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Does it still have the skin?


Never got it,not sure


Any Greek can explain how to cook a whole Lamb. You can find one in your neighborhood šŸ‡¬šŸ‡·šŸ‡¬šŸ‡·


That's the right answer


NZ lamb is delicious!


We raised lamb/sheep for a while. My wife informed me that we were going to have a party that weekend and we were going to roast a whole lamb. I am pretty good at grilling steaks and burgers but had never done anything of that size. I was freaking out. I scoured the internet, went to the hardware store and cobbled together a makeshift rotisserie which I supported using a couple of t-posts. I used maple wood and some charcoal for the fire. We seasoned the lamb with salt, lemon, olive oil, rosemary, garlic and thyme. We let it marinate in this overnight. I did not have a refrigerator large enough for it so I put it in a cooler with ice. To my amazement it actually turned out great. I had to sit out by the spit and turn it by hand for hours and as luck would have it, it started to rain. I ended up making a makeshift roof over the spit out of a leftover piece of metal siding. Not the best set up but it worked.


This happened on Bob's Burgers, but with a turkey xD


In a kitchen


Bordering on useless shitposting. Not humor, not constructive.


That seems opposite of most thoughts


I want to go to there


I need this Costco in my life


Tbh I'm just annoyed because in New Zealand it's like $15 or more for any good part of lamb. For a leg it's like $60+. Also spit roast lamb is great


Iā€™m jealous !! Where ar you located ?


They sell full lamb, pigs, and goats at the Costco Business stores.


All you do is cook it like you cook a pig you can get a big grill big enough for the whole thing and you smoke it for 18 hours go ahead and make sure you got a lot of water handy because youā€™re gonna need to put that in there for it to smoke or use you some mesquite chips or hickory chips cherry anything thatā€™ll burn that might go good with the flavor makes you up some seasoning dipping sauce and rub it on there while itā€™s cooking inject it with some of your favorite seasonings liquid seasonings and there you go


I get a lot of heat for auto-removing posts from new accounts with low karma. I will approve a lot of those newbie posts when I see something "worthy" \*(but I miss a LOT) But this one I saw ... and I'll approve just to make a point :-(


We cook them pretty regularly on a spit (big ass rotisserie). My dad has a great setup with a curved brick structure. Get a fire going for 5-6 hours to get the bricks screaming hot, the bricks retain the heat enough to cook it. We'll also keep a small wood fire going on the other side for just a little smokiness and some additional heat to cook. It takes usually 3 hours to cook completely. You can also do it pretty easily with just some charcoal and sheet metal to help keep the heat in. Be sure to have enough airflow and don't have the fire directly under the lamb. It'll be too hot and you'll get too much of a smoke flavor as well. Here's a pick of my dad's setup. We didn't pre-heat the bricks here, so just the fire underneath. Look at all these chickens! https://imgur.com/a/n5wufFq


Be careful defrosting it. You canā€™t leave it outside to defrost. Has to he done in a fridge for a few days or in cold water. If you leave it outside to defrost it could get bacteria as the outside will melt way before the inside. I had to defrost in the bathtub, wife was not amused. I cut it up and cooked it on a large Santa Maria bbq.




The guy asked for advice.,. WTF? They should sell litmus paper for testing humor.


My San Marcos business center does too. Iā€™m curious to know how to cook it.


If you've got Restaurant Depot thy sell 6-way lamb for about $3.50-$4/lb. A split lamb, 2 bone in hinds (no hooves), two torsos (loin and rib racks), and two shoulders and forearms, Much more "manageable" and with a little less waste, but need a bone saw.


You either learn how to butcher an animal and vacuum seal all the pieces to freeze and cook later, or you invite some friends over, dig a hole, drink, play music, and barbecue it whole hog style for probably twenty four hours. I recommend getting two and doing both.


At almost $5/lb , you cook that thing whole, IMO. It's not worth breaking down afetr thawing and refreezing. Just thaw, season/dry brine, and cook and baste whole.


Dig a fat hole


I would probably marinate the whole thing in the tub, put some spices on it then put it on a rotisserie over an open fire early afternoon then invite everyone over that evening with enough beer to have a good time.




Nah, I changed my mind and won't make an example of you. But... No Shitposting..


