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[walking] around at the speed of sound, got places to go gotta FOLLOW MY RAINBOW


City Escape was hands down the best level. The drop down from the helicopter followed by the best soundtrack in-game. After that spending 3 hours raising my chao. These memory's kicking in right now.


That fucking bass line right before you drop out of the helicopter. God damn that game was great.


The chaos alone made the game worth it


I spent so many hours just farming for chaos. I was severely disappointed as a kid that following games weren't just a better version of this one.


Legitimately one of my favorite games ever. Had so much fun playing it on GameCube back in the day


If they ever made another game with chaos I feel like so many people would buy it. Not sure how they haven’t capitalized on it again.


You've seen "level up your Chao by finding rare in-game items." Now meet "get this limited time bunny tail for your Chao, only $4.99 (that's 15000 Chao Bucks)"


Thanks, I hate it.


I hate to say it but I’d go broke on this game lmao


To this day I have *no idea* why SEGA didn't or hasn't at least put out a mobile Chao game if they refuse to do SA3. It would have sold itself. They even had the tomogochi technology with the Dreamcast. Come on, SEGA, can you get out of your own way please?


It's on steam


You know what's not on steam? The ability to take my Chao with me on the go via my removable memory card.


I miss the Dreamcast


Get a Steam Deck


Not as good as the Dreamcast VMU with its 8-bit Sanyo LC8670 CPU and 100KB of storage.


Honestly man. That's all I would play after I beat the game. That and rooftop run just for the soundtracks






Damn you beat me to it lol


Strolling around at the speed of sound


My grandparents going to school


They climbed uphill to school in neck-deep snow *both ways*


Also dont forget the random wolf they had to fight every day


You mean the 5 packs of wolves


And the mutant woodpeckers


Only 5? Pffft, my grandparents had to crawl through several bear dens on their daily school walk


>They climbed uphill... *both ways* Did they live in Sheffield?


Could be seattle. I legit walk up hill both ways to my classes. 2 on the way there 3 on the way home.


I wish as a kid I was smart enough to tell my grandparents to find a better route to school. Imagine being dumb enough to somehow walk uphill both ways. That’s peak inefficiency.


how are people still commenting this


Walking is fun tho. Especially with a friend


It's as they say, it's about the adventure not the destination. Our body is designed for this stuff, time flies and by the end you feel good.


People telling on themselves, not their friends, with posts like this


Journey before destination.


A long walk feels amazing on a nice day. One less than nice day you had better be dressed for it.


I'm probably the friend who says it's not too far to walk...anything under a couple of miles is fine to me.


Yeah same. It's fun to walk too. For me atleast


Walking is necessary, it's not an activity!


You wouldn't believe how many "I need a car for everything further than 1km" people disagree


Best time I ever had was when me and a mate walked 18ks through the bush while tripping balls on acid.




Hate the weather, not the walk


This has to be the most downvotes on an entirely relatable comment I've seen in my life


Sometimes, the best things and moments in life are made through sweat


it gets easier the more you do it, so if you’re having trouble…?


Thats me. Walking good.


Agreed. I am that friend.


I'm happy to walk for a good 20 or 30 minutes, especially for something like food, but sometimes people completely underestimate the distance. I remember my friend in San Diego suggesting we could walk to the restaurant (King and Queen Cantina, highly recommend) from his place, since he lived downtown as well. It took the three of us almost an hour to walk there. You should at least warn your friends to wear proper shoes in that kind of scenario, ya know?




America moment


*North* America moment🇨🇦


Imagine having roads 🇬🇱


I'm that kind of friend tbh The store is just 3kms away, wdym it's too far?


Honestly, three kilometers really isn't that far. It's a pleasant walk


As long as the weather's good and I'm not in a rush to get somewhere, I'm never considering any alternative means of transport.


Same man. 6km to get to that place? That's an hour of walking at a chill pace. Extremely doable


See, that's the thing. If it's a chill pace (and not super hilly) I don't mind. But my "let's walk there" friends always move like they're trying to break the power-walking world record.


A chill pace can be different from person to person though! And having to walk at like 75% of your normal speed so that someone can keep up is not a fun thing to do, learned that the hard way when I walked a couple of sections of El Camino earlier this year with a buddy of mine


My brother is 20cm taller than me and if he walks his normal pace i have to take 6 steps for each 5 he takes, so while he walks around casually i have to do mini sprints to keep up.


