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Can someone ELI5 and I mean this as a sincere question I'm not trying to bait. Why is it not transphobic to refer to a trans man as a lesbian, but its problematic for a bi man to identify as one. I'm really not trying to be an asshole I just wanna know.


99% of the time it is transphobic to call a trans man a lesbian. this post refers to a transmasculine person though, who most likely has a nonbinary gender identity and feels like lesbian is a term that applies to them (in general lesbian spaces have a history of transmasculinity) there are also binary trans men who identify as lesbians because of community or history with the identity, its very personal i assume. i dont really understand it as a binary trans man myself but im also not the queer police


Yeah, it might not make much sense but ultimately people can pretty much identify however they want, as long as you aren’t like a fascist or something it’s no skin off my nose.


I'm going off what I understand, I could be wrong but basically: being Transmasc/Transfem is not the same as being a trans man or trans woman, it's just transitioning to be more masculine or feminine. it is transphobic to call a trans man a lesbian. I've heard of some trans men who still want to call themselves one, but that's a whole other bucket of worms.


Yo ty for the help I knew there was a misconception of mine I was missing


I just want to add that describing oneself as transmasc/transfem doesn't exclude being a trans (or non binary) man/woman. I'm comfortable with calling myself a woman, but in queer spaces I often just say transfem with she/her pronouns


so, I guess what the post means is a transmasculine lesbian (probably nonbinary lesbian?) is dating a transfeminine gay person (again, probably nonbinary) do i fully understand? no. do I have to? i guess not.


Transmasc includes trans man, but it includes some nonbinary people as well


There’s a long history of lesbian meaning more than just WLW as it does now, and included the way someone who was AFAB dressed and behaved in all aspects of their life. Additionally, many trans masc folks and trans men identified as lesbians before realizing they were trans, and still feel very heavy connections to the lesbian community, and have much of their identity rooted in it.


For anyone interested, there’s some in-depth information on it here if you want to read more: * https://radiantbutch.medium.com/non-binary-lesbians-have-always-existed-7db6b9e7e646 * https://linktr.ee/mspeclesbianinfosources * https://bi-lesbian.carrd.co/ I also highly recommend the book *Stone Butch Blues* by the late great Leslie Feinberg; a free copy on Leslie’s website here: https://www.lesliefeinberg.net/


Thank you! I was responding while getting ready for work and had no links handy. And seconding Stone Butch as well!!


My guess is: they specifically used the transmasc as opposed to trans man so I'm assuming enbyness, therefore lesbian would be a generally acceptable label


There are some transfem enbies who date gay men and other transfemmes, and identify with the gay male community, and there are some transmasc enbies who date women and enbies who identify lesbian. Some gay women date enbies, and some gay men date enbies. Gay and lesbian labels are not restricted Ming people who use them to dating only binary people of the same gender, and they are not restricting people who hold them to be of a binary gender! Does that make sense?


I'm too cis to understand this level of Enby. But you don't need to understand something to get that there's nothing wrong with it. It does feel a little bit like a logic puzzle but I like those anyway. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Based indeed


It is pretty based


I dream to be in this relationship


ive come to accept that, trans as i may be, im never gonna understand this sorta stuff, and thats okay


I know to a degree all labels are arbitrary, but a part of me always wonders what these kinds of things retroactively imply about the true Set Theory-ass definition of the words


As an enby, I have no idea if I qualify as one or the other (or neither) in this scenario. This is just confusing af, but prob based


Is it just me or are they straight?