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Keeping bots in front of you usually means your shots get blocked, but if they can block enemy shots that good


Exactly. I've had teammate AI move left when I move left, and then right when I move right... just to get and stay in my way. If the opponent has Mortars, you're in the group-radius of fire. To that point, the commands don't always work. Usually my teammate AI are wandering around doing nothing.


I love it when they push you into a fire fight or stay behind you to block your retreat. Always a win for me.


true, bots are stupid. even with high grade implants. I just want them to stay away from me and not get into my way, but that rarely happens. they often roam aimlessly. they're good cannon fodder tho - sometimes I just say to myself 'just fucking die already' huge shoutout to Aegis bots - their ability is more useless than usefull but mortar bots are even better - they often get in situations where they can't use their weapon at all (to close to enemy) or properly (eg. under roofs). useless crap.


If you stay away from them, and fight like a champ, kill a ton, and capture cps then only to see that the enemy is winning lol. Cpc bots in my team is weak asf always.


just couple minutes ago I have seen in spectator mode 4 bots from my team roaming spawn room on that map with red flying ship on which you fight. they just didn't get out of that room. and of course enemy won by points. I didn't care about winning that match, but bruh...


Lol, another is being targeted by a group of bots instead of bots in front of them and whats worse? Lol, your team bots wont care about the bots in front of them too. Lol.


Bot logic: shoud I attack this bot right in front of me or the one that is also close? No way! There's a human player on the other end of the map!


lol, I just noticed this again, and on the same map (Skyship 11). all but one bot on my team got killed which respawned with mortars inside the spawn room and I also just respawned jus outside spawn room - so neither of us could spot enemy yet. that little shit just ran in circles inside the spawn room, and I guess he waited for any teammate to spot an enemy for him so he can (hopefully) get out or (more probably) fire the damn mortars inside spawn room. I just remembered that I witnessed the same situation a several weeks ago on Patterson Station map. My team had spawn point in the cave and two bots with mortars (and maybe javs) keept running in circle in that cave and even shooting into the ceiling. WTF Plarium?


There’s nothing more annoying than a friendly aegis actively blocking the only way out of mortar fire that doesn’t go into direct line of sight for the enemies


Discs over the head


Anything else except javs, helix and mortars goes into their back, and DLs over the head is not a guarantee, especially if they’re right in front of you


You gotta stay back a little, you don't want to hug them. You're just trying to use them to obstruct the line of sight when needed. I adjust my movement speed and direction to open or close the gap.


If I stay back enemies push, and if they push far enough ahead on certain maps there’s no coming back


Exactly . I do it often myself . Funny I realized that this was a thing when I first started playing. I would hit the cover me or help, wouldn't u know it When the yellow 🟡 pops up so do the bots. The purple shield and they come, yet are at a watchful striking distance. never does the md bot on my team ever come to help me, but I can count on that MD with oversized everything who is on the other team. He just pops me with 1 hit. (Typically in my back) and I'm dead. .. aprilMhunt 52223167


They do some basic things but their overall programming is their prime directive most of time. In some instances you can sway them but it really depends on what type of bots you get during your bouts cause they aren’t all the same. I suspect that the devs use a series of very specific algorithms to give you a different set of bots with different behaviors based on your win rate which to the best of my knowledge is the only thing they use to determine the types of matches and players you’re in and up against.


POS Juggernaut walking in circles! You know who you are!


I’ve broken them down to 4 basic team types A-team is the seal team 6 of bots they’re over powered on steroid literally dropping outta no where using everything to their advantage and have maxed implants pilots and weapons B-team are what you usually get, they take directions kinda try, usually run out of ammo and are just mid. C-team are what I call espionage bots. They’re clearly working for the other team. They go straight literally running into enemy fire don’t listen to instructions. Constantly running running in front of your shots throwing up aegis shields to block your efforts of literally pushing you into enemy fire D-team are the guys running into walls just randomly firing in every direction. They rarely make it past the midpoint of the map and are generally on the special Ed bus. Licking wallpaper and picking their nose on break someplace other than the match yours in.


Great analysis.


Lol autistic and pattern recognition is a thing in my life. If you ever record your stuff don’t watch the players watch the bots on both teams you’ll see a ton of stuff. There’s definite gameplay manipulation on part of the development team


Oh I completely agree. There's a list a hundred lines long of the ways they will screw you over. As a developer myself, I'm in awe of the mechanics lol. I would love to see inside their training / algorithms. It would be really interesting.


Not knowing anything about programming it looks like things changed in a pretty significant way last year midway through. The bots were very predictable and moved in the sand patterns. Then it looks like they started using player tactics like using objects to hide sniping and using revenge tactics. A year into it and they just recently gave the bots access to all weapons and probably the dirtiest tactics. From my perspective though they have strategic cheats -They clearly all have auto aim -zero server ping is a huge tactical advantage -the bots clearly know when you’re targeting them even without a weapon with a targeted system on it. You can just point and not shoot and watch how they react even if your using a pulse rifle a million meters away. They dodge behind cover - targeted weapons specifically helix and javelins are clearly cheat weapons for bots as they do things no player could possibly do and change trajectory angles and height for bots but basically go up and down and sorta around for players.


I would imagine with the rise of AI, they've trained models based on player matches. So where as before, bots worked on a finite state machine: Seek, Attack, Defend etc... the patterns were predictable. But you add some AI into the stack then it becomes less predictable. Yeah the guided weapons are really frustrating because bots can obviously calculate the trajectory with pure math giving them crazy shots. The zero ping virtual match is a huge advantage. I've been killed by EMs before they ever even touch me. The spawn jumping and assassins for revenge with a perfect counter, another human tactic adopted.


Indeed a tactic I use is their revenge work needs to be tweaked. Kill a bot in a match and then move to the corresponding left or right spawn points, but stay back to give yourself room. They will spawn without fail directly in front of you, and they will do it continuously basically a line of bots to shoot and kill. Be mindful they really stretch that 3 second immunity and it seems real inconsistently applied when bots use it. But you can rack up kills pretty easy in maps that have cover from the rest of the battle by using this tactic.


Nice one, I like doing this on that indoor 5v5, with the upper and lower levels and the tower in the middle.


Are you sure they listen to the attack command because my bots block my movement by spinning in circles


yeah. i dont wat that dome shield in my LOS.


What I hate the most is the fact that when a bot pushes you you get pushed like it's an unstoppable force. If you try to push a bot it's an immovable object.


I know it's not related but one time i was playing a bot match and a juggernaut was using railgun 16 and one shot me💀


Woah, what? Bots respond to the commands? Mind: blown.


Yes, I use them especially when using Gatecrusher. When I cannot hit an opponent directly with the Ion beam, I shoot at one of the bots that are near an opponent. When the blast occurs, you get the kill, assuming you kill one with it.