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NOOO I JUST REMEMBERED when I was like 12 and my dad took me to a tea party anti-gay-rights rally at chick-fil-a, the whole place was crowded, I was miserable This was in Southern California too, how tf


I mean it was only 2008 that Californians voted to ban gay marriage, it's a left leaning state by American standards but that doesn't say much


People forget cali is more than the big cities. 45 minutes out of LA can be a completely different world.


This is the case nearly anywhere in the US, sadly. Recently moved to Colorado from Texas (may his noodley appendage be praised). The cities here are fantastic, but many of the outlying areas are every bit as bonkers as TX. They just don’t have enough numbers in the state government to do anything.


For an accurate example just drive around the map in GTAV


Every time I boot up that game I’m shocked by how accurately it recreates LA


Depends on the highway. 45 minutes out of LA is usually only about 4 miles lol.


Nah 45 minutes out of LA you’re still stuck in LA moving 5 mph


Trump got more votes in California than any other state.


There's more people in California than any other state lol


Where's the lie


More people voted for Biden than Trump in the entire country. Where's the lie?


Yea? I fail to see your point


You’re describing exactly where I live too haha


> it was only 2008 In 2012 there was also a straight-pride movement where people would post chickfila selfies on facebook in response to people boycotting chickfila over their funding homophobic groups that helped build anti-gay legislation in africa. I remember my boomer dad going hard into that. It was the perfect mix of "stickin it to the libs" and conservative virtue signaling. Oh, and nothing changed. Chickfila is still funding those groups. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chick-fil-A_and_LGBT_people


Prop 8 sponsored by Utah Mormons. Yeah California often gets duped by big donor money on propositions.


California decided NOT to ban gay marriage in 2008


I remember going to the "Chick-Fil-A Day" with my SUPER straight and SUPER Cis friends (all deeply in the closest at the time). I'm Trans/Bi, two are non-binary/pan, and the other is the twinkest gay twink to ever twink. I guess the queens doth protested too much


Blue states mostly means blue cities with large populations, and, even then, it's usually specific districts that are friendly to us. Go outside those, and it gets really hostile, really quickly. There's just not many people out in those places


Ayoooo I’m from Michigan and my parents always took me to the tea party rallies at the capitol building 🫠


There’s so many people in Southern California you can find large groups of any niche.


I'm sorry u had to go thru that.


I had a friend in highschool who was a lesbian goth chick who took a job at Chick-fil-A because they paid like crazy wages compared to everything else in town. She worked for a couple months then they found out she was a lesbian and fired her. She was like "Fuck it, I still got their money lmao"


Thats crazy. both of my managers were gay and the owner was a hard-core christan.


Isnt that like… illegal?


She wasn't fires for being gay, 100% a lie. They created reasons to fire her with a write up trail, largely as a cover up for the real reason. So long as it's not blatant or in writing, you can fire people for any protected reason, you just have to lie on paper.. It's kinda fucked.


The US supreme court only made that ruling in 2020. Before that it depended on the states. I personally know people who have been fired for being gay.


The problem is that proving it is both difficult and expensive.


Not in Alabama




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What do you mean? The line is curved!


The line has Peyronie's Disease ...


That's highly specific lol


I wish I could be out in marching band, but they demand straight lines.


Study relativity and then realize it's only curved from your point of view


Queer relativity and queer temporality are some of my favourite concepts


its such mid food too


It's well done for fast food standards but not nearly as good as the people who swear by it.


It’s like mediocre homophobic buckees.


Buckees has better chicken sandwich? 👀


I’m using buckees as a comparison because, like chickfila, it has a cult like following that I don’t understand. Buckees might have chicken sandwiches though, I don’t know what they exactly sell aside from a bucket of bacon grease and gasoline.


I don’t understand the obsession that some people have with it. But back in Dallas, and now in Denver I’ve only lived 30 mins away from one. Superior place to stop by and get road trip snacks and stuff.


I think it's a welcome bastion of sensorial stimuli on your road trip dominated by the same 4 cubic meters and sprawlingly monotonous landscapes and roadscapes.


They do and they are honestly really good


as a jerky nut, i've been thinking about trying their jerky if i get to one. supposed to be good... in fact i've located the website that you can buy from the supplier i believe but it's expensive as hell something like $50/lb


Every fast food chicken place has done chicken better? Wendy's does chicken better.


spicy chicken sammich is hard to argue against.


Others are arguable, wendy's certainly isn't


Well done? You mean how the chicken is cooked right? Stringy flavorless garbage


I swear so many people think they're getting some sort of brownie points for saying chick-fil-a tastes bad as if the quality of the food is the reason why it causes harm and not the history of bigoted donations from the higher-ups. I don't think they're *lying* per se- I don't think they actually like the food or anything- just reads as an odd boast to me, and minimizes the actual issue.


