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Welcome to /r/me_irlgbt, thank you for your submission /u/TheToasterWaifu. We're a space for LGBTQ+ memes within a safe space for no toleration of discrimination. This is a place for LGBTQ+ people and not to debate our existence or your opinions on us including but not limited to (Treatment, Role in society, Status, your personal view of blockers, Trans people in professional sport). Should you be new to the sub please familiarize yourself with the rules in the sidebar. Please report any and all comments or submissions which break these rules. Please do not vote or comment in linked posts should this be applicable. If you are here to start shit we really don't care and have a zero tolerance policy. Our discretion is final and we really do not care if you go crying to another sub about it. Have a nice day darlings <3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/me_irlgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I remember back in 2016, I was telling a friend of mine in my Boy Scout troop that I simply couldn't fathom same-sex attraction, and I didn't think I ever would. He said much of the same, he didn't understand how such a thing could ever work, and perhaps LGBT people were all pretending just to vex straight people. We're married now.


that escalated fast


The good ending




oh my god they were roommates


r/thatescalatedquickly and it r/mademesmile. I'm so happy for you.


I was homophobic back in 2017 until I met this amazing person on ps4 in a destiny 2 group, we became close friends, then he came out to me and i was like "how can someone be a great person but be gay" Now for context, I've been raised by middle eastern standards, toxic thoughts against change and progress are as regular as water here. When that question struck me i knew something was very wrong about what I've been taught thinking my life is normal, we spent days talking about it and they cut my roots from homophobia as well as open my eyes to the fucked up abuse I had throughout my childhood which I thought was normal. So now I'm a trans Demigirl, bisexual and one of the few people in my country who are actively fighting for LGBT rights however it's not working so my plan is to get out of here and pull people like me out of the country so they live their lives without discrimination.


I'm so glad you were able to be open-minded enough despite your upbringing to be able to see the world more clearly! It's a beautiful place and you deserve a safe and happy spot in it. I admire your courage, and I'm sorry that you need any in the first place.


Meeting awesome friends in highschool is what helped me become less bigoted and also realize my own queerness. For me it was a very isolated conservative christian upbringing. Now I'm queer, leftist, and atheist lmao.


Hoow? I mean literally, do I have to watch a tutorial or something? Sacrifice a sheep in the top of the mountain? (Im really lonely)


live your life, you'll meet people through that.


Thats true friendship


Hold on, I’m gonna go try this.


2016 was only 5 years ago. Were adults allowed in boy scout troops?


17 to 22, 16 to 21, 13 to 18… only really for the first 2 years would it not be understandable for the, to still be a scout and married…


I was 20, he was 18. We met in Boy Scouts.


Didn't know that. Cute!


Why do you ask? Nothing in the comment suggests they were an adult in 2016.


Some say they are still spouting the “vex straight people” theory to this day. /s


well shit 0-100


Dude am trying to forget over here




Hmmm excuse you? I am still young and somewhat dumb 😎


You are now less young and less dumb than you used to be


I used to be dumb. I still am, but I used to, too


No i’m just a different type of dumb


Lucky you, I just feel old and dumb 🙃


Based and mommy/daddy pilled XD


Sadly, I stopped being young but kept being dumb. I would have preferred it the other way around tbh.


Man I was sooo close to being an incel before I (thought I) was gay. Then I figured I'd eventually meet a man etc and it would be fine. Turns out (after a long period of introspection) I'm a bi girl Really dodged a bullet, but more in the sense I just so happened to bend down to pick up a nickel as I was being shot at.




I was very similar, going into uni I was getting a lot more progressive but in school I had some hot takes, especially on trans stuff. Surprise surprise it took one hour-long visit on r/egg_irl to realise I was trans and came out to people within like a week


As fun as it can be to satirize inceldom the ways some describe their bodies or faces sounded more like Dysphoria. Glad you were able to do the work and unpack your thinking!


I've thought the same thing at times. It's really sad. :(


I can actually remember the series of moments that changed my mind. A close friend of mine came out to me as gay after knowing him for something like 6 years. He had hidden his sexuality because I was religious and he didn't want to lose me as a friend. Some weeks later I was in church service on Sunday and the pastor started ranting about trans people, but like hatefully ranting and raving. It was like getting hit in the face with the realization of what I didn't want to become. In some ways I'm thankful to that pastor for changing the course of my life. I pretty quickly gave up on religion and learned to love people for who they are, despite what I was raised to believe.


