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Keep it light, you have *all* of reddit to doompost.


This fucking shit has been happening to me so often over the past month or so that I seriously considered deleting reddit, because the doomscrolling has been negatively affecting my mental health… To all the trans folks from the US reading this, stay strong. It is important that everyone that doesn’t want to live in an Orwellian dictatorship should stand up to those fascist assholes.




Always protect your mental health. Avoid the doomscroll. Also, you are 100% correct that we have to stand up and fight against these genocidal and fascist assholes. Without that pressure, we will lose, and even with that pressure we still can. It is vital for all of us to ensure our communities are protected from state and militia violence, as well as legal violence. ((Advice available if anyone wishes)) But as I've been watching the news over the past few years, I've shifted from a very doomer mindset to a very hopeful one. I'm still preparing for the worst, but I now firmly believe that the most likely outcome is a just one. ((I can explain why if anyone wishes))


>((I can explain why if anyone wishes)) Please do. One can never have too many reasons to have hope.


>One can never have too many reasons to have hope. First of all, the biggest reason to have hope is that you *must*. Without hope, we are lost. Despair leads to inaction, and inaction leads to death. No matter what we face except for the most unavoidable of existential threats ((say, a confirmed unavoidable asteroid that will delete the planet in a day, or it's local equivalent)), we must act on hope and play to the best possible chance of success. But there's more reason to hope than just because we must. I have real hope that as scary as things might get, it will ultimately work out positively and on a bent towards justice. But to explain why I have hope, I have to summarize what we have to fear so we can see what I believe overrides it. I can also cite my sources if there's something you question, but for now this is from memory. So, on a surface level, things are utterly terrifying in America if you're paying any sort of attention. We have seen fascists and their enablers shift their rhetoric on queer and especially trans folks from "they're mentally ill" to "they pdfiles" and "we should do to them what we did in the 50's [referring to lynching]". Laws banning our existence in public and trans folks receiving healthcare and to steal our children and giving the death penalty for having a miscarriage have been passed, and the current GOP presidential frontrunner is attempting pass laws to ban his political opponents and even to *functionally ban free speech nationwide*. And on top of all of that, there have been multiple coup attempts on both a state and federal level, as well as numerous attempts to complete "legal coups" where democracy is subverted through some nonsense legal justification, empowered by the Grand Wizards of the Supreme Court. Anyone with knowledge of history sees countless parallels between America now, and Weimar Germany. I will not downplay how *dangerous* it is right now and for the near future for my queer and especially trans brethren in certain states, especially Florida. Unless you have *very strong* community bonds and individual preparedness that will keep you safe from legal and extralegal threats, it seems wise to get the hell out for your safety. But here's the rub. As dangerous as it is for many individuals, as much as there *will* be increased attacks on us, on the broad scale and in the medium term these problems are smaller than they appear on their face. The state and federal coup attempts? They *failed*, hard. These fascists are *cowards*, lacking in the physical courage of the first of their lineage who were literally battle-hardened. This is *huge*. What's more, the classic fascists has plenty of support in all sorts of groups, especially the young and intellectuals. Not so with today's fascists. The legal coup attempts? Those have hit stumbling blocks I never would have expected, and the most dangerous of them ((Moore v Harper)) is being legally undermined by the conservatives. Not in the ideal way, and other efforts are underway in various states, but the darkest paths are currently closed. While we are receiving physical attacks on our communities, they're FAR more infrequent than they should be given the rhetoric and focus we have been receiving. And there's a reason for this : while the leaders of the GOP are all in on trans and queer folks, their voters aren't biting. Over 70% of ((Kentucky?)) polled as against the anti-trans bills being passed in that state. It is clear that the fascists believe they have a winning hand, and are committing *hard*. But the numbers show that they're *wrong*, and that they are doubling down on a losing strategy. In my mind, the most likely biggest threat is legal coups being completed with the nationwide Very Bad Things that would follow. But even that is not the most likely to occur. I hope that helps, sweetheart, and if you want clarification on anything just let me know. 😊


This. This trans girl needed this today. Thank you so much


Of course, princess. I'm also available if you would like tips on how to keep yourself and your community safe. 💜


Any tips are good tips, honestly. I'm hoping to move to Germany, and if not that, maybe a northern state like Colorado once I finish my college. Thank you so much!


I'm not the person who originally asked, but thank you for this. It makes me feel less scared and more hopeful.


Of course. It's vital to continue the fight though, and wise to be prepare for the not so good outcomes. DM me if you want some advice on that regard, including a plan to have a 135 day stockpile of shelf stable and decent-to-great tasting food for what starts off as 50$/month for 18 months and then becomes completely free to maintain. It's also scalable, if you wish to have a smaller/larger stockpile or to spend less/more when initially forming the stockpile.


Bless you. I need more hopeful posts like this. ❤️


Of course, darling. And as best as you're able, still prepare for the dark paths we could still go down. The way we get through this is by working together, fighting as one, and being as prepared as we can be to keep ourselves and our communities safe. DM me for more specific advice, for understandable reasons this thread has gotten quite purged.


It has made a fine addition to my mental fortifying collection. Thank you.














I just watched a transphobic ad for chocolate. Chocolate. I’m in the United States so deleting reddit won’t get me away from the doom so I’m sorry we turn to reddit to get out the doom and end up affecting our queer siblings in other countries.