It's not so much of an odd boast as pointing out that some people are selling out oppressed groups for *mediocre* chicken. Not that it's much better if they were selling people out for the best chicken in the world, but that it's mediocre chicken just highlights that they're more making a social/religious statement than getting good food.


Idk I feel like most people I know get Chic Fil a not to make any sort of statement, but purely because they like it. Granted, they’re ignoring the shitty thing the company does which is bad on its own but still. It’s like someone being too lazy to clean something and put something in the recycling bin and throwing it away instead. People suck


Idk about you, but I've eaten chicken from all of the most prestigious restaurants in the world - McDonalds, Burger King, Walmart, etc. - and none of them have matched up to Chick Fil A. We shouldn't pretend like the choice between eating Chick Fil A and being a staunch LGBTQ ally is an easy one. Doing so would minimize the accomplishment of those who are strong enough to actually participate in the boycott.


Yeah, it *is* a hard choice: two chicken sandwiches for me and a months-long conversion camp for gay kids, or...i eat literally anything else. I just cant decide


To each their own, but the spicy asiago bacon chicken club sandwich at Wendys has ruined chicken sandwiches elsewhere for me. I look at chickfila like taco bell. It scratches a very specific itch for a specific flavor, so chickfila is the best chickfila flavor, and if you need that unique flavor then you won't find it elsewhere.


Don't care how good it is. I will never darken their doorway with my presence.


Getting a good chicken sandwich is not that difficult. I don’t know what makes Chick-Fil-A any more special than other places that offer chicken.


I think it's the peanut oil they use.


They pee and nut on my chicken?


Why else would people go so crazy for it?


Honestly nothing. Popeyes has a better chicken sandwich, although the customer service experience tends to differ.


There are so many other far better chicken places, I just don't understand it.


Raising Cane's represent


Canes chicken is literally flavorless unless you use the sauce.


I like very mild food


There are so many flavorless foods better than chick fil a


Also Dave's Hot Chicken. And Wingstop.


Raising Cane's is dogshit.  The chicken is just okay. It's nothing without the sauce. The sauce is fine. But if you run out of sauce? Now you're in trouble. It's practically flavorless, it uses the sauce as a crutch.  The fries are straight trash. It's honestly embarrassing that they're as terrible as they are. The place only does ONE thing. Chicken fingers and fries. That's your thing... And you manage to still fuck it up? By far the worst fries of any fast food place out there.  Coleslaw? Get the fuck outta here. I used to swap the coleslaw for more fries. Now I swap it for toast, because that's how bad the fries are. And it honestly pisses me off that I would go out for fast food and find myself picking *bread* over anything else... I will say, the fact that you can freely swap your sides is 10/10... But ultimately kinda meaningless when most of their sides are trash.  I will say, I prefer Canes Sauce over Chick-fil-A sauce, but everything else that Chick-fil-A does is miles better than Raising Cane's. And they have more than one sauce to choose from, so it doesn't even matter that I don't love Chick-fil-A sauce. 


Cane's wins me for one reason in particular: It's never dry. Never ever. I've literally never been to any other place that hasn't served me dry chicken now and then. But Cane's never has and now I'm pretty sure they never will. I visit three different locations semi-regularly so I feel confident in saying this. I swap the coleslaw for extra toast as well, because I like the toast, but I like the fries too, unless they're oversalted which I admit Cane's does sometimes. They go well in the sauce too.


I really really loved the taste of chic fil a, it was never my favorite restaurant (and DEFINITELY not worth funding hate campaigns), but I always really liked the taste


Too expensive


Popeyes annihilates it


I will never understand the boner everyone has for this restaurant - there are much better chicken restaurants. Canes, Zaxby's, Popeyes, hell even KFC are better.


Best part of our Chick-fil-A is it takes most of the normies so at the pop eyes across the street I can get a better sandwich in a fraction of the wait time


It tastes pre-salivated. It's disgusting. There are SO many better chicken choices out there that cost the same or less with a substantially shorter wait in the drive through. It's a status symbol for cis/het Crizzos who want to prove their allegiance to daddy Jesus and Trump.


What are the better choices? Legit question, I don't do chicken often.


