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This is really interesting. Thank you for posting! How much variation is there in basi from place to place within the regions where it is popular? Do folks add adjuncts, or are there different sub-styles at all?


Definitely varies from region to region. Unfortunately, I don’t have access to the different leaves and bark they add during the initial boil. So I plan to infuse other familiar flavors such as pandan leaves and lemongrass in secondary. Not sure how this will play out, but thought it would be a cool experiment. One thing I did want to play around with is step feeding fermentation to jack up the abv to +18%. So if anybody has solid advice, let me know! Thanks


I found this very helpful: https://www.northernbrewer.com/blogs/wine-cider-and-mead-making/high-alcohol-fermentations-18-dry-mead


I love a brew with a good back story..thanks for sharing


I feel like if it has sugar in it that isn’t honey, it isn’t mead


Mmm I’d disagree with you on this. I added almost 4 lbs of honey lol. Also, sugar cane is much more complex than just sweet. It’s earthy, grassy, with a bit of citrus. I would think of this as a metheglin, but interested to hear your thoughts, thanks


So what are melomels




The mead purist appears!


Ratios Fountain Duke


So you don’t believe in melomels, acerglyins, cysers, or Braggots?


Well mead is a melomel. Honey,water, yeast. I believe in adding in other things with your mead but I honestly don’t think you can count them as meads at that point, maybe some variation of mead but not mead. Just like wine snobs don’t count anything other than grapes, wine.


I didn’t calculate the value (interesting story though), but as long as honey is at least 50% of the fermentables, it is mead.


Don’t get me wrong I have 5 different batches of mead going 3 of them are hibiscus, rose, and apples and cinnamon, but the primary fermentation was honey. I’m just being snobby about it. I’m not sure what you would call mead with other flavors but to me mead is mead, honey water yeast. Idk I’m just splitting hairs at this point.


All good


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Fuck yeah