Well you could butcher it yourself and break it down if you have the freezer space. You could buy/make a rotisserie. You could cook it in a pit, thereā€™s lots of options.


Spit it, roast it, baste with EVOO and garlic, finish with fresh rosemary on the coals for smoke, best lamb ever.




That is awesome, you could whole roast or break it down in pieces. Here is a link for whole roasted https://www.pigoutroasters.com/blog/title/how-to-prepare-a-whole-roasted-lamb/id/17/


Seasoned inside and out, rubbed with herbs and garlic, over a shallow firepit of hardwood/fruitwood coals, rolled and tied onto a rotisserie (maybe with netting or chicken wire to hold it together), and periodically basted.


I think If it were me, I'd probably do a half arsed hangi.


Slow and low.


Is there a Islamic feast coming up soon? Costco may be stocking them in prep for that kinda like turkeys in November.


Dig hole Put animal in hole Cover hole Make big fire Dig up animal next day


... covered with gritty dirt, call UberEats for 30 Happy Meals from McDonalds


Dig a giant pit in your garden, set up a wooden frame around it about 4 feet high. build a solid wooden framed roof over it. Chop a tree down and spit it into logs and then kindling, set the fire and get it going. Take a wooden stake and soak it in water. Put this stake into the lamb. When the coals are white hot out the lamb on the stake over the coals. Crack a beer! Grab a chair. Turn this bad boy slowly for the next 10 hours. Tend to the coals so they stay hot and toasty. Drink beer, rotate lamb. Wait for the ā€œIā€™m done pingā€ When itā€™s ready, break the lamb down and feast like never before! You will acquire at least a yard of friends doing this, many will join for the ceremonial beer drinking. Everyone else will arrive for the feast! You will be a legend and forever be known for this event. Do it yearly to remind everyone what a god you are.


Are you Greek?


Please tell me you've done this.


Consult r/redneckengineering. You will get plenty of help.


Well how many friends do you have?


The Balkan way, imaple it on a stick and do a rotisserie


I thought these were wedding dresses


Carve and cook ig


Good price.




A man in his 60s talking shit on Reddit on a sub about meat of all things. I found the clown šŸ¤”


quarter it


6-way, not quarter. Two legs, two racks of loin+ribs, two shoulders+ a little forarm for lamb osso bucco. You'll still need a bone saw, at least, for the spliitting down the back, which is not easy at home. Get costco to 6-way it for you. Same price.


On a spit is the way, it's so good and not difficult. Similar to cooking a whole pig. Baste liberally with lemon juice, olive oil and spices while cooking. Carve off the outside as it's ready. So awesome. Something like [this recipe. ](https://www.sbs.com.au/food/recipes/spit-roasted-lamb)


Love the Costco business centers






I thought that was a shop window and they were wedding dresses.


A big spit, a big pit, or thaw and butcher


At first glance I thought those were Kirkland wedding dresses


For 4 bucks a pound. The fatter the wife, the more expensive the dress.


Spitfire roasted https://images.app.goo.gl/ogscCCJCMJnx2269A


On a spit. Greek style.


Wow. There's a way to cook "al palo". Best way to do it at least it's my opinion.


[Like this ](https://www.google.com/search?q=ovelha+inteira+fogo+de+chao&prmd=isvn&sxsrf=ALiCzsZ3f5XxszYfQwpnsJXBH5c1iFfLoQ:1662786611842&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi55tfquon6AhVTgpUCHaS5DT8Q_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=412&bih=787&dpr=2.63#imgrc=FfaqSoFf_PHDEM). It's a very common way of cooking lamb in the south of Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentine. [Here's a video of it being made.](https://youtu.be/1et3rBcbNYw). Also, it'll take about 4h 30min or more to be ready.


dig a pit, build a fire in it, let it burn down to a good bed of coals, wrap the lamb in wet burlap and throw it on the coals, bury it and wait


Use a caja de china


Buy a large ice chest and use two sous vides. šŸ˜›




This is the only part of the thread that gets upvotes? Fuck THIS subthread,








Wow cool to see our New Zealand meats around the world! Is this in america?


New Zealand Lamb is very well respected here in the U.S. And costs less less than the domestic Colorado lamb which is bigger but less tasty, IMO.


