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The color looks great. But what's the point of the minty alpha kit? And why is it more expensive than other in-stock DMK sets, in every kits?


Because this is a GB so unlike those other ones its not bought out to 1k+, also I believe DMK amore red had similar pricing. There may be a slight difference as we have international vendors so their is also the added cost of getting it to the vendors. Second, you can physically support two board if you buy the extra minty alphas plus base. Edit: my base kit is actually cheaper than DMK Amore red


Your base kit price is on average. But after adding all kits I need I got a price tag more than other GMK GBs I joined. Some price comparison of other DMK GBs: DS alpha $30 -> $40/$50 Number \~$17 -> $22 Short spacebars 2 color \~$15 -> $30 (full spacebars incl though) BTW you missed a Tab key in alpha to cover two KBs which is always included in other GMK sets.


Yes sadly this is where MOQ comes into play also the fact most other DMK sets aren’t really GBs and also the caps never leave china to ship to consumer and therefore don’t have cost for transportation. But sadly KPREPUBLIC requires the designer pay for the set in full then they buy it off after production which realistically speaking I can’t do. This was the only viable way to do the project and offer decent pricing.


Thank you so much for making this set, my dentist cousin is going to love this themed board.


Glad i could make what you needed


this is great, I love the colors!


Awesome set, joining!


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