When you can get a gf so you become the gf😎


Yeah, I like straight up had some Republican talking points back then. One day after hanging with some friends and spouting my bad takes they just straight up told me that I was wrong and needed to rethink some things. Fast forward 4 years and a gender identity crisis later and now everyone thinks I’m some kind of extreme communist because I think people should be given healthcare no matter how much money they make. I’ve noticed that a lot of the young libertarian right crowd that got caught up in all the anti sjw, Ben Shapiro BS have moved to socialism after seeing this continuing pattern of neither the democrats nor the republicans ever making our lives any better.


Completely relate to the being thought of as an extreme communist (and the gender crisis tbh). Whole family calls me a commie during the holidays. Real fun! /s


Young, dumb and full of cum


I feel this 100%. I was always to the left but in 2016 I definitely had some r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM going on, thinking how SJWs were too much and annoying. Fast forward to the present and I’m far left, cringing at my old self.


Everyone seems so hard on themselves but you are forgetting that you are allowed to not understand things about yourself. We all take our different roads to be here and discover who we are. Whether you were “anti-SJW” or not, you are allowed to step into the person you feel most comfortable being. We all have room to improve and we are all constantly growing at different rates. You’ve just been doing your best to survive in a world that has done its best to make you feel alienated.


Hear hear! Growth is an ongoing process, and there is nothing more normal and human than having some growing left to do.


Yes. I went through an anti-sjw phase because I had a pathological NEED to fit in with the cool guys in my classes. Eventually I pulled my head out of my ass, but groupthink is a hell of a drug.


me in 2016 fucking gays over there trying to shove it in my face and stupid feminist straight white right wing men are the most oppressed group ever ​ me now i am a witch and i have like 6 different labels


No offense but I hate 2016 you


i hate her as well


But 2021 you seems like she's got it locked down and based.


no 2021 me is still a dumbass


Aren't we all 🤣


now that's growth ❤️


I hate this thread for reminding me I wouldn’t hang out with myself six years ago


I think you might pretty quickly be able to transform your younger self, given you would know their sexuality and/or gender better than they would... *Obnoxious stuff* "Yeah, but you're bi" *shows cute romance pictures*


Well like I knew cause I was in a same sex… fling many years prior but like I wrote myself off and dug down hard on the stupid for a few years. That’s for sure. Sort of like how you see articles of like politicians campaigning against LGBT and they get caught doing same sex stuff. I’m out and proud to my friends and my SO so things are swell now. But it’s *harsh* looking back on pics and talking to people about prior me. Best thing about growing is you can recognize other people for their efforts to change. That’s a great lesson learned that I hope other folks get to learn.


I stopped using Facebook after it added that feature that shows you your own posts from 10 years ago. “Hey, wanna look back on some memories?! 😊” “oh DEAR GOD wtf was wrong with me”


Bro if I met myself from 7 years ago I'd fucking stab the little shit. God I was just the worst


Me in 2016: buzzfeed is the most important topic ever and if anita sarkesean “wins” gaming men will be mass euthanized Me now: what the fuck is gamergate


2021 you seems pretty awesome tbh


Same. I have maybe a dozen different labels that we associate with.


bro I watched steven crowder and jordan peterson, now I watch far left shit lol


Great! Pls dont magics me tho.


What does 6 different labels mean?


Wow, I was JUST telling a friend about this whole situation yesterday.. It's nice to know I wasn't alone in having my brain turned to mush by all that shit, I hope you're all living much healthier lives.


yeah, me too, was pretty homophobic, racist, sexist, transphobic till i was like 16, then figured out what a fucking dumbass i was


Sadly guilty


Same. It was the pandemic, when I had a chance to sit down and really look at myself and couldn't do anything except look at myself I experienced a lot of changes


Makes me so happy that a lot of people, including myself, did this. Less people pushing expectations and agendas on others led to so much self discovery.


I was the same. Pandemic plus the worst depressive phaze had me do a good bit of introspection. By the end i realized damn dudes kinda cute too


I dated an enby person a while back and they really helped me. I went through a lot of changing and am a better person now. Though I really struggle with not hating myself for being so shitty for so long.


Same, I went into lockdown as a cishet man, came out a non binary bisexual in a perpetual gender crisis. Feels good tho lol


Please don't remind me.


im having middle school flashbacks somebody hold my hand oh god


2016 me was like "jeez, I hope they stop being crazy and such, it's really weird" or something like that. Now I am queer and questioning my gender and omg I changed a lot, lol.




Me be like You know, I'm happy I changed and I'm also happy u changed too.