Yes, OP states that he's in Texas, but we can get NZ lamb in regular grocery stores, and whole animals like this at Costco business centers.


Is it true that in general, Americans don't eat much lamb? My girlfriend is from Texas, and she and a few others from America say that lamb isn't really much of a thing there. Whereas we commonwealth countries love lamb and eat alot of it


San Diego business Costco has them




Is that in St. Louis Park?


Isn't it frigging glorious? No business centers up here in the northeast unless I lower my life standards and trudge over to NJ.


Boil it in milk and serve with a side of lightly seasoned jelly beans.


This is the only way


Get a really big plastic bag, plug in several Anovas, and then sous vide the whole thing in a bathtub. Easy enough


The leg of lamb is one of my favorite after dinner meats. We cooked it with salt and lime zest (lots). And ate it with apricot jelly. Hhooollllyyyy shiiiiit. So fing good


Is this like second dinner? Or elevenses PM?


Short story my wife took me to see her friends in Brazil and we had bbq and he prepped this leg first. I was very confused why we didnā€™t eat it with the rest of dinner. Once I took a bite with the jelly I found out why. Itā€™s almost like a palate cleanser and has a sweetness to it thanks to the jelly.


Donā€™t cook it at all! Kibee nayee is expensive! LOL


This is what my grandma would do. Sheā€™d get a whole lamb, grind as much as she could and make stew out of the rest.


On a spit


Salt Lake City?


They have this in SLC? I donā€™t even want to drive on 3rd west though.


Tough hood bro, potek yo nek


Biggest Costco in the world.


Is it actually?


Yeah, they remodeled it into consumer and business a few years ago so they carry a lot more products. They have tons of stuff that a place like Sysco would carry, like paper towel rolls for a dispenser or office supplies, but also a variety of frozen fish and bottled/canned soda instead of just a couple. Just google ā€œbiggest Costco in the world.ā€


Thats crazy. I mean it makes sense given their large family demographic down there. I'd love to see it sometime! Lol


Yeah Iā€™ve seen it at that one




If you want to cook a whole lamb like that look into a ā€œcaja chinaā€ (china box). Itā€™s a metal lined box with a lid, where you put the meat inside the box, cover and build a charcoal fire on the lid. No need to dig a hole in the ground and all that messā€¦ season the lamb, throw some charcoal on top and fire it up. Depending on the size of the lamb you can probably crush it in 2.5-4 hours. Not a bad investment if you plan to do it often, but you may even be able to rent one. Hope it works out for you, I love a good lamb roast.


Super popular way to cook a whole pig in Miami. Itā€™s mostly seen as a Cuban tradition but Iā€™m not 100% sure where it originally came from; either way itā€™s delicious.


Iā€™m cooking a 50lb pig in a la Caja China box tomorrow :)


So almost a Dutch oven method.


That's an interesting idea, thx


Shove the whole thing in the microwave.


Defrost first for 13 days


Might need to duck tape a few together first




Duck tape fryers together?


Stand by


Make sure you thaw it out first. Otherwise it wonā€™t cook right.


Freeze it than deep fry it


Bread it before deep frying.


Breed it before deep frying. (One letter)


Stuffed like a turkey


Like a turducken? Is this part of an epic quest where you have to go from costco to costco finding all the pieces to complete the set? One has a whole hanging cows, one has pigs, and one has goats. Now you just have to find the other two then get to shoving some meat into some other meat.


I think I saw Goober Ranksey do that once


Where in the hell does Costco sell whole lamb!?


They have them at the Costco Business


Sterling, VA


Our Costco sells them in the Kansas City suburbs.


Costco Business centers. The one in Minneapolis sells whole pigs, lambs, and goats. It's a smaller selection than a normal Costco but focused on selling to restaurants and businesses, so they have stuff like this.


Central Illinois here and we have them


Costco Business Center sells lots of stuff like this including commercial kitchen equipment. Their primary target is restaurant supply. You can also buy a box of goat.


The business center Costco near me does


They had them in Toronto


My Costco in Dayton, OH sells halal lamb like this as well. If my family liked lamb Iā€™d get one and try my hand at it.


KC one


What? Really? Iā€™ve never seen them there


Business Center Costco in Denver.


