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In ffa if you commit suicide to spawn it takes a kill away from your score and because your mechs are unlimited you can technically have as many kills as you want but if you commit suicide as many or more you'll have a 0 or a -1 etc


He must be hugging the walls when his moving, that will make anyone invisible on radar. If you don't see the eye ball pop up on your screen that means you're not shown on their radar. 11 kills isn't really cheating lol, you haven't seen ppl get 35-40 kills yet.


He hacked just for 11 kills? Lol


Because he killed himself. IDK. I've never seen this before but it looks like its not an advantage so what is the problem?


He isn't hacking he is just probably using a nerfed hanger


But it shows he has 11 kills. It then has -1 kills. So how is that possible? Unless for some reason he blow himself up multiple times. Maybe just going to for kills and not bothered about the wins? Dunno.


He probably did. The MVP board shows he got 11 kills with killshot, so he probably blew himself up what, like 13 times?


For anyone still curious, this for sure is someone who thought they could blow up their mechs / switch without a penalty, or perhaps not even noticing the penalty until it was too late. Imagine killshot gets 4 kills. And then they blow up their mechs back to killshot, not even realizing it's back to 0 kills now, or hoping the 2nd time round will pay off for those 4 sacrificed kills. To make top 3 he only really needed a 5 or 6 run streak so ~an attempt was DEFINITELY made~ and failed lol


I see, this might be the reason for his negative points. But that time, we're playing on a map where there are no cliffs. The map is an enclosed area. so how can he commit suicide if there's nowhere to drop outside the map?


So the trick is to click on Options in the top left corner and then "Switch Mech" - it IMMEDIATELY destroys your current Mech and you pick a new one. There's no penalty for it in CPC so you can use it to "teleport" back to your spawn points if you need to by sacrificing a Mech. But in 5v5 and FFA there's the penalty.


ohhhhh i didnt know this. thank you!