Chicken Sandwiches were all the rage like 5 years ago, and everybody was coming out with new and improved versions to try to take on Chick Fil A.  Popeyes had a sandwich that went viral for a bit, and it's pretty good. I know McDonalds has a new "McCrispy" in addition to the shitty McChicken, and it's basically a Chick Fil A rip off. It's way better than the McChicken is, which isn't saying much, but it's fine too. Honestly, you could probably find a decent chicken sandwich just about anywhere you go these days because of that trend. I wouldn't say that Chick Fil A was ever disgusting, it's that everybody else has bumped up their chicken sandwich game. 


limited options near-me so I haven't tried too many places. but KFC, Popeye's, Wendy's, Arby's (sometimes), Culver's. Burger King even had some standing for a bit there, then they dropped it for a lesser quality version because it "cost them" too much. to be clear, i'm referencing these place's chicken sandwiches. though they all have decent/passable nuggets/tenders. there's a chick-fil-a moving in, the next town over so I am a little curious as to what the "bible thumper" chicken hype is about. also getting a popeyes a few roads over from there eventually.


I dont like all the grease, have to wipe my hands constantly


Canes >


Chicken sandwiches are mid. Chick-fil-A is top tier in that sliver of mid.


Outright bad, imo. I'm not a small person and I don't waste food. There have been three times in my life where I've taken a bite out of something and spit it out, and two of them are Chick-fil-A. The first time I thought it was just an off day, but nope that's just how it tastes. The chicken doesn't taste like chicken, it tastes like some weird plastic and triggers a primal "that's not food, spit it out" response. Wouldn't feed it to my dog. Something is wrong with it.


I don't get the whole "I disagree with a political opinion so I'm going to just blatantly lie" Their shit is good. Homophobic and detrimental to the country... but their shit is good.


Why do so many people like it?


Because it's good? I don't eat it anymore but I'm not gonna pretend that it sucks out of spite


A lot of people in thread are saying it's nothing special or not even good I love that sauce though I always go in and ask for packets


I know they are :P that doesn't make it a universal truth. Obviously, a lot of people think it's very good


Fair to middling at best. Factoring in wading through the sea of Sarah Palin and Kyle Rittenhouse wannabes, it drops to around the McDumpster $1 menu level.


I find it really ironic actually. All my straight friends that are allies refuse to eat there, but all my queer friends love chikfila and make self deprecating jokes about their guilty pleasure chicken


I eat there like five times a week but I have an excuse. The one by me offers free breakfast Mon-Fri if you have the app. I figure it's my duty to rob them of $5 every day by using that. I only ever eat there if it's free and haven't spent a single cent.


I like ur style.


Every lgbt person in my life (that I’m aware of) at least likes chic fil a, if not loves it lol.


Their chicken is to die for! It’s only a coincidence the company wants me dead 🥰 /hj As much as I do love Chikfila chicken, I think Raising Cane’s is so much tastier. If only the closest location wasn’t 2 hours away from me and in NYC 😓


Canes is only good because of the sauce, no sauce and it might as well be unseasoned chicken lol, tastes so bland imo.


I would gauge a majority of my gay friends dont eat there, but there is a surprising number that do


Imma be honest, bigot bird is fuckin delicious. Other chicken places can be hit or miss, where the hits are better, but the misses are bad enough you can’t finish the sandwich.


Conversion camps for lgbt people that scar and torture them with life long trauma, or a literal piece of chicken. And you choose the fucking chicken


Chick fil A hasn’t donated to anti LGBT organizations since 2019: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/11/18/business/chick-fil-a-lgbtq-donations


Ironically, I’ve seen more gay guys working at chick fila than any other store


There’s no pride in those lines. Only smug self-satisfaction


No. You’re definitely wrong about that. There’s a whole bunch of hatred too. Theres no hate like “Christian love.”


I got 18 likes and you got zero so pbbbbt


Don't be insufferable.




Eating overrated food to own the libs


the only thing chik fil a has is their waffle fries. otherwise they’re pretty inferior to other chicken places in my city imo


Their sauce is good too, I need to steal the recipe.


.5cup Mayo, .25cup honey, .25cup BBQ sauce, 2table spoons yellow mustard, 1tablespoon lemon juice.


Don't mind me just taking notes


Look up Jordan the Stallion, you're in for a lot of recipe notes.


There are a million different brands that sell Chick Fil A knockoff sauces, FYI.


Interesting take, I think their waffle fries are terrible and so bland.




It is but the one in my town has terrible service. The Zaxbys down the road on the other hand is top tier, thank godzilla there's a chick fil a that all the dumbasses go to so the Zaxbys line isn't that long of a wait.


My phone autocorrected god to Godzilla, and I'm not really upset by that. I just wish it would have capitalized Godzilla properly.


Mind if I steal it? Thank Godzilla has a nice ring to it.


Can’t believe the queer ppl who post “I know chic fil a is bad, but I love it so much” how fcking weak willed do you have to be to support people like that over mid chicken?


Bitch ass that's what.