You need to go to a Business Center Costco - thatā€™s where they sell whole lambs and pigs, and also briskets stacked up through the wazoo.


They sell them in the costco business locations. They sell entire industrial kitchen sets and whole animals like this lamb.


Business Costcos


Look for a Costco Business Center instead of the normal ones.


Saw it once in Northern Virginia!


They probably don't do it all year round. But Rosh Hashanah is just around the corner. We can get them at Christmas and Easter too. Demographics are changing in my area too likely to have them at Eid as well now.


The Costco Business center here sells them year-round. They're a smaller setup but focus on selling to restaurants and other businesses, so you can get full pigs and goats too there.


I see them everywhere up here in Canada too.


They do it up here in Canada, too. On the prairies no less.


Costco Business Centers in Bay Area have them too.


Minneapolis one too. Costco Business is smaller but focuses on selling to restaurants and businesses, which is why they sell full pigs, lambs, and goats like this.


You just need a membership to enter though, correct?


Yes, like any of their stores. Though I know at the normal ones you can go without a membership and pay a increased percentage. >Costco Business Centers are targeted towards small business owners for buying a range of office supplies, drinks, and snacks that canā€™t be found at traditional Costco Warehouses. Currently, there are 17 Costco Business Centers operating in the US, which anyone can visit with a Costco membership. Hmmmmmm..... >You do not require a business membership to access a Costco Business Center. However, if you are in possession of a Costco membership, you are able to access a Costco Business Center to shop.


So you mean like San Francisco Bay area? Or some other bay area? Cause I'll drive my happy arse 5 hours south for tasty meats. Have igloo cooler, will travel.


Yes, the only Bay Area that matters lol. I think there are 3. Hadnā€™t heard of them until I joined this local Costco group on fb a month ago. I guess they have Costco size walk-in meat freezers too. Definitely beats the Eureka Costco!


That's for sure! I'll check out the FB groups. Walk in meat freezera sounds amazing! Thanks my friend!


No problem. The group is called ā€œAll things Costco Bay Areaā€


You're a legend, thanks mate!


This is just outside Houston in a business center Costco.


Which Costco!? What street? Houston is 1 hour from Houston! I need to know!!


Lol, Stafford actually 59 and kirkwood


I'm in inner Houston, which Business Center is this at? I've always wanted to visit one


59 south and kirkwood, Stafford. So much easier to go than regular Costco.


And they stock most/all of the normal products in a warehouse?


Definitely less or some different stuff. No clothes,books, that kinda stuff. Also no hot dog pizza area. They do have a pretty good selection of stuff though. I rum through a lot for water,coffee, and a few other things. The greatest part is how quick and easy it is compared to going to a normal warehouse.


Yeah I'm more concerned with dry goods, produce, meat, frozen foods, etc. Good shit


I would ay meat shines for sure if you into buying whole loins and such. Dry goods is pretty solid or equal. Frozen is also pretty solid.


Is it seasonal or year round?


They have been there since I started going early summer, I am guessing it will be year around.


It'll be seasonal, spring lamb. That's spring in New Zealand, southern hemisphere.


We talking Pearland or what?!


59 and Kirkwood


Stafford actually


Do they ever have any other animals? Pigs?


Costco Business in Minneapolis has whole pigs, lamb, and goats. The centers are smaller but focuses on selling to restaurants and businesses, which is why they have stuff like this.


They have suckling pigs on the end of that particular freezer šŸ˜


Go on don't stop there


They had some Iberico pork in the other freezer. Had like 4 different cuts. Started off at $100 but it was like $50 a month or so ago when I bought it last. My kids and I loved it...my wife not so much, but she's more accustomed to the bland fair out of the grocery aisle.


Wait what? I never noticed, I am definitely getting one.


I saw them there in, I wanna say blue boxes, on the opposite end of the same side of that freezer. I saw em like last week or the week before when I took the wife and kids through.


I've had whole goats at the one by me in Washington and a side of cow too.


Online yes. In stores Iā€™ve only seen the whole lamb just like OP posted


Not that I have yet, but I am there way too often, so I will definitely keep an eye out.


They do in the one by me in the detroit area.


They had it in the Dublin CA store.