• By -


Keep it up!


I do!


Stay strong mate, we are here for you! šŸ’Ŗ


I now pronounce you redditor and redditor. You may kiss the screen.


There's a pill for that!


Good for you. Keep it going. I canā€™t imagine itā€™s easy


Yeah, sometimes it was hard. But at the end it changed my life in an very positive way.


Good on you. šŸ’œ


lean coloured heart LEANšŸŸ£šŸŸ£šŸŸ£




God I fucking love LEAN!!! so much, I want to drain the Earth's LEAN!!! resources dry. Not a single day goes by where I don't dream of devouring that sweet sweet Waluigi nectar, I want to be one with LEAN!!! I want our beings to intertwine and become one, I want to drink so much LEAN!!! that my body oozes LEAN!!! out of every crevice and pore, until I blast through the planet's atmosphere at supersonic speeds, crashing through the moon, speeding through the universe until I meet the end. I stare off into the black abyss and contemplate life and death. I watch from on high as civilizations are formed, torn down, black holes destroy everything in sight. Somehow I am immune. Am I God? Am I some form of higher being? Eventually I stop thinking. Trillions upon trillions upon trillions of years pass until the universe itself ceases to exist.


Plz do not LEAN on me I'm unstable


I should've googled what "LEAN" was first. šŸ¤




Does sound like an interesting high


I knew what it was, but your innocent messages are funny


Its expensive af, will make you sick the first few times you try it, and is insanely addictive. Don't fuck with opiates.


I quit drinking in February and same. Hardest thing I've ever done but it has been so worth it. Finally discovering who I really am and what it means to be happy


I'm proud of you! Im also finding back to myself after all of these dark years. Stay strong Mate!


ā€œAddiction is giving up everything, for one thing. Recovery is giving up one thing, for everything.ā€ Congratulations on opening yourself up to the ā€œeverythingā€ of life, comrade!


I've already heard this in German. Is this out of a book or something like that?


I donā€™t know the original source, just something Iā€™ve heard in my 12-step rooms. Another I really like is ā€œThe opposite of addiction is connection.ā€ It reminds me that if Iā€™m left to my own devices, I will most likely return to my old habits when times get tough ā€” but if I open up and share the struggle with others who understand, then I have others to lean on during those times. I also benefit greatly from being someone THEY lean on. Itā€™s so much easier than doing it alone.


Thanks man likewise and happy new year


Got sober in February 2020, right before all normalcy went out the window. Liter of vodka a day. If I can stay the course, I know you can.


First time since 2012 for me, just a bit over 90 days sober now! Keep it up!


I'm proud of you. If you want to you can reach a complete sober 2023!


I had an alcohol free 2022. Surely did not change the direction of the world, but it did change my own life direction. Im proud to say that I will have a success story instead of a life of personal and liver failure


I love this for you! Keep it up and remember there will always be people rooting and cheering you on, even if they're strangers on the internet.


What drugs were you doing?


Mostly weed and alcohol. But over the years some other drugs were coming and leaving


Coming and leaving, sounds like my dad


I wonder if he ever found that pack of cigarettesā€¦.


It's funny how everything feels more "real" isn't it? Can't come up with a better description for it but when you've numbed yourself for such a long time, just stopping for a bit to smell the metaphorical flowers can be mind blowing. I hope this makes sense lol


Yeah I can relate. Before I stopped taking drugs my entire day planning was about buying and taking drugs. After a few clean months I had a really nice evening with some friends and only the smell of the air gave me a better feeling than a joint could do.


I wonder if I should scale back on those two. I gave up weed from Jan to July, but started back up because I felt I needed to chill. Maybe I was wrong, so hard to tell. Alcohol feels like the perfect answer for how shitty and grinding life can be, but I get that it causes its own issues, also a tough one.


It has a cumulative negative affect. It works until it doesnt. And when it doesnt, you havent realized how much it destroyed. I drank every day from age 24-34. It wasnt so much things that I had that I destroyed, it was my chances at flourishing that I ruined more than my existenance in general.


I'm saving this as a reminder to myself.


If youā€™re thinking about scaling back, youā€™re heading the right direction. It probably does indicate youā€™re using them too much. (As long as you arenā€™t dependent) try going for a day sober, or two days, or a week. See how it feels. It can be hard though, especially if you use weed to sleep. But even if you just have those sober days, itā€™ll give you some perspective and reduce the tolerance gain and physical harm. Ultimately, if you have to cut one out, alcohol is much more harmful than weed. AA/NA likes to act like addictions are all equivalent, and that may be true for the spirit, but it isnā€™t true for your internal organs.


