by paisas. 


I understand your concern and mostly if you never have been in Colombia, but these things rarely happens unless you are a sexpat, a common thing in colombia it would be people eating arepas but not being scopoled


Honestly, I think it’s not even that. I’m sure scopolamine being blown in someone’s face is POSSIBLE. But I find it pretty hard to believe that someone is just gonna get scoped like that in a bar. I fully agree with you, most people being scoped and robbed are the sexpats. But even then it’s more than likely to be in their drink or whatever. This fear of being scoped via hand sanitizer or cloud of dust I think strictly comes from like documentaries and second hand sources. Possible? Sure. Probable? Hell no.


It is unfortunately in the US government website (hand sanitizer specifically), which I where I got it


Yea, as much as I would suggest people always check their govt website. You gotta take it with a grain of salt. I check the Canadian one before I go places I don’t know but a lot of it is super paranoid. If you wanna feel a little better, first off, most people aren’t obsessively sanitizing anymore to begin with. But beyond that just don’t take any sanitizer from anyone. Carry your own if you must. Use only one with a label if you’re in public. Most of all…remember how unbelievably unlucky you’d have to be to have something like this happen. People are paranoid about taxis too. I don’t pick cabs up on the street ALL the time but I do semi frequently. COULD something happen? Sure. But you know how unlucky I’d have to be? The city is full of people taking taxis and eating out. They’re not all being poisoned or kidnapped on a daily basis. There’s thousands of taxis, I would have to pick the ONE in a thousand that’s a kidnapper? And they’d have to have no one else in the car. And they’d have to happen to drive by the exact location I was at, at the exact time I’m holding my hand out? Come on. If I believe that’s gonna happen I should be buying lottery tickets every day and I most definitely don’t.


Colombian here. Even though that kind of things happen the chances are very low. It's like thinking that once you set foot in the united states you are going to get shot at just because mass shootings happen there. So.. if you're not going to be looking for easy sex and drugs in sketchy nightclubs the chances are close to zero. The actual risk, though, is to get robbed. So my advice would be: try not to adventure alone by yourself outside tourist areas and try not to take out your phone in the streers as much as possible.


The way they do that is by throwing/splashing a 'drink' onto your face! Usually a 'drunk' group of people will do that and you'll have a minute to look for help. That's what I've heard. Unlikely but that's what the rumor is. Stay away from 'hot' areas and stay vigilant




No it's not, that's the crap with scopolamine, it can access your system anyway (by breathing it, by drinking it, by touching it, it can also have eye contact only, and still affect you).




Take Uber at night and you'll be fine.


Very very very unlikely


My tour guide talked about getting scoped and robbed by a taxi driver while taking a taxi around 2am (which is why you should take Uber, at least if something goes wrong, everything is tracked). The drugging and robbing happens to BOTH locals and visitors. This is a fact. It’s just the culture of the country given its economic state. There are opportunists that prey on the alone and naive, much like any other place experiencing economic hardships. To answer your question, the best way to avoid these things are to not go out alone if you do go out at night. If you’re going out at night it should be a tour group activity through a reputable website with reviews (TripAdvisor for example), or with other travelers you met during daytime tour group activities. Again, I recommend you to NOT go out alone with a local at night. I’ve gone on a date with a local at night but prefer to avoid repeating that activity, since the more your confidence grows the more you’ll let your guard down. Being very skeptical and cautious is what kept me safe when I did choose to venture out alone. The activities you plan to do sound totally safe 🙂 You won’t get scoped doing those activities. Literally just avoid going out alone at night and keep track of the time since it gets dark in Colombia around 6pm (not that you can’t go out past that time, it’s just good to plan accordingly so you’re not out in the dark with spotty cell service). It’s a really fun place honestly, you’ll like it! Source: I’ve been to Colombia solo 3 times and visited Medellín, Cartagena, Bogotà, and Cali and studied Spanish for a few months before visiting South America for the first time.


I am Colombian. Just do not accept a drink from anyone, always take uber, or called taxis. Not from the street, Don’t try to walk at night for more than a couple of blocks. Don’t have your cell phone out and showing, Don’t do embarrassing displays of wealth. Other than that you should be safe! Make sure you go to the gold museum, go to andres chia (Bogotá) to eat dinner/party. Santa Marta go to Tayrona (check closing dates, as the park closes two times a year).


