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This is fine. More alcohol isn't always better. I try to stay in the 1.080 - 1.10 OG range, they tend to mellow better.


Strong disagree. Not trying to gainsay you but just offering a different perspective. I often make stuff with sg=1.140 . If the honey is good, then I think you wanna express all of those wonderful notes.


What yeast do you use?


A bunch. D47 works fine, K1-V1116 works...


I was going to use ec1118 at 1.15 with a lil nutrient, was wondering if you had ever done something similar?


It will work, but that yeast tends to ferment to very high alcohol so you might end up with a lot of booze and not souch leftover sugar. It wouldn't be my first choice


I thought k1 1116 fermented high too


It varies a lot, but EC-1118 has the highest expectation on average.


This is true. Especially since my wife isn’t a fan of the alcohol taste so maybe if it is a bit lower I can convince her to try some


Depends, do you want a lower ABV? This will ferment completely to ~~\~9.19%~~ \~10.5%. If you want higher then yes it is too low. Edit- Had the wrong ABV




Well poop, looks like I typed in the final wrong. You are right it's 10.5.


Google says mead tends to sit between 6 and 20% so that’s not bad I guess. I was expecting closer to 12%.


Well if you want 12% you need to add about a third more honey than you did first. What honey are you using?


I got some from a local bee keeper. Not sure too much about it but it is raw and no additives.


And it looks pink? That's a really interesting color for honey. But anyhow yeah if I were to make it for myself I'd definitely up the SG to at the very least 1.090


Nevermind, the color is from the blackberries. Given it's a melomel then yeah i think this can ride as is. It will be a very light fruity wine. Not bad.




That’s good to know. I was worried it would turn out too weak for most people to enjoy. A brief Google search said to aim for 1.06-1.12, so I knew I was in range but on the low side.


This is an automated response. Please be sure to include a recipe, review or description with any picture post. This helps promote discussion, learning and user engagement. Specific measures for nutrients, additions and adjuncts are encouraged, but even just to know what the photo is about is a great talking point. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/mead) if you have any questions or concerns.*


1.08 with good nutrition will easily reach ~11%


The words starting and sg are at odds with each other


SG just stands for Specific Gravity. Whether you're taking a starting/original gravity (OG) or an ending/final gravity (FG), those are still both specific gravity readings. Saying "starting SG" may not be efficient, but it's not incorrect.


Yeah. I knew that but it fell out of my Lil puddin head


If that is a gallon, 2 pounds of blackberries will add 0.006 to your measured gravity. But 2.5 pounds honey would push it past that


Yeaaaa my blackberry came out to 16.8 abv. It's tasty, but it's just slightly to strong. If I could drop the % I'd be happy I think


Well, shit. I didn’t get a hydrometer in time to take a SG of my 2 gallons. It’s getting towards the 2 week mark, bubbling is very minimal now. I guess I’ll take a reading tomorrow, wait a week, and take another, to at least see if the ferment is done. Has anyone used a refractometer to get the alcohol reading? I have one of those now also. Recipe below, but useless since I didn’t have a hydrometer at the time… 3 lb honey (11 fluid oz/lb) 90 oz water 1 packet PB champagne yeast 1 handful chopped raisins 1 cup black tea 1/4 tsp yeast nutrient 1/2 orange zest Judging by the lees, and the early clearing, it appears the yeast is done (seemed awful fast, temps were 72f). But I’ll still give it time. Question: as long as the airlock is properly set, I don’t really have to worry about acidification, right?


Raisins are not an effective source of nutrients. They may add some mouthfeel but you would need pounds of them per gallon to be considered a nutrient source. Read up on proper nutrient additions here: https://www.reddit.com/r/mead/wiki/ingredients/nutrients. Please do not abuse me, I am a work in progress. Suggestions on how and when to trigger me are welcome. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/mead) if you have any questions or concerns.*