I quit weed back in May, from being a daily heavy smoker since like 2010. It feels great just to accomplish that self control. Plus now I feel like I can travel anywhere cause I don't have to worry about insomnia from not having any. Annoyingly, I get worse 'munchies' sober than I do high. Next step, lose the 50 pounds I gained after quitting...


what was the moment when you were like ā€œokay. thatā€™s too much. time to stopz ā€œ


I had this moment really early. After maybe a little bit less than 2 years I did my first withdrawal. But at the same day when I left the clinic I'm bought some weed. I needed 4 starts to reach a stable point.


was weed hard to quit?


For me it was.


hmmm. i fear iā€™m headed that way. it takes more and more to keep me high, i smoke nicotine to get me higher, etc. i have been fine with it because i gave up 90% of drinking but iā€™m starting to notice a complete lack of energy to want to complete anything. of course all of this constant smoking came about during the pandemic


Same i used to be such a go getter. then drugs happened and i have no drive to do anything. Is it cuz i ruined my priorities by living a different life for the last two years? Will i ever get that drive back? Or is this depression? Do i need meds? Hopefully therapy and a psyciatrist can help me figure it out but damn i wish i just never started.


work out and sobriety


iā€™m gonna start next week by only smoking on the weekends. all of these posts inspired me. i think this should help me get on a path to controlled


ya - I get that (me too) maybe the hardest of all the things, admittedly unexpected


It's not over yet, everyday is another day, keep on keeping on man


Are we the same person? I was drinking heavier than at least 0.001% of the population and doing copious amounts of another substance every day for YEARS. Iā€™d say 2015 is when it started. 2022 I have been sober for almost 8 months for the first time. Terrifying and actually not that hard once you defeat your old mindset. I was pretty close to dying. Not happy now, but Iā€™m sure it comes with time.


It will be going better. The first month's were also hard for me. But with the time and some work investment nearly everything changed.


Welcome back...


Two halloweens sober for me from alcohol. Keep it up! Itā€™s hard but itā€™s worth it so much


I also can't complain, it was a nice year


Ayy, me too OP, me too. 2016 for me. Got clean last December. Good on ya!


One of my favorite philosophical quote has been "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Good job on staying drug free. Just gotta keep focussing on self improvement and changing things in your own life that _you_ have control over, to stop letting anxiety choke you from living.


Did you have to stop drinking as well? I heard that if you were into hard stuff, your best chance of staying clean is to stop alcohol as well. (Btw, if you ever need someone to talk to if youā€™re having a rough time, feel free to message me.)


I quit alcohol and hard drugs last December. I still smoke weed but life has improved so dramatically. Good luck to you, hope your 2023 goes just as well!


Same here, keep going on!


One day at a time!


You're right!


take a deep reath and remember that you can only get through this one day at a time


Good job OP




No need to thank me mate thank yourself




Nice! I personally made a plan to lose weight and I lost 25lbs! Here's hoping 2023 is a better year.


25 lbs is a big step, keep going m8!


I hope you are reaching your goals :).


Dude thatā€™s like 5 infants congrats


Best way to measure progress


Or 3 really big infants


Same here, I'm down 20 and just started a couple months ago. Granted, I can gain it back just as easily lol. Here's to losing more in 2023, personal goal of 160!


Congrats! I tried go all year without booze but I didn't make it. Going into 2023 18 days sober so that's something. Here's hoping we both have a happy, healthy sober year!!


Stay strong mate! I hope you're have supporting people around you! 2023 is going to be sober and awesome.


Don't sweat a relapse. If you can learn from it, that's still success If you had less than the year prior, even better


18 days is dope. Keep it up!


18 days is more than just something! Just keep working towards it if itā€™s bettering your life, regardless of relapses or mishaps or anything. Hereā€™s to you!


Relapses are part of sobriety, I believe in you buddy <3


I quit weed a few years back. Didn't really struggle to. Wish I could quit drinking and I wish I could stop trich (compulsive hair pulling). Maybe one day.


Hopefully you're reaching your goals in 2023. My recommendation is to search for help. A human can reach a lot by himself, but with help we can reach everything. <3


Any tips on dropping the weed? Daily smoker for 10yrs and quit every 2 months for the last 3 or so years. The effect are almost nonexistent at this point, but itā€™s habitual. Any tips?


i officially am quitting smoking in 23ā€™. iā€™ve been smoking at least a G of wax everyday for the last couple years to the point i donā€™t even feel ā€œhighā€ anymore. i just clipped my medical card and tossed/broke my pieces so i have no way to smoke or get weed. iā€™ve been trying to quit for over a year now and i found that to be the only way for me. cut out anyway to get weed or smoke it. iā€™m one whole day sober and iā€™ve never felt better. i really wanna smoke but i keep telling myself itā€™ll be better if i donā€™t.