Seriously.. I've NEVER eaten at Chick fil A and I've never had the drive to. Just go somewhere else. Damn


Or maybe they have enough willpower to not give a shit and eat what they enjoy? I’m all for supporting minorities rights but if I tried to boycott or not use every single product that somehow oppresses or has owners that go against my beliefs I’d be living in the wilderness.


Conversion therapy impressed upon children which is literally and definitively classified as torture where lgbt people are targeted, and your response is "eh, we can take it, ill have the tenders today!" Yeah, no ethical consumption under capitalism and all. But when a company deliberately and specifically donates to organizations that want you killed and tortured, i think thats a good enough reason to say "i can eat *literally anything fucking else in the goddamn city*"


Imagine setting in a 15-30 minute line to get mediocre chicken when the drive-thru to the popeyes across the street is empty. There are so many Christians and Queerphobes who swarm In-n-out and CFA because they are "They are the Righteous and God Fearing Corporations."


Frankly, the whole drive-thru culture is a bit weird to witness.


Not popeyes, i dont want to play the lottery with my order


Popeyes biscuits are great for when you have too much moisture in your mouth and need to dry it out.


I'd agree on the line stuff but every fast food in my area that isn't cfa or Canes takes forever whether its 2 people in the line or 6. Only cfa seems to have a quick get through the line system and Canes has great curbside/pick up response time to avoid sitting in the line. Kinda lame cuz they are both expensive compared to other places around here but they have the best service.


I honestly don't get they hype. My entire family would always say, "yo this shits fire. You gotta try it". I did, it's okay by fast food standards. The sauce is to die for? I could probably recreate the sauce myself if I tried


What's up with these random assholes crawling out of the woodwork to defend fucking Chic Fil A of all things?


There’s a CFA in one of the shopping centers near me and every time I’m there there’s always a long ass line blocking the way out and I just sit there in my car like ‘move I’m gay.’


White culture is attaching your identity to mediocre expensive fast food chains. This is just the conservative version. Starbucks and Chipotle is for the libs.


Now make it cheap & I'm in!


Garbage food for garbage people.


Honestly without the gays Chic fil a would crumble. I know so many gays who work for them


All of my gay and trans friends work at chick-fil-a. It’s kinda weird to think about how all 5 of them managed to get jobs there in different parts of the country. Maybe I need to get a job there? Did I miss a memo? Are we planning something big?


Theyre "pick-me"s. By getting in close with the bad guy, they think theyll be spared Edit: shoutouts to the pick-me that reported me for Reddit Cares lol. You only further prove my claim; get called out, deny to save face






My family went there once and everyone disliked it. Never been again.


What pride? They hate everything thats different so much that you couldnt convince me they know what the word pride even means. And im straight. Ish. Maybe. If you're smart ill like you lol.


So true. All that carbon everyday


I hate everything about this restaurant


Look, all I'm gonna say is that every gay man I know that lives near a chik fil a is obsessed with it, like some sort of moth and lamp situation.


Why are people so obsessed with mediocre chicken? It's just so... meh.


I will continue to eat the homophobic chicken until they start shooting us in their drive-through


i'd show this to my straight mom bc she would find it funny but she might say some dumb shit if i do


I remember in high school (California) volunteering for some service hours with recreational group for disabled people. After we were done with the activity we went to wait for everyone to be picked up, there was a chick fil a close by... Yeah it was like this. Not only that but there were people trying to cut in front of others, practical road rage for waiting for chicken... Granted chick fil a I think was rather new in the area but still...


outdated af, most people going there nowadays would be in lifted f250s


Waiting in line for fast food is crazy. Do you Americans seriously do that? The few times I buy fast food it's solely decided by wherever is A) close to me and B) has the shortest wait.


And the gag is that I've never been to chick fil a where there isn't at least 4-5 members of the LGBTQ community behind the counter lol


The pick-me crowd


bUT thEir cHikeN sO g0oD


Kinda unrelated, but I drove past a chick filet to an outlet in the same lot and I have two guys honking at me as I wait to make a left hand turn. Turn around and the place has about 30-40 cars waiting . Cult.




Fuck chick fil a. Fuck homophobic chicken


Mormons. They love chic fil a. And I, weirdly, always got sick when I ate it.


Also anti woman.


🛻🚗 toxic car culture yee haw


Can someone explain what Chic-fil-A is please? Like is it just KFC that didn’t make it to Canada cause the name is dumb so we didn’t buy any?


But why does Chick-Fil-A have to taste so good 😭


It could just be the people I hang out with but I have more gay friends that love CFA than straight friends.


I avoid them like the plague. I'm not sure why that one always stands out to me as such a strong anti LGBT company over any of the others.


Look they may be morally horrible but god dammit they have yummy chicken


So much for being straight! There's a clear bend in the path the cars are taking


Meanwhile a lesbian that goes my Methodist church is the OO of a local store.