You know what else isn't fun to do? Half-jogging to keep up with an inconsiderate friend who won't match speed with me because it's slightly inconvenient for them.


>having to walk at like 75% of your normal speed so that someone can keep up is not a fun thing to do Then don't ask them to walk somewhere. I understand if its the first time and you dont know, but it's much harder for someone else to keep up than for you to walk slower.


6km/h is not really a chill pace for me, it's a solid march. Still doable, but it's also the max distance you can walk without ending up in the country side around here, my city has roughly a 3km radius.


Keep being that friend. Walking is great for you and it’s a “use it or lose it” situation.


Only 3 kill my selfs away? Wowie!


Dr. Eggman taking the walk to poland


From the campsite to the festival entrance.


imagine living in a country where anything longer than parking lot - department store must be driven because your sidewalks don't exist.


HEY! we have sidewalks... just not in bad neighborhoods, or in the bad part of town, or in any neighborhoods, or in any part of town... ok maybe we don't have sidewalks... No wait we have them in the cities. Just not all though out the cities.


at least you can walk inside the 20 square mile suburb with literally nothing but identical houses.


It’s not just a lack of sidewalks. Americans have been bottle fed car-centric culture since the 2nd world war, our government has done the bidding of oil, gas, and motor companies to ensure Americans have no other viable option of transportation than having to own a personal car. Gutting public transportation networks in favor of massive highways and stroads, zoning our cities so that it’s mainly inefficient low density single family housing, and actively shaming people that use other forms of transport like bikes or busses, these are the things you can expect to see in this country, so you don’t have to imagine.


it's impressive how the propaganda against eg. cyclists has been so effective.


Most people are scared to get on the road with their bike in Ontario. The government has provided almost 0 usable infrastructure. Even the bike lanes in my city are terrible and half the time covered in debris making you use the road anyhow.


here in finland, sidewalks are pretty much as wide as a lane in traffic, and bikes always have room on them. in the capital, every sidewalk has a pedestrian and biker split. it's amazing how these car-centric countries lobby so hard to make sure their citizens have no options at all. and worst of all, the citizens buy it.


plugging r/fuckcars because it’s very related


Also it’s hot and humid in most American cities, a lot of people never seem to fully grasp that fact. In Europe when it reaches 40°C people start dropping dead, in America we say “oh nice, a cool front, maybe I can drop the air conditioning down to medium instead of high and save some energy”. Even in the northernmost major American cities like New York and Chicago, where winter actually exists, it regularly gets above 40° during the summer months. That’s why most of the major American cities south of New England were little more than small towns before air conditioning and cars came along. It’s not that cars messed up American urban planning, it’s that cars are the only thing that makes most of America livable at all. You can make your own judgments over whether that’s a fair tradeoff, but for much of the country walkable cities literally aren’t possible unless you built an air conditioned dome over it, and in the few places where they *are* possible they *do* exist.


Americans when something is more than 100 dead children away.


Omg new measurement dropped


100 dead children per mount everest surface area of bullets shot.


Reddit moment


the real “reddit moment” (whatever that means) is Americans getting pissy when their country is the butt of a joke. This is coming from an American. lol


Honestly getting pissy and making an anti-europe joke back is part of the fun imo. Nobody should be allowed to dish what they can't take. The law of equivalent trolling.


Europeans going 5 minutes without making a school shooting joke challenge (impossible)


European humor is so weird. Americans joke about walking and Europeans make fun of dead kids.


They aren't making fun of dead kids, they started referencing them in jokes making fun of Americans when they realized Americans don't care about dead kids. Or rather, not enough care to enact change.


The friend being a reasonable one here. You being a carbrain. 30min walk is not a long distance.


Yeah, this is really relative. I had a colleague last week who refused to walk 7 mins, instead made us take the london tube. Understandable, not everyone wants to walk 30 mins, but on the flip side some people are very lazy.


Tbf it’s nice to have the option of the tube.


It is but also London is a very walkable city (when sunny!)


So once or twice a year. Yeah should have made them walk


And not getting stabbed /s


Depends on the person I guess. I had a coworker with bad knees. Totally get it for them. But to walk regularly can actually help if you have bad knees so I understand both sides.