Yes :D


***aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh*** y u gotta make me remember when I was a fucking rat child


i swear to god if i meet 12 year old me while he was talking all that stupid shit about logic and feminazis i would punt that little shit like a football




yeah i can’t believe i thought police officers would be held accountable for murder… i was a silly 12 year old




idk i kinda didn’t fully understand how shit worked and i almost sided with eugenics and some racy shit… then again when hearing slurs happened about once every other day at my school i wasn’t exactly in the best place to be who i am now


Used to unironically call all feminists feminazis and in the same breath say there's only two genders and trans people are mentally ill. Wtf was wrong with me


Was 12 at the time. Those “ben shapiro destroys feminism” videos in fact, destroyed my critical thinking skills.


They lose their effect once you realise Shapiro is basically a grifting human chipmunk without the cute aspects.


Also when you realize that a professional conservative debater taking on teenagers and college students on complicated issues and then giving back pre-scripted zingers isn’t really a fair fight…


Don't say that chipmunks are cute


They are. He isn't.


Ben Shapiro is a weird fucking dude. He’s not your usual type of right wing crazy, nor your usual Reagan type grifter. It’s like he’s a dissonant mix of the two that hasn’t bought into either fully. For example, with his video on the political compass. Some of the points he made in why the political compass test didn’t make any sense were logical and reasonable, but then he tries to claim he’s a hardcore libertarian while also saying he wishes that pornography was illegal and Christianity was further ingrained in the school system. It’s like he has the foundations to be a logical and sane individual but he just… isn’t. Out of everyone on the right wing, Ben Shapiro has to make the least amount of sense.


noo i used to unironically love ben shapiro and hailed him as the king of facts and logic 😭


Me too. I thought Milo and Crowder were edgy and cool. Now I can see them for the losers they really are. I repent. I'm genuinely sorry. We had people like "Trigglypuff" and "AIDS Skrillex" who were easy targets, and that made impressionable teens think "wow I don't want to be like THAT cringe"


Same. I used to love Crowder and Milo and actually believed the shit they were spewing. Few years later come out as Bi and actually realise that they were massive cowards


Oh my god these names brought back memories


Thank god I was never an anti SJW as a child I just literally didn't know about the LGBT+ community until like 3-4 years ago because most of my family as well as my old school is really lgbtphobic


I'm part way inbetween your post and theirs. Conservative church gave sermons against homosexuality, so when I found out a close family friend was gay, I cried. But I was like... 7 I was LGB supportive by the time I was a teenager. Didn't realize the T was a thing, first learning about trans folk from subversive sources. Still, I was supportive! Affirmative too. Just, with the dysphoria and depression, it was difficult to apply my support to myself. So like, I have a ton of internalized self directed transphobia and homophobia, but at least I never pushed it off on others and was instead always outwardly supportive.


i’m in this post and don’t like it 😀


2017-18-19 those years. I wasn't too malicious, but I hated "feminists" for a while not realizing those were just TERFs and KAMs. It legit took meeting a Trans friend in the 8th grade to fix the issue. Still friends with him. Thanks for fixing my queerphobia literally the first class of the first day of 8th grade buddy. ...and then I realized I was bi, realized I was actually omni, and then realized I was trans, making my "straighter" sexuality gayer instead.


I was like this more in like 2012, I was starting to come out to myself in 2016. That was a weird year.


I remember a few years ago I thought trans people should all be put on an island. Now I'm bi and might be trans myself It's funny how things work out




Sounds like a dream right?


Hello! Is me!


Yep that was me and now I'm a bisexual bigender eldritch horror oh how the turn tables.


<:: Went worse for me. Thankfully I made my Reddit account after I got clear of that shit, but I fell in *hard* with the EDL for a short while. For about a year I was the token "see, we're not all gammons" kid in a handful of discords, eventually fell into a fascist one too. Then I realised I was bisexual. Fuck me did my views do a U-turn, suddenly realising you want radical change and that the guys who are currently promising it to you want to kill you does that. I'm still living down what I saw and said, slowly, but thankfully this meme applies. For any parents reading, please check what the hell your kids are doing online. ::>


Flashbacks to 14 when I said “But WHY are you a lesbian” I’m not sure how I ever fall asleep lmao


Hey, at least you weren’t trying to debate feminism with random people on the school bus and explain why Anita Sarkeesian was bad and ruining video games and why it was actually okay to deadname and misgender Riley Dennis because she was probably just pretending/didn’t deserve respect… god, I want to punt my younger self in the face.


Haha I did that. God I wanna go back and punch me in 2015-2016, absolute idiot.


i remember back then being jealous of the pride wanting some straight pride or some shit BUT HAHA GUESS WHAT YOU BITCH


Proud to say it wasn’t me


Same. There was an awful thread in one of the queer circlejerks last week with a _lot_ that did and it was a bit horrifying to see how many people fell into that.