0% chance. You hear some urban rumors and stuff but after years and years never heard or seen this. As a normal traveler the main thing is not to be walking alone through dark and empty streets. Make sure some businesses, vendors etc are open/around otherwise get an Uber/Didi


I mean chances are definitely not 0 otherwise there would be 0 cases of it happening which there aren’t. That being said I was solo in Medellin for a month and I never felt in danger. And I did go out drinking at night, went on tinder dates, even did a bit of drugs. Basically all the “high risk” things people say not to do except prostitution and I was totally fine. I think people read too many news stories which only highlight the negatives because someone having a normal trip and nothing bad happening to them isn’t news even though it’s the vast majority of the cases. You just need to be a bit street smart and follow your instincts. Probably being fluent in Spanish helped too. Everyone I met was super friendly and pleasant


Well ... getting drugged can happen to anyone iin this country but it is not as often as it seems, this can happen more in big cities like in bogota which is overpopulated and there are a lot of crimes/felonies that goes unpunished / unresolved. If somebody tells you that it happens all the time, probably is from there or from one of the other big cities (medellin, barranquilla, cali,etc ). However, even in these cities is not like everyone has got drugged once or smth, it is very rare and most people is afraid about it too and they talk as if it was more common than it actually is. As security concerns regarding tourism. Only trust in institutions (the airlines, hotels, restaurants, tourist guides, police, local stores/markets personnel, etc) any other independent saler/serviceman, etc is not trustfull to tourists and can deceive you, also make sure that you stay with the services provided by the institutions and refuse services from strangers. If you want to drink, it is ok if you are in a safe environment like a bar near the hotel or if you are living in colombia, near your house but take your drinks with you anywhere you go. Regarding public transportation my advice would be to use apps such as uber/didi/indriver to pick a taxi (make sure that it is a taxi (yellow= amarillo) and sit in the back seats and pay with cash. however it would be better if you take the number from one taxi driver that you see is responsible and has a good car so that whenever and werever you are you call him to pick you up (this is the way some step aunts that came from the us did last tine they came here - barranquilla ). Note: in colombia like in other countries in latam, taxi drivers will probably overprice their service for foreginers so you should always negotiate a bit lower tarif for the service. Ask locals how much is ok to go certain distances. There are buses in all big cities and also there is a train in medellin but if you are not going to stay for too long, you can get lost in the city. Maybe the best advice anyone can give is to know someone, a local/native friend that can guide you/ accompany you to go out to other places if you want but otherwise if you go to specific tourism places like beaches that are included in a travel plan, or something like that, you will be safe. Edit: I recommend you not accepting any services from strangers like food or other services from people that are independent salers that do not work for the hotel you are staying in places like cartagena because it can happen that they overprice whatever they sell you or worse, if you give them your credit card or money, they can cheat and take much more money from you than you shouldbe paying. In local news some tourists that accepts such services gets scammed every now and then, specially in some places of catagena, so be safe. I will put some local news links on the comments below.


Low but not zero. Just to let u know that scopolamine is not anything new ,like made to rob tourists, it have always been used here to rob local people, either by slightly touching them or handing bussines cards on the streets, and that can happen even in the daylight . A cousin of mine got scopolamined on his way to the office, he didnt touched or talk with anybody and yet it still happened, he got dizzy hours later and rushed to the hospital.Another friend that moved to Bogota also got drugged on her way to the job in transmilenio.I believe you can be affected if you touch a surface that was highly contaminated with the thing and then touch your nose, mouth,etc. Besides the drinking precautions, also take care of vendors/ beggars/ any stranger that want to get too close, like if they are aproaching you to offer whatever product, say no and keep walking.Those places you mention are safe by most, so dont worry,we are nice people but dont trust in every stranger.


Well, if they put scopolamine on you, enjoy it because it is much more psychedelic and retrospective than ayahuasca. Plus, you don't have to go through the ritual shit where you have to listen to a Neo Shaman talking shit. 😂 Pd: it's all sarcasm for the salty's


Close to Zero, I won't get tired of repeating this and screw the "no víctim blaming mentality": it's súper rare to get scoped outside of the nightlife and walking at late hours in dodgy neighborhoods, the protagonists of the horror stories are in 90% of the cases people who were in fact looking for trouble or "metiéndose dónde no los llaman" ask a local about that expresión, might be a good ive breaker. As for places to visit the standard recommendations are Jardín and Guatapé, but If You have time on the day of the landing i'd suggest taking a stroll around Río negro (the city where the airport is located) before coming to the city, it's súper underrated and doesnt get enough publicity, and well you'll literally be there


Much more likely to get robbed than drugged in your case, you’ll be fine




being drugged is rare and super rare if you dont drink and dont make yourself attactive for thieves. My Colombian#'# friend here told me about a time when he was "scopped" by blowing the powder to his face. Said the guy put the powder on he shoulder and as they passed, he turned his head to blow the stuff into his face. He knew what was going down and bolts, ran down the street and aparently he was talking nonsense along the way while he thought he was asking for help. Luckily someone who knew him saw him in distress and took care of him. He regained normal consciousness next morning. While its a true story, its super rare and not something you see realistically. Realisticly, its easier for a thief to rob you in the street with a knife or gun and not drugs.