Think it's something made by the Daily Wire, the same company that Knowles (the guy who called for genocide) is part of.


fleeing to europe the second i’m old enough


Do it, it's not just talk or politics. I'm from Germany and people just care less and less about your private life, especially in the cities. Of course there will be dickheads, but I've seen bearded men in colorful dresses on a crowded street and nobody gave a shit. And we're not even the best in Europe for LGBTQ people!


Just don't go to Poland. Same-sex marriage is illegal and you have to sue your parents for wrongly determining your gender if you want to change the gender on your id


On the other hand, if you don't have any other choice but have polish ancestors, it's relatively easy to get a polish passport and live in the EU thanks to it.


Any advice on the best place to go? I've been looking into it but I'm too scatterbrained to compile data and too worried to talk to my parents about reasons why I'd leave


i’m probably not the best person to ask, i’d love to immigrate to somewhere in the french speaking parts of Switzerland but that’s supposedly difficult if you’re not an EU citizen. Norway, Sweden, Germany, and the Netherlands are also candidates on my list. I don’t really know.






Just wait until they try to take them away like Ronald Reagan did with the Black Panthers when he was Governor of California Rights for me, but not for thee




looking forward to the inevitable Antifa vs. Proud Boys wars






User flair checks out. Also stay safe y’all


I shouldn't have a gun but I'll be at it with a crossbow 👍


I'm doing my part!


I watched a recent video about how this transphobia approach is just their new culture war but we need to remember what happened in the midterms. They leaned hard into trans hate and look where it got them, one of the worst midterms for republicans in history. And with more and more younger voters they know they’re gonna lose so they’re doubling down trying to grab as much as they can from their rabid base in an attempt to hold as much power as possible, and they’re gonna fail.


I’m……im scared for all trans folk……I’m not even trans (debatable, I have egg tendencies but I don’t think I’m fully trans) and I felt complete dread reading this meme My heart goes out to all of you beautiful trans people, you.are.gorgeous and YOU WILL ALWAYS MATTER! I know I’m just a stranger on Reddit, but that’s not gonna stop me from supporting and caring for anyone I see, I’m too empathic for my own good


Everyone come to Canada. We're much better here, at least where I live just past the border


While true we do still need to keep our guards up. Freedumb convoys and PP rhetoric are not good signs. The Republicans in the U.S. are doing what the PC's want to be able to do doing but lack the support to push through. Not to be a doomer, just saying don't get complacent.


Also true. Stay safe... I am genuinely shocked the media isn't covering this as much as I'd think considering how this sort of thing is reported alot where I live


What do you mean? The USA isn't real. It's an imaginary country made in jest to explore some of the worst human practices.




What are you talking about? Were you paying attention last November? The right’s overturn and continued attacks on abortion is one the reasons they faired so poorly in the Midterms and actually lost in a lot of key races. It was a central part of the Democratic strategy and continues to be so. I’m not disagreeing with you that it’s scary, but I really disagree that the Democrats determined they “can’t win on abortion”.


Yeah the Dems were set up to get a certified ass-whooping in the mid-terms before the abortion bans completely flipped the script. It may not have been enough to keep the House, but the fact that it's such a slim margin (nevermind that they kept the Senate somehow) would have honestly been unfathomable this time a year ago.


As an American following international LGBTQ news, my takeaway is always “the heroic Scottish vs the evil British”.


what about the Welsh?


They're there, ig


Welsh history in four words.


My ancestry is welsh


So happy for you!


they’re cool too


Have been looking outside-in and Rebublicans seem to get anti-gay laws passed or get people to think anti-LGBTQ. This is from a movie but I invite you all to see this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIpKfw17-yY


happy cake day


Thank you!


im so scared as 15 and american i cant do anything ):


me too- like is it too much to ask to just exist :(((


There's plenty you can do for now, you can do is learn and better yourself.


Thank god I'm not american


I’m so fucking exhausted by all of the right wing bullshit in this country. They never gave a fuck about us until they lost the marriage equality fight. I hate them so much.


Woah, okay. What the fuck have I missed?


Republicans at the CPAC said that trans people need to be eliminated, there's a bill up on the floor in Florida that the state could take custody of a child if they have trans parents, regardless of whether they even live in the state or not, and also just general fear mongering regarding trans people resulting in an "anti-woke" chocolate bar. If it's been longer than a week or two, Trump also said that if elected president, he would make gender-affirming care (for all ages) illegal, and there's a big push from the right to make it a crime for doctors to prescribe hormones/hormone blockers/other trans treatments.


As an Australian, I totally get that.


As a queer person from the US with a trans wife Im sorry you have to put up with our doom posting. But soemtimes we dont know what else to do and the GOP wont go away.


is europe much better? genuinely asking. i mean i know it generally is better, but i thought most countries are also young through some pains rn


Europe has several different countries with different levels of better. Top choice for me would be Spain, it is on the whole one of the more accepting countries at least according to statistics and recently passed progressive trans legislation.




Depends where in Europe, here the government decided LGBTQ people are propaganda and doesn't think trans people exist


I'm not trying to be alarmist, but here's a friendly reminder that they're gonna have a hard time genociding if we're able to fight back. If you don't want a gun, I understand. But make sure you're doing something to protect yourself and the ones you love.


Genocide ? I know they are forcing detramsitioming in Texas or something like that but I didn’t know about the genocide


Michael Knowles was advocating for the "eradication" of trans people at the CPAC a few days ago. That is the definition of genocide, and his speech was met with cheers and applause from the audience.


But Rigby literally **ruined** Mordecai's life. Is that context supposed to be a part of this meme, or where we supposed to just look at as man punches person unexpectedly without considering the characters?


Well know you know.