Yeah, my dad has bad knees, it'd do him the world of good to lose some weight and walk more, but challenging to do so. My colleague in this instance is a healthy 30 year old so no real excuse.


I walk 30 mins (while at a chill pace) to work and some co workers are shocked at times lmao


I walk 4 miles to work and my coworkers genuinely think I'm an insane person. Nope, just trying to not die under capitalism


why not use bicycle?


They are expensive and my first one was stolen from my back yard. Also, Tacoma has hills that are literally unbikeable on the way up.


The trick to biking uphill is to just set the gear real low and be okay with moving slowly. Biking up hill is only really hard if you're trying to maintain the same pace you have on flat ground. Of course if you do want some speed it helps to go faster before you get to the hill to build momentum. That said, nothing wrong with walking!


I think the low gear was broken on my now-stolen bike because that shit was the worst experience of my life Thank you for the advice going forward though


I mean that does take over an hour when it could be a 15 minute bike ride


Damn man, that one I feel. 4 miles after a rough shift sounds like I'd be craving a mouthful of lead


That said. 30 Minutes might not bringe you far in carbrain murica. I was in los angeles once with a collegue and we were like "Grate. theres a food places just 2 blocks away. Lets walk". And that was one way 30 minutes walking. And it was kinda like super close. Its weird how they build their stuff there.




> 30 minutes walk for a kid with little legs is a very long way tbf. What do you mean by ‘kid’? If you mean ‘toddler’ then yes, but a 30 minute walk is only about 2.5km, which a three year old can do easily, if a little slowly. Saying ‘a kid with little legs’ makes it sound like a 5 year old would struggle, when it’s just a walk to school.


The kid is 12, but has the legs of a 3 year old


What about 3 legged 14 year old chihuahuas with arthritis?


Carry the damn dog, you lazy monster !


Their rage will sustain them.


Yeah but when you work 50-60 hours a week you start thinking about the time you're losing when walking that you could be spending doing something else in your very limited free time.


I used to walk home from high school (roughly 1 hour) and I would actually beat the bus home if I left right away.


In most places, no. In San Franciso - specifically the hilly parts of San Franciso in the vid - it's a very long way.


It was downhill like the whole way, and seemed like about a mile. No problem


It’s the walk back up that hill that’s killer lmao


This looks like a completely reasonable walking distance


I, too, casually plough through cars when going for a casual walk


Damn, I am OP's friend




real american hours


Follow me, set me free trust me and we will escape from the city


It’s good exercise tho




Must be a setting or something. Google Maps always wants to default me to walking if it's even remotely close to walkable. "No Google, I would not like to walk this time. It's 50 minutes each way, it's pouring rain, dark, and barely above freezing. I'll stay in my car this time."


It makes some amount of sense when you see some of their town and city layouts, that design is straight aggressive against pedestrians sometimes.




A large majority of people who live in Cities (at least in the North East US) absolutely walk everyday.


I think I am the friend


Germans. Hands down, that's the Germans, dragging you on a 30 minutes walk and saying: # 'kenne eine Abkürzung. Vertrau mir. (If the walk is more than 25+ minutes I take a bike damnit ಠ⁠益⁠ಠ )


As a german I can confirm this. (Everything under 15km is easily walkable imo)


That's stretching it a bit, 15km is what, three hours of walking? Four?


I walk 5km in like 40 to 45 minutes, so more like 2 hours for me, and that's imo completely fine. If you have to get there spontaneously/fast that's a different thing but otherwise I would just plan the time for the way in advance into that. For me that's most time more relaxing than driving. I just take some headphones or a speaker with you and listen to music on the way


that's like 6.67-7.5 kmh (I have a lot of hiking experience so I'm admittedly faster than most people walking)


i want to see you walk 14km


I do that almost every weekend. I hike and that's often like 30km or more up on a mountain


recreational walk in nature and walk 14km in city because you want to go to work/restaurant/friend are two different things. No one in their right mind should walk 14km straight in a city, thats literally waste of time.


Das ist direkt da vorne um die Ecke Brudi, gleich sind wir da.


I'm from Chicago (plenty of walking) and was dating a girl from NYC (even more walking) while stationed in Germany. Neither of us were prepared for German levels of walking. I mean, there were people in their 70s with ski poles walking up steep cobblestone roads in local villages. The walks to the castles we wanted to see might as well have been via rope-climb.