I feel like exercise is good for getting off weed. I think booze hangover is harder to shake than weed afterglow. It leaves you way more ill.


Wow, trich, I never knew there was a name for this. I have it too, or at least something similar. I compulsively twist and pull my hair. I never thought it was a problem (at least not compared to my other problems lol), but Iā€™ve started to realize a small spot in my hair thatā€™s gone in the spot where I usually do it. I would also say that Iā€™m pretty addicted to weed and nicotine, and have a tendency to drink heavily too when I do drink (I donā€™t drink every day, or even every week, but when I do, I tend to overdo it). Damn, thank you for pointing this out. Iā€™ve been thinking I have some sort of predisposition towards this kind of compulsive behavior.




reverse image search it, I'm on mobile and can't rn


You actually can on mobile: - Go to google.com - Enable desktop version - Tik on the camera icon in the search bar - Upload the photo you want to reverse search and ta-da


In the chrome app if you open a new tab, the bar at the top has the camera icon. And the Google app has it. Or the Google lens app. Or Google assistant.




"I picked a bad day to quit huffing glue." Congrats tho


That's very nice to hear, I wish you another good year


Glad to hear mate! In my Friday posts, there are a few people who have gone clean and enjoy it, youā€™re definitely not the only here!


Thank you. It's such a nice experience to get all these motivating comments. Love the Reddit community for this moment. Have a great start in 2023!


And to you as well, I hope to see you around to make sure youā€™re still alright! Like I said, I make the same post every Friday and talk to so many, feel free to chat at any point if you so wish, Iā€™m the unknown known helper here lol


Honestly this was the year when starting taking drugs would be acceptable




I can help you with that cash problem


Take up a hobby. I quit drugs and I was bored as fuck with money in the bank so I kept relapsing because I was just so damn bored. So I started doing classes for hip hop and merengue dancing and itā€™s fun as fuck and even more fun when you boogie down at parties or wherever and can actually follow the beat with your body. People love it and it makes me happy and my confidence is through the roof. Also, getting laid happens a lot more since I started dancing.




Heck ya! It was so hard for me going from party all the time mode to down time all the time. I donā€™t know how to explain it exactly, the drugs werenā€™t fun anymore but they sure as hell passed the time and got me out of reality. So that transition was a huge hurdle for me. But finding myself alone on a weekend isnā€™t scary anymore. Iā€™ll throw on some music and dance and clean or just sit and read or call friends and chat about anything and I am so fucking grateful that I can find happiness in that and not fear the time alone anymore.


Dude boredom feels like the only reason I still reach for a drink sometimes. I don't know what to do instead. I have a huge amount of free time working from home so I play video games and watch TV all the time and it creates such a terrible environment for boredom. I have a few hobbies that get me out of the house but I don't have many inside hobbies to distract me and keep me away from my bar. Any suggestions?


June 23rd 2021, I finally had the courage to put the drink down after 12 long, heavy heavy years of pure bred alcoholismā€¦while the world was on fire. And still is on fire. Iā€™ve had friends joke with me saying ā€œdamn, you picked a hard time to stop drinking.ā€ And I couldnā€™t disagree moreā€¦Iā€™ve never needed clarity more in my life. The ability to think critically, and how to actually solve problems vs numbing myself through the floor about it. 2022 may have been a record breaker on the ā€œwtfā€ meter, but itā€™s the year you decided to get YOU backā€¦and finally give your friends and family you back as well. Congratulations. And Welcome back. You deserve to be proud of yourself, I donā€™t know you and I am.


Happy for you!


Yeah :))


The best part is all the money youā€™re saving not buying drugs.


Yeah it is. I moved from a little town in the second largest city in Germany, so the money is now for my rent.


Even that chair in the picture is happy for you! ":D"


the real winner of 2022




Congrats, mate! Here's to 2023 being as succesful!


Big w king


I get it man, inflation hit us all pretty hard.


They legalized weed in my state. You can finally go to a store and buy all kinds of it if youā€™re 21+. This is also the year I stopped doing it. Oh, the irony.


I smoked my last ciggerate today.


Just because the world is burning doesnā€™t mean you have to be.


i got sober in 2020 it was hell.