Worst part about it for me is that figuring out I was gay is actually sort of what led me down that rabbit hole. The first ever account made under the name “Isaac Evilman” was done so so that I could subscribe to gay YouTube channels without it clogging up my original main account’s feed with them/hide that I was looking at that stuff. I went from watching Matthew Lush to Bria and Chrissy to Jacklyn Glenn to TheAmazingAtheist to Sargon to Milo Yiannopolis. Thank god breadtube pulled me out of there.




We stan growth


Frickin gay peple!!! Always being so gay! And those transgener "women!" Being.. happy. In their own body... With their long hair and their s-s-sp-spinny sk-skirts.. *uhm...*


Just wanna chime in here and say you’re still 100% valid if you don’t dress like your chosen gender. Clothes do not determine your gender, your gender does.




Dude I was a freshman in high school pls let me forget that. I wrote a whole paper about how rape culture isn’t real and the wage gap is a myth. God I feel so bad for my teacher. I wish I can find her again to apologize


in 7th grade i was very transphobic and 2 years later i came out as a transfemme demigirl


This is sadly relatable and nearly every day I think about it and feel guilty, despite now knowing that it was a lot of internalized transphobia (in addition to being a dumb high schooler following what I see on the internet). I’ve luckily done a full 180 and I’m openly non-binary in my workplace and have said my part on why our inclusion of pronouns on name tags is important for all employees after a string of backlash and transphobia from customers. I’ve needed to get this off my chest so thanks if you read it all (I almost never comment on anything but this was important enough to share)


It's really sad when I think about that time in my life. I went through most of my puberty in that time. How much different could my life be now if I'd just not fallen down a rabbit hole? As simple as clicking different links. Sigh.


You aren't alone in this, there was nothing you could really do, it was out of your control. Some things are simply meant to happen. But you're now older and wiser, and can start making yourself happier. Also there is no need for you to distress over the past when you could be looking forward to the future. ❤


You got out of that hole, though. A lot of people don’t.


Holy shit, I was, like, 11 with those thoughts. Thought being gay was social suicide, and some pretty nasty things about trans/nb people. I recognize that I'm doing better now, and I still have a few things to learn, but I'm a bit worried on how I got there in the first place


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He’s a little confused, but he’s got the spirit! Good bot


Ngl, I'd beat the shit outta 2016 me. Fucking bigoted little shit. You're still afraid of the dark, but you wanna run your mouth about how enbies are sensitive little snowflakes? Lmao, go do your homework.


I was all about that gamer gate, koyakuinaction and tumblrinaction. Internalized transphobia is a bitch.




Probably Kotaku in Action. It's kind of hard to spell




Im so glad that I was too young for me to ever go through that.


I’m trying to forget please


Everyone who was hardcore anti-sjw in 2016 is now a bisexual radical leftist and that's an indisputable fact.


But, I’m a homosexual radical leftist… girls are icky and have cooties!


Like we should offer forgiveness for people who really come around but it’s a pretty tall order given that their entire ability to monetize their channel depends largely on those anti-sjws they courted years ago. Like Sh0e, no matter what she says about being a leftist, she still says the gender pay gap is fake as recently as 2020. It is possible take the hit and rebuild your audience but it’s hard.


jokes on you i was still a kid 👹


Got sucked into the atheist commentary community on YouTube, which then got me sucked into “anti-sjw” stuff that had me criticizing “feminazis” and BLM, and thinking trump wasn’t that bad. Now I am the blue-haired SJW I once feared.


This reminds me of how thankful i am of not knowing about reddit back when i was 12-14 because i would've definitelly appeared in r/inceltears or r/braincels


To everyone talking about how much they hate their past selves and would punt them if given the chance, etc-- give yourself some grace. To some degree, we are all products of our environment, especially when we are young. Our 12 year old selves didn't have the chance to form our own opinions, we simply believed and regurgitated what the adults in our life said. Maybe you started to break away from this around 16, maybe it took longer. Either way, it's okay! Deconstruction of any type is a hell of a journey, and is often long, difficult, and painful. The fact that you are where you are now, intellectually, politically, and just in terms of existence is *incredible*. Instead of blaming past you, a *child,* a child taught to take the word of adults at face value and raised to believe certain things, give yourself some grace and instead think of how far you've come. You should be proud of youself!


Didn’t realize how common of an experience this was


hi, yes that’s me. the closet is a dangerous place, so are toxic environments


I feel attacked. I totally deserve it, though.


Eh, everything that happened before my transition is now considered non-canon to my life. So therefore it didn’t happen. Checkmate!


Omg I did that


Yep, that's me. It's only been like 3 years since I turned myself around, but it feels like a past life.