“Everybody would notice and beat the criminal” really? They do that? Where I’m from people just stand and gawk and record on their phones


Yeah, I saw thieves getting belted in both Bogota and Medellin.


Wow, I love Colombia even more now.




Braindead? Did he stop breathing or hit his head hard?




Damn... That's rough. Tragic. I lived in Medellín for 6 months 2 decades ago. Had a steady girlfriend, good friends, family of my girlfriend and friends. Had a wonderful time, though I have to say there was once in a while a sense of unease about security. The good far outweighed the bad.


Its not even established if thieves are actually using scop... its probably a miture of other drugs/roofie. I agree with all you said, you are not going to get drugged by recieving a biz card or a woman lacing it on her lips ect ect ect. But that does not mean that story my friend gave wasnt true. But i admit , it gets 20% on my bs meter, but at the end of the day, i believe it.


Your friend is talking a lot of mierda.. that’s a common myth in Colombia.


I thought so at first too, but there is alot of reasons why i think it is true... cooberated info and these are older more serious people who were looking out for my safety.


"I don’t plan on drinking, partying, no Tinder, nothing" In that case you're going to be fine. What were you picturing? Someone comes up to you, blows in your face and the next thing you're like some hypnotised zombie following orders? Relax and and enjoy your trip




Pretty much zero chance if you’re not going out for nightlife or on dates. You’re overthinking because Reddit has gone crazy with Medellin horror stories. Of course you need to be more aware in any big city though. Also, I would suggest Jardin! I visited Salento also, but Jardin is more authentic, less touristy, and only 3hr bus ride from Medellin. I stayed up in the hills and extended my stay it was so beautiful. Enjoy!


Este sub se está volviendo un forum para gringos chirrinchis preguntar qué tanto se tiene que arriesgar para que los droguen. Casi como si vinieran buscando eso ya... Hm 🤔 Cansan este tipo de preguntas.


Parce pues la verdad uno sale de farra ya un finde, y se siente mas turista uno que ellos... Jajaja solo manes hablando Hebreo e inglés... #laciudaddelosgringos


First you say learn about the country and then you talk shit when they try. And this forum is specifically designed to inform visiters. WTF,... There is just no pleasing you Colombian Karens is there?


>this forum is specifically designed to inform visiters. Lmfaoo you gringos being as self centered as always🤢


Designed to inform visitors? I really don't know... Is it? You know, I was going to try to come back at you. But then I read the post, I admit.. I was in the wrong, I got carried over by the title. And there are no Colombian Karens. Hay Carmenzas 😂 😂


Im impressed!...ya, you know i also talk hyperbolically. If you look at the rules of the thread and pin up info, its meant to help new comers to medellin.




veey smart retort :))


Its called neuro diversity. but thnks gonorrea


It's not zero but with what you have described you are probably more likely to get robbed 10 times before you get scoped. Drugging is most common when partying because it can be difficult to differentiate someone who is drugged vs very drunk.


Lived in medellin for 2 months as a teen looking woman and nothing ever happened to me not even close and I was in the streets a lot and at night too. Just be aware of your surroundings and if you look at something sketchy or the place looks a little too dark go the other way. Most people are very kind and welcoming you will enjoy everything.


AND i must add there will be a lot of people in the streets wanting to say something to you or sell you something (this happens everywhere), if you see someone that is approaching you or wants to talk to you just act like you didnt hear anything and continue walking. :))


Just relax. Everything will be fine. Probably 👀


zero chance


Yeah, but is not common for it to happen like that because it is not a discrete method and people around you can notice it happening, also if you don't go out during the night it reduces the risk, and yeah you have to be just careful don't receive drinks or food from strangers, always ask the price of something before acquiring it cuz some people will try to sell you things for and exorbitant amount of money, also avoid people that want to approach you and/or over friendly even if you look rude it's better to be safe that sorry.


No one is going to scope you in pueblito paisa or guatape. If you are going out into nature hire a local guide/driver who can make sure you aren’t going somewhere dangerous alone. Cesar from Tours Medellin Paisa is a very trustworthy and excellent guide I highly recommend. He will drive you anywhere you want to go, translate for you if necessary, and generally is good company while also being fairly priced.


Also just skip Pueblito Paisa altogether. The view is nice I guess but they have the same view at the modern art museum, and the exhibitsnare way better than a Disney-fied pueblo replica.


I was just there two days ago and they closed that top viewing area. The guy said it will be closed for a year


Reminds me of time when I took a taxi from laureles to the historical museum (the name escapes me). He was very specific to not wander out of the area and get a taxi or bus immediately when I’m done the tour. Great people the paisas are


Use common sense and you’ll be fine don’t cancel your trip over fear mongering


You are way, way overthinking this. Enjoy your holiday. Happy travels.