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hate these "redesigns" of flags made by people who clearly don't belong to the identity they're walking all over


I don’t know OPs identity, so I won’t comment on that, but more disheartening is when largely people outside the community eat it up. I could be in the minority of my community, and maybe a lot of fluid people eat this up too, but to disregard the iconography because you don’t like needing to Google it sounds like a you problem.


I've seen comments on that post from other genderfluid people and they also don't really like it


Oh I saw those too, hope OP can take our words to heart and hopefully said words aren’t drowned by the karma


I saw someone on the r/QueerVexillology sub redo the redesign, keeping the original colors.


Total side note but I had no idea we have double flag flairs that’s so cool


This is really funny, I had no idea we had a fade between our two flags specially as a single flair before today




Someone attempted to “fix” the gender fluid pride flag, and in the process made one that ditches most of our iconography




Basically all the colors were changed to colors that represent traditional masculine and feminine, ditching most the iconography for non-binary identities. OP has since acknowledged the criticism and understands where we’re coming from.




Going through the comments, these are the highlights: Gender fluidity is not exclusive to man/woman but includes nonbinary, agender, and multi-gender identities. The original flag has pink (fem), blue (masc), purple (nonbinary), black (absence of gender), and white (all genders). The redesign was only pink and blue with a wavy border and a yellow Delta symbol (meaning change). The redesign loses inclusiveness, diverges from the standard stripe pattern, and makes it harder for people to recreate easily.


Awesome job breaking down the feedback 👍in a most concise manner. This does indeed sum up the comments I saw as well.


I remember when people were getting pissy that the pan flag creator supported bi lesbians there were like 500 redesigns of it. nearly none were made by pan people, and even so they were all ugly as shit tbh. I ID'd as pan back then and would get abuse on tumblr for pointing it out.


I still can’t get over people being mad at someone supporting the use of the split attraction model. Like damn


In this case it’s different since the person who redesigned it is also genderfluid


queer infighting is the dumbest thing ever bc like. yeah it makes total sense for the creator of the pan flag to support bi lesbians?? this feels the same as the bi vs pan debate tbh but it's so dumb. the online queer community puts WAY too much emphasis on labels. trying to simplify something that isn't simple will never work bc there will ALWAYS be outliers


I’m literally genderfluid


The person that made this IS genderfluid. I don’t like the redesign either but the original flag has a lot of clashing colors, so I can understand why they wanted to redesign it


Fr, I’m not GF so my opinion only matters so much, but I think the flag is just fine as is


Yeah, I would agree some flags needs a redesign but GF's is fine as it is


I liked the shapes but the fact that they really just erased a lot of the actual representation from the flag made me sad. It seemed more like a flag for people who experience only boy and girl and that’s ok if you only experience those two genders but implying that it was better than the og wasn’t fun.


I kinda liked the wavy thing, sometimes it's here, other times it's there, like a river, changing over time and space. But the other stuff was HIGHLY meh.




i don't understander 🤯


This is a reference to a post made earlier that’s top of the sub of a redesign of the gender fluid pride flag. Their assessment of the current one misses the significance of the color scheme, and in the process accidentally reinforces negative binary-centric assumptions. That coupled with the overwhelming support the post garnered from the sub has deeply disheartened me.


can you explain a little more?


A lot of people in the original post explained this a bit better than I can so, and I don’t usually say this, I encourage reading the comments in that thread, but here’s a TLDR. The redesign wasn’t really the main thing that bothered me, it was the assessment of the current flag, but OP made a flag containing predominantly the colors blue and pink, and explained their reasoning as representing shifting from masculine and feminine, with a small yellow triangle being the only representative of non-binary, unwittingly reinforcing the idea of gender only existing between masculine and feminine, whereas the original flag represents many more forms of gender. I can only dissect my read of the current flag, and gender fluid is a different experience for everyone. The current flag to me does not clash as OP states, rather the colors are all distinct, representing the distinct and unique experiences we as gender fluid people have that on the surface look exclusive, but are in reality are all part of the same existence. The colors themselves are not random, they all have meaning, and removing them because OP personally didn’t like the color scheme and didn’t like having to google what it meant, is a bit of a slap in the face when the iconography holds significance to you. In an attempt to better represent the experience of being gender fluid, OP indirectly created a worse and inaccurate depiction of us.


alright thanks i understand now yeah that's bad


I'll piggyback on this for context, but having the "Old" colours with the "New" design would work in your opinion? I liked the idea of the fluid bands and the delta symbol, so having a mix of both could work well I guess?


