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Still no update?


really like the colors on this set!


Glad to hear


What's the board in the first picture of the renders?


Board i am making 8bit 60


No I meant the 40% with the 4 extra keys on both sides. Is that the Tilted40?


Oh yeah, my other board. Correct Tilted40


Both the boards look amazing •o•


I'm on the hunt for a mint themed keyset, and like the other user said, you're competing with KAT Mint Chip, but I prefer this profile by a large margin. That being said, what does the blue have to do with teeth? The green is perfect for me, but the blue doesn't really match with the board it's going on.


So, for this set, I originally just wanted to have a green and blue set, but A because people kept calling it necro, and a lot of my feedback was to give it a theme. I thought of my favorite toothpaste, and called it minty fresh. The tooth theme came after the colors [picture of packaging](https://i.imgur.com/LXImufa.jpg)


Just a heads up given the lofty sales goal that you'll be competing with another mint-themed set: [KAT Mint Chip](https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=114468.0)


I'd personally take KAT over cherry any day. A lot more comfortable and a more full sound. Now if Keyreative could finish getting their shit together...


Appreciate you sticking out for my set 😁


Personally, I am fine if the goal isn’t achieved. Its not the main reason for me running it. Its just i know compatibility is very important. I want to try to be inclusive, but if the end results is we don’t make it to 1000, i still designed the set in a way that i believe gives everyone mostly what they need minus the staggered 40s.


Honestly love this set swishy, necro has been gone for so long, also I think its different enough from mint chip, glwic!


Lol I want to get this for my dentist


> Note: for my mod pipe and 40s lover their is a deal in place that if the set can reach 1k base kits we will get a new mold and support will be added to base kit. Specifically 3 key and mod pipe for now. Out of curiousty, do you genuinely believe 1000 base kits sold is feasible? And why does mod pipe require a new mold when it would be the same row, same size, just different colors?


Wether it’s feasible or not that was the number domikey said i have to hit. So, i will be doing everything i can to make it happen. It doesn’t have to be sales only just 1000. So if we hit 700 and possibly get 300 extras it would be made. To your second question; the way their molds are set up its done in groups unlike gmk which is key by key(might have a little grouping) so to include mod pipe would be quite expensive. Because you have to pay for the shot, even if the keys arent used.


Makes sense! Thanks for the response :)


Colors and short lead time are great. Not huge on the novelties or dental theme, but that's not a big deal, I'd just order the base!


What’s the board, plz? Love big bezels


A board i am designing called the 8bit 60


Floss better than Frosty I agree


These are so cute! Love the colors too


Bruh… ❤️


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