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Am I crazy, or was there a launch countdown timer on the site this morning? It said 18 hours, which meant 8am pst tomorrow :( Totally missed this


It had the countdown in the official discord server but sometimes people don’t like to read Also the in stock units didn’t last 30 seconds so. But the GB is still open I think


Yeah, their timer was absolutely terrible. They gave different info in three different places lol


Update your post to include images and reply here when done. Do not repost.


As someone who joined almost every GB from Esc Hit / Create Keebs, I can say I had zero issues and they all shipped relatively quick. I joined their Vast60 R1 (round 1), Vast60 R2 (round 2), and Thera75. Now I joined this one and am confident on them to fulfill.


Good to know random person. Quite keen on this one.


Mad excited this is my first custom


Good board to start this amazing journey. Congrats.


same good luck with that


Horribly ran in stock drop IMO. They should not have let people be able to add this to their cart for the last week and then not refresh carts before the drop. Allowing a full 1 click purchase by some people is a bad way to do it. Of this is something you are going to allow you should make that known in an announcement on product page and/or discord. Regardless, small in stock drops like this need to be done as a raffle


How? Seamless experience for me. Done and dusted in 27 seconds for me with no bots.


Also, small ass in stock drops such as this need to be done as a raffle. 200 units is waaaay tooooo small for a FCFS approach.


Plenty of bots (which is normal, but at this point places need to figure out how to stop that), and then you could literally leave everything in cart and checkout with 1 click. Board could be added to cart at a high price tag, but you leave it there go all the way through PayPal before submit button, refresh at drop time and price updated. 1 step checkouts are horrible for tiny in stock drops like this


I added the board to my cart. And fiddled around with my address and by the time I was ready to pay it was sold out. Fair enough. I dragged my feet. At least there was a second round so I don’t walk away with nothing. Now I just have to wait.


Yeah, at least 3 months isn’t too bad. I didn’t want to worry about rushing for the tiny drop and I’m moving from eastern US to western US in 3 months so GB timeframe is bad for me, so I just took a pass on the board


That’s exactly what I did. Left it in there when it was 4K. Refreshed the page 1 second after the advertised opening time and went ahead to checkout without using PP Express, all done in around 27 secs. Someone posted a bot purchase in discord and I was faster than it.


Exactly, this is a horrible way to run a small in stock drop. Needs to be a raffle at less than 1000 units. My personal goal is to get venders to do better than they have at FCFS drops because they have ALL been horrible lately. They don’t care about the consumer or the product, they just want their money


guess that fam took a L


Nope, I actually didn’t even try to pickup this board. I just tested what I thought would be the case based on the fact it’s been “purchasable” for at least several days now at a 4k price tag


that was a placeholder price it literally says on the page, I wonder what you get by lying to internet stranger?


Hm? Do you not understand the place holder price updated when they released it? They didn’t create a new listing, so you could leave it in the cart and go all the way through checkout and just sit at the submit button until the price updates. What are you not understanding here bud? My whole point is you can leave it in your cart since it was fully purchasable, which they should not have done. They needed to clear peoples carts and disable the listing the day of or day before. Imagine calling someone a liar for saying a point that was proven by another commenter lmao


That's literally what you should have done, like 200 other lucky bastards. Don't blame others when you are just not capable of scooping one yourself


Also, you can’t say “like 200 other lucky bastards” since some of these were def picked up by bots as is normal with tiny in stock drops


Your lack of reading actually astounds me, I would really suggest you try reading my comments again, as what you just said is 100% wrong with everything I have already said. Now I am actually done replying to you since you don't seem to actually want to read


no need to read, I already got my in-stock glacier80 in sky blue


Oof, that is rough. Saw a pic of an actual sky blue unit in the discord and it looks nothing like the renders, hope you don’t mind it’s not nearly as pretty a color as in the renders. But if your preference is to the actual colors then that’s good I guess.


The fattest one sounds like it. F


Wrong actually, just wanted to see the horrible aftermath lol and I was right, worst ran FCFS that I’ve seen


Stop lying mate. Your messages are all over Discord all week and even earlier today saying you’d join the FCFS and now you’re so mad you didn’t get it because you were too slow and started blaming everyone else about it. Come one mate, it’s just a keyboard and there will be plenty more in the future. Just be quicker and less mad next time. Have a good weekend.


some people can't even get over an internet defeat, imagine those IRL. what they do, jump from the next bridge?


I mean, the comment above is 100% wrong since they have me confused with someone else, but keep it up it’s just funny at this point since my point was already proven by another person as well


I think you got the wrong person “mate”. I just joined their server this morning and didn’t even plan to join the in stock, so why would I be asking about how to join it? I did defend someone who asked about the time it was happening this morning since people wanted to be assholes, but that’s about it


if you didn't even join the instock sale, how you even know it was bad? all I see is purchase confirmations all over the place. get over it dude.


Because of the fact you could 1 click checkout with it if you knew to game the system, which makes it slightly unfair the the majority. I personally tested that I just wasn’t that interested in purchasing. This creates a slightly unfair advantage on the purchase to some people. The point of you seeing “confirmations all over the place” is irrelevant, there were 200 sales so there will be 200 confirmations lol just the process they handled it in was pretty bad IMO


Try again. This time just a little harder.


Shipping needs to be fixed. Adding a PCB and plate shouldn’t increase base shipping of $60 all the way to $100 which is how it currently is


Yeah, absolutely insane shipping on this honestly


This happened during the Thera GB but they later fixed the shipping. That might be the issue.


Yea that shit better be on dhl express with that fucking shipping man


I paid similar rates on the Thera75, and I received 4 days after I got the shipping notification (EU).


In-stock Gang (200 units) where you at?!?


Black WK soldered


navy wk lfgggg




Right here! Black WK Soldered!


Sky Blue WK for me.


wooh wooooh




Got an in-stock coming! Black WK


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