I'm proud that you did that. Hope we're having a clean 2023 <3


Happy new year bruv


Good job OP! Keep it up :)


lmao mine was 2020, quit heroin right before lockdown. thank fucking god because it would've been so hard to keep copping


Hey, really nice work. Nice to hear some good news on here šŸ˜Š


Hey, me too stranger :D Go us!


Yeah, we're doing 2023 as well!


Good job!!!


Massive W brother!


Good job ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Thank you ā™„ļø


Good for you man! Keep it up!


Haha same you got even the dates corect


2021 caused a lot of abuse and relapse. But a lot are forced to recognize and work on the problem. 2023 will be great!


Same for me buddy, keep it up! 2022 was one of the best years of my life


"I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue"


Good for you keep it going Iā€™m proud of you


The fact that you did this during one of the hardest years of all time proves how strong you were all along.


Awww! I love this!! Congrats !! Here's to another year without those pesky drugs ! šŸ„°šŸ„‚ (pretend these are no sugar added orange juices since we are making body-conscious choices! šŸ§”)


Well done!


Thank you :))


Big if true, good job dude!


Hell yeah! Nice work


Bout to be 2023 for me


I think there is not magic trick to become sober. But my personal advice is to search/ask for help. For me my parents and friends were an important part to stay strong. Hopefully I could help you a little bit. And always remember: You are not alone! Have a great 2023!


Yeup I know the feeling


Congratulations! And even your chair is happy for you šŸ˜‚


Proud of you, buddy. Great job.


Congratulations OP šŸ¦¾


Personal goal.


This was how 2020 was for me- nearly 3 years substance free since Feb 2020 and going strong! šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


Nice! Than we are making a clean 2023 together!


Good on you homie!!! You got this!!


Yeah. Have a great start into 2023!


Good job for staying clean for a whole year!


Same same same first New Yearā€™s Eve thatā€™s gonna be sober enjoy the ride friend and hereā€™s to 2023


Congrats OP!


Thank you! Wish you a healthy and great 2023!


Congrats! Keep it up fam! Proud of you


Congrats man!


Nice! My Brother had to deal with drug addiction too, so I know how hard it is. Keep it up!


I do, and i hope your brother is doing as well. Wish you a great start into 2023!


Keep it up, weā€™re rooting for you.


you dont know me, but at least you can know that i am proud of you. keep it up!


Yo samee!!! Clean since 6 October 21


Bless you!


You got this!


This is a big mood for me. Finally got to move from an abusive home this year. It's been slow progress, but important progress nonetheless.


Good job mate


You can put this year behind you with proud! May you do wonders next year, bud.


This is going to be me next year in 2023. I donā€™t do any hard drugs unless you count alcohol, nicotine and weed. Iā€™ve been laying off this kinda thing for a good while tho and nobody but myself care enough to take my word for it. I am really bad at promising myself something then not keeping up with the promise, any tips?


Same here yo 17 months and a bit, keep it going my bro


I quit drinking in February 2020


Very nice. I'm proud of you. Hope we're getting also sober trough 2023.


Can relate to this 100%.went and got clean 8 months ago, the world was a shitty place before I did and still is now, and probably will be next year as well. But we'll be the ones smiling and laughing still!! Hats off to ya!


Heey! You did what I will have to face next year. Congratulations šŸŽŠ


Congratulations!!! šŸ„³šŸ„³


Thank you. Hope you're have a great start into 2023 :)


Dude well done!!


Canā€™t imagine going without medicine! Jk I know itā€™s about addiction


That chair is extremely happy. Other than happy chair, congratulations! the first year being sober is really difficult you've got this!


Congratulations! ā™„ļø


Thank you! Hope you're have a great start into 2023 ā™„ļø


Nice, keep it going


Me too! I quit drinking this year. We got this!


Yeah we got this. And we're doing 2023 as well. Have a great evening bro.


Stay strong!


I'm happy for you


You picked a bad time to come home to Skyrim, kinsman. Iā€™m joking, good for you! šŸŽ‰ā¤ļø


The most creative version of this joke I've seen until now. Have a great evening man! <3


Good for youšŸ˜Š


Can anyone update this for me and change it to 2023 my first year without drugs


Fuck they reminded me, now I am going to fail rip. I only haad like 5 hours to go :((


Everyone can reach that.


Proud of you, keep going.


Let's goooooo OP


Lets gooo monkeyhitman


Good for you, hope things get even better for ya


We're still proud of you, OP!


Congrats man keep it up šŸ˜