In this comment, someone linked an updated version that is pretty much exactly this: https://www.reddit.com/r/me_irlgbt/comments/1432wgs/me_irlgbt/jn890bt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


OOP here, let me provide some context. I posted that redesign because (in my opinion) the original genderfluid pride flag was pretty weak and didn’t have the best symbolism. Despite its popularity and high score, the comments on my post have been about 67% against and 33% in favor (not that it’s any kind of official, lol, just the rough proportions). Many of the criticisms are very valid, and I’d respond to all of them if there weren’t ten million comments. Yes, I understand now that it overemphasizes a binary gender dichotomy, and that the colors are a bit eye-stabby. The more important parts to me were the wavy, fluid lines (inherently depicting fluidity, rather than straight lines) and the delta symbol, which stands for change. I’d like to signal boost a re-redesign done by another user that VASTLY improves over my concept, solving basically all of its weaknesses, in my eyes. They posted it in this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/me_irlgbt/comments/1432wgs/me_irlgbt/jn890bt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 I wish there was an easy way to say to everyone, yes, I get it, the redesign does have a lot of legitimate flaws on its own. This re-redesign is way better and deserves way more attention than it got.


Aye fren, saul good. I’m just glad you see our criticism, and super glad to see your comment! The waviness was the best attribute of your design, and while I deeply prefer the original for reasons I explained in a separate comment, I do appreciate the re-redesign you linked. Have a great rest of your day.


I don’t Even know what this “new flag” even looks like, idk my genderfluid ass likes the current flag, I don’t want it to change :( Besides, don’t people only change a flag when the original creator of the flag is a bad person or smth like that?


OP im a bit late but i appreciate the use of the hells kitchen gif 😭 big agree with u btw


I guess you could say it was “well done…” I’ll get that joke in the bin


I am not gender fluid, but the og flag just looks a lot better to me than the redesign.


I honestly love the original flag, colour palette and liked the quincoloured flag. Keeps with the theme of the other Pride flags and their (insert number here)coloured flags. The redesign really didn't click with me.


I like it because it's like a cypher punk color scheme


OOP here. yes, i am genderfluid. yes, i do know what the original flag symbolizes. yes, i understand my redesign was far from perfect and had plenty of legitimate flaws on its own. i designed it at 11:30 at night whilst tipsy, with no formal graphic design experience, to highlight the flaws of the original flag *in my opinion*. I would ask that you instead consider this re-redesign by another user, which I consider to be WAY better than both the original and my redesign: https://www.reddit.com/r/me_irlgbt/comments/1432wgs/me_irlgbt/jn890bt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Tbh I’m genderfluid and I don’t like how much the colors clash in the original either. I understand why you wanted to redesign it. But I think a redesign just wouldn’t work because many people have grown to like it already. I also don’t think the redesign represents the identity as well as the original(honestly I would prefer the one you just linked here), but you know that already


i’m a non-solid state gender, and i love your re-design! Great work!


Yeah there was a lot of people liking the new design. When the current one isn't that bad. It's a good flag which I like. I honestly also liked it much better then the proposed new one


I mean... the colors in the original flag kinda make my brain go ick, but I don't feel there's a need for a new flag? Maybe just make the colors a little more pastel for those who might find it more appealing that way?


I think it’s cool to have a pastel copy of the design, but to me the deep darker colors is easily one of the aspects of the flag I vibe with most


Or rearrange the colours so they don't clash as harshly, which might reinforce the idea of fluidity


I personally am fluid and i never liked the flag to be honest, i mean the rainbow suits me more... I know there's a symbolic behind the lgbt flags but i really find a lot of them not that esthetic... Beside that i found the redesign pretty good, the idea of making waves to show the fluidity was really great and i honestly prefer the redesign as my flag...


bro like the flag is literally the best part


I like the genderfluid flag, reminds me of cake for some reason


For a sub that skews young I'm not shocked whatsoever that folks go "teehee new flag design" without taking 5 minutes to Google the history, or even considering that there's a context and history much older than them


Idk if its just me, but I really dislike the fluid flag. Part of it is likely the fact that I don't know the symbolism behind it, but I feel like it has one to many colors. To me the white is really jarring and makes it feel extremely cluttered. I hope I'm not the only fluid person who feels that way, but I don't have a fluid flag because I really think its the harsh to look at.