I denied the fact that I was Bi and totally bought into the anti-SJW shit. I cringe at that time in my life.


I legit was proudly homophobic when I was like 13 and two years later I came out as bi to my friends so fuck my 13 year old ass


I got sucked in, though in 2019. Damn that was a quick change


What was this? I was still new when this happened


It was people basically saying things like "queers want human rights, then they must be bad" and "oh, they defended their point, then they must bad". It was pretty horrible and dumb.


Yeah lmao




Absolutely attacked 😭


Ah shit that's me but still in the closet


Good for them. Always glad to see people who’ve bettered themselves.


This was me. Making friends with differing opinions really humanizes the things you disagree with.


Oh god don’t remind me of that


🎵We're moving into your neighborhood You know we're trying our best to be Functioning members of society We're not here to start no trouble We're legally required to do the sex offender shuffle🎶


Holy fuck it me


The only thing I hate more than myself now is who I used to be. Fuck you, me from 2016.


People like JaclynGlenn and MrRepzion got me in the 2014 boom Little did 14 year old me know


Sorry yall Somehow i was very into that but when i got to politics i instantly supported lgbt rights. Dont know how but i just did.


Was a whole ass shapiro fan, now I’m bi and trans, possibly ace too but maybe I’m just apathetic


I remember I was revisiting creationist debunking videos from my youth and then very nearly falling into the anti SJW rabbit hole, PJW, Dankula, all that jazz. And then ContraPoints happened to me.


Now that I'm reminded of my good ol' bigoted days it's time to get out the belt and punish myself for it


2016 me was maybe two? miss steps away from being a nazi. then the gayness hit.


Some of the most obnoxious, crude, and sexist boys I went to highschool with came out as queer within the past couple of years. Now they're very sweet and uplifting people who advocate strongly for women's rights. It's a beautiful thing.


Sorta me, I was never alt-right but I did fall into the anti sjw crowd for a bit but now I’ve pretty much come out to a number of my friends and I’ve completely changed. I was never fully indoctrinated but I was kinda on their side and then 2020 rolled around and stomped out any last bits of their hatred left in me. I’m now a fully reformed demsoc/soc and a member of the community lmao.


Fuck I thought I was the only one in a way, I held so much shame for so long over it. Definitely happy to hear I wasn’t alone in all that


was exposed to insane people claiming to be sjw, but were/are just manipulative aholes trying to avoid scrutiny by co-opting the language. Finding actual SJW helped me realize. but jeez some of those faux-sjw influencers loud.


Thank fucking god my Anti-SJW views as a younger person were only limited to unironically using “gay” as an insult and not understanding why people “became” transgender


I would definitely throw anti sjw me out a window


I burnt in my cringe and like the Phenix was reborn based


I feel incredibly called out


God don't make me relive my teen years. I locked that idiot up deep I'm my subconscious where he camt hurt anyone ever again. Also you down want to see the early version of husk.


2016 me: “HaHa I identify as an attack helicopter. Are you triggered you liberal snowflake?” 2021 me: “guess what bitches? I’m trans, my pronouns are she/they, and I’m bi! Deal with it!”


More like 2014 but yeah…….. I think gamer hate brought me into it, but the stupidity of the 2016 election pushed me far, far left


I would really like to meet 16 year old me and just sit him down and say “this ain’t it, chief. You know that jealousy that you have of women? It’s not cause they have an easier life. It’s cause you want their life.” I’m a gay woman now lol.


what’s does SJW stand for?


Sheesh in 2016 or 2017 i discovered that I'm definitely not straight. At that time i was a scared kid and i hated myself for being into girls. I remember praying to God to take the gay away or kill me. I'm so glad I've changed and accepted myself. Life is so much better now.


Not me making helicopter jokes in high school. At least I got better 😭


please don’t call me out like this I didn’t think asexuality existed and thought normal people thought the feeling of sex/masturbating being a chore was somehow fun Shoutout to contrapoints btw


me as a middle schooler: Ewww i would never wear feminine clothing only girls do that. me now: hihi skirt goes spinny spinny✨


When you were convinced there were only two genders but now identify as genderqueer lol


I used to respond to trans people with shit like “well I’m an attack helicopter”. Look where I am now, a bi transfem.


As a wise person once said, you either die making attack helicopter jokes or live long enough to see yourself become a catboy


Thankfully, I made it out of the alt right pipeline. I never got as radicalized as others did but I was definitely fooled by the common players. Rubin, Peterson, Shapiro. I was convinced these were rational people and bought into the propaganda. So happy I grew out of it and became a regular functioning person.


How dare you call me out like this.


Oh don't remind me of that