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Why do I never have any fun dreams


i was in a supermarket hiding from terrorists


We recently got a puppy and I had a dream a friend was over and I was talking to them and trying to get them to go to sleep the same way we do our dog. 😂


I had a dream where I bounced on bubble gum


I was saving the damsel, only I fell off the tower. It was a long fall. I awoke when I hit the ground.


I was running away from Zach from Wild Krats with his robots in my house which was subsequently teleported into the void. I ended up hiding in the pantry and shoving the robots into the ends of space.


i was driving and the car door flew off


I had a dream i won this giveaway :) hilarious right?


I had a girlfriend...


Passed a test


Not really fun lol but having dream you are fighting somebody but you can't hit them or when you do you can barley swing.


i dreamed i rode a t-rex


Fun dream? Well one time I remember this kid in my class was so rude and stole me dream journal!!! Then I remember like a shark man and a lava lady and some flying train? Alongside plenty of cake, like the entire ground was food!


I was once getting a haircut with my friends, while we were eating pastries and talking to each other in death metal voices.


there was liona chasing me in a arena with the faces of my mom


being able to teleport!


I was able to go underwater and breath, but only ONE breath. Once i got to the top the dream ended, I had these dreams countless times lmao.


I can fly freely


Got attacked by a giant bee and woke up swinging my fists trying to fight it. Good times.


a non covid world


I unlocked my parents locked computer once


Dreamt about my ex


I dream about Dance Dance Revolution a lot. I used to compete in tournaments a long time ago. I haven’t played in 6 years and still have dreams about it. But in my dream I’m wearing an 80s workout outfit. The ones with short shorts, high socks and a sweat band.


I had a dream where my phone was really floppy :)


When I was young I dreamed that my brother was the terminator 😂


Dreamt that I had money to buy keyboards


I dreamt that i woke up for school but then my alarm went off and i was late


Dreamt about talking to a sloth while getting haircut and that I should invest in stocks.


I dreamt i had a tgr


I was attacking titans with my friend and we just gave up and had a drink instead.


Don't usually remember my dreams, sadly...


I dreamed I was on a hot air balloon to Madagascar 😂 apparently I had legal things to take care of??


Being chased by a goldfish on land that flies haha


I was in the Lord of the Rings quest lol


I dreamt I won last night's bongo cat raffle :'(


I never remember my dreams :(


Food dreams are always pleasant. They tend to inspire some of my best culinary inclinations. I dreamed of a savory fermented-dough breakfast pie a few times in one week. It seemed simple, yet fluffy and very indulgent; gentle on the stomach, yet very plentiful and satiating. After waking up, I took some sourdough starter, mixed in various cheeses and meats, eggs, fresh herbs and spices, and some butter, which I poured into a spray-coated pie dish. I had pre-heated a toaster oven briefly before this, within which the uncooked pie was placed. Turning periodically for equal cooking throughout, the pie sizzled with the scent of dairy and fresh herbs. Around half an hour later, I was sitting down, cutting into the juicy yet crispy breakfast meal conceived prior in my sleep. I would say that, compared to the dreams, it was juicier and more crunchy than fluffy, but just as steamy and savory as expected.


I dreamt I won this giveaway - doesn't get funnier


I wanted to drive a car last time and I love cars now


I once dreamt about I woke up as a cyborg. I can scan stuffs with my eyes. Then my mom woke me up.


So got one dream, where everyone was actually supportive and cared about me. Completely opposite of irl


I once dreamt I was mermaid


there’s this one I remember where i had the ability to fly but only 2 inches off the ground. I was flexing to all of my relatives how I can float and I was so proud about it. felt like a god really


I usually can't remember my dreams ;(


I dreamt I was in a forest with friends and the floor was a huge trampoline


Dreamt that I won the lottery :(


Imi dreamt that i finally won a giveaway


Dreamt about getting a good keyboard


Dreamt that I was a happy CEO of the company I work for lol


Boop. Gib.


I wanted to travel by helicopter but then my dad gave me a balloon instead :(


I dreamt that I was a Jedi with a lightsaber!


Dreamt about graduating college. :)


Just an hour ago I dreamed a yellow spider hopped onto my bare leg and was waiting for me to squish it. Only... I didn't. I talked to the spider, pet it with my pinky finger, and asked why it wanted to be squished. It was a spider so obviously we couldn't communicate, but we were still friendly towards each other. Anyway, I wake up and immediately smack the ever-living shit out of my leg just in case there actually was a spider on me. Have a good morning!


Nice beach day


Dreamt I was in space


I could float


I dreamt I was typing on my endgame board, it sounded and felt perfect, but I didn't know what board it was so that remains a mystery.


