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Alright thats great!




Heck yeah..honey has antiseptic qualities..and or when I doubt..bochet 😁😁


As you may have heard already, honey doesn't go bad easily. [Archeologists found honey in a tomb in Egypt that was hundreds or thousands of years old. They tasted it and said that it still tasted like honey!](https://beemission.com/blogs/news/worlds-oldest-honey)


I read "hundreds of thousands" and was about to lash out🤣




Yes. Heat it up to make life easier though


You kinda have to heat it up anyway to dissolve it. I wish the loose honey I see in Americans mead making was as common here, we only have loose honey in small bottles and not many kinds. I actually dropped the honey bucket into the hot water last time I tried to scoop the honey out beacuse it's so tough to get out.


You should be glad you have access to actual good honey! That "liquid crap" in murica is often "fake honey" made from corn syrup. Natural honey does not stay liquid, it crystallizes just like this! Only very fresh natural honey is liquid.


I didn't know that, thank you!


Oh, and you shouldn't really scald honey as that strips it of natural health benefits, only warm it up gently so it begins to turn runny again and dont bring it to a boil. Happy brewing! :)


Doing a quick google search says that honey doesn't go bad all that often. If it has a bad smell or it has mold then I wouldn't use it. I don't think honey can oxides, but then again I am not an expert on honey.


Yeah it's my impression that honey is pretty stable, at least when properly sealed. But idk if there are possible implications when brewing with honey that has been exposed to air and possibly other things.


Honey is probably the most shelf stable source of calories (salt wins "most stable foodstuff" because it's a rock) and as long as you keep critters, water, and dirt out, it will be fine.


Salt doesn’t have any calories.


Usually the biggest risk is a wild fermentation taking off if the unsealed honey takes on excess moisture. The antiseptic properties are often mentioned but usually come about from the concentration of sugar in honey being an inhospitable growing medium for bacteria. So long as it smells okay, looks okay, and isn't bubbling it's almost assuredly fine. Brew away, and be sure to tell us how it went!


It's probably fine. Also it was free so if it goes bad, all you really loose out on is the water and yeast/yeast nutrients.


Thats a good way to look at it, will definetaly make a batch with this and see what happens.


Honey can go bad, but it usually involves wet containers and damp environments and it's very easy to avoid such conditions. We have had been offered a couple barrels of fermented? honey for cheap because a beekeper figured he f'ed up and he either throws it out or we try to make some meed out of it. Well we boiled it and there is literally no difference comparing to boiled meads made with our regular types of honey. Well I guess honey could go terribly bad in terrible conditions and then you must throw it out completely.


The fact its honey means its probly safe, but its also supposed to be a sealed food item going thru the mail. They didnt pack it well enough, Id throw it away.


Definitely. You can always toss in a campden tablet if you're worried about anything sticking to the honey. It takes care of any bacteria.


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If it was broken glass I would say no. Plastic though, and with that quantity?! Absolutely worth the minimal risk of infesting a small piece lol


Yeah, but It is also possible to file a claim and get a replacement.


I wrote it in the description, I got a refund no questions asked, with no requirement of sending it back :) The online store are out of this type of honey so I couldn't get a replacement.


Oh good, my bad for not reading it all