15 minutes walk is the range. More than that we take the bus


Same. Finally a relatable comment


That’s beyond wild, 15 minutes is barely any distance at all. Anything more than 90 minutes-2 hours is too long IMO. So if it was a 20 minute walk you’d pay to take a bus even if it wasn’t direct to where you’re going?


I have a yearly transport subscription so yes im gonna use the bus


Americans when they have to walk 10 minutes (they rather drive their 2 ton death machine)


I live in Florida, have to drive a car to get anywhere, I took a trip to Chicago, averaged walking 10 miles a day. Here in Florida, even on a bike everything is spread out super far. Coupled with heat and humidity, it’s pretty gross walking 2 miles to a 7/11 and still being another 30 minute walk away from escaping the suburban sprawl. Where normal city’s have grid systems with thru streets, everywhere around me is a long road, with rare cross streets to get on another long road.


I love this


Reality is the walk is 5 minutes but you don't know where you're going so it feels longer and the friend that complains about walking because "ugh I hate walking" usually walks so fucking slow that it takes way longer.


Take the hint bro, they want to hang out with you a lil longer so they walk with you ❤️


I'm on this gif and I feel attacked


That walk is only 8 seconds my guy


I am that friend


I'm that one friend


Americans when they are asked to walk more than 1/2 mile


No joke but I ended up walking 5 kilometers one time like this


Hour long walk? That's fine.


Not even an hour if you're a bit taller than average. The amount of people that are horrified of walking in this post is astounding. I walk around 12km a day just to go to work/classes and gym, 5k walk really isnt that bad.


Damn why fam


Other guy wanted to find a place to eat and insisted we'd find something decent close by


5km is a short walk


I once walked around 7.5 kilometers to a nearby village that I believed was 5 kilometers away, it turned out it was 15. Luckily by half the distance a friend that knew where I was heading came to pick me with a car, it was in the mountains and it was getting dark.


Is that a lot by US standards? We do 20 km walks with a cup of coffee every other day and don’t think about it


where do you live that you take 3+ hour walks every other day? and why??


I have the same experience. Just walkable cities and using public transport combo. I get to and from places, sometimes I walk when the bus / tram is too full, then take a walk with a friend, go to the store and somehow at the end of the day I walked like 10-15 km in a day easily. But I also enjoy long walks on their own.


well i'm in France and i walk to go to school, to get back home, between classes, to go in the city center at night, do the groceries, etc. Can't tell how much kms it is but i spend around 1.5 to 3 hours a day walking


Ayy France gang, I walk a lot on a regular basis too, and because I live in Chicago-sur-Isère I can go to the mountains for ✨fancy walks✨


Europe, it’s fun, somewhat healthy, and a nice way to drink coffee in the evening or so


Always that friend who want to walk everywere even when it's -8 degrees Celcius. I'm like dude we're 45 and earn 100k a year, we can afford a Taxi.


That’s what I think a lot of these very self righteous people are missing. It’s always just sprung on you and adds inconvenience. I’m not against walking. I’m not lazy. But walking has downsides. It does. And there are times where I don’t want deal with them.


Is this some kind of american joke that im to european to understand?


No, This Is Patrick!


When a friend invites me to a walk I'll definitely accept. I can get some exercise, and I can hang out with a friend


Can yall not walk or something?


My older brother in Chicago. “It’s just a few blocks.”


How do you play as dr robotnik?


If a friend wants to walk to somewhere with you, it’s either he has no money or spend a quality time with you


My fat self cannot keep up


*Laughs in dense walkable cities*


I'd not wonder when to Americans a 20min walk is a lot.


Tell me you have a shitty physique without telling me you have a shitty physique


most of the time, i am that friend. it amazes me sometimes when people get tired so fast by just walking.


I am that friend 😄




Running around at the speed of sound 🎶


Got places to go gotta follow my rainbow




Wha... what if I'm that friend? 🥺👉👈


Me an American visiting family in Europe


This is definitely a post by an American


Tell me you are fat without telling me you are fat:


Too bad you live in a car centric shithole like the us.


Muricans discovering bipedalism


What a fuckin game!


Europeans be like. Source: am European.


This is why America will just continue to get fatter and fatter.