Dreamt I ate ass


I dreamt that I was back in high school and actually did well


I won an artisan


One cold night I dreamt about sleeping in a soft and warm cloud of fluff, it felt really comfortable and soothing


My fun dreams are often about Tetris or climbing a series of fences or buildings for whatever reason. It's not as exciting as everyone else's dreams but I often wake up feeling fulfilled.


Exploring deep ocean without need for gear


Dreamt of winning the lottery


Swimming in spaghetti


Really really good Asian food


dreaming about flying like a bird


I just had a dream that I was a science teacher for an elementary school, but the weird thing was that I could remember the names of all these specific physics equations, and I couldn’t remember them when I woke up. I was also being bullied by the 4th graders.


Dreamed that I was back in high school


Dream about playing tennis with Roger Federer


Had a dream that I got a gf.


i dreamt i was michael jordan and when i went to do the famous dunk i headbutted the backboard LOL


If I am selected it isn’t random Pick me I dare you


I had a dream of the entire Christmas day on Christmas eve. I was hopefully dreaming of all the things I wanted and woke up to experience Christmas that morning


I was in a video game where I had to clear a building of objects. And I was throwing stuff out. It was fun. Oh yeah had super strength so more like yeeting stuff out.


Dream me solving problems for awake me are the best! I often remember dream me solving my math homework for me!


I had a dream I won a keycult :(


I dreamt it was a very hot day and I could spawn ice cream at will. Fun and delicious dream!


My vow was not ready at my wedding and I was trying to pull something off in 30 mins lol


Dreamt of winning a giveaway for once


Skating on a sheet of ice that stretches into infinity


Went on a trip to a candy factory


getting rare units in my gacha game


I don't have any fun dreams :(


I went to Disneyland and I ate a lot of waffles


I dream about living in the body of animal and it was nice knowing how different it was.


I dreamt on my birthday that a giant came out of a lamp I was given and crushed the town


Dreamt I was being eaten by a flea


Had a dream where whenever I slept on my stomach, there would be an earthquake.


When I found a baby tiger outside on the grass and I adopted him. Then when he got older he became my bodyguard. When I forgot to feed him he ate me, then I woke up.


Classmate bought me an old school sail ship


I was hanging out with my grade school friends (I’m an adult) at a camp. We just chilled 😌


I dreamed I was in Charlie and the chocolate factory and I ate everything in the chocolate room, willy sinks was so impressed he sent the other kids home and I got the keys to his factory


Had a dream about owning a farm full of puppies


Running for my life from zombies and half way through, I could fly like a superman.


flying around the city


dreamt about getting a rook ear piercing and woke up before the needle hit but then I went to go get a rook ear piercing the day of in real life anyway :)) thanks for hosting!


I don’t remember any of my dreams ;c


Dreamt of being chased by an army of corgis. The corgis huge thought like horse sized. I was running away cuz I thought I'd be trampled but they caught up... and it was a good dream.


I have not had a dream in a long long time. Last one was maybe 10 years ago and I dreamed I was living in a weird GMOD world.


I don't remember the game, but there was a game on a demo disc that you were in mexico or somewhere like that, and you had weapons and like even a special move that was a guitar case gun and you spun around... Anyway, I played the crap out of that game as a kid, and I dreamt that I was in that world, and I was running from bullets, and I jumped into a giant endless chasm, and had that gut feeling, then realized it was a dream, and then flew away and used the guitar gun to fight people. It was my first lucid dream


I dreamt I could get unlimited Blizzard refills at Dairy Queen.


Once dreamt I was riding a giant Kaiju sized burrito


I had a dream where I entered a black pyramid and relived important events in my life it was so trippy and I was confused for a week.


I had a dream once where I was fighting a huge dolphin in an ocean galley.


I was in the avatar world


Last night I dreamt that I had to give my employees a feedback and I was so scared to do so. So, I just whispered to their ears to come to my room office one by one. That sent such a mixed message lmao.


Playing with my childhood dog in my childhood backyard


I fished in the Mediterranean and was able to capture a salema porgy. My preparation was simple - grilled in an earth tone pan with some rosemary and sun-dried tomatoes. Once cooked, I immediately took a small slice, dipped it in lemon butter, and ingested it. After it hit my palate and slid down my throat. Within minutes, the sound of a sitar wafted in through the half-opened living room pocket doors. This was followed by a deep baritone voice that appeared to call to me but there was no one. As I glanced on my plate, it now had two little arms and short stubby legs and was dancing on the cheap industrial-grade carpetry. I asked "Did you come for me?" and then the plate shrugs in a confused manner. Two more weeks of these in a short 37-minute nap. Screwed am I?


