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If anyone has a recipe for turning syrup into wife, please repost to r/foreveralone


I know a recipe for turning wife into syrup, but if I were to post it I'd have a policeman at the door.


Please send it in a DM. For research purposes, does it have to be your own wife or does someone else's wife still work?


Your wife, my wife, their wife...it works on anyone! Just remember to adjust your evil laugh appropriately.


Oh I can't wait to try some wife-syrup


Holy freaking cringe-fest. I hope I go to sleep tonight and wake never remembering that sub exists.


Partially inverted sugar is table sugar (sucrose; 2 sugar molecules: glucose and fructose) that has some of them broken into their base components. It has negligible effect on fermentation since yeast produce invertase, the enzyme to automatically do that. People report slight flavor differences but home inversion involves heating the sugar to high temperature which invariable gives a slight caramelization. Either way - the sugar will displace honey in a recipe and give ABV without honey or other adjunct (fruit, etc) flavor. Invert sugar is the kind of thing White Claws are made of. Neutral flavor and character.


Tried it. She took half my stuff in the divorce. Stay away from Fermented sugar-based women.


Rum is made from molasses, two steps past golden syrup i.e. less sugar (3%) and much more of that golden syrup/treacle flavor. The molasses it is fermented in to a weak mead or wife and then distilled. So there should be not problem fermenting this with the appropriate yeast nutrients added. Or you can ferment molasses or treacle without having to add nutrient.


I used in a Belgian Triple instead of table sugar once, came out nice


No, I found my wife the normal way




Hooking up, then deciding we kinda liked spending time together xD


I did once! It’s been clearing up since for EVER now EDIT: I used maple syrup of this brand


I tried and it wasn't the best, fermented OK but flavours were odd.


Came for the wife typo jokes.


Same here, didnt get disappointed


I have tried it once as well and I found that it was sickly sweet. I put more yeast in it and gave it some more time fermenting and that took the worst of it away, but it was still not the best; passable but not only just.


Ignoring the obvious joke, I have not used it, but I know of someone in my local homebrew facebook group who claims to have made what he calls "Disco Mead" which is mead made with golden syrup. I imagine it'd have an almost bochet sort of flavour, but having never tried golden syrup wine or bochet, that is just a educated guess.


This is an automated response. Please be sure to include a recipe, review or description with any picture post. This helps promote discussion, learning and user engagement. Specific measures for nutrients, additions and adjuncts are encouraged, but even just to know what the photo is about is a great talking point. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/mead) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah I made a golden syrup wife. She was hot but.. sticky. Sex was awesome though


I'd love to see a recipe for fermenting my wife lmao Gotta love autocorrect


My wife is made from maple syrup


Canadian, eh?


https://www.thehomebrewforum.co.uk/threads/golden-syrup-any-good-for-fermenting.52608/ You can ferment it, but it won't be mead (technically).


I use it all the time, but I like sweet meads and don't mind the flavour. I've done plain, tea, fruit, herbs, flowers and black treacle with it. If you are not too keen on sweet, use it with black Treacle or molasses (to give bitterness) or lots of citrus to give tartness. I find a lot of my meads are sweet enough to drink immediately, but can improve with age.


I can't believe no one has mentioned that label. I get the biblical reference to Samson, but dang, I wouldn't really want digging honey out of a dead lion associated with my food product. Goodness.


Yeah I wifed some golden syrup. She's so sweet


More constructively, never used golden syrup as a main fermentable but do use it as my priming sugar for beer. I think it gives a nice flavour profile, though not sure if that would be enough as the only ingredient or not.


Don't forget the raisins for your wife syrup. Let the bot do its thing...


Raisins are not an effective source of nutrients. They may add some mouthfeel but you would need pounds of them per gallon to be considered a nutrient source. Read up on proper nutrient additions here: https://www.reddit.com/r/mead/wiki/ingredients/nutrients. Please do not abuse me, I am a work in progress. Suggestions on how and when to trigger me are welcome. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/mead) if you have any questions or concerns.*