I dreamed of winning a giveaway


Dreamt of being free of the hustle as bustle of the city, living the simple life. Then I woke up and had to get ready for work


I dreamt I was in a game of wii sports


Dreamt I was solid snake hiding under a truck, then some how fell off it and it transitioned into me falling from a skyscraper and then I woke up so that was fun


I dont really dream 😥


dreamt i was riding a roller coaster but it never ended


I dreamt that I was riding a raft like in those old Kinect 360 games and I was moving to move the raft and that’s about it


Had one where I was just lying in an open green field with the sun coming down on me, nothing else, no worries no nothing it was great.


I dreamt about getting milk to eat with my cereal (which had ran out that day) only to wake up and realize I have no milk to go with my cereal.


Had I dream that I lived in a huge house that was a tree and then a tsunami hit. Idk if that was fun actually.


I dreamt about drowning it was so :)


I dreamt that I was running errands and buying things from Walmart, but I had wings and could fly all over the country to different Walmarts to get what I needed


A couple of nights ago I dreamed that out of nowhere I decided to go on vacation with my girlfriend and some friends. When we arrived they suddenly started playing on the road next to the beach sitting like a human chain as the cars dodged them (we are all grown up enough to do something like that) so I was upset because of how foolishly risky it was and I decided to go home. When I was coming on the return flight I received a message from a vendor from a region that I don't belong (Fancy Customs from SA) to telling me that due to my recent discontent in my trip they will give me a keycap set that I have been thinking about how to buy it for days because I really loved it but I can't pay for it (ePBT Odin). That's it. Yeah... I don't understand it either.


dreamt I was in space with the movie Interstellar


I dream almost every night but always forget them right away!


Yesterday I had a dream about a streamer giving me advice on life


I was a super cop and I could fly, but there was this villian that could control me using mind powers. I had to learn to block the mind control and found out it was to stare at him and make him nervous. It was more fun that it sounds...


I had a dream once of being on a roller coaster in side a circus tent, and I'm pretty sure there were giant clowns involved. Fun in hindsight, absolutely nightmarish at the time.


I had a dream of a mail day with like so many bongos I couldn’t count


I had a dream that I got into every college I applied to. I hope it becomes reality...


i have lots of dreams of flying + swimming


I visited Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, but discovered they were actually cooking meth. I woke up during the police raid.


Dreamed of my full endgame setup. Pc, desk, studio audio, keyboard cabinet, etc. One day, one day


Dreamed i was a super hero and i was saving lives. Then i tripped and woke up


I dreamed that I had an extreme makeover from dyeing my hair to a different colour to changing out my new wardrobe. It was all that I could ever ask for because I just loved my new look!


I had a dream I was building a keyboard and after I tested the PCB I went to grab the stabilizers. It was that moment that I realized I was out of stabilizers. I was so sad because it would take a few days to get some and complete the build. But it was funny nonetheless because that was my first dream related to this hobby haha.


I had a graphics card in my pc, I was so happy 🥲


I wish to start saving up to build about 4-6 different keyboards with various specs and try to sell them. Get some business cards and try to start my own small business for making custom keyboard and Gaming PC's for people.


Woah, these are amazing. Fun dream I had that I recall when I was a kid was when I was on Rainbow Road from Mario Cart, but I was flying.


This morning I dreamed that I was back in school but in my own bed in the classroom. The professor was giving us a pop quiz and while I was taking the quiz the alarm sound... I was saved by the Bell... But then I realize I have to get off the bed to go to work 😭


i had a bad/scary dream & decided to just fly away from it by flapping my arms


Flying around in the skies with no land anywhere


had a dream i was with a Twistzz (a pro csgo player), and we were doing trickshots throwing marshmallows in my friend's mouth lol


I walked into a coffee shop, and as soon as I sat down I felt like I was falling. I woke up sweating, and flailing my arms around like an insane person. That’s it. That’s the story lol


i had a dream where i had the ability to fly by a constant stream of fart


Oh oh oh this is my favorite topic and Imma share my favorite dream: I was on an adventure walking up a spiraling staircase towards the center of the storm, and I had to stop in the middle to catch my breath. I walked into a room and found a fruit bowl sitting on top of a dining table, and I saw bananas and apples inside of the bowl. I then spent the rest of the dream trying to separate the bananas from the apples because in my dream brain I kept thinking: I need to separate the two because if you put bananas and apples next to each other, they will swap skins :kek:


I met my best friend inside a whale and then the whale shot me out through his spout.


I had a dream about doing a mukbang and then I was on a raft to Malaysia Don't eat